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12567718? ago

Putt will answer our questions soon. Atko lurks Voat, and given that he was likely not on vacation at the same time Putt (seems to have been), he noticed Voat was down while lurking and so emerged from the shadows to first reassure people, and then ultimately address the issue with whatever admin access he still has. Might have been as simple as a server restart, who knows?

So hold off on the poems for now.

totes_magotes ago

There is absolutely no denying that things that Putt does do but it's time for him to appoint/assign a backup admin and dev. If he goes on vacation, gets hit by a buy, gets arkancided, or continues to do less for the less than he has been doing, the backup can step in. We can't count on Atko again. There's absolutely no excuse, volunteer position or not, for that kind of consolidation because it leads to spectacular failures like the outage we just experienced. Supposing he'd been run over by a car? We'd be fucked and Atko would have had to step in to appoint someone new. And no matter how you spin it, there is absolutely no excuse for what happened. None. It can only be explained as a lack of leadership.

Putt should stay as a dev, it's where he excels. His admin decisions and follow-through haven't even been in the same galaxy as "stellar."

Chiefpacman ago

I second the request for a second admin. It’s just prudent thinking.

Give him junior status. Obviously we need putt to agree, and Putt will be put in the senior position. A sort of Ceasar to his Augustus.

Or maybe two. Probably jumping the gun but I nominate @TheodoreKent and @Middle_path (might be spelling his name wrong).

I’m assuming they both won’t want the job, but all the more reason they should get it. Maybe I’m wrong but they both seem like well liked users who don’t piss many people off..

@puttitout please consider..

Vic_V ago

i nominate goldfish and veto both of these

Womb_Raider ago

I think this is a hasty option that requires deeper thought.

Chiefpacman ago

What do you think about Theodore? And middle

I got all positive responses on theo, mixed on middle

Schreiber ago

Wow fuck that's some terrible nomination.

Middle_path is a fucking libtard faggot sympathizers. He's the kind of virtue signaling SJW piece of shit that should fucking go back to reddit.

Chiefpacman ago


Here’s a third.

Chiefpacman ago

Well you’re the third person to say something like this.

It’s only my suggestion. I don’t really have any more to say about it, I’ve been arguing about this whole morning. You’re free to give your suggestions.

But, I guess the feedback is appreciated. I am trying to figure out if he is actually disliked by a large part of the community, or if it’s just a few rabble-rousers

Schreiber ago

He's clearly a progressive. That's the biggest problem.

Chiefpacman ago


What do you think. There are a few people putt seems to listen to more, I think you’re on that list.

We would need him to think about it/ ultimately choose new people(s). The choice should come from above, democracy doesn’t work on voat.

Not saying he would step down/ he could retain the ability to get rid of them.

i_scream_trucks ago

You know you all want me to do it.

I hate every single one of you with the same amount of rage so you know there aint gonna be any favouritism.

Skyrock ago

Any 2nd admin should be picked for his technical savvy and ability, not for being popular.

Chiefpacman ago

Those traits should be secondary. I’m sure Ellen Pao had a grande resume, doesnt mean she wasn’t a kike.

It’s not just popularity, it’s character and; what I thought, were two unpolarizing figures.

Your suggestions?

Skyrock ago

It should be someone who is knowledgeable on IT and has experience in running a site. I think @go1dfish would be a good pick as far as skills go, and also an upstanding goat who has proven his integrity and commitment to free speech times and times again.