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NotHereForPizza ago

@Vindicator would never do that.

Would you, vind? I mean he's never made exceptions to the rules before.

think- ago

@Vindicator didn't censor anybody. He asked for some edits to be made, and OP refused. Therefore, the post was removed - after two days.

OP should stop whining. He choose to ignore the rules persistenly, and got banned for it.

hojuruku ago

Those edit's weren't justified.

Only a pedo could suggest the kids of edits he did. Pretty sick stuff.



think- ago

You know, @hojuruku,

1) If you can't see that people want to help you (like Vindicator tried to do), and don't appreciate it, I am really very sorry for you.

2) So far everyone who accused @Vindicator of being a pedo has turned out be a pedo.

Alinsky's Handbook 101: Accuse others of what you are doing.

So you better be quiet and stop harrassing @Vindicator, who definitely is not a pedo, or people will think you're mad or worse.

hojuruku ago

Oh the old projection argument. You are the people shutting down the truth.

You are the pedophile ENABLERS : /v/pizzagate/2500972/12512570

But @Vindicator is a pedophile based on the links above. Clearly the comparisons between two law enforcement homo-peds Christopher Kent Bowersox who attempted to murder me twice in the USA, and BBBS Advisory Council Member Australia Dr Pattrick Power both being homosexuals done for child porn and playing the system to get lesser sentences deserves a comparison.

Just because the story of the gay child rapist who stopped me seeing my first born triggers penis in shit rubbers doesn't mean I don't have the right to say it. Only a pervert who wants to cover up a pedophilia allegation for a perverted agenda would do such as thing as he did trying to SHUT IT DOWN.

think- ago

But @Vindicator is a pedophile based on the links above.

You are totally mad. Are you acting like this in real life too? Harrassing innocent people?

Nobody will take your accusations against real pedos seriously when you go around and claim everybody who doesn't do what you want him to do is a pedo. Honestly.

You better improve your social skills and re-think how you interact with people. It's time to grow up and get a bit more mature.

@Vindicator @srayzie @kevdude @Crensch @ben_matlock

hojuruku ago

Pedophilia enablers aren't people - they are subhuman scum feeding on sheckles from the power pedo elite. Anyone who deserves a meritorious service medal from NAMBLA for shutting down a story on a pedophile infested Disney operated Man Boy Dating site doesn't deserve to be called a human being in my opinion.

So you are not people and you are not innocent! You are oxygen thieves and I hope you get what is coming to you.


think- ago

You are totally mad. I feel sorry for you. Must be difficult for you to cope in real life, when you can't run away from people.

hojuruku ago

I am "totally mad" at people who say follow the rules [of the road] /v/Conspiracy/2504276/12520374

i.e. No opposing pedophilia here on v/pizzagate unless you suck my dick first.

v/pizzagate isn't about the pedophiles than run sub-verse and censor reports of pedophilia like that filthy pedophile Millenial_Falcon did who just re-branded himself .. What's the list of new mods since Mother fucker left.... Probably the same pedo in disguise is back here now talking to me... It's about people fighting scum like the moderators in positions of power controlling western governments.



Vindicator's censorship request was "Let me filter the truth." Let me oppose you critizing the gay pedophile cop who took away your first born.

If was bad as Vindicator, I'd pay a call boy to rape your son, then demand you not complain about what happened to your family a a result of a homosexual because that's not politically correct - and when a gay does it you can't say it's wrong so it's oh so right... If you are outraged at this sentence then now I know I feel about you filthy pedophiles - have some empathy. But then again if you are not upset - that's because you are probably involved in abusing children - because what's your motive to run this subverse and put in the hours you do. You all know mine - REVENGE against the pedophiles that interfered with my life - took my first born - accused me of Australia's rarest crime 60c nsw crimes act , came after my father and my friends. But you... why do you sit up on your high horse and say Don't mention christopher kent bowersox the gay pedophile cop....

What you censor and the lack of justification to do so shows you have a very dark agenda and you are truly sick human garbage.

If you can't say say something it's wrong (blaslpehy) - IT MUST BE OH SO RIGHT. So your religion is raping children - and got my thread censored because I spoke out against child abusers. I did blasphemy against the religion of the v/pizzagatemods pedophiles.

What kind of filthy whore says a request to remove critism of a homosexual pedophile police officer (Bowersox) and linking his case to a homosexual pedophile crown prosecutor (Patrick Power) is "just an edit".


[–] think- 2 points (+3|-1) 19 hours ago

@Vindicator didn't censor anybody. He asked for some edits to be made, and OP refused. Therefore, the post was removed - after two days.

OP should stop whining. He choose to ignore the rules persistenly, and got banned for it.

Let's see what the @rsmmcain calls vinchilddicker's deleting posts with false claims - and then filthy whore saying nothing to see here - he censored nothing. He censored and banned you just for liking to a journalist on GAB who is going to write up the story he censored.

Nah he didn't censor anything. What's NAMBLA paying you and can you show and tell us about the medal?

–] hojuruku S -4 points (+0|-4) 19 hours ago

Those edit's weren't justified.

Only a pedo could suggest the kids of edits he did. Pretty sick stuff.



The best doxes are the ones you never hear about. You don't hear about the dox but then people hear about what happens next in the local paper.