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RabbiMohel ago

The crazy person on AnonTalk usually bitches about @kevdude and @Crensch and up to a few days ago they were 2.7 day old accounts. They probably thought you were them. They're obsessed.

Crensch ago

2.7 day old

Missed a word, bud.

RabbiMohel ago


NeedleStack ago

The archived comment spells out "years". Not days.

RabbiMohel ago

And @Kevdude and @Crensch were listed as 2.7 year old accounts until very a few days ago. Don't you see all the posts about "crenschdude"? They're 7 kinds of crazy.

NeedleStack ago

I have seen those 'crenschdude' posts and they're pretty funny to be honest.

It's even funnier to me that in the last two comments you've not addressed anything I've written but instead have come to the defense of Kevdude and Crensch (users I didn't even mention).

But you're from SBBH and you guys have apparently teamed up with K & C for brigades/to attack users across voat (when in the early days PV and SBBH used to be at odds) so I shouldn't be surprised you see my warning about certain SBBH members as some kind of warning about K & C when it clearly is not.

Crensch ago

Rabbi pretty obviously meant 2.7 year old accounts. Both kevdude and my accounts were 2.7 year old accounts until recently - so calling you out for being one is kinda not that threatening.

I get pinged to anon comments all the time accusing the previous commenter of being me.

But you're from SBBH and you guys have apparently teamed up with K & C for brigades/to attack users across voat (when in the early days PV and SBBH used to be at odds) so I shouldn't be surprised you see my warning about certain SBBH members as some kind of warning about K & C when it clearly is not.

The guys that generally attack me and @kevdude also attack SBBH and consider us part of them, despite my never having submitted anything to SBBH, ever.

None of this is a huge leap, and @RabbiMohel tends to be around a decent amount when that kind of drama pops up.

PuttsDad ago

The guys that generally attack me and @kevdude also attack SBBH and consider us part of them, despite my never having submitted anything to SBBH, ever.

That's how fucking retarded they are :)

You asked the other day... Yes, It's mick and nah, it's not a secret

Crenschdude ago

Crenschdude is innocent!

gabara ago


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@Needlestack aka sgis is responsible for knittinggate

gabara ago

In 1990 @Needlestack ... ah, was probably still in school. She's just so nice, I got nuffin.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@needlestack is hard to troll cause they so.nice

gabara ago

I know, sometimes @needlestack skips church so she can go read to the deaf at the orphanarium.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

sometimes @needlestack goes to orphanage and colors portraits for blind nigger babies

gabara ago

But dey canst read

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

dey dindu nuffins

gabara ago

Paul Simon is a piece of shit.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

time to start mass benning of dissenters

gabara ago

Death to Saracens!

12395840? ago

DEUS VULT you heathen... :p

shilling for v/crusades anyday of the week... :D

gabara ago

For da ovalord!

NeedleStack ago
