ThorssonTrump ago

you are really reaching for that cognitive dissonance without any reason whatsoever.

you telling me nigger fatty @puttitout has been on vacation for A WHOLE YEAR?

because that nigger turned off ads, donations, and hasn't done a single subverse transfer for a whole year.

which is it, nigger?

A. puttitout's been on a year-long vacation

B. @puttitout is a lying sack of shit that is slowly killing this site with the paid shills, so that we don't regroup and instead just disperse.

kneo24 ago

"Anyone who says anything close to something that I don't like is a Nazi!".

"If you don't support my side, you support Nazi's!"

Does any of that ring a bell? How do you think you could apply that to your statements?

LostandFound ago

Thank you for that I asked these questions before but only ever got half answers, I think this is probably as good as its going to get.

Yeah I spotted that post alright, just read through it im not convinced that anything untoward actually occurred, there's quite a number of 2.7 yo accounts. If I had made that post no one would have noticed tbqh its just her voat fame that has made this into something else. We should always question the framework we operate in but this is a total storm in a teacup, signed in.... anon ... it was always going to have holes. Generally seems like a fairly decent contributor to the site so I might let this one just blow over. I think the title was misleading if all you did was glance or skim over the content, but Putt has stuck his boots in and has made some equally questionable statements, given the contribution history 'creating a false narrative' while true seems like a stretch, 'no one has access but me' .... sorry putt buy you got assistance porting the code and DB you bet theres more than you with access to the data, if only a historic snapshot or someone with the key that generates the anon handles.

LostandFound ago

Did Sane manage a doxx or just through sheer autistic screeching manage to make Atko rage quit? I read the updates but you seem to have a better scoop on it! I have just joined your legion of retards since you were kind enough to provide decent answers, whats SDBH about? I hated the feeling im the only one DV'ing maxcactus every day crusades are not much craic on your own.

Travisty ago

It's not hard to find an account that's 2.7 years old. There's a dozen in this thread already.

freshmeat ago

ive only deleted spam from specific users. Clarification is important in the sub, don't have time to tolerate sliders.

No genuine user's comments have ever been removed and won't be in the future.

freshmeat ago

None of those people are in Voat's discord. It's public and people in there see this stuff you say about discord and it's what makes you lose credibility the quickest.

Check the modlog in v/realprotectvoat and then listen to those morons claim to be for "free speech" with a straight face.

better yet, check /v/realTraditionalWives or /v/realShowerThoughts front pages (NSFW) to see the exact type of shit thats in rPV ban log.

You get paid to troll so you at least came out of Voat with something tangible

LostandFound ago

Well cudos for the efforts to date, its unfortunate that I finally find a place to call home and it seems like it is in need of much protection now and very exposed. What in your opinion forced Atko to leave? I would like nothing more than to purchase more ads to keep this place alive, I appreciate that Putt is in dev hell at the moment but it does raise some red flags that the site which was closing due to funding wont take my money, I understand the pressures placed by payment providers but a BTC wallet or similar would work fine. Unlike the tards that insist on staying on youtube and 'riding it till the wheels come off' I feel like I really do not have anywhere else to go and I will ride this till the wheels come off and my ass is grinding off the floor... then grab the code and make a dozen more voats!

heygeorge ago

I'll just point out to @Womb_Raider that the above comments are satire, which kind of ruins the jocular nature. Yet I feel this is important in order to help our fellow goats understand humour.

Mickgoestojail ago



heygeorge ago


At times. Other times not so much. I also enjoy a tidy queue.

Mickgoestojail ago

The spelling.

heygeorge ago

What are you, some kind of grammer natzy?

Mickgoestojail ago

I had thought you were from the US.

heygeorge ago

I thought so, too! I still do, but I also used to.

Womb_Raider ago

Word choice matters.

heygeorge ago

banned from SBBH because I like metal music


Oh this is what you were talking about: First off, the ban is for being a glam metal faggot. This is far different than posting to any of the metal subs.

Secondly, lol, I didn't even look at this guy's history. I just picked from the list of available ban reasons, and I thought nah, not racism this time.

Or, alternatively, I have secret backdoor access to Voat's code, and there is an appendage after this guy's user name that says FAGGOT

mindtrip ago

Seem awfully defensive buddy. Let me reassure you: I don't give a shit. Enjoy the knowledge you caused some mild confusion and a raised eyebrow.

heygeorge ago

I assume because of some of my comments in metal subs. That creepy shit should have stayed in reddit. But hey I hope the faggots enjoy the read of my post history.

Just stating fact to counteract your whimsical fantasy. You know: I could care about you and want to read your post history, but at this point I am imagining it to be dull. I am 14 and what is this

mindtrip ago

Says the lass who went to the effort to ban someone from their pet niche subverse because they stated it seemed weird and it was off putting enough to be one of a few things blocked along with pedo loli subverses.

Honestly I wish no ill will upon you. You just seem a particular flavour of nutter butter even in the soup of voat. But whatever, enjoy your corner.

heygeorge ago

Did you say you blocked it? I must've missed that part. In any case, we hope to provide the finest quality banning experience available on Voat. Please fill out the questionnaire following your ban and be sure to rate 5 stars across the board!

mindtrip ago

What a ride. I don't think I'll ever understand.

heygeorge ago

I'm not banning shit, what metalheads are we banning?

I'd gleefully ban you anytime, chum,but I prefer to wait until you are mid-convo with somebody there.

LostandFound ago

Yeah I have danced in the soap box more than once since I joined voat, did the usual lurked for ages, could not work out what was going on and decided to ask.. insert shitposts

What was the deal with Sane, when I first joined he was actually pretty Sane, didnt always agree with him but he would generally construct cohesive arguments and I even helped him with content for one of his subs. But then it all went a bit fucking nuts split personality and each of the splits started having babies, then the whole site was flooded with bits and pieces of inbred cousin loving sanegoats. Did you push him over the edge or force his hand?

MaunaLoona ago

I have no idea what half of your posts are about nor why you are getting so many diwnvotes. Someone fill me in?

ExpertShitposter ago

Someone fill me in?

He is a know jew.

MaunaLoona ago

So? What has he done?

ExpertShitposter ago

Spends all his time lying and spreading jewery on voat.

LostandFound ago

Hahaha damn it, the art of shitposting

LostandFound ago

Are you saying that access to view anon subs has been taken away from those two users?

biggreenmuscles ago

Santa Barbara Behavioral Health (SBBH)?

kneo24 ago

Just because SGIS is worse than SBBH doesn't mean that SBBH is free from criticism for their actions that are disruptive or abusive. You're pretty much now accusing anyone of siding with Needlestack here for being an alt of SGIS, his cronies, or one of their useful idiots. This is why Voat is such a shithole at times. There's certain people you can't ever call out, and when you do, you're either labeled a jew, a shill, or someone dealing with SGIS.

mindtrip ago

Well I just got a random message from heygeorge saying I'm banned from SBBH because I like metal music. I assume because of some of my comments in metal subs. That creepy shit should have stayed in reddit. But hey I hope the faggots enjoy the read of my post history.

I always felt voat was an older (if not entirely mature) crowd, but that place reeks of cringey teenage shit.

Guess they get a laugh out of my confusion but whatever.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Would be great if you posted any evidence whatsoever for these extremely serious accusations.


Edit: Hey, cool! My post got a "Speculation" flair. Perhaps the first in voat's history in v/Whatever.

Speculation implies there is some kind of basis in fact and you're filing in the blanks, your accusations are more like blind guesses, making up this elaborate scenario and them claiming it as fact, relying on your popularity, and the unpopularity of SBBH to get people to agree with you without thinking critically.

If not outright lies (which it very well could be) it is at the very least irresponsible levels of dishonesty and misinformation. This is MSNBC/CNN levels.

I'm really disappointed that you'd sink to this level @needlestack

Trash_Panda ago

Still not clear on "who" is in my group or how "we" hung "ourselves"?

Just Natsocs in general, but right now you and peacekeeper. I can tell Natsocs just by the way they talk.

So you don't like the state of Israel then? Because that is the closest thing to a Natsoc state that exists in the world

No, I don't. Not sure why you think I support Israel. You'll have a hard time trying to fit me into a mold.

The fact that the jews themselves are the "nazis" is what makes it fly under the radar for most normies.

Correct. Now connect the dots.

I like people here more than when I'm arguing with flat-out brainwashed liberals, however Natsocs are still cut from the same cloth. They're even starting to talk like them too. They're sloooooowly merging together and y'all are oblivious to it

Trash_Panda ago

The reason I left Discord (and evidenced in the comment I linked, as well as my comment history earlier today) was because I don't like Natsocs.

I also don't "parrot" anything, I'm approaching the Discord thing purely on principle because it shows what many of you actually think. Things most people can immediately identify as bullshit. Look at the upvote/downvote ratio, all I had to do was call you guys out and give you enough rope to hang yourselves (but let me guess, the votes are a conspiracy too).

This is what I do, and you can tell yourself whatever you want to rationalize it to yourself. It's equal footing and the better philosophy wins. Doesn't matter if you change your mind or not, there's plenty of people on the fence and I know because I used to be one of them.

This might sound dramatic over something so small but shitty ideas are a symptom of shitty philosophy. Subconsciously, people identify that.

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

Isn't that the point? Fuck anonymity we should have the right to say and think as we please. Leftist cunts silencing people through commie tactics.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I think @thebuddha is wrong. No way does the moon smell purple.

lord_nougat ago


But I tell you what, it sure TASTES purple!

TheBuddha ago

'booger is (((controlled opposition)))

Get the facts!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Why did you give away my secret? Now I must put a sheeny curse on you! oyga veyga booga!

lord_nougat ago

I need the codes as well, obviously. I am a LORD, after all.

12396103? ago

I am not sure what to say Needle, I am sure your account is not the only one that is 2.7 years old. I kid you not when I get too wrapped in Voat the coincidences and my thought out like autism picks up on the smallest nuances/coincidences and I sometimes read too much into things and it spooks me.

Then it’s time for me to step away from the machine, refresh, rejuvenate and just live life away from my internet friends.

There are a handful, if that, of people that I believe I can really trust on Voat BUT a shed load of people who are on their own journey of life here. Sometimes it meshes and sometimes it don’t. The meta drama and suspicious accusations of rPV people ridiculing every word and the unfolding of events EVERYWHERE around us makes anyone feel vulnerable; expecially when our natures are already wired to questioning everything.

Seriously; why didn’t you make a v/voatdev post about it, see if anyone else noticed this?

Did anyone suggest to you, outside of Anon, that information can be accessed by anyone other then @PuttItOut ?

I am just genuinely curious about this, and I hope you receive this reply in kind.

dooob ago

I dont see a problem.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I agree with Needlestack on this one - perhaps not as to any particular incident at Voat - but the the one fundamental truth of all internet communications - if they want you bad enough they will get you.

They can always find you and they can always make you talk.

Nobody can withstand this. NOBODY. This is why spies carry cyanide tablets.

Best to always assume that what you are saying here, or anywhere, for that matter, can one day be used against you. So don't say things you cannot defend, unless you are one of those who truly doesn't give a fuck, and there are many like that.

Everyone is free to speak - but speech comes with real world consequences.

It may not be popular, but it is the cold hard truth.

Trash_Panda ago

I was only briefly in Discord, they don't even remember me

Not like that will stop you from being a mentally ill paranoid scizophrenic.

Grifter42 ago

PuttItOut is a sellout.


"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"

He's been compromised. I expect this post to be brigaded in a matter of minutes, because they target people in the same exact manner as Reddit's SRS. Putt has become Spez at this point, and doesn't give a fuck if a few people see him for what he is as long as the majority doesn't.

chags ago

Not that I give a fuck about people seeing who am I and what I said, but the fact that only some people have this access could be really questionable. Also, who's moderating whatever? Why the fuck an whatever post is tagged?

Grifter42 ago


"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"

permalink context full comments

dooob ago

Daddy Grifter and his discord pals.

Trash_Panda ago

Yes my account is clearly an guys just don't even hesitate to spit nonsense anymore. It's kinda sad. You're just so used to spewing out unbacked conspiratard bullshit it comes naturally.

freshmeat ago

Empress definitely has a set of twins between their legs. 😂

heygeorge ago

right now...

derkataIog ago

damn you're getting downvoated to hell, bro! can't wait to show you the new voat i'm making. ARRG i want to but it's not finiiiisshed!

  • sanegoatiswear

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

That's not how a Warrant Canary works, at all.

12393625? ago

On the bright side you got some karma out of this :)

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

That's because its an alt of kevdudes and he wants a false consensus that they dindu nuffin'.

Sure thing Sanegoat

PV is central to the attacks coming from SBBH, they are the brown shirts to their little false authority sub. They count on people not realizing that PV is "in on it".

Whatever you say RPV/SRS...

BaneGhostiSwear ago

@peaceseeker you are the shill. @9-11 is a solid member of this dying community.

NotHereForPizza ago

By the way, if you try anything more than what I'm giving you, I can promise you that you won't find what you're looking for. In fact, you'll find quite the opposite.

NotHereForPizza ago

I was right, wasn't I kev?

We didn't even have to speak about this for me to know exactly what you're thinking.

I'm not who you think I am. I'm a genuine person, and I don't have any alts.

I can prove it.

Avise la fin

NotHereForPizza ago

Funny, more experienced users than you know that he's not only right, but have seen what places beyond the containment zone are like. It's like I've said, it's spreading.


Was culturally appropriating amalek.

ForTheUltimate ago

why want puttiout to be able to see it.

Voat can't be the solution. Only decentralized applications can.

NotHereForPizza ago

@puttitout I'd really hate to say I told you so, but... you know...

@NeedleStack Hey, this is a great job. I still don't support you divulging your personal information, but you stepped it up in my eyes. I'm glad we're getting the word out about what these people are doing.

You know, I hope I just missed all you guys when I first made my account. Frankly, before I did, I didn't feel like there was enough noise being made about these people. I decided after I saw their divisive, attention-whoring bullshit that I should make an account and speak about what I saw. Before, I did a lot of lurking (I'm always watching, don't forget that), but people like you are making me think I made the right decision.

It looks like you lot never needed my help. I have thought before that I shouldn't have given you any, but I'm becoming increasingly impressed with how Voat's visitors tend to handle themselves. Maybe one day we'll be able to meet each other and speak about what has gone on here, although I more prefer that doesn't happen.

I want you guys to know this is bigger than voat. Although I can't say much else, I hope you enjoy the show. Remember to trust the plan.

It'll get good soon.

Chiefpacman ago

@womb-raider @pissant @NotHereforPizza

I’m NOT trying to form us into a cabal or anything. I just noticed kev was tagging people, and you all seem like level headed people..

I’m not sure you’ll agree on needinv a new admin or who it should be. So, thoughts?

NotHereForPizza ago

@womb-raider @pissant @chiefpacman

Hey, fellas.

Look what I just caught dumbass saying:

Now we can be certain his "troops" have not only been rallied before, but that they have means (likely outside of voat) to gather people and orchestrate something conspiratorial. I can't wait for @puttitout to overlook this.

Chiefpacman ago

To be fair I don’t think kev is generally shy about PV tactics.

I fought with him earlier. Never fun :/

Pissant ago

His reactions are honestly hilarious. He's in meltdown mode right now. He started going on about how he doesn't want to be admin, it's like yeah, no kidding. I'm sure he has a friend in mind, or a sock puppet account... Jeez. So transparent.

NotHereForPizza ago

This dumb fucking kid is going to put is whole fucking leg in his mouth. Watch him, he'll do it!

Pissant ago

Look at how Kevdude rages at the notion of Middle being an admin. Jesus...

PuttsDad ago

This thread is a fucking mess :)

PuttsDad ago

Fuck me, this is a shitpost.

ExpertShitposter ago

When the whole site hates you you will have some people who will go after you. Sometimes, they will be on at the same time and -300 ccp is the result.

Malicious and deliberate? Yes.

Organized behind scenes? No.

This is what peaceseeker meant with the "organic" claim. On a side note, a lot of freshies dv's are also the result of people believing he is sanegoat for quite a while.

Grifter42 ago

SBBH isn't the whole fucking site, you cocksucker.

PeaceSeeker is just another bullshit artist like you.

You can call people sane goat all you like, but I still have your admittal to buying off Putt.

"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"

Fuckin' slimy manipulative cunt.

ExpertShitposter ago

Is that you IronFist?

NotHereForPizza ago

What's with you guys and trying to make it seem like everyone on the site shares particular opinions? Is that one of your tactics?

ExpertShitposter ago

OK not everyone. Just most. There are always idiots to think otherwise, and jews to pretend to think otherwise.

NotHereForPizza ago

Man, you guys can't even have a conversation with me without antagonizing me. What have I told you guys about getting emotionally invested in this?

ExpertShitposter ago

antagonizing me.

What have I told you

Ummmm...who the fuck are you eh?

NotHereForPizza ago

Isn't it fun, the game we're playing?

ExpertShitposter ago

I have fun with shitposter friends and attack voat jews when its fun for me. Leave them alone when its not. Whose jew alt are you? I couldn't care less.

Real life is outside of voat anyway.

NotHereForPizza ago

It's the jews, man. It's all the jews.

Is that good enough for you? A measly religious demographic? Is that really all you think there is to this?

This is why you stand out.

Rotteuxx ago

What a gaslighting post !

Fuck I really hope you're just having a bad day & that the real Needle didn't sell her account to those discord faggots during her break from Voat.

This reeks of their narrative.

heygeorge ago

I don't know that one. I'll check it out.

heygeorge ago

You linked to the comment above mine. Otherwise, I do not know what you are talking about. If you don't want to be any more specific in the forum, then PM.

heygeorge ago

Your question:

why you think they banned the discord domain

My response:

discord was banned because some faggots were shilling their personal chat as "official" and then other faggots were incessantly whining about it. It's really the same major reason Voat chat was stopped: Whining.

My opinion. I do not know that I am wrong, or I would not state something like that in this context. I believe that my analysis is correct. Thank you for not attacking me. I appreciate it.

heygeorge ago

You are (very obviously) not addressing my point about why the discord domain was banned from Voat.

Stating numbers of fools or saints does not mean anything. This would not be the first time in history that 50 million people were incorrect about something.

heygeorge ago

I think I found it.

heygeorge ago

there is no harm in discord

I did not say there was. As far as claiming 50+ million, I'm not sure that number lends a lot of credence to quality choice.

heygeorge ago

@NeedleStack, this is the body of your submission? Really?

just kidding SRS (SBBH) has done their damage, it's a shithole

wish it weren't so, but goats are now TOTALLY AWARE of (((who))) has done this to this once great site

Rotteuxx ago

Sad times...

But cheer up ! I'm shipping you some goodies on Friday :)

PuttsDad ago

Spotted the pharmaceutical rep ;)

Rotteuxx ago

What I'm sending him is much more valuable than drugs & will definitely put a real smile on his face.

p.s. : it ain't dick pics either !

lord_nougat ago

it's actual dicks!

PuttsDad ago

Tell me it's guitar pics, they give me a boner.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

v/guitar every Friday night at 8

Rotteuxx ago

Tell me it's guitar pics, they give me a boner.

Better not say anything then, it would make your dick explode !

PuttsDad ago

Mate, imma need a cigarette in a minute.

Rotteuxx ago

He'll post it for everyone to see I'm sure, you'll get to jerk off to what @Heygeorge has that you dont at least.

ExpertShitposter ago

What about me?!?!

Rotteuxx ago

I know jerking off micro-dicks ain't easy but I thought that's why you had @I-am-me in your dungeon.

ExpertShitposter ago

U have no proof of ur claims.

Rotteuxx ago

She morse coded me a message by whipping her mega clit on the ground.

ExpertShitposter ago

Damn your sub was really wrecked by mullock fag.

Have a post to help:

Rotteuxx ago

Notice the instant downvoats we're getting on this buried conversation in a soon to be 1 day old post ?

ExpertShitposter ago

Yep, i get instant -1 no matter what i post or where.

Rotteuxx ago

Shit, you mean some faggot dedicated a downvoat bot to you ?

Holy shit I'm jealous now !

ExpertShitposter ago

No they miss a post here and there so its "organic". Check downvote ratios on 9-11, fresh, smegma jihad kike, all have 1:1, max system allawed. Always on patrol in \new 24/7.

Rotteuxx ago

Fenx Mein !

heygeorge ago

@PuttsDad I will PM you first so you get an exclusive session before everyone else gets to fire one out.

PuttsDad ago

Thanks, mate, you're too kind.

heygeorge ago

It's the truth. As an observer of Voat, I would imagine you'd have seen that trend by now.

heygeorge ago

discord was banned because some faggots were shilling their personal chat as "official" and then other faggots were incessantly whining about it. It's really the same major reason Voat chat was stopped: Whining.

Rotteuxx ago

I associate with people of all walks of life, I don't limit myself to like-minded people because echo chambers & hive minds are not only boring as fuck but they also greatly limit your ability to evolve as a person.

WhiteSurvivalist ago

I am guessing you mean there was a voat discord but it's not listed on voat because it's a bit harder to keep an eye on you there?

That seems easy to solve. I mean naturally, bitmessage or some e-mail address, private messaged to one another might give you that ability easily enough. I am thinking of solving this myself in another way by hosting SSL IRC chatrooms or something like that.

Create a subvoat, 'voatchats' or something, host an SSL IRC, I honestly don't know if this is the best route, but it's something I want to look into.

ExpertShitposter ago

Which account are you talking about? The only person to who that happened to was sanegoat. And MAAAAAYBE freshmeat. And even that wasn't organized, but people going out of their way BY THEM SELVES to wreck his account.

I suppose you could say that no longer makes it truly organic, but is certainly wasn't organized ether. You could only use the word malicious perhaps.

This all i say with confidence because i have been at the absolute heart of drama with SBBH, shitposting, anti sanegoat posting and exposing both his and freshmeats agendas in PV. If thee was ever DV organizations, i would have been invited into them a dozen times. Or at least one fucking time and therefore aware of them.

Grifter42 ago

Go fuck yourself. You and your SBBH kikes like Beatle use alts all the goddamned time.

Your people tanked Voat Chat when it got out of control of your shills, and we all know who was the one who did it: Beatle.

The public is starting to see through you.

"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"

Annelise ago

Freshmeat and any of the sanegoat alts.

freshmeat ago

I apologize, i retract my last comment, I came into this thread late and followed this comment chain wrong. Appreciate you pointing it out.

Again, sorry lol

Annelise ago

Oh, that's alright. I do it often enough. Dive in through a permalink or click the wrong comment. Take care.

freshmeat ago

you might be in the wrong place cunt.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Watcha gonna do about it? Nothinbitchyouatrick.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

p.s. @needlestack the reason they did this (referring to your post content) is so they could see who is posting in anon. they're shills most probably under soros (through a few shell corps) or possibly via conde nast or both some think cianiggers, which may be partially true.

this is now a honeypot. an information gathering site. not a place to speak freely.

hold your balls tight, nigger; because i'm almost done making voat's replacement.

Womb_Raider ago

hold your balls tight, nigger; because i'm almost done making voat's replacement.

Can we please see some progress? A visual representation? Anything?

heygeorge ago

I think most would be better off trusting strangers than a 100% known subversive shill. But that's just my opinion. It seems a bit odd that you desire to splinter the community.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


Kal ago

Oh, good. You took away that power from the two you don't like, but the rest of you cunts can still do it. Problem solved.

Womb_Raider ago

Putt sold us down the river, I suppose.

Womb_Raider ago

Dishonesty looks terrible on you, why wear it so often?

heygeorge ago

Your inability to differentiate satire from reality is showing again!

Womb_Raider ago

I'm actually joking when I tell lies, everyone! Don't worry!

heygeorge ago


I'm talking to you, not everyone. Because for some reason I still like to think there is a shred of decency buried behind the bong resin.

Rotteuxx ago

You speak just like freshmeat

B166-ER ago

OP, wake the fuck up. There is no privacy and anonymity is completely dead. If Voat has not been compromised, which I believe it has, then it soon will be. And even if it never is Big Brother already captures every packet on the internet, your PC is riddled with backdoors and government sponsored spyware. The lengths to which you'd need to go to in order to maintain privacy and anonymity are too daunting for most people anyway. Leave your phone at home, take cash only with a fake ID on a bus to a town far away to find a starbucks, buy a used laptop with cash from craigslist, take bus to next town over, find Starbucks, make Voat accounts, post, then destroy laptop and take bus back home... yeah, nobody is doing this on a regular basis because 99.999% of us work 5:30AM-7:00PM M-F if you include commute and getting ready.

fl3x ago

Privacy and anonymity are completely dead.

tossyokeys ago

Don't forget a disguise. Most security cams are networked now, and its not altogether unlikely that automated facial recognition is being run on most of them.

Kal ago

Is this part of the reason so many old goats deleted accounts with no explanation given?

PuttItOut ago

Your post is misleading and filled with incorrect statements.

No one has access to any area of voat but me, there is no such thing as special access.

Venturer ago

If you have the time to fix a bug. Do you just not have the time to do anything else related to Voat? Tons of subverse transfers to go through, all it take is a couple clicks of a button...

MaunaLoona ago

I don't envy the shit you have to put up with by running this site.

Nerobot ago

You're under the hammer here but take a look at this please.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago


ThorssonTrump ago

yeah, and you're a paid criminal shill! which is how this sort of nigger bullshit occurs.



Crenschdude ago


tossyokeys ago

Welcome back Putt. I'm sorry it took such a ridiculous post to draw you out, but I am happy to see you're still lurking.

MadWorld ago

@NeedleStack, see parent.

NeedleStack ago

Well shit, like I said in this earlier comment, if I was mistaken so be it - and that it would take only word from you for me to believe I was mistaken.

But your comment is coming off as accusing me of making something up intentionally. You know, A LIE. Which is not what I did or would do.

Everything I said I experienced was what I perceived it to be. I didn't post from a place of misleading or implying. And I'm not going to correct my wording because it was what I thought to be true.

I'm seriously put off by the way you responded. I'm not just some shithead. I actually care a lot about this place and have done a lot of work in subs and with other members across voat for nearly 3 years but whatever, I guess my bringing up a valid concern boils me down to being an asshole huh.

If it's happening as a bug and it will get fixed, great!

This post blew up larger than I thought it would but good came out of it; commenters bringing up a lot of important stuff we need to square away as a community anyway (brigading, witch-hunts, vote manipulation, site security, etc.). Those issues are way more important than any bug I brought up so kudos to you if you can get this house in order.

mindtrip ago

Dude come on, as a 3rd party observer @PutItOut response is pretty reasonable. His response was pretty damned human and respectful - your reaction pushes for responses to be that corporate bullshit we see elsewhere and would kill the vibe voat has going. Respectfully, you raised some valid concerns, don't go off the deepend and try to make it personal when it's not.

heygeorge ago

bringing up a valid concern boils me down to being an asshole

This is your perception of what you did, but in reality what you did was take a flimsy precept, combine it with bullshit. and run it straight into an allegation of fake news.

What really confounds me is that you are taking a narrative from the same people who pretended your absence was caused by a fictional SBBH dox. I cannot follow the logic there.

Nerobot ago

If it makes you feel better I've made numerous submissions on subs and not once has anyone got their guesses right. Some from the old guard of SBBH used to do profile watching for vote counts and posting times to try for an "educated" guess.

Womb_Raider ago

Those issues are way more important than any bug I brought up so kudos to you if you can get this house in order.

I'll get him some aloe...

ThorssonTrump ago



Dudicles ago

Regardless of who fuzzywords is, he or she at one time (along with just about everyone from SBBH at the time) rage quit Voat and helped sabotage a bunch of subs he or she was a mod in by removing other mods, wrecking the CSS's, on top of spam posting everywhere on Voat. That simple fact alone should have meant fuzzy should never be allowed anywhere near anything to do with running or working on Voat.

Considering he or she did (just look at the badges), I think that says a lot about the administrative leanings here. And considering that bringing anything like that up gets you attention from certain users, says another thing.

ThorssonTrump ago

wooot?! i had stopped voating at that point; i missed that! damn. any archives? i'd love to see that tantrum.

it's a he that thinks it's a she, btw. mental health issues, obviously.

Dudicles ago

I don't have any archives, but I did a search on DDG and found this interesting thread.

ThorssonTrump ago

nice, i remember that.

fun fact: fuzzywords admited it was @she a while back. also, someone linked to a medium post by @fuzzywords with the same profile pic as the voat account which linked to a blog which didn't have whois protection (real name, address) and from there, one could find out that fuzzywords was openly a: transvestite, autistic, and a militant SJW.


TLDR: an autistic tranny SJW was the biggest coder of voat for a whole year - - the same year that all the TSA-reddit level censorship was coded into voat (limits, account restrictions for negatives, downvoat bot tied to voat's api, etc)

it's not gone, just on another account, btw. the same organized paid criminal militant sjw shills own and operate voat on behalf of their kike overlords. :( that's why i've spent the last half year making a new voat that won't be infiltratable like all these other social networks. that part is done. just a few more months of coding out and we ought be deploying :)

stay tuned for all the mountains of salt and tears.

gabara ago

Well you've just a special kind of crazy aren't you?

PuttItOut ago

What you write can be seen by one or more devs who’ve been given that special access. But what you may not know is that they can and do use it against you as they’ve done with me in the past and as recently as yesterday. And one or more of those users who have this ability are part of SBBH.

This statement is purposely inflammatory, incorrect, lacks tact, and is intended to create a false narrative, regardless of what you think is true. I'm actually surprised you could say such at thing, being that you are such an important part of Voat. It's something I'd expect from sane or grifter, but not you.

The proper way to report a potential security issue is to report it to v/voatdev or PM.

If we have a bug in anon subs then we need to reproduce it so it can be fixed. We've had a bug before that we patched but there may be another one. So if anyone wants to PM me with the technique that is being used, we will patch it ASAP.

This is assuming there is even a bug in the first place, as this post has no concrete evidence that an anon account has been compromised.

Antiracist10 ago

Hey dickhole, I still can't post threads. Make me able to post threads, dickhole.

I wanted to post to v/theology: The atheists in this thread are so cringe. Also, @Crensch is an idiot.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

Bojangles or Eagleshigh, mind posting that to v/theology for me?

Fuck your stupid site PuttItOut.

adhdferret ago

Suspicion is what the goal is, and it will be done by all means necessary. Since the beginning of your taking the helm numerous accounts have casted doubt on you boss. It is likely this was all caused by a good guess and nothing more, but you surely have seen the collosal shitstorm that has been going on here.

Maybe you got other shit to do.....I respect that because we all do and man if this place doesn't just crush your soul after so long, but you gotta be around more man. After so long and you come back with this?

Doesn't look good and makes the subverter types get a better foothold as I am sure they are tooling away on this finding ways to use it against you.

Fucking hate this shit why there has to be people in control of shit or always fight for it because they are powerless in real life. Such is the world and how it works huh?

Oh by the way boss can you message me how to send some bucks your way to do my part for the site. I can't find anything myself.

Trash_Panda ago

This is assuming there is even a bug in the first place, as this post has no concrete evidence that an anon account has been compromised.

Oh, kinda like when you banned the Discord domain because all the conspiracy theorist REEE'd about honeypots until they got their way? Yea, sucks when it blows back in your face.

NotHereForPizza ago

Let's be more precise with our wording. We should clear up the vague language being used here.

Is there one combination of Username and Password (yours) allowed the privilege of viewing and matching IP addresses associated with the comments made in anonymous subverses and the same IP addresses that are used when making submissions/comments outside of those subverses?

This is the question that should be asked of you, and it should give the audience a better understanding of the frame of reference we're dealing with here. Just saying, "I'm the only one that can see these IPs" isn't really good enough. Granted, I don't know if divulging such information would work against you.

Can you speak to what types of privileges are given to the dev team? Maybe it would help clear things up if we had a better idea of what the people helping you were capable of doing.

Grifter42 ago

Just another reminder that you're a sellout:

"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

ExpertShitposter is a known shitposter, the fact that you are taking his stupid jokes as evidence against Putt shows how hard you are looking for something that doesn't exist.

You are the CNN, Putt is Trump, and SBBH is "Russian hackers".

Grifter42 ago

Bullshit, Pyro. SBBH is ShareBlue/SRS, Putt is Spez with how he sold out, and you're just another useful idiot.

Think for yourself.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

any evidence for this, at all?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


Samsquamch ago

It's too bad there isn't something about shitposting in his name so we would know that's what he does.

Grifter42 ago

And yet Putt acts in a manner that would indicate it's fuckin' true, and that Expert is gloating.


Riddle me this: Why are the same people who spammed Voat Chat out of existence now fuckin' allowed to test code for the site? Why was nothing ever done about Beatle, when he was the fucking one to do it? Yet him and SBBH are given full reign of the site.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Good question! If only I was had the autism to have saved Putt's comments defending him afterwards...

Samsquamch ago

I'd like to take you seriously, but your weird obsession with Putt makes that impossible

Grifter42 ago

Again, you result to ad hominem attacks and gas lighting instead of responding with any critical thought.

Samsquamch ago

If you made valid points you'd receive valid responses. Stalking Putt, making unsubstantiated claims like:

Bullshit, Pyro. SBBH is ShareBlue/SRS, Putt is Spez with how he sold out, and you're just another useful idiot.

and making implications out of thin air like:


are not valid points. They're rants and temper tantrums, and there's a reason most people don't listen or provide responses to them.

Grifter42 ago

I've posted my fucking screen shots again and again.

Implications out of thin air? Bullshit. He fuckin' admitted it himself.

That's not the words of a man bullshitting. Those are the words of a man gloating.

Samsquamch ago

You took the words of someone named ExpertShitposter seriously?

Grifter42 ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

how exactly does the site operate "like sbbh took it over" what would that even look like?

I i see is you SRS shills attacking voat for no reason and with zero evidence.

Grifter42 ago

Sure, faggot, the guy with 700 posts on the SRS/SBBH main forum on voat has no evidence that he's SRS.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You still haven't proven A. any connection between SBBH and SRS or B. any malicious activity by SBBH. You've built your entire premise on SBBH being inherently guilty, therefore to prove someone's guilt you only need to associate them with SBBH and you then don't need to prove that they actually did anything wrong in the first place.

This is Kafkaesque levels of faulty logic.

Also your whole


Is faulty because ExpertShitposter is proven to be an unreliable source of information, he makes up random things all the time, and the archive you posted was so clearly a joke even the most autistic of NEETs wouldn't take it seriously by accident, the only way to take it seriously is if you were so convinced of Expertshitposter of all people somehow controlling voat through whatever mystical means that you decided to take this joke as evidence.

Do you happen to be a UK police officer by any chance?

Grifter42 ago

You're deliberately trying to muddle the waters.

Expert wasn't fuckin' joking, he was gloating.


Go fuck yourself.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You're deliberately trying to muddle the waters.

Expert wasn't fuckin' joking, he was gloating.

It was so obviously a joke that only the most massive of autists could not see it, that's why I think you're pretending he was serious purely out of your own desperation. One look at his history and anyone would see he just posts random made up shit all the time.

Go fuck yourself.

Go turn yourself into a (((lampshade))).

oh and by the way I'm Vladimir Putin, infamous election hacker and I brainwashed Putt to help turn voat into my secret Donald Trump propaganda factory, you've finally found me out oooooooooohhhhh and I would've gotten away with it to, if it wasn't for you meddling kids at RPV and your voat manipulation!

Go and quote this and run to CNN, they'll pay handsomely for this airtight evidence.

MadWorld ago

No point in arguing with niggerkike, he will drag on with meaningless conversation to provoke his target. At some point it's best to leave him alone and let the jew vacuum his own feces with his nose...

Grifter42 ago

Nice strawman, kike.

It isn't gonna fool anyone.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

if only!

Zinnsee ago

I'm very glad you responded. But guys please don't start a fight over this, that's exactly what they try to do. Maybe @NeedleStack is wrong and it all was a cohencidence, but maybe it was not. Let's focus on the facts. @PuttitOut are you the only one who can see the users behind anon posts or are there other mods with this privilege?

And since I'm already here, an update to the canary wouldn't hurt :)

ThorssonTrump ago

other shills openly have admitted to having back-end access to voat. that includes kevdude, trigglypuff, cynabuns, fuzzywords. trigglypuff admitted it a couple days ago ffs.


WhiteRonin ago

If anon uses your Ip then you can cross check against users with the same iP. It’s all in the database.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

I can see replies to my 'anon' posts so that means the db has them.

If I REALLY had something sensitive to say, I would create an alt using a proxy.

Yep, I'm late to the party.

WhiteRonin ago

Where else would store comments and replies. All anon could just be a random number tied to your username or IP. Only way to tell is grab the code and look in the dB structure.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

I need to look at it actually. Thanks for the reminder.

kneo24 ago

lacks tact,

Pot calling the kettle!

Your post can be summed up as, "SBBH dindu nuffin' wrong!". Stop pretending they aren't at the very least border line abusive or manipulative, even if it is sometimes funny.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i kinda just ignore SBBH so i don't know the score but i'm kinda thinking of siding with them on all this from the outset just on the given that they're having fun and their opposition seems whiney

MadWorld ago

Abusive and manipulative? You should start right here.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

RPV aren't even trying to hide their vote manipulation at this point.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It doesn't matter how much you hate SBBH, if what they're accused of is objectively not happening then it's not happening.

reeeing about SBBH with zero evidence is like CNN's "Russian collusion" narrative.

Provide one shred of proof or fuck off nigger.

Grifter42 ago

"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Taking anything ExpertShitposter says seriously.

kneo24 ago

Uh, hello you cock gobbling loser. Did you not read the OP's post? The conclusion here wasn't unreasonable. People on Voat run off with ideas based on as much evidence all the time and they're hardly ever called out for it. But now, this one time someone calls out SBBH for something that seems like a reasonable conclusion and you reeeeee like a fucking faggot. Please go asphyxiate yourself on some Zyklon.

Samsquamch ago

How you ended one sentence this way:

you reeeeee like a fucking faggot.

And then un-ironically followed up with this one is too funny:

Please go asphyxiate yourself on some Zyklon.

I'd suggest reading your comment before hitting submit next time.

Womb_Raider ago

He's one of them. You are wasting your words.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Yes keep dismissing anyone who calls out this CNN-tier mental gymnastics as "one of them".

Who is "them" anyways? SBBH? I've never posted there even once, I only visited it a single time (or was it SDBH, I honestly can't remember) and promptly noped out. Or is them anyone who doesn't want to join your censor voat until it's reddit party or whatever RPV is.

Whatever keep dismissing everything I say without even trying to address my reasoning because "

Womb_Raider ago

Not all of their accounts post there, I think most voaters are aware of that.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

rPV has nothing to do with me.

Not all of their accounts post there, I think most voaters are aware of that.

There is at least as much evidence linking you to RPV/SRS as there is me to SBBH, you can't just make wild speculation about me and treat it as fact then ignore when the same is done to you.

Womb_Raider ago

That's cute.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

But now, this one time someone calls out SBBH for something that seems like a reasonable conclusion and you reeeeee like a fucking faggot.

It very much does not seem like a reasonable conclusion to me, in fact there wasn't much reasoning at all in the OP, just making wild accusations and then running with them like they were already proven facts.

Please go asphyxiate yourself on some Zyklon.

Looks like (((someone))) is a little obsessed with gas.

kneo24 ago

It very much does not seem like a reasonable conclusion to me, in fact there wasn't much reasoning at all in the OP, just making wild accusations and then running with them like they were already proven facts.

That's because you're a god damn retard. It's not hard to follow.

  • Someone calls out SBBH anonymously.
  • A user responds with anonymous OP's account age.

While it's plausible it's a lucky guess, SBBH generally fucks with everyone and on top of that people are constantly deleting their accounts and starting new ones, making it that much less likely they would correctly guess an account age.

But, as you've clearly demonstrated, following basic logic isn't your strong suit.

Looks like (((someone))) is a little obsessed with gas.

Yes, I must be a jew because I told you to gas yourself. If that's the case, then everyone on Voat is a fucking jew. How's it going, Rabbi Herpes Mouth?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

That's because you're a god damn retard. It's not hard to follow.

Calling me a retard is not a substitute for evidence, nor for sound logic

While it's plausible it's a lucky guess, SBBH generally fucks with everyone and on top of that people are constantly deleting their accounts and starting new ones, making it that much less likely they would correctly guess an account age.

It seems you have things backwards, you are acting like it's some slim possibility of this being a "lucky guess" when it's far more likely than some secret conspiracy by Putt to get SBBH to target the knittinglady @NeedleStack It's certainly a pretty huge logical leap to assume someone guessing an account age (that matches up with one of the largest voat migrations) means someone A. has access to secret dev info and B. that someone is SBBH, neither of these statements have any evidence to back them up in the OP, they are assumptions, yet needle presents them as facts and suggests actions based on these assumptions, especially when said said age also matches up with many other users who are prominently attacked on anon subs such as @Kevdude, @Crensch, or many others.

But, as you've clearly demonstrated, following basic logic isn't your strong suit.

you're really working hard on being the dunning-kruger effect personified?

Crensch ago

@PeaceSeeker I think Laurentius_the_pyro put into words why @Rotteuxx and I are ready to write off NS.

@heygeorge and @kevdude both might want to see this, too.

Rotteuxx ago

I just replied this to PS :

Crensch ago

I like how the comment with actual logic gets downvoted twice in 11 minutes, and the completely retarded comment above it gets upvoted twice. Somebody's biased, and doesn't care about truth, facts, or logic.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Meh I don't care about downvoats, CCP is easy enough to get just by posting good content that there is no way for RPV/Sane/MYG to downvoat me hard enough to stop me from posting ever since protections against bot mass comment history downvoating were put in place (I ended up gaining something like 800 CCP when all of the bot downvoats were removed the day that fix went live), 6-10 bots/alts simply can't compete with thousands of everyday users on anything important.

They think mass spamming and voat manipulation with alts will defeat objective facts, they'll be proven wrong.

MadWorld ago

I have seen about 10 downvotes between the cache update. Sometimes a harmless comment on bug report, such as @PeaceSeeker's, gets downvoted to oblivion. It's good to see that you are not intimidated by their shitty tactics.

Edit: and you will also notice some users with very large upvotes in those threads too.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Once the initial barrage of downvoats form alts (usually lasting 3-20 minutes) is over things naturally correct as regular users correct the manipulated voats.

Things only stay negative on obscure comments far down in some deep corner of a thread or on a bug report, things that aren't seen by enough normal users to counteract a butthurt fag with 10 alts.

MadWorld ago

Sometimes they are very persistent! A submission that is two days old can still get -5 downvoats per comment on some users! That's a lot of votes in total.

ThorssonTrump ago

hey you lying pieces of shit,

why don't you do subverse transfers, allow ads and donations again, remove the overt criminal censorship, and stop banning users for upvoting, and start banning criminal paid shills at the IP level?

sincerely, the guy making the site that will replace voat,


digitalentity1497 ago

I you don't like it here, you can oh, idk, fuck off?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

All Sane does is threaten to sue people for disagreeing with him.

He also apparently just revealed he doesn't understand how IP addresses work or how easy it is to get a new one.

digitalentity1497 ago

I've delt with that huge turd many times.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

start banning criminal paid shills at the IP level

Never have I ever seen someone simultaneously display such a poor understanding of both US law and the internet in a single sentence.

ThorssonTrump ago

i'm not able to downvoat on any account.

you keep lying, but it keeps not working.

it's kinda funny kinda sad, jidf-lover.


look up defamation per se


ain't the same thing, shill.

Sk8rminion ago

SHILLS AND GLOWFAGS ALWAYS TRY TO DRUM UP SUPPORT FOR IP BANS, Then they try to get regular users ip banned, while they use giant banks of rotating ip's and numerous vpn's to evade banns themselves.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Pretty much anyone with knowledge of how the internet works can change their IP in 3 minutes, you don't need to be a CIAnigger to do it.

This is why everytime someone advocates for IP bans you know they're either 12 or a retarded paki or Indian streetshitter working in a Mr. Shekelberg's shareblue cubicle who's never configured a router in their life.

Sk8rminion ago

Yes, this is the exact point i'm making. 'normie' internet noobs who find themselves here and are starting to be 'woke' however do not often have IT backgrounds, and if they get assigned an ip by their isp the shills have managed to get banned, they will find themselves with a lifetime ban, and just leave. This is the point behind that particular psi-op.

12393703? ago

You're not fit to lick @puttitOut's boots. Go crawl back under a rock.

ThorssonTrump ago

i sincerely hope you give stillbirths, you dirty paid criminal shill. and AFTER that, i hope you are tried and executed for sedition.

MadWorld ago

How are you doing these days? Still trying to stick your penis up your ass and await your pregnancy?

Fambida ago

Sane, let's assume for a second that Empress actually is a shill, and is paid to do so. How do you get criminal from that?

ThorssonTrump ago

they've committed a number of crimes here on voat and against a number of voat users. harassment and defamation per se are just a couple of their most oft-used criminal tools.

12393929? ago

Excellent question that I too, would like answered.

SebuttYopick ago

not a shill?

Rotteuxx ago

sincerely, the guy making the site that will replace voat

Yet you still hang out here religiously, stop wasting your time with us & make it happen.

ThorssonTrump ago

you do realize that the criminal activities you committed here will result in an IP ban, and reports being sent directly to the appropriate authorities on the new site, right?

paid shills like you have no human rights when acting as representatives of non-living entities.

Rotteuxx ago

Cool, once that's cleared up I can sue you and shut you down.

ThorssonTrump ago

@puttitout you let one of the retarded shills of it's leash again. muzzle your bitch.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It's sad that InSaneGoat thinks using his downvoatbot alts will somehow make people believe his retardation.

InsaneGoatISwear ago


Rotteuxx ago

True, but still, he's not as entertaining as last year. I think he might have went from generic to brand name meds unfortunately.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

For a while he was in the running to best Amalek as king of spammers, shame his posts have gotten so low effort, quantity can't beat quality after all.

ExpertShitposter ago

@NeedleStack i like you but you just got REKT right here and you replied to everyone in this thread except the one person from who you demanded explanations.

Now apologize. You too @TerdWilson

@kevdude @PeaceSeeker

NeedleStack ago

Not REKT. I was away from my computer and just responded.

ThorssonTrump ago

yeah shitposter, it's because @puttitout actually is a paid shill, works with other paid shills, added censorship, banned hundreds of users for simply upvoating, but allows the shills to downvoat brigade users into account restrictions.

you have to be functionally retarded not to see that @puttitout is the problem and needs to be removed.


ExpertShitposter ago

Yes REKT. Because proven wrong.

You must understand putt is accused of almost being behind 9-11 every day by rPV and sanegoat like characters. He looses track of who the good guys are and who the chem trail people are.

Tell you hwat. Bake us some cookies, send over at RoTR and we'll give you the pass to putts account so you can verify things your self in the future.

Chiefpacman ago

If this is really happening then this is what we call a bug and I will fix it.

I think this is him reporting the bug. As other users pointed out; it’s probably a coincidence though..

I have some unrelated questions, if you have time

What happened to that voating thing you were going to implement? With the polls.

What’s going on with funding? I know we have “enough“, but what does that mean? I think about a month ago you talked about letting us donate again?

Grifter42 ago

Putt is just jerking people around at this point. He's treading water until people forget, and stop asking questions. Why do you think he hasn't banned the people who spammed Voat chat to the point Putt had to step in, and "shut it down for the good of Voat", or some bullshit like that? Because they were SBBH/SRS, and they're trying to do what they did to Reddit to this place. They've done a pretty good job of it so far.

akuta ago

Could also be that this person has a total hardon for Needle and goes to their page to see what their longevity date is, then compares it to comments because of the previous spat...

I've yet to see Needle act irrationally up until this point in any interaction I've seen them have (maybe the handful), so I don't think it's intentional. I think it's honest fear/being spooked by someone putting that much effort into stalking/harassing her.

Fambida ago

I'd assume it's spammers doing it since she is a frequent poster to /v/reportspammers and calls them out. I've been targeted before for the same reason by spammers.

heygeorge ago

@NeedleStack has also been spooked by someone who claimed to want to buy her account [If I'm not mistaken, the amount/interaction was absurd. This was also during a time where account purchasing was a prevalent Voat meme.] She immediately made an inflammatory post about it. This was quickly revealed to be a misguided prank.

Needle, I love you, but sometimes you seem to get very quickly pulled in!

WhiteSurvivalist ago

I doubt I understand what you are referring to, do you mean a voat discord was banned?

Violentlight ago

What is the deal with 2.7 year accounts? I can't even remember what was happening at the time I signed up. So I am legitimately confused about why that date is bad.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Whatever caused the next exodus after the Ellen Pao thing.

whisky_cat ago

I think it was when they fired that AMA bitch. Also it was just after when The Button experiment ended.

Violentlight ago

Wish I remembered. Oh well. Guess I'm just stuck being a piece of shit.

Phierce_Phlegaton ago

Wooh, well said and spotted. Thank you.

dooob ago

2 months old account shitting on prince PeaceSeeker?

dooob ago

I bet you are worried people are realising you are a shill.

heygeorge ago

I would bet heavily that @9-11 is not worried about this. It requires a certain recognition of self that I have yet to see on display.

NotHereForPizza ago

It's spreading.

You could've stopped this.

@garbara @Crensch @kevdude @vindicator

gabara ago

When do I get the new codes?

MadWorld ago

Keep trying to bend your bullshit into reality...

TrueAmerican ago

Anyone who takes shitty internet forum posts seriously needs to get a life. This shit is all for fun and laughs and trolling.

digitalentity1497 ago

Words of wisdom.

coopzy ago

Thanks CIA

Alopix ago

Hiding your name doesn't hide your voice. You probably have small phrases or tics or things you're hung up on and always mention even when they're irrelevant.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Anon subs are for fags

MadWorld ago

With exception of those civil and legit discussions.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Those don't happen in anon subs.

MadWorld ago

That's not true, there are legit use cases.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Ban the sub and the IPs. They are cheating the site and it's users. It doesn't matter what they have to say, it not their speech that is getting them banned.

dooob ago

Found Stalin.

The_Laughing_Storm ago

Personally, I make anon submissions to ask questions when I think the answers can be a bit embarrassing in order to not discourage people from answering. For example, when I have questions about mental health. Maybe some Goats will me be more truthful or forthcoming If their answers are not tied to their username. I don't believe anything we do on the Internet is truly anonymous.

Melissus ago

if you didnt sign up with your real name you are anonymous regardless the sub you post in if you didnt know already.

MadWorld ago

You don't need to archive everything! Just archive the one that you set the trap to.

heygeorge ago

Might said I was probably drunk and forgot


Womb_Raider ago

"It's pretty obvious when im sincere... trust me... ignore the times im not sincere..."

I appreciate this guy opposing SBBH, but rhetoric like that is unnerving.

MadWorld ago

I am not made of stone. If something is convincing and reasonable, I am wiling to change my mind.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't trust Terd, but I trust SBBH even less.

MadWorld ago

I don't trust shitheads, such as yourself, either. Whenever someone is been civil with you, you tend to throw your feces to mark your shithole territory and assert dominance. I suppose that you picked up this trait from your butt buddies. That doesn't mean we can't have any discussion.

Womb_Raider ago

Ha. I don't think you'd provide me a decent example of that, hmm? Frankly, I don't care if you trust me. I don't push agendas. I just care that people aren't won over by them. Their agendas are plain to see.

MadWorld ago

I don't think you'd provide me a decent example of that, hmm?

I am a regular user, I don't keep a stack of notes on who said what, it's just an observation.

I just care that people aren't won over by them.

So you are basically some sort of equalizer?

Womb_Raider ago

Based on your comment history, you speak kindly toward multiple SBBH accounts. It seems more likely t>hat you're an account trying pretty hard to seem neutral, while continuing to spin their narratives.

So you are basically some sort of equalizer?

I wouldn't say that at all. I just tell people when there's a fire. If some of us burn, we all do.

MadWorld ago

Alright, I will keep that in mind, thanks! Aside from that, the vote manipulation and the discord coordination have become way too obvious! So they are also arguing with good reasons.

gabara ago

Dude, I WISH I could take credit for that Meme. That's really the first true meme that organically began on Voat years ago. If you want to believe I started that, go ahead, I'll take it as a compliment, but you're probably pissing of the real creator. Spoke to them on anontalk over the weekend. Based on their rant I'm lead to believe it was someone that had to work as road crew for the guy.

heygeorge ago

had to work as road crew for the guy.

Local crew from what I gathered. Seems to me like a good mix of truth/butthurt.

gabara ago

Yeah. Garfunkle fucks goats and no one bats an eye.

ExpertShitposter ago

I also like the "found the jew" guy and the former "niggers" guy.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Really? I assumed it was because Art said he was.

gabara ago

Nope, some roadie, apparently.

gabara ago

Being part Bullfrog myself, I too am concerned for the Salamanders.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

shit happens

gabara ago

Look, yes, we get drunk, and yes, we abuse our powers, but I swear I never punched @NeedleStack's horse. Animal cruelty is wrong.

lord_nougat ago

That horse tastes like raisins, anyway.

I, uh, did research. Or something.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I've noticed those sbbh guys are the worst kind of autists. They used to be quite active with the "shitpost brigading" but they either got tired of each other's retardation or decided to be more subtle.

Womb_Raider ago

needling them

Oh, Stack. Never change.

I'm not surprised by this revelation. I've been under the impression that Putt is on their side for a long time. He lets them do the same things he banned Sane for. I really hope the "voat 2.0" rumor bears fruit.

gabara ago

Sorry but they already put you on The List

Womb_Raider ago

That's fine. Crensch has very little credibility these days. It's no surprise he has prevented downvoats in the sub, either. HenryCorp tactics.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

if its so bad go back to reddit

Womb_Raider ago

Your solution to healing a festering wound is diving head first into sewage?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

you are a confirmed criminal pedo

heygeorge ago

Don't worry, Beatle! His and faggot freshiemeat' user names are only coincidentally both pedo terms. Don't think of it. Shhhhhhh go to sleep sweetie

Womb_Raider ago

"Womb_Raider" is actually a joking reference to rape or even sex in general. It has no age reference, you are projecting.

heygeorge ago

"Womb_Raider" is actually a joking reference to rape or even sex in general.

Oh, ok, sure, nothing to see here:


Womb_Raider ago

by Lessee~Chan March 08, 2017

My account has existed far longer than this nonsense definition. It was added by the ever-credible "Lessee~Chan" and my account was created a year and a half before.

heygeorge ago


ExpertShitposter ago

How shamelessly perverted can one get?

@Womb_Raider explain your self right now filth.

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah, it's a joke.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@womb_raider wouldnt make it long on voat


heygeorge ago

Wombie is @manhood101

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

womb_raider aka @she is an abomination of pure gay evil

heygeorge ago

@womb_raider! Look! Beatle is telling a LIE about you that cannot be mistaken for satire!

Womb_Raider ago

There's a difference.

heygeorge ago

Yes, thank you for conceding there is a difference between satire and a lie. It is unfortunate you have demonstrated to be incapable of telling them apart.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@womb_raider just pm me and asked to suck muh dik

160065002 ago

I guess

DrunkViking ago

To try to be anoymous, at/in/on an anonymous site like Voat, is stupid. So fuck off you that thought that.

Try to take care of some of your privacy by using cloudflare's DNS.

For those who do not know. DNS is like a phonebook. You look up the name IN THE PHONEBOOK/DNS that you want and then you will see the number to call. DNS takes your ""com" that you enter in the URL, and they give your computer their IP address NUMBER to connect to, without you realizing it. AND the DNS servers track you, but Cloudflare "promises" they wont.

So use it if you can.

gabara ago

Cool, what's the address for

DrunkViking ago

Here it is. Because it is easy to remember.

For windows: IDGAF about you mac users(but the info is the in the link anyway

Click on the Start menu, then click on Control Panel.
Click on Network and Internet.
Click on Change Adapter Settings.
Right click on the Wi-Fi network you are connected to, then click Properties.
Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (or Version 6 if desired).
Click Properties.
Write down any existing DNS server entries for future reference.
Click Use The Following DNS Server Addresses.
Replace those addresses with the DNS addresses:
    For IPv4: and
    For IPv6: 2606:4700:4700::1111 and 2606:4700:4700::1001
Click OK, then Close.
Restart your browser.
You’re all set! Your device now has faster, more private DNS servers ✌️✌️

And you are now using "anohter companies PHONEBOOK"

gabara ago

For windows

Based user detected:

MadWorld ago

That's fucking creepy! But I am also not going to jump to the conclusion until there is a reasonable proof. For all I know you could be bullshitting! Next time save an archived copy and share with us!

MadWorld ago

So you were basically doing a cold reading? In other words, you just spewed out something and waited for a reaction of the other user?

gabara ago

Yeah, if anything you'll tell us to knock it off when we get carried away with our shitposting. But while you're more than welcome to join, you're not a member of SBBH. You're not really into shitposting.

Womb_Raider ago

He had over 400 submissions to SBBH. Nobody takes any of you seriously, you all lie to cover one another.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

And I don't take you seriously, RPV accuse literally everyone they don't like of being SBBH aka RussianBots.

Womb_Raider ago

If you don't think kevdude is SBBH after posting there 400 times, you're laughably dumb. I don't really care if you take me seriously at all. I don't even know who you are.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

If you don't think kevdude is SBBH after posting there 400 times, you're laughably dumb.

Did I say Kevdude never posted to SBBH, please link me to where I said this.

Do you actually have any evidence of Kevdude doing anything wrong? Or is guilt by association all you have, on that note do you have any evidence of SBBH doing anything wrong?

I don't even know who you are.

I don't know who you are either, faggot.

Womb_Raider ago

do you have any evidence of SBBH doing anything wrong?

Do you really, truly, believe they do no wrong?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Do you have any evidence of wrongdoing? Because I've never seen it from anyone making accusations against them.

gabara ago

Nobody takes any of you seriously, you all lie to cover one another.

Womb_Raider ago

This is a good example of why you are not taken seriously.

gabara ago

This is a good example of why you are not taken seriously.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Haha, you used the Royal "we"

NeedleStack ago

"disappeared" as in someone deleted your comment? That's creepy.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i was not joking i was waped

MadWorld ago

Did you get the chance to archive it? It would be nice to see who is behind it.

gabara ago

u wot mate? u avn a giggle?

tossyokeys ago

We all know you sbbh kikes have elements in the CSS that will leak IPs. Keep playing dumb, no one is buying it.

gabara ago

Here ya go, check out the CSS code for yourself:

Acerphoon ago

What the hell is SBBH?

Kal ago

A group of gays that like to jerk each other off.

11hrr ago

Took a lot of scrolling to finally find this. I've been on voat almost daily for years and what the FUCK is this?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I've only been there once but it was full of garbage image macros and shitposts it's also somehow become the magical boogeyman of a small segment of very vocal goats, I swear some users like Sane, MYG, or 9-11 have cork boards with all the SBBH mods connected with strings, not unlike shitlibs and "muh Russian Bots".

Pissant ago

Remember everyone, it was the CIA that invented the term conspiracy theorist. That's the style of argument v/Soapboxbanhammer utilizes; everyone that disagrees with them is crazy.

It's not an argument, it's a straw man.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

No you're crazy for making up things and expecting everyone to believe them without any proof.

G0atku ago

and @laurentius_the_pyro is talking like an SBBHer i wonder if the account was purchased. correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't pyro used to be a solid goat? apparently i have corkboard now.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Disagree with you = suddenly purchased account


G0atku ago

not nice when it's done to you, is it. jumping on the shill bandwagon is always a bad idea, brother!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Sure thing Sangoat Alt #286.

If you had a legitimate message you wouldn't need hundreds of alts to agree with yourself and voat manipulate.

G0atku ago

claims without evidence

hey look @puttitout if you weren't a shill, you'd ban these criminals and these paid shills!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Keep threatening to sue people in Delaware for saying things you don't like.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Been there 2.7 years and I still don't know

MadWorld ago

Lucky you! It's /v/sbbh.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Yikes! What kind of unwashed heathens run that place?

MadWorld ago

XD You?

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Nyuck nyuck nyuck

ExpertShitposter ago


Pissant ago


A subverse that's usually at the center of any drama that unfolds on this website. Their users harass others and brigade subverses. They'll break subverse rules repeatedly in order to get banned, then cry censorship. I've seen them manage to remove moderators from several smaller subverses using that method, then they attempt to place one of their own as a moderator.

But if you point any of this out there's a coordinated effort to attack your character and imply that you're just an alt account of one of the more outspoken users here who openly criticize SBBH.

More and more average users are calling them out.

Acerphoon ago

So basically. the SRS equivalent of voat?

Meh, I've never gotten banned here yet, so whatever.

dooob ago

Considering that SBBH is pro-free speech, they are hardly like SRS. They got branded SRS when they organized raids against known shills. Guess who created that narrative.

MadWorld ago

I don't consider them SRS in any way. Some of them were very helpful during the testing, when the other group was shitting here. But I don't like it when they shitpost too much! I think the real srs are those in rPV along with those invisible accounts.

Womb_Raider ago

"Sbbh is pro-free speech, ignore the fact that they attack users relentlessly if they oppose us, and ignore the fact that our entire shtick is banning people. Also ignore that we often make posts about users in their sub that are banned, so they cannot adequately make their case on the subject. Ignore all this manipulative behavior, SBBH is good" - dooob

dooob ago

Users? You mean shills like yourself? You are not users, you are paid provocators.

Womb_Raider ago



I'm not paid, you goon. "Organized raids" is a funny way to phrase your self-righteous rhetoric... your account is just 9 months old so you actually don't know anything about when "they got branded" anything.

Just look at the recent attack you guys made on /v/gaming. It was a mockery.

dooob ago

You always pull the "account age" card, ever heard of burning accounts? The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

You do realize you are paid by people trying to overthrow Trump? Who do you think is in the 25k sealed indictments? Ask real Nazis how didthe "just doin my job" excuse work out for them.

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah, keep trying to play victim, see how far it gets you.

dooob ago

How am I playing the victim? Good luck when the indictmentd start getting unsealed, the storm will catch everyone involved. Trump doesnt forgive, he always loved destroying his opponents, one of the reasons he was chosen.

heygeorge ago

Check the ban list. Check the ages of the bans. I'm not personally attacking you, only observing, when I say that you sound like a moron.

Womb_Raider ago

Ignore the rest of the content of my comment. That's fine.

heygeorge ago

Lol you used Yiddish in your comment. How's that for talking about ()something else()($)

Womb_Raider ago

Continue to ignore the content of my comment. That's fine.

heygeorge ago

There's nothing useful to address.

Dudicles ago

It's the early form of SRS, before they became interconnected with half of the things, or more, going on in reddit. They (SBBH) even have admin approval and inside jokes with him, and some of them are the ones helping Putt (the admin here) with coding and whatnot.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Putt is my dad

Pissant ago

Yeah, you won't get banned. That's not something you have to be concerned about on Voat. Generally speaking the SBBH nonsense doesn't effect the average user. There's an argument to be made that their manipulation and deceit has far reaching effects, but that's a whole other discussion.

The basic facts as far as I can see them are that they stir shit and try to manipulate users. Just being aware of that is enough I'd say.

Acerphoon ago

Scratch that. Actually I was just banned from Soapboxbanhammer lol

Chiefpacman ago

That’s how they recruit. Gotta seem exclusive.

If they actually disliked you they would have a sub or two devoted to pinging you hundreds of times. Know from experience.

Acerphoon ago

Yeah, I've seen that. But I want to stay away from this kind of drama.

Pissant ago

They do that on a fairly regular basis. I'll get banned and unbanned by them fairly regularly. It's just another way for them to bother people. Whenever I make posts like this describing their bullshit, they use the Anon subverses to ping me over and over again. I'll come back and my inbox will have dozens of notifications. A lot of the time they'll be titles like "Doxxing Pissant" and other bullshit.

Here's a few screenshots I took showing that. Don't get me wrong, I don't have my panties in a twist about it all. They're not actually harming me -- but these people will go through your posting history and if you're not careful about personal information they will doxx you.

It's just not behavior that you would really expect to see here, and you wouldn't expect there to be so many people downvoating those of us who take the time to highlight the behavior. It's... strange...

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they actually jot down notes about individual users. hergeorge referenced an obscure comment I made some two plus years ago, it was vague information about my personal habits. I found it unsettling, but it wasn't anything big enough to risk an identity leak.

heygeorge ago

hergeorge referenced an obscure comment I made some two plus years ago, it was vague information about my personal habits

If you're gonna talk shit, ping me, faggot. Perhaps your obscure comment stood out to me. Or perhaps I found it while noodling around the site. In fact, right now I don't even know what you're talking about. Unless it's the thing where you said you were a self-described paranoid from smoking too much weed.

Womb_Raider ago

Forgive my typo, it appears I was assuming your gender. I'll ping you in future mentions, if it pleases you, but I find when I ping SBBH I get awarded copious negative voats. I have noticed when I do not ping you, I get less downvoats. Call that what you like.

Yes, that's the bit I was referencing. I said that very long ago, so I can only assume you take notes on individuals to study their habits, text patterns, and topics upon which they are knowledgeable. I could also be overestimating your competence... I mean, you do hang out with @gabara. (I pinged him to appease you)

heygeorge ago

Damn, I can't believe people downvote you when you spread bullshit about them! WOW

Haha, I don't take notes. I'm just not a paranoid outspoken stoner so I can remember things that stand out to me. The reason I remember that is because you seemed semi-reasonable at times but then would delve into paranoia as the reason. Oddly, (just kidding, not oddly) that's precisely what you did above!

Ha, I don't think it's ever a good idea to ping @gabara. He's a total spamming faggot* rivaled only by @dieselbustersyes

I wouldn't say that gabara and I hang out, although if I make my way to Toronto anytime soon, we are definitely going to hang for a minute.

  • I don't mean for you to confuse "spamming faggot" with "FUD spreading paranoid faggot". Those sorts of jerkoffs have a loose grip on reality.

Womb_Raider ago

Ha, I don't think it's ever a good idea to ping @gabara. He's a total spamming faggot* rivaled only by @dieselbustersyes

They're the same person and you know it. Why try to deceive? Is this another "joke"?

I'm growing weary of you lying to me and others.

heygeorge ago


DieselBustersYes ago

@heygeorge Womb_Raider is telling the absolute truth.

gabara ago

@crensch is right, you really are that fruitcake MYG.

Womb_Raider ago

I really don't take kindly to that accusation. At all.

heygeorge ago

If it sounds like a shit looks like a shit smells like a shit...

Pissant ago

"Everyone that disagrees with me is the same person!"

You people are delusional.

heygeorge ago

Nah, OP is delusional. You are a fruitcake.

ardvarcus ago

I've kind of made my peace with getting doxxed or targeted by loonie-tune liberals. If it happens, it happens. I'm not going to go out of my way to encourage it, but I'm not going to stop writing what I believe to avoid it. My mind's at peace because I know I'm doing the right thing -- speaking and writing the truth about political and social issues. I see it as one of my functions in life to deliberately hold up to view those topics liberals want everyone to avoid talking about, because they conflict with the liberal fantasy narrative. I'm going to keep proclaiming the truth wherever and whenever I can. Right now Voat is my main stopping place on the Internet, but if Voat folds, I'll move elsewhere and continue to do the same thing, because it's right, and because it needs to be done.

Tazzermalt ago

there is some drama war going I've lurked on voat a while ...I'm not sure on it, Crensch was being weird but I think @Crensch could also be innocent also there is drama between Crensch and @TexasVet there is also drama between @RamblinRambo and other alt right identatarian users

NotHereForPizza ago

Meh, we got that sorted out. That doesn't mean Crensch isn't a fuck. But, we never should've echoed his info like that, even if the dumbass is okay with giving out his first and last name online.

Dudicles ago

@PuttItOut, users will never be free to “have their say” in anon subs until everyone but you is stripped of the ability to see who’s posting what in so-called anon subs.

Putt is part of SBBH, so nothing is going to change on this front.

tossyokeys ago

I don't give a fuck. I also don't fucking believe you.

I'll keep using anon subs, and no amount of speculative alarmist bullshit is going to keep me from calling those SBBH faggots out for what they are, in or out of anon subs.

NeedleStack ago

The beauty of voat is that a lot of users are skeptical as fuck so I don't mind if you don't believe me. You do what you want hon. My post is more for those who hide out in anon subs under a false sense of security.

tossyokeys ago

You're better at weaving yarn than words, guy. You went afk for 3 months and came back a totally different personality. I know a SBBH sleeper when I see one. You're one of three users that can attack SBBH and not get harassed. You and your friends can keep manipulating votes and spreading lies, but you're not going to convince me, and you're sure as hell not going to dissuade people from using anon subs.

NeedleStack ago

Ew, not true at all. I was gone for like.. a month tops? And it was in part to take a break from the kind of vote manipulation, brigading, and witch-hunting you refer to. But whatever, you believe what you want. I don't care.

kalgon ago

Do you allow custom css? Heard it's possible to hack it in order to get infos hinting at who's who

Also, people who are long hardcore users of message boards and who also happen to have a good instinct can identify you by your writing style, punctuation, grammar errors, spelling, and so on

My 2 cents

chags ago

It's possible to get your ip with custom css and an image host. Disable it by default.

NeedleStack ago

No, I don't allow custom CSS.

gabara ago

Here ya go, check out the CSS code for yourself:

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I see background images in there. The server where they're hosted knows the IP of all visitors who see them.

tossyokeys ago

Definitely this. CSS is there to dox people.

totes_magotes ago


I mean, not to be smart or anything but did you honestly think that users with access to the site code wouldn't abuse it in some way?

NeedleStack ago

Yes, of course. And you are right to word it like that. My point is to give the heads-up to users who may not be aware that such abuse can and does happen.

totes_magotes ago

Fair enough.

There's a certain user I know that is still around just hiding and lurking and was at the center of manufactured drama in the past that almost ripped voat apart. That user happens to have dev access (still, even). Just keep that in your mind as you go through your voat-day. It happens to be an account with a coincidental age.

Voopin__Voopin ago

talkin' bout shegate by any chance?

totes_magotes ago


Voopin__Voopin ago

Thankya. That was the biggest drama I could recall.

Womb_Raider ago

The guy you're responding to is the same man who spammed homosexual erotica and scat porn on voat chat, eventually causing the service to be terminated.

heygeorge ago

I thought you blamed chat spamming on @lordbeatlejuicethe1! I didn't realise that now it has shifted to @totes_magotes

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

they hate us cause they aint us

Womb_Raider ago

You'd be correct. My initial guess was beatle. However, SaneGoatsiSwear (the fake Sane) admitted in voat chat that his original account was totes_magotes. At the time, I checked the account, and it appeared to have been abandoned. After the fake sane account was finally banned, lo and behold, the account resumes activity.

I wish I'd archived it, but I assure you the man freely admitted to that being his old account. He alluded that he was using a different account at the time, but I never got closure. SBBH folks seemed proud of his actions at the time.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

All this time, I thought it was beetle.

totes_magotes ago

Did you just assume my gender? REEEEEEE!

Womb_Raider ago

Nope, just told george what you told me many months ago. I'm still bitter with you over it.

totes_magotes ago

That'll just make hair grow on your palms.

gabara ago

Paul Simon is a piece of shit.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Wow, really? Might I induce you to remind my daily, kind sir?

mindtrip ago

Wtf is wrong being from 2.7 years ago?

I've never understood that SBBH shit I just blocked the subverse for being cringe trash and went on my way. But then I still browse /v/all/ half the time so it still crops up here and there.

To be honest the fact we're all namefags on voat is its biggest flaw in a lot of ways. But it's held a unique balance so far despite the slow creep towards the same users posting shit constantly - suspiciously from 9-5 almost like it's a job. That makes me laugh in a way. Imagine being paid to shit post all day. Fuck that would eat away at your soul.

TheMatrix ago

Well stated. It does seem that SBBH was designed to create noise. It could almost be a snowwhite situAtIon.

mindtrip ago

Yeah I genuinely don't get it. I mean some of the people that post in there seem to be able to act reasonably elsewhere but that subverse subculture is beyond me.

Chiefpacman ago

4chan/tumblr millenial/autistic internet culture.

mindtrip ago

I dunno, I've strolled around the net before, SBBH place seems particularly odd. My perception is it's a feminine flavour attempt of comedy which may be why I don't really get it.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

SBBH is a branch of a scism of a sect of the reformed Church of the Sub-Genius.

/All Hail Bob

mindtrip ago


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

come on over and hangout on /v/soapboxbanhammer

mindtrip ago

Yeah nah, you fuckers are a special kind of crazy. That says a lot considering the site we post on too.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

well you were

mindtrip ago

Haha ya cheeky prick.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

have a great day komrades

totes_magotes ago

If you block a sub, it shouldn't show up in all. Maybe you have a bug to report?

mindtrip ago

I may be confused. I only have a couple things blocked, it looks like I have one of the spin off subs very similarly named to SBBH blocked, maybe I unblocked the original when I saw it mentioned again and wanted to see what the shit was about. I honestly thought the front page was your filtered list and /all was just that.

I mainly visit the subs I'm interested in and have a scroll through all if I'm super bored so I don't really notice. But my bad on that one.

totes_magotes ago

There is soapdoxbanhammer and soapboxbanhammer. lol

mindtrip ago

Yeah that's the other one. Is there a difference?

totes_magotes ago

Not as much as is worth describing.

mindtrip ago

I've unblocked it so it'll come up. I still don't get it though. Think I tried to block all the shit about amalek back in the day.

I'm really glad now that all doesn't show the blocked subs. Fuck those disgusting sick cunts who run the absolutely degenerate loli sub.

totes_magotes ago

Indeed. Here's a tip: if you subscribe to a sub and don't want to see it again in /v/all, sub and block it. It will show up in your front page but not all. Not sure about "default" (front page)

mindtrip ago

Interesting. Thanks for the tip.

Pissant ago

They're going to try painting you as a conspiracy tard here pretty quick. I'm glad you shared your experience though, I don't believe they are what they appear at first glance to be.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

They're going to try painting you as a conspiracy tard here pretty quick.

That's weird because everyone seems to be taking these unsupported claims as if they're objective facts.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

sbbh held me down and raped my dick

tomyhawk ago

Is the little fella OK?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

he smell like poop now

tomyhawk ago

How do they keep getting away with that ?

gabara ago

Getting away with what? Free speech. Free speech is scary. If you're here I'm sure you're already brave.

tomyhawk ago

Dick raping, and not wiping off the poopy smell, it was so bad their sentences are almost incoherent.

gabara ago

That's @lordbeatlejuicethe1, the final boss of Voat. If you're cool, he'll mirror your coolness and be cool to you. If you're a dick, he will morph into a gigantic dick and fuck you with it. If you're a cunt... well you get the point. Be cool and no one get's hurt it's not safe to talk right now

tomyhawk ago

I've been here long enough to have an idea of who's who, Paul Simon rocks by da way ;)

gabara ago

Oh yes, my wife is a big fan. He's great.

tomyhawk ago

U lying

lord_nougat ago

No, it's totally true. Here he is, taking her for a walk!

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

ima anal gape em

gabara ago

How neighbourly!

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i dew wut i kan

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

they did @9-11

lord_nougat ago

He liked it, though.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

he is (((gay)))

160065002 ago

I think this is being established for when the time comes to check your "social credit". They see this nigger shit here and deny you based on your history of hate.

Le_Squish ago

I recall a rumor long ago that using a third party program to tag users will cause that tag to still be displayed in anon post.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

here's a fun one. @peaceseeker will shill so hard for @puttitout on this one:

@puttitout and the shills tied an auto-downvoat bot to voat's API so they didn't have to keep manually downvoating users like me, grifter, sos, etc.

it's so powerful, it downvoats posts before they show up for view to the userbase. i regularly watched v/all/new and when i posted a post, it would take up to 4 minutes to post. when it finally showed up, it already had downvoats before becoming visible.


ooh @fusir they can see the IP tied to every single account, post, and comment. you are a fool if you think that can't, or hasn't been coded into voat.

fusir ago

The question is if it can be seen in the front end. I already understand that the backend can see everything that a backend would see. Duh.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you're missing the context. the paid criminal shills took over this site about a year ago, and now own and operate it. they are the ones who can see the backend.

fusir ago

There are two conversations going on at the same time. Yes. That is what Needlestack is talking about.

But I was talking about what le_squish was talking about as a counter proposal. That if you have AVE or VES or VUD that the tag will continue when you go into an anon board.

I'm saying that le_squish's idea doesn't work and so needlestack would have to be right.

So you created another voat I hear? I might want to use it. I'm looking for alternatives. I want something with less circle jerk but with tree threads.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

"less circle jerk with tree threads" it's coming up! a few more months and we'll be in a position to debut! i'll let you know when it's ready :)

fusir ago

Have you seen

BaneGhostiSwear ago

it's trash made by shills. why, has it changed?

heygeorge ago

As you have strong enough coding skills to have created a new Voat, why not reveal this via proof in the existing code?

fusir ago

That dosen't make sense because I've coded one of those systems and the whole point of anon is there is no identifiable information in the html. If a tool like that could do it you could just figure out who they are by pressing f12.

gabara ago

Then how does Voat know to notify you if someone replies to your anon post?

fusir ago

There is a difference between front end and back end.

TheBuddha ago

Those SBBH people are terrible! They should all be banned!

Annelise ago

Pitchforks and torches!

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, those SBBH people are terrible! It's all @ExpertShitposter's fault. (Or gabara, but I already blamed him.)

Annelise ago

Blaming @gabara twice is similar to solving a quadratic having a positive discriminant. Two "blames" are perfectly fine and proper. (Shhhhhhh....)

TheBuddha ago

How else are we supposed to find out if the polynomial can be factored?!?

Yeah, it's probably @gabara's fault.

ExpertShitposter ago

Ay din du nuffin.

TheBuddha ago

Ain't nobody gonna believe that.

lord_nougat ago

Aw, but just look at that innocent little face!

TheBuddha ago

It fools nobody. Nobody!

lord_nougat ago

Nobody is so damned gullible!

TheBuddha ago

My point precisely!

AndrewBlazeIt ago


12392031? ago

Any sub that circle jerks is gonna be shit.. the soapdox or soapbox whatever faggot subs they're called as well as FPH.

totes_magotes ago

SBBH is the right place for that.

NeedleStack ago

Ha ha.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

dear needle, it's sanegoatiswear. don't believe me? PM me on my main, and i'll respond.


sbbh, better known as r/ shitredditsays better known as the paid criminal militant SJW shills that took over and ruined reddit also took over and ruined VOAT

i fucking warned you, and you were too closed-minded and/or entrenched in the site (for all the work you put into it and the community) and could not bring yourself to "get into the SBBH drama."

well it wasn't drama, it was a hostile criminal takeover of our site, the censoring of our site, the harassing defaming and running off of the majority of good users on the site, takeover of subs, banning of hundreds of upvoaters, the allowance for the shills to endlessly downvoat brigade and put into censorship restrictions any user they wanted

lol at one point the paid organized shills under @kevdude and @puttitout made a CHAT BOT using my comments so they could "practice shilling against me"

i'm glad you finally woke the fuck up.

oh and @thebuddha paid shills represent non-living entities, and thus do not enjoy free speech rights. paid shills like @puttitout @kevdude @crensch ought absolutely be perma-banned, and have all criminal activities forwarded to the FBI.

which is why there's no hope for voat.

which is why i'm building a replacement voat - - and it's almost done :) :) :)

digitalentity1497 ago

I can't wait until that's ready and you GTFO.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

i can't wait until you livestream your suicide after being arrested for sedition.

digitalentity1497 ago

Awwww butt hurt? Must all those nugger dicks.

NotHereForPizza ago



Womb_Raider ago

Already saw it, thanks for bringing it to my attention though.

Sane says free speech should be maintained at all costs, but then he also says stuff like this:

paid shills like @puttitout @kevdude @crensch ought absolutely be perma-banned, and have all criminal activities forwarded to the FBI.

It's very hard to take a man like this seriously. I have told him this, yet he does not listen. Makes me wonder if he's part of the group he pretends to oppose. I dunno.

LogToll ago

Why do you think it's a man?

Womb_Raider ago

Mannerisms, mostly. Hard to accurately convey. It's rampant speculation anyhow.

Gravspeed ago

I'm with you. We definitely have plants around here. Some of them are genuinely crazy, some of them are just fucking with us.

NotHereForPizza ago

You have to learn how to use your friends, before you learn to use your enemies.

Before that, you have to know who your friends are, and who your enemies aren't.

But, I actually saw your comment first, I just didn't want to confuse sanegoat

Womb_Raider ago

OH. I see what you were replying to now.

Womb_Raider ago

which is why i'm building a replacement voat - - and it's almost done :) :) :)

Can we have some evidence of its progress?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

inb4 crudely drawn mspaint screenshot of sanevoat2.0.

I have about as much faith in local nutjob SaneGoat as I do the average Kickstarter.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't blame you, that's why I asked for evidence.

TheBuddha ago


I can assure you, it wasn't me. Not that you probably thought it was me, but I figure I should state it aloud. I only accepted the mod invite to SBBH 'cause I kept getting accused of being one and I enjoy antagonizing @freshmeat. Seriously, you might want to try it. Go poke 'em with a stick, it's funnier than hell.

I figure I've been accused of just about everything, so I might as well revel in it. I'm a shill for Big Math and the Classical Guitar Cabal. We've infiltrated everywhere!

Kal ago

Giggles? Come on, you're a grown man.

TheBuddha ago


freshmeat ago

You don't do shit to me. I've been around loud children before and I can handle your autism just fine.

TheBuddha ago

Free rent!

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I enjoy antagonizing @freshmeat


TheBuddha ago

We have always been!

GhostCow ago

Only faggots giggle

TheBuddha ago

That's niggerfaggot, thanks.

heygeorge ago

Dr. Niggerfaggot

TheBuddha ago

Damned right! I earned the honorary and fucked if I'm not gonna use it for this.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

I've yet to see the formal proof for 2+2=4

TheBuddha ago

You'll need to understand set theory. Bertrand Russell took like 163 pages to prove that 1 + 1 = 2. I don't recommend reading it.

totes_magotes ago

Someone had too much time.

TheBuddha ago

Meh... Mathematicians have a high standard for proof. In this case, it's largely just set theory and understanding what a set of natural numbers is. In the end, Ol' Bert largely concluded it was logicism all the way down. I think he was a bit of a fatalist. His other philosophical works kind of support this.

RabbiMohel ago

The crazy person on AnonTalk usually bitches about @kevdude and @Crensch and up to a few days ago they were 2.7 day old accounts. They probably thought you were them. They're obsessed.

Crensch ago

2.7 day old

Missed a word, bud.

RabbiMohel ago


NeedleStack ago

The archived comment spells out "years". Not days.

RabbiMohel ago

And @Kevdude and @Crensch were listed as 2.7 year old accounts until very a few days ago. Don't you see all the posts about "crenschdude"? They're 7 kinds of crazy.

NeedleStack ago

I have seen those 'crenschdude' posts and they're pretty funny to be honest.

It's even funnier to me that in the last two comments you've not addressed anything I've written but instead have come to the defense of Kevdude and Crensch (users I didn't even mention).

But you're from SBBH and you guys have apparently teamed up with K & C for brigades/to attack users across voat (when in the early days PV and SBBH used to be at odds) so I shouldn't be surprised you see my warning about certain SBBH members as some kind of warning about K & C when it clearly is not.

Crensch ago

Rabbi pretty obviously meant 2.7 year old accounts. Both kevdude and my accounts were 2.7 year old accounts until recently - so calling you out for being one is kinda not that threatening.

I get pinged to anon comments all the time accusing the previous commenter of being me.

But you're from SBBH and you guys have apparently teamed up with K & C for brigades/to attack users across voat (when in the early days PV and SBBH used to be at odds) so I shouldn't be surprised you see my warning about certain SBBH members as some kind of warning about K & C when it clearly is not.

The guys that generally attack me and @kevdude also attack SBBH and consider us part of them, despite my never having submitted anything to SBBH, ever.

None of this is a huge leap, and @RabbiMohel tends to be around a decent amount when that kind of drama pops up.

PuttsDad ago

The guys that generally attack me and @kevdude also attack SBBH and consider us part of them, despite my never having submitted anything to SBBH, ever.

That's how fucking retarded they are :)

You asked the other day... Yes, It's mick and nah, it's not a secret

Crenschdude ago

Crenschdude is innocent!

gabara ago


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@Needlestack aka sgis is responsible for knittinggate

gabara ago

In 1990 @Needlestack ... ah, was probably still in school. She's just so nice, I got nuffin.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@needlestack is hard to troll cause they so.nice

gabara ago

I know, sometimes @needlestack skips church so she can go read to the deaf at the orphanarium.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

sometimes @needlestack goes to orphanage and colors portraits for blind nigger babies

gabara ago

But dey canst read

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

dey dindu nuffins

gabara ago

Paul Simon is a piece of shit.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

time to start mass benning of dissenters

gabara ago

Death to Saracens!

12395840? ago

DEUS VULT you heathen... :p

shilling for v/crusades anyday of the week... :D

gabara ago

For da ovalord!

NeedleStack ago


Chiefpacman ago

God dammit, sbbh has been on fire lately.

I don’t know what to do- to combat them- without resorting to their tactics.

The texasvet thing in particular was pretty underhanded. You’re not alone though, there are plenty of us who have had a run-in with them. They’re shill tactics are starting to be recognized by the community, on the bright side

Which user was it that has access to user names on the anon sub?


Voat is controlled opposition and users who present sourced facts are silenced through peer censorship.

NotHereForPizza ago

It's more like a containment zone.


Well that is not working out very well because here on voat I learned more about what is going on out there in the world, what supposed truths need to be questioned and why freedom of speech and expression is so important than I ever learned anywhere else.

And so, they can censor and delete free-thinking people off other websites for speaking their mind, and these banished folks come to voat -- but the truth cannot be contained.

NotHereForPizza ago

If this is all you've been exposed to, you have but a fraction.

Places outside of containment don't function like this place does.

If you only knew how bad things really are.

ExpertShitposter ago

Cant tell if presenting cat facts of canceling them...


Schrödinger's cat facts.

ExpertShitposter ago

Joseph Goebbels cat adventure diary.

tendiesonfloor ago

You should only be allowed to post stuff that has been approved by CNN/Facebook/WaPo/Snopes, otherwise the normies that don't come here won't trust us! Oy Vey!

Kill yourself.

NeedleStack ago

Ha ha, I don't think voat is controlled opposition. Unless my definition is not the same as yours? I'd love to hear what you mean if that's ok.

MadWorld ago

He is not wrong though. There is a small group of users, with lots of alt accounts, who are here to manipulate votes and control narratives. A good place to start is /v/realProtectVoat's sidebar and its members. But let's just move forward with the contents and not be dragged into their endless loops.

gabara ago

Oh Freshmeat!

MadWorld ago

Let's not talk about that psycho.

lord_nougat ago

That's an insult to psychos.

MadWorld ago


gabara ago

Then why do you listen to him? That's the one that says all that shit about us. Because @Expertshitposter tricked @freshmeat by "confessing" a whole bunch of stuff that he made up. "Criminal Shill" was just a nod to the game ES4:Oblivion. Freshmeat is NOT smart. Or sane. It's all just a joke. But it lead to rPV. Which is the Koolaid you're drinking.


Anon subverses should be anon all the way.

BB-3 ago

@PuttitOut this is serious. If anon subs aren't anonymous for everybody, they're not anonymous.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

@puttitout is a group of about a dozen paid criminal SJW shills. they don't give a nigger about voat. see: no subverse transfer requests for over a year, lying to the userbase, banning hundreds of users for simply upvoating (but allowing 20,000 point downvoat brigades of anyone speaking up against the takeover and censorship of voat). and more!

WhiteSurvivalist ago

The idea that you can't post there without being logged in should be the first dead give away.

speedisavirus ago

It would be good to require a login to reduce spam. There is however no good reason they are documenting the user for the post. Other than either maliciousness or pure laziness.

BB-3 ago

I didn't expect to be completely anonymous from the website's owners. With all of the anti-spam and DDOS protections, logging in to post anonymously is understandable, even if it's not a perfect solution. The owners giving that same access to their friends and cohorts without being open about it, is what's concerning. If there was a list of users with these admin privileges, we could at least hold the group accountable. As it stands it looks like putt himself is making these comments, because we don't know who else could. At the very least he is responsible for the violations of anonymity because he allowed it to happen.

Womb_Raider ago

Now do you fuckers see why I find it alarming that Putt appears to be friendly with SBBH? He lets them run rampant.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Boo hoo hoo SBBH did this

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Yes, I posted pictures of my butthole on an anon sub and it's concerning that putt knows it's me

flyawayhigh ago

That was my butthole. Stop trying to take credit for such amazing beauty.

recon_johnny ago

Was going to ask if you had an idea who was making the comments. You think it was Putt? What was so egregious for your comments that folks had to call you out?

BB-3 ago

I actually suspect another user, but not strongly enough to name. My point was more that Putt is the only one who we can be sure has that access, and anyone else with that access must necessarily have received it from him.

What was so egregious for your comments that folks had to call you out?

I don't know which "you" that you're referring to here, other than to say it's probably not me.

recon_johnny ago

Someone listed your account. Why? What did you say so that this other person listed your account.

BB-3 ago

I have no idea what list you're talking about.

thantik ago

If you were able to post there without being logged in, there would be no way to protect voat against massive spam attacks, etc. There still should be one, and only one username to a person.

sguevar ago

I agree with one username.

WhiteSurvivalist ago

Sounds self defeating then, either it's anonymous and requires no login but moderation, or it's not and is merely a deliberate facade as OP notes.

thantik ago

Your argument is a false dichotomy fallacy. It's not either/or. You can have anonymization and login required.

Wahaha ago

While that is certainly true, the step of requiring a login does nothing to improve the anonymization. It could, however, be used to defeat the anonymization. Users wouldn't know. And it doesn't strike me as a smart thing to do to trust things you do not know. So the part where login is required should tip users off, that things ain't necessarily as anonym as they think.

thantik ago

You're welcome to go digging. Voat doesn't hide things from users... I highly doubt you'll find anything incriminating in there...

Wahaha ago

That's cool, but there's no guarantee that the github code is what is actually run here.

WhiteSurvivalist ago

You can have anonymization and login required.

If you say so.

thantik ago

I say so. How do you think your password for voat is stored, eh? You think hunter2 is just sitting in a database somewhere in clear text?

No. It's single-way hashed, and when you enter your password for verification, it's single-way hashed again. The hashes are checked against one another against that encryption algorithm.

If your diminutive understanding of technology were the truth, then it would be the same as the web admin just having open-access to your password. That's not how technology works, and it's easily possible to both require a log in, and submit information to a database without it being tied to a specific user -- even possible for the programmer of the website to make it so HE cannot even know who it is, if it is done correctly.

BlueDrache ago

Did you provide aloe for that burn?

SexMachine ago

Right? I never considered them anon if they're linked to your account.

patriot_biz ago

Yeah, OP is dumb to get caught up in this. 93% of anon posts are shitposts. I'd be happier if the feature just went away.
Voat is cool. It has it's ups and downs but it's not an imageboard.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

anon subs are where i play

patriot_biz ago

Sorry, Beatle. Didn't know. Can you PM me a link to one of your anon posts? I'd like to see an example of an anon post that's not a shitpost.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

no they are all shitposts

look for submissions in all lower case letters

NoBS ago

I find it pathetic to see such honesty for being a deceptive shit poster.

It's like we are being groomed to be no better than the typical shit poster just to lower the collective intelligence.

I guess humans are dependent on the rabid herd mentality that is required for control. The Deep State really appreciates your fucking help.

ARsandOutdoors ago


BipedalPredator ago

If you wanted to post something anonymously, why not just make an alt for that purpose?

lord_nougat ago

Making alts is lame and gay. Kind of like your face.

NeedleStack ago

I have thought of that but I don't use alts. Too much trouble to log in and out and keep track of who's saying what and for what? To shitpost? That's not for me. I think the bigger issue is that we should have the 'freedom' to express ourselves with our regular accounts.

100LinksToGunter ago

It's funny because we're already anonymous due to an alias but people still judge by your history rather than whatever point you're currently making.

Pain in the ass tbh.

Ina_Pickle ago

How anonymous are we really? When I go in SDBH my town and IP address scrolls across screen.

12390058? ago

Who here has dev prevs? Another possibility is that you revealed yourself through tone and topic. Of course cation should be used here, anon or not never say anything you wouldn't say in public.

Crensch ago

Anyone that uses a comma properly or, heaven forbid, a semicolon, is accused of being me in anon.

12395192? ago

All I know is we can't trust anyone with an account that's 2.8 years old

heygeorge ago

@PuttsDad could probably get access if he really wanted to just by grounding Putts for a day or however long it would take to suss the password to dev tools.

PuttsDad ago

I only have access to anon usernames because I have a duty to monitor my son's internet use. THAT'S WHAT A GOOD PARENT DOES!

heygeorge ago

Good man. And I'm proud you make him keep the server in the living room, so he can't be up wanking to god knows what in the bedroom.

PuttsDad ago

Great son, terrible sex addict.

gabara ago

You're not my real dad!

PuttsDad ago

Yeah, I've been a bit of a shit stepdad to you. Sorry about the beatings.

If you see her before I do, remind your mum that it's teabagging nite tonight :)

gabara ago

Mom loves that! Can you get me another grenade. Yep, another bully.

100LinksToGunter ago

You say that but I joke about gassing jews in public but wouldn't say it online under my own name purely because I'm printing evidence to be used against me. I mean at least with out in the public you can just say "prove it" and until they show that they record your voice constantly they can't.

tendiesonfloor ago

It's almost like the rabbi that runs this site is working for the CIA.

coopzy ago

Older users can no longer delete accounts and the rabbi hasn't even fucking acknowledged our complaints.

Multiple users, myself included, have made big reports to this effect and no word whatsoever from @Puttitout.

Nuke me pls.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Ever since the warrant canary died it's been a given that everything on Voat is being used against us.

For privacy as a whole on the internet, that hasn't existed since the 90's anyway.

NeedleStack ago

Has the canary expired for sure? Or have we just not been updated on it lately? Yeah, it's a given that anything we write on voat can be used against us by 3-letter agencies but this post is more to the kinds of retribution one class of voaters can have against another class of voaters (those with special powers and those without).

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Most people don't understand how a warrant canary works and are fooled into some ridiculous delusion that the powers that take over a site wouldn't just keep updating it once they hijacked it. All that matters is the first time it does not properly meet it's own criteria and it's dead from there - so it's dead.

Every time I point out the reality of the situation retards, shills, and probably the hijackers themselves come out of the woodwork with autistic REEEEING about how the canary is still alive, but I've long since stopped bothering to refute them and simply ignore them when they do.

Do your own research and you'll come to the same conclusion I have, I suspect.

12389984? ago

Everything we type is in the public domain, this is a public forum. As long as we censor accordingly there shouldn't be a problem. That's why I do my drug deals with an alt