hojuruku ago

i haven't bothered to read his blog post on how women who have had more than one male sex partner have multiple dad orgy babies yet. Is he implying that women have been affected by feminism and the sexual liberation movement aren't worth touching? I guess I'm lucky because I married a ...... http://gnosticwarrior.com/women-may-carry-the-dna-of-all-their-sexual-partners.html Speaking of Feminism the Women's Liberation Front Facebook page is blaming the Patriarchy (i.e. a Gay man Christopher Puplick head of Australia's gay lobby and a lesbian transgender PhD expert Dr Elizabeth Ryler) for making the policy that chicks with dicks must be let loose in women's prisons and the resulting MASS GAY AIDS RAPE that happened in a women's prison as a result. They organized the woman's march against trump. Christopher Puplick AM got order of Australia for his service sto the gay lobby and covering up the the mass rape in Silver-water Women's remand centre by the First Transgender in the Entire World to get the legal permission to use a woman's toilet. Remember blame the patriarchy for what LGBT does: https://www.facebook.com/womensliberationfront/posts/719440164817178

Comment I added today to someone who commented a hour ago to trigger some responses.

argosciv ago

Honestly, the guy's a bit new-agey, maybe even a bit loopy, but, I actually do not get the impression that he's advocating abuse of children, let alone even touching them.

Even the verbatim quote that you took the time to partially transcribe(I have bolded the parts which you got wrong or which were left out but are entirely relevant to what was initially quoted by yourself - I also took the liberty of removing the erroneous capitalization), it contains no hint at all that he means to engage children in sexual activities, in fact, the closest he comes is:

"and we need to teach them Gnosis, we need to teach them the occult forces of sex, the sexual union of souls. We need to teach them about all of these teachings when they are young , in simple ways that they can understand; that they can take into their lives; that they can use as part of their lives to be better people, better souls in this world, to create Heaven on Earth and get us out of this Hell on Earth that we're on now... and we're gonna do that through Gnosis and Gnosticism and living right, (and) again, that's the whole idea of being a Gnostic living in this world; we're here in this beautiful place, to create even a more beautiful place; we're here to help destroy the old world, that's kind of our job, guys. We're uh, kinda destroyers, we gotta start taking out the hammer and breaking what's not good, and taking what's beautiful and creating this beautiful world that's for our children and the generations to come and one that we'll all incarnate into and one that we can be proud to be part of; one where the sexual union of souls will be one of the most sacred acts in the world and it will be an honor and it will be one of the most devoted things that we do as humans." Moe begins thanking his viewers and saying goodbye, after the previously quoted text.

So, I'm sure there's a few other things you're likely to pick at, which, fair enough - the hammers metaphor perked my interest too, however, I truly think that this is relatively harmless, indeed, it sounds like he's advocating for humans to take sex more seriously and to teach children that it there's more to it than sensory pleasure and reproduction - that might not necessarily be your take on sex, but I think it's a stretch to lambast him and call him a shill/pedo/worldfucker/whatever - not with out something far more concrete to go on.

As for your connecting Crowley to all of this, think what you will of him, but the knowledge he used and the ways in which he used it, are not one in the same and at the very least, he certainly isn't the authority on the knowledge he utilized.

I say none of this to defend either Moe or Crowley, but to simply share my perspective on what Moe was saying and how you quoted/interpreted it.

argosciv ago

To be even a bit more honest here, hojuruku, I think you have intentionally cherry-picked Moe's ramblings, whether the intent is to fear-monger or start a witch hunt - or whether you just wanted to contribute, well that I'm not sure of... but in the spirit of honesty, I don't trust the way you've tried to pitch this.

@Vindicator please review

hojuruku ago

review my comment of what this guy was saying. He's also saying the Jews believe in Jupider i.e. Set i.e SATAN in the start of the video :P and you are going me for hate speech whilst defending him.

I'm just saying this occult speaker deserves to have his voice shared with the pizzagate community as it is and it's a bit late to have this post censored. it's already had it's run.

argosciv ago

I'm honestly not trying to be a douche, I just felt like you cut your quote short a bit and by missing the word "simple", it strongly changes the connotation/implications of the quote. I apologize if I've misread your intent.

EDIT: I also wasn't implying that you were using hate speech against either Moe or Crowley, again, sorry if I've given the impression otherwise.

BIGLY17 ago

Watched over half of it, slightly interesting on his points re: genetic coding (and that which is left behind by past partners) but outside of that this video honestly didn't do much for me but I wish him all the best in his own journey.

superesper ago

Anyone actually watch the video? What he says we need to "teach to children" is that it's bad to have multiple sexual partners and that sex is a sacred spiritual act and not a frivolous sensory entertainment. This sub has become such shit.

8887766554433221 ago

He is correct. It is a deeply spiritual engagement.

hojuruku ago

Haha at least the headline is right about him talking about women having ORGY babies with chimera DNA from multiple dads. That's a funny spin you are putting there. He's clearly teaching about teaching them Gnostic sex magick.

Time for a verbatim quote of this sick fucks word salad in the first two mins before he stalks about teaching the kids sex magick:

"The children they are the answer, um I was meditating one day, I was first awakened to occult and Gnosticism etc I had asked the oracles "Am I the one? Am I here to bring on this new apocalypse, this new era, this new age which we are in the year 2017 in this old age, am I the one? and I was told no. You are not the one. The're the one [pointing reference to his kids]. And my children were sleeping right next to me. It was such a revaluation it didn't hurt my self, it hurt my ego a little bit, but for a second, but when I operate from my heart I understand. Because I use reason, because I use logic I use love, is that.I'm just a vessel for the future children the future generations that are going to change this world, AND WE NEED TO TEACH THEM GNOSIS, WE NEED TO TEACH THEM THE OCCULT FORCES OF SEX, THE SEXUAL UNION OF SOULS. WE NEED TO TEACH THEM ABOUT ALL OF THESE TEACHINGS WHEN THEY ARE YOUNG IN WAYS THAT THEY CAN UNDERSTAND, THAT THEY CAN TAKE INTO THEIR LIVES. THAT THEY CAN USE AS PART OF THEIR LIVES TO BE BETTER PEOPLE, BETTER SOULS IN THIS WORLD, TO CREATE HEAVEN ON EARTH."

The guy is as creepy as fuck. Why are you defending him?

He's pretty suspect hanging around with a bunch of OTO followers. You remind me of Douglas Ezzy who went into court saying when Alister Crowley said "Sacrifice a child after a cattle" in his book of the law HE [ ALISTER CROWLEY ] meant that as "child sacrifice" as euphemism for masturbation, and it's the crime of religious vilification / defamation to take his work literally and complain. Only problem with that argument presented in court was the OTO child sex cult says ALISTER CROWLEY DIDN'T WRITE THAT BOOK - HE WAS CHANNELING FROM THE DEMON AIWASS the all poweful one according to OTO core beliefs. Any so called religious expert claiming to research the OTO kiddy fuck cult would know that. So why do OTO members try and get Alister Crowley of the hook with LIES? Ah that is the question? And why do people have to loose their house on LYING PERJURY TESTIMONY from OTO kiddy fuck cult members for religious vilification?

And he turned out to be an OTO member whilst claiming he wasn't under oath as exposed on my OTO thread. We also found a more detailed version of what was also in Alister Crowley's book Magick in Theory and Practice that was leaked from the OTO master of the Hermit Traid XI documents saying little girls must be killed as well as little boys.

More info on Douglas Ezzy the OTO defender who swore under oath in court the Book of the Law isn't a devine text like the Holy Qur'an or the Bible because it doesn't come from god or the devine it comes from a man Alister Crowley - and how he can found a religion that must be respected or you will be prosecuted for religious vilification.


And see Douglas Ezzy got a 1 million dollar grant for something he wasn't qualified for recently. I guess if defend the religion of satanic baby fucking the doors open wide and the rivers of government cash start flowing. See the Jim Fetzer interview and the sources for it here:


hojuruku ago


Luke McKee1 second ago at 23:10 explain exactly how you are going to teach your children occult sex magick for me or do I need to send someone to your front door to ask you?

hojuruku ago


BIGLY17 ago

Shit then this video took a turn after I bored out around 15-18 mins in...

Dfens ago

I enjoyed the part where the idiot walked into a tree, but that was early on.

argosciv ago

Fuckin' cunts with ya selfie sticks... (said with love :P)

Dfens ago

It takes a special kind of moron to be into the crap that guy is into.

argosciv ago

Eh, there's some merit to the message of "take sex seriously", but I tune out for the rest of the fluff.

Dfens ago

Gnosticism is like that. They start out sounding innocuous enough and then take you straight to hell.

argosciv ago

I must say I can't recall spending a lot of time looking into Gnosticism explicitly. Might have to do that some time soon.

Dfens ago

Gnosticism is the parent of the Freemasons, Illuminati, OTO, Kabbala, and Mormons, which is only to name a few. It had a significant effect on the Muslim religion in terms of how they define Jesus. It may have had more effect than that. If you look at the Shriners, they use many of the Muslim religious symbols, and, of course, they are closely affiliated with the Masons. Gnosticism, because of it's secrecy and rampant immorality, could be called the originator of the conspiracy theory.

argosciv ago

Hmmm, so where would hermeticism fit in that lineage?

EDIT: Lolwut, mormons ey? I honestly figured they were just 'harmless' fruitcakes xD

Dfens ago

You should look into Mormon fundamentalism. The mainstream Mormon church doesn't like them because they expose a lot of what is inherently Mormon. They are big pedos. Also, Joseph Smith was a Mason (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormonism_and_Freemasonry)).

Dfens ago

I'm not sure. This is the first I've heard of it. Gnosticism is characterized by a fundamental belief that humans are non-corporeal beings trapped in bodies of flesh. Also fundamental to that religion is the notion that it is only by knowing the secrets of the religion that one can access the highest levels of heaven. Heaven and hell being multi-level in nature.

argosciv ago

Definitely worth looking into, re: masonry, oto, thelema(Crowley), etc.

I recognize that belief system though, it's shared by most any religion actually - even Christianity stipulates the same in it's own ways. The whole "knowing the secret is thy key to heaven" crap though, that's not quite as prevalent these days compared to teachings such as "behave in like manner or you will not enter heaven"

Dfens ago

No! You only think that's true because you have been bombarded for years by their propaganda. There is no secret to salvation in Christianity. There is one God and one heaven. Hell is separation from God. Resurrection is corporeal. Those are all basic to Christianity. Anything that is not that is BS.

argosciv ago

Erm, I did say that it's more common to see teachings that aren't "know the secret", my mention of Christianity's stipulations was with regards to humans being 'immortal souls' which inhabit a physical vessel - not that Christianity expects it's adherents to unlock some secret in order to enter Heaven. Sorry for the misunderstanding there.

Dfens ago

Yes, you did. Sorry, it was late and my head was fuzzy. Totally my fault. Thanks for the excellent discussion.

8887766554433221 ago

Don't bother. It's a limited hangout...

hojuruku ago

Thanks for backing this up - this weirdo is talking about teaching his own kids the joy of gnostic sex magick. Do we call the CPS on him for shit like this? I'm just wondering.

hojuruku ago

Holy fuck he comes out as a "one eye" worshiper - Jupiter Worship. He is saying the JEWS worship Jupiter and LUCIFER :P

Ahaha :P And only through OTO sex magick can you be enlightened. This is the religion of the pizzagate pedos. Listen to this nutjob speaking yesterday.

See the OTO child sex cult exposed: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702

And then compare the filth he's selling.

hojuruku ago

You be a better person through "Sex Magick" he says.

more veiled OTO recruiting filth only published today.

hojuruku ago


Mark Passio and his buddy ^^

hojuruku ago

He live streamed this today. Just to set the record straight PASSIO and his mates are nutjobs and shouldn't be trusted for info on the occult - and the "religion" of the pizzagate pedos - the OTO. I learn't this from my own research:

More on Mark Passio praising crowley and his child sex cult the OTO: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2047921