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Vindicator ago

@hojuruku: We are happy to accept your clearly sourced research post about Australian pro-pedo chicanery, submitted with a clear and accurate title. If you want us to leave it up, you'll need to make sure each claim is supported by an embedded link. Posts that were removed due to rule violations are not sufficient support. It's your decision to encumber the essential PG-related news you are trying to share with additional claims that also require linked support. For example, if you call a judge a "baby rapist", you need to link to evidence the judge has been convicted of sex crimes. You need to build your research thread step-by-step, without assuming everyone understands what you are saying, and you need to give support for each piece of your argument.

Currently, over half of this thread is nothing but a rant about how v/pizzagate is being moderated, which is a direct middle finger to Rule 4:

Posts about the subverse itself go to /v/pizzagatemods.

As a result, I am giving you yet another edit warning. If you want this thread to remain up you need to remove the Rule 4 stuff. You need to remove the links to removed posts. To satisfy Rule 2, you need to link to an actual primary source, not a link to you posting on 8chan. You need to state your premise, state why it's important to the PG investigation, and then give the evidence, step-by-step, with links to primary sources for each claim. These are the rules the v/pizzagate research community agreed to multiple times. These are the rules that we all agree to follow. If you are serious about the corruption that shelters gays who consume child porn and adopt kids, I urge you to accept our community research standards. Please reply to this comment when you have fully edited this post. Thanks.

hojuruku ago

When I linked to the primary sources the first time in the OP you said I didn't.

And I did link to them again in this post. That's the long acronym that means THE LINK WAS IN THE OP THE WHOLE FUCKEN TIME YOU WERE SAYING IT WASN'T.

No vindicator. Everyone see's what you did to my voat account. If I didn't have the ability to reply to friends who sent me messages without requiring high CCP my account would still be -145 and blocked over all of VOAT.

Now your latest pedo stunt to troll me is to accuse me of farming CCP with your cunts making crazy shit posts tagging me all over the place and upvoting themselves then you are going to try and say they were my sockpuppets to kill the account.

Most people think what you shills did was disgusting. Stop pretending you are nice guys.

Vindicator ago

When I linked to the primary sources DIRECTLY the first time in the OP you said I didn't when I clearly did.

You made an incredibly long thread, with layers of claims piled on top of each other. Not a single one of them included an embedded link to a primary source that supported them. When you were asked to edit the post to add embedded links, you refused.

Why do you feel entitled to post to a lower standard than everyone else who posts here, hojuruku? If you cared about kids, you wouldn't be sperging out talking incessantly about how wronged you've been. If you were doing great research, folks would be cheering you on in the Comments, and upvoting you like crazy. You can keep spewing your vitriol and choose to not repost this thread properly. That is up to you. But if you want to keep posting in v/pizzagate, you DO have to honor our submission standards. I recommend you let go of your rage and edit this thread, starting over and writing it in a simple, straightforward manner.

hojuruku ago

That wasn't me. So when you loose an argument you or your mates run around all of voat saying I fuck kids. That's really nice you piece of shit.

That's what you get for exposing pro-pedophilia censorship x3.

And it all started with some nice constructive criticism.

Within 30 mins you have taken out 3 of my posts and all your claims to justify censorship were bogus - so bogus that not a single other mod will copypaste one of them and say I support @Vindicator's censorship claims that are in the OP of this post.

MadWorld ago

I find you to be a very naive goat on Voat!

The vote manipulation came from a group of kikes who are voting in the shadow to fit their narrative/agenda. Their voting powers can range from 5 to as much as 15 votes per comment. This isn't the first time that has happened; certainly it won't be the last. Without the admin looking into it, unfortunately, it is not possible to pinpoint the group behind it with concrete evidence.

That wasn't me. So when you loose an argument you or your mates run around all of voat saying I fuck kids. That's really nice you piece of shit.

You shouldn't pay attention to the anon subverses. In fact, I encourage you to completely block those anon subverses. Unsurprisingly, these anon subverses are often run by this group of kikes as well. They are intended to cause conflicts and dramas among other goats. You should treat such submissions as dirt and pure garbage! Don't waste your time on anon. If you are interested to see what came out of bullshit anon drama, check out this one.

I went through some of your submissions and they were hard to follow. You have a lot of material that weren't well organized into smaller pieces. Furthermore, you made a fuck load of comments with walls of text running around multiple submissions. This makes it very very difficult for the readers to follow through. I think you are onto something good, just need to break it down into consistent pieces. Remember, if it takes lots of comments to get the points across, it will be difficult for others to digest.

Another side note, if you edit your comments a lot, it will be difficult and waste of time for users engaged with your conversation. It's counterproductive having to skim through your comments multiple times to spot your new edits. Lastly, the pings don't work with edits and you can only ping 5 users per comment.

Cheers mate!

hojuruku ago

Yeah I didn't know the anon forums even existed until the kikes went beserk on it playing games with the mods and myself.

Clearly they are triggered by this and my first post that ended with the "child rape assembly line" story from vice.

This hasn't got a response from the mods yet only a few downvotes and equal upvotes. That's what I'll be up to in the month ahead.

MadWorld ago

Yeah these kikes in the shadow have targeted many users, especially active users. Anyways, it is good that we get them out of the way and not be deceived with in-group fight. Much of your energy can be spent doing the research. But we should also keep in mind that the massive downvoats aren't necessarily from users who are engaged with the conversation.

Clearly they are triggered by this and my first post that ended with the "child rape assembly line" story from vice.

Don't rule out that there are pedophiles here lurking in the dark. I hope you will be doing great research here!!

There may be a time where you do not know if a link is safe, where clicking on the link could expose your ip address and trace back to your physical location. It may be a good idea to get a VPN, or use to archive the page. If you need to upload something, make sure to strip the metadata off the media. This is important because sometimes it contains geocoordinate that can trace back to your exact physical location. Practice caution and avoid getting doxxed.

hojuruku ago

I got tagged in an anon post blaming a kike. Is that official from voat admins?

I'm a political refugee living abroad. My UNHCR paperwork on scribd got deleted by their faggot legal officer Jason Bently who on his linked in profile links to a blog that talks about watching children fuck and gay dating sites.

Mentioned it at the end of this deleted post.

I think people who have been around a while saw the actual document. There are shills on the internet say I'm not wanted for 60c nsw crimes act like a cunt called @Avalon on /truth chat/ on discord. To him I say..

That FOI was wrote by @RichardMHanon / @MrLicharo on twitter who got botted off once I doxxed him breaking police policy. A senior FOI officer Linda Trost was taken off the case and my true Nemesis sister of Garry Richard Burns (they both hail from Yass) put on a homosexual FOI officer that blogs about doing public sex crimes, going to orgies with the former police minister, and teaching little Japanese boys at a remote fishing village.

Excellent meme warfare against the closet-fag-police minister who signed off on the 2007 60c NSW Crimes Act Search Warrant that HAD NO RECORD IN THE POLICE COMPUTER SYSTEM EXERCISED ON MY HOUSE. yes they kick doors down with nothing in the police computer system to sieze and destroy evidence of gay cop crimes:

The faggot cop 60c saga is exposed here with my dad:

Oh there are also cunts who worked with Vinny fucken Eastwood the communist kike shill who say I'm not wanted for arrest for 60c nsw crimes act. These cunts are halarious - compare that to the government letterhead above.

Why does that matter? That cunt is working with Fiona Barnett an OTO double agent everyone keeps pushing here! OTO lawyer works with her media outlet pro-bono Independent Australia and they praise him.

WOW look at my posts on that thread. I triggered the downvote pedo gang FIRST by exposing Fiona Barnett was an OTO assett to discredit critisim against the OTO by making unbelievable allegations (2000km long deep underground bases, surving a trip to America on a C7 galaxy unpressurized with no oxygen etc) - build up by channel 7 and brought down by the faggots at ABC media watch.

I think I got an OTO fanclub. It would be nice if the people running /v/voatdev were anti-pedo hunters and I was bait.

MadWorld ago

Wow a lot of material and downvotes... You did trigger large volume of downvotes!! Thank you for the videos and links!

As for the anon, admin never uses anon. What you see is the pretenders.

The /v/voatdev is a subverse dedicated to the development of voat codebase. It's what enables us to use this platform. It mainly promotes free speech. What we do with it is up to us :-).

Thank you!

hojuruku ago

Here is a dox of some cunt's on youtube that were clearly OTO. Look what it led to - satanists murdering each-other to get a slut girl - all sorts of weird shit and another pizza place.

Started from here:

Just one lead on an OTO cunt not being careful enough usually brings dividend. They are all masons and child abusers. lost their domain in some kind of takedown and they are pissed ( now). Also videos showing OTO Gnostic Catholic mass actual fucking orgy scenes was deleted just before the latest court case came out!

I'm going to see if I can post it soon. That's why @BabalonWorking wasn't my sock-puppet even though he didn't get a fair shake from the mods. The OTO is actively hunting shit on the internet that can be used against them. Links to Scientology could inspire an anonymous operation and he was looking for that.

Look maybe I'm being a prick to him - you know what's in a name.

MadWorld ago

A lot of work you have done there!

Something about jews.

I didn't know much about @BabalonWorking, only interacted with her a few time and she blocked me for no obvious reason. I think she is a bit emotional and irrational.

hojuruku ago

I didn't even know she was a she. Clearly not my sockpuppet. Anyway that name means incest child of the OTO. I need to dig up jack parson's FBI file again and make a post on him. I saw it online. Maybe someone can beat me to it and tag me.

hojuruku ago

It would be nice off the record for me to get a PM on some of the cunts who downvoted the OTO stuff and see if they are linked to the recent attacks.

We could do what the feds do with "parallel construction" to nail them in the end if you know what I mean. Completely under the radar.