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hojuruku ago

It only happened because the scrag trolled me in support of pro-pedophile censorship. So if you want to be a mod - you gotta do what it takes... It wasn't @kevdude that invited here - it was @vindicator and it happened on my thread. So are you saying Kevdude is Vindicator aka Millennial_Falcon now?

Must see How I heard it first - not from kevdude but from Vindicator the pedo who really runs the show : /v/pizzagate/2500972/12508158


[–] Vindicator [M] 2 points (+3|-1) 2 days ago

@hojuruku Since when is that shitposting meme lord @srayzie a mod....

Srayzie was invited to mod v/pizzagate the day Falcon was demodded. She was busy building her v/GreatAwakening subverse at the time. She accepted the invite yesterday.

So this post is a LIE. Vindicator accepted her. Clearly there is only one big fat pedo as a mod and a whole bunch of alts.

CC @auralsects @dfens

If you want to be a MOD. Here's your first steps

1) Troll anti-pedophilia activists like @strayzie has with memes and never submit anything useful


[–] srayzie 2 points (+3|-1) 2 days ago GAY JPG


[–] srayzie 4 points (+5|-1) 2 days ago

Poor Donkey πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜‚ Don’t be jelly. I’m a woman that can not only vote, but mod as well. πŸ€“

[–] auralsects 2 points (+7|-5) 2 days ago

I just looked to see if after 1.3 yrs u had managed to contribute a single byte of research and I noticed your second highest voted comment is saying Q "revealed" something -- but in fact it was me half a year prior. LOL AND U HAVE MADE THRICE THE SUBMISSIONS ON PG ON Q, idk why they bothered with this psyop when a ball of yarn would have distracted you post menstrual cunts just as easily. 1.5) Shill for NAMBLA and supported Pedo @Vindicator demand thread be censored about a big pedophilia scandal and pedophiles name be removed from the report even though they are convicted: v/pizzagatewhatever/2506220/12523389

2) Be really nasty when you do it - so everyone knows for sure you are on team child rape.

3) Team pedophilia is the same as team /v/PIZZAGATEMODS so by admission to one group you get a free pass into the other.

dooob ago

auralsects ago

Straightforward logic: if a lead given by Q is signficant, then it's documented that I posted it long before, both I and Q have to be shills. Yet I am Anti-Q. In fact a female made precisely this observation at the time and it amused me to see her scratching her head: "but donkey is a shill Right? I am confused" LMAO u people have no independent thought but u think you do

hojuruku ago

No my enemies are free energy shills debunked on government letterhead. /v/pizzagate/2500972/12500447

^^^ Hilarious - they say "trust us - we work with criminal police breaking privacy disclosure laws - you can trust us - we are not shills - McKee is the shill - don't go to - special gay police don't exist - don't look at that government ran facebook page - they don't exist - he's not wanted for 60c nsw crimes act - my criminal federal police officers told me so breaking the privacy laws in Australia (different to USA). So I got to the bottom of the matter with a FOI and released the document to debunk the shills.. And still faggots even this week are going around the internet all going HAIL THE SHILLS after the anti-pedophilia activists ^^^

My allies call out pro-pedophile shills that run /v/pizzagate

There is a difference you know!

I mean how many alts do you need faggot pedophiles to try and rig the votes -even with all that . My posts get up-voted by the people but censored by the small pedophile cabal that is /v/pizzagatemods

CrazyStrazy is the pro pedophile shill - not her critics.

dooob ago

All I see are rumors, where is the so called "proof"?

hojuruku ago

Pedo shills keep shilling. Post proof that Vindicator announced it not kevdude first on my deleted thread.

Proof with links = rumors. Typical kikepedo tactics I am are seeing here yet again from another pedo mod alt. Now they are saying photos of children's genitals are NOT CP over here whilst supporting vindicator.

I am going to get some pizzagate pedo mods doxxed and dead because I'm convinced they are OTO pedos now.

dooob ago

Where were you during the voat outtage?

hojuruku ago complaining about the kiddy fucking pedo mods on the link you were just given. - celebrating our teams victory in the high court of Australia against the satanic child rape cult.

What were you doing? Wanking to CP as per usual whilst trolling my thread saying pictures children's genitals aren't child porn. I swear to god I'm going to dox and hunt down you pedo mods. It's on.

dooob ago

You made two posts on gab since the outtage, and both were done 2 days after the outtage. Why is that only the 3rd day the shills have been activated, where were you for the first two days? How come you didnt find the backup site?

think- ago

Why is that only the 3rd day the shills have been activated, where were you for the first two days?

ROFLMAO. They don't send their best.... ;-P

hojuruku ago

stop trolling me and talking lies. It was about 20+ posts you fucken moron.

muted pedo shill who attacks my father's writing against garry burns sparkles the pony page where he brags he fucked a young qld boy even judges have ruled a pedophile page in case law. /v/pizzagate/2029702

dooob ago

Are you autistic? Stop jumping from topic to topic in an effort to deflect questions.

hojuruku ago

Wow you are saying the same things as the guy that says images of child genitals isn't' child porn right here:

So whatever you say must be true - PEDO!

dooob ago

Wow, you dont even know how to link, kys tranny.

hojuruku ago

die pedo troll

dooob ago

You proved you dont care about voat, you proved you dont understand the anon culture (cant even link), who are you to call me a "pedo troll"? You cant even follow simple rules on v/pizzagate.

hojuruku ago

What's that? The rules of the ROAD where the pedo mods say suck my dick and tweak the truth of your posts so as to not offend LGBTI++QAXYZ pedophiles?


dooob ago

I dont understand a thing you are trying to say, you jump from topic to topic on every sentence you write.