Disappointed ago

I was about to hand PV off for the sub to change direction.

I won't be staying here for the same old shit we've done for the last 3 years. Life is too short to be doing what you're doing. I said I will take the time out for you to enact the change to ProtectVoat. I'm not going to prop up ProtectVoat to be balanced and fair while you use it for a biased election crusade. If you want to keep to the old path and be unhappy let me know. If this other thing falls apart then I can hold elections as an alternative. Let me know if you're serious about this before the weekend is over.

Also @PeaceSeeker is right on this. It's too early for anything to matter.

boekanier ago

After Putt, Atco disappeared... or what's going on here?

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

Lol. You autists. There is no Putt or atko. This site is owned by AOL. Those outages are just for show.

Chiefpacman ago

Aye, I have my battle scars!

NotHereForPizza ago


I don't care about you, don't care about voat or its history. I don't even care about any of the guys I've grown to like all that much.

Think of me as a representative - I gatherer intel for another party and warn innocent people here of the tactics being used to divide them and pit them against each other.

Myself and the people I'm "affiliated" with have seen this same pattern unfold many times - in the beginning it's fruitful and there's not too much commotion. Most people are helpful, friendly and well articulated. The users populating such a place are insightful, intuitive and vigorously cooperative. Then, somehow, it appears to all of a sudden change. Out of nowhere, it's dramatic and divisive users who corrupt everyone else and pit them against each other run rampant, helping to separate people in to different categories and convince them they hate each other. Next thing you know it, the place gets flooded with crazier and crazier theories. It starts off with people focusing way too hard on semetic influence, the users all adopt similar quirks that all have something to do with nazis, they regularly post swastikas and thunderbolts, talk about the fourteen words, and regularly mention violence towards jews and niggers and others.

Next, other weird theories pop up - you've got flat earth/hollow earth, Illuminati stuff (which is seeming more and more of an actual issue these days), aliens, people never having died, and then even other crazy things like that. Well, it usually ends with child porn being posted and the site being shut down or taking on new owners... sort of like the atko and putt situation...

Weirdly, this same pattern seems to pop up again and again in places that get actual work done, that really unite people despite their differences, and seemingly makes actual and effective progress with certain things.

You know, it's just convenient that we're starting to see the same thing unfold on a place like this.

Let me reiterate: I don't care about you, I don't care about most, if not all of the users here, and I don't care about goats or the history of this place. What I do care about is integrity and order. Not to worry though. Don't think there aren't contingencies in places.

On the contrary, kev, maybe it's you that shouldn't speak too soon.

NotHereForPizza ago

I don't need to blackmail you. I just need to show people how divisive and conspiratorial you act.

Like your post?

Huh? When was the last time I didn't answer to rule-breaking posts in a sub I mod?

NotHereForPizza ago


What am I, a jew?

No. Maybe a time when you suck Crensch's dick some more, post some stupid shit that makes it to the front page about some bullshit that will only divide people, or don't answer to moronic rule-breaking bullshit on the front page of a subverse you mod.

I'm done entertaining you, kev.

NotHereForPizza ago


NotHereForPizza ago

There are some mistakes you can only make once.

NotHereForPizza ago

The point I'm making is that I don't care about the internet point, I don't care about the drama, and I don't give a single fuck about what your name is or what you've said before on this site.

This site's biggest traffic pull is v/pizzagate, and the faggots like you who spout off juvenile shit when you disagree with someone, change the rules on people while breaking them yourselves, promoting dramatic bullshit at the top of the compiled list, and censor people that hurt your fee fees need to fall in line.

You dumb fucking faggots think you can pull this shit off without being called out, and you're wrong as hell.

Have your "troops" downvote brigade me like you did with sanegoat for all I fucking care, all that'll do is trigger the DMS.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, by the way, kev, I'll never downvote you - just like I never downvote your best bud, @Crensch.

Why don't I downvote you? Because I know it annoys the hell out of you that I don't pout when someone's mean to me on the internet, like you clearly do.

NotHereForPizza ago

Maybe you're right, dumbass.

I don't know the guy. He has yet to be a moderator of a prolific investigative site, only to stand out enough for me to notice and warn other people about him.

With that being said, however, I don't care about him. I have no reason to get in to the drama. What I will fucking do though kev, and this I promise you, is that I'll screencap that shit and each time you step out of line like a fucking retard, I'll point people to that one time you threatened to "start a war" over something as simple as one of your buddies not being put in administrative positions.

I know you don't see the checkmate here, and you're just going to stay engulfed in the dramatic bullshit going on between internet personalities (of all things), and entirely overlook the folly you've made.

Now we're certain you and your friends are colluding, shill or not.

Pissant ago

Being civil now means you're an SJW?

NotHereForPizza ago

See, this is why people that say you're a shill are just plain ignorant of what's going on.

You're not a shill, are you, kev? Nah, you're just a fucking idiot.

NotHereForPizza ago

Do I really need to say it, kev?

For fuck's sake dude. You can't make comments like that.

How badly do you want me to screencap this?

Pissant ago

I mean, a spade's a spade. We are toxic. We could probably benefit from being more civil to one another. That's his opinion and hell, I agree with it more or less. People are free to be as toxic as they want here, that doesn't mean we can't ask them to also be civil to one another. If they refuse, so be it. It is what it is. I don't see a problem with asking that or feeling that way. Voat would be a better place if there was a bit more civility.

I feel the same way and I know in my heart that I wouldn't ever try and enforce it. That would go against what Voat is. I think Middle Path also recognizes that -- but he's still able to, as an individual, express his concerns and explain his vision of what a better Voat might look like. That's one of the things that makes Voat great...

Your kneejerk reaction speaks volumes though.

Pissant ago

Honestly man, why is simply asking people to be civil a bad thing. Does he not have the freedom of speech to express that belief of his? Is it really that bad of a concept in the first place? I can disagree with you while being civil. I mean right now I'm sort of worked up about all this, so I'm not being civil, but many times when we disagree I would like to think I'm still being civil about it. Middle never said he would attempt to enforce people being civil.

Pissant ago

Watching you squirm is great.

Pissant ago

Your reading comprehension is abysmal.

Just because someone has interest in something does not mean they are seeking it out.

You're doing this on purpose Kev. It's very transparent.

BigOleTigwelders ago

Roses are Red, Violets are purple retard

I think yall all suck dick.

Give my regards. -wtfeva

Womb_Raider ago

You've done the same as long as I've known you.

Womb_Raider ago

I personally think he spoke a painful truth.

Skyrock ago

And you have been appointed as the final arbiter of who can and cannot use Voat when exactly?

middle_path ago

Nope, I just like the game.

HorseIsDead ago

putt did 9/11

middle_path ago

Ok, great. Let the games begin!

middle_path ago

We've played this game before, but I can be blatant about it.

I do not hate Christian Conservatives.

MadWorld ago

So much fighting here... Whoever takes the position as Putt's backup man must be fucking "insane"... And that person will constantly be shitted from many sides...

hojuruku ago

The person who opposes sex with children needs to be kicked off the server now!!! GET HIM BECAUSE HE'S GOING AFTER BIG AUSTRALIAN GAY PEDOPHILES! GET HIM NOW! FOR THE SAKE OF THE GAYS! FUCK THE KIDS.. Is that what you are saying @MadWorld?

Am I doing a bad thing here opposing srayzie's and kiwifarms false allegations? So because I secure evidence to jail pedophiles when the police don't so the pedophiles don't get a free pass that makes me a pedophile? I'm not aroused by children like Garry. I don't go on M2M craigs lists personals looking for child prostitutes. I don't work with kiwifarms / strayzie trolling anti-pedophilia activists all day....

You ban me and my research for the sake of gay child fucking pride. We know what you are thinky pedo.

Here's my reply to the filthy stayzie gay pedophile loving whore:


[–] srayzie 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 hours ago So the Whitney little bit has is still at it. http://i.imgs.fyi/img/35l2.gifGIF

I’ve never gone to a child porn site in my life you sick fuck. You’re the one that admits to holding child porn on your PC for “research purposes.” You have been saying so many lies about me and accusing others of being me. You need to take your meds. Call The Alex Jones show again faggot.

I blocked you so I won’t get your pings so ping away nigga. I’ll check in when I feel like it.

I will be able to prove she was warned kiwifarms has a long MSM reported history of stalking, child porn, and pedophilia activism (she saw the comment she deleted on /v/pizzagayte) and went there anyway to dig up lies from kiwifarms that's clearly pro-pedophlia that attack me for exposing the Jeju English Village child abuse camp who's manager is now in jail (see elsewhere on this thread for thread for the intel on that or see: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11510348

You are still the pedophile posting memes against people who do serious research. /v/pizzagatemods/2506292/12531256

So because Garry Burns sends me an email young.asian.jpg of a child's anus and I report it to the police I'm a pedophile? I don't follow your #pedologic


If you oppose Garry sending his penis picture (see here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html#q11511195) to that child or him giving all of his money from when he sues Christians to twenty10.org.au than run a dormitory for 10 year old boys ran by gays next to the "Wall" where Gay Judge Justice Kirby bought his boy arse - wait for it - you are a pedophile. Srayzie says you are a pedophile for trying to stop gay men sending their penis picture to children. How dare you be offended and oppose the natural boylove says srayzie the pedophile.


Because I research his media contact publishing Child porn Lisa/David Oldfield - OTO media personality - wait for it? I'm a pedophile?

/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 (image link changed to .cc domain) - https://s12.postimg.cc/nkgrhgwvx/stopkiddyporn2.png - I get the CP removed from youtube and report it to the police. They do nothing because they are celebrities and celebrities who work with gay pedophile like Garry Burns need to publish baby cock wobbling videos on their youtube and a whole facebook full of CP.

Because I research Garry Burns webmaster uploading young thai asian child porn videos to xvides com (found by googling his nickname), hack him, get his password and confirm he uploaded it there after it was deleted and the evidence was secure. Expose him running gay prostitution call out service and a gay brothel with said thai "rent boys" and putting them to work in his window washing service... Wait for IT I'm the pedophile because I tried to stop him?


Here's a video of Garry Burns webmaster (well his mates and him talking) at a boy bar in pattia with a long history of providing children for sex (including arrests / police raids)


But of course if you oppose boyfuckers and investigate those who do like me - wait for it - you are a pedophile - the gay must be free to fuck the child says srayzie - or we will hunt you down - and only pedophiles will stop them. I do what I do to stop this pedophile - TEETH OF AUSTRAILA'S GAY PRIDE LOBBY THAT SUES ANYONE WHO DISSENTS AGAINST CHILDREN BEING TOLD TO TRY GAY ANAL IN PRIMARY SCHOOL UNDER - SAFE SCHOOLS - a program started by a pedophile Garry Dowsett. I talked about Gary Dowsett's paper about boylove on a thread about you - but your I love child sex pedo gang downvoted it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2511424/12551218

Australia's gay pride king pedo is going to jail and so are his mates like Christopher Puplick. And the more you squeel the more interpol is going to use the EVIDENCE I collected that NSW Police didn't do anything about when it was online when I reported it to crimestoppers to jail this fuck.

And you are saying NO NO NO Don't hunt pedophiles. NO NO NO Don't give the evidence to the police. YES YES YES You are a suck fuck if you oppose Garry Burns pedo gang fucking kids.

We'll sorry princess pedo - I am right and you are wrong. Garry Burns is now a court confirmed pedophile over the sparkles the gay child fuck pony page that was used to stalk WHERE he thought I worked but didn't - see reference to studylink on http://twitter.com/garyburnsblog - your own pedogangstalking sometimes backfires you know



Here's the news and case law quote from Nancy Henessy that the Sparles the Pony Gay child fuck page he ran is a pedophile group ran by his websmaster and his self. You've seen my gab.ai avatar stolen from Jez Smith's skype account, and the description of sparkles the pony gay pedophile page my dad wrote up on my profile page gab.ai/ozzieslovepedos and oh it triggered you bad didn't it pedo?

We'll here's the sparkle the gay child fuck page ran by Australia's biggest gay hero hosted by the NSW Government. ENJOY!




You and your ilke sparkles the gay child fuck pony page is just "harmless child fucking fun" right? like Garry Australia's gay hero?

Garry talks about “Sparkles the pony” as child lovers group and admits his own webmaster runs it on his blog https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/2015/09/02/more-unfounded-rantings-from-luke-mckee/ “Classic Luke McKee twisted posting about a Facebook page Jeremy managed for a bunch of friends about Sparkles The Pony, A FB page designed fror fun, but of course McKee turned it into a depraved sexual , gay, child loving bunch of lies….” Go to Geoff for his write up on sparkles the pony and repost http://archive.is/gXrYy

You are linking to kiwifarms that defends Garry Burns a COURT CONFIRMED PEDO. srayzie is a pedo properganda pusher at the very least, but we all know the truth, she is a he and a pedo.

BOOM spakles the gay kiddy fuck page pony page used in COURT!





scoopadoop ago

You were gone so long

I was starting to worry

What happened that day?

middle_path ago

This whole conversation started because someone volunteered me for it.

flyawayhigh ago

I can offend people pretty easily. All I have to do is talk politics. Here goes...

The 1917 Espionage Act was the first significant anti-free speech statute in the United States to be challenged in court. The Republican Supreme Court upheld numerous cases of censorship as it related to opposing the Great World War, from anti-war pamphlets to advertisements opposing the draft. They called opposing war the equivalent of 'yelling fire in a crowded theater' and sent many people to prison for years.

In those days traditional liberal groups like ACLU and National Lawyers Guild fought to keep free speech.

It wasn't until the late 1960's under a Democratic Supreme Court that these early and severe anti-free speech cases were overturned, and we were permitted some of our free speech back again.

Today, free speech is being assaulted on all sides, with each blaming the other.

Some Democrats want to have notorious 'safe spaces,' which would be fine, but they don't realize that they need to go to the safe space and not have the safe space come to them.

Some Republicans want to have total monopolization of free speech by declaring corporations Constitutional 'persons' with free speech rights, or allowing deregulated conglomerates to buy up all the free speech space and control it. Ironically, even the ACLU has bought into some of these views.

In 2010, the same year of the notorious Citizens United corporate electioneering case, the Supreme Court also upheld the "material support" law by a 6-3 vote with all Republicans voting to make free speech illegal, and all Democrats against it. They reasoned that talking to groups on the 'terrorism list' would give them credibility, even if you told them to give up terrorism! Crazy stuff. Jimmy Carter himself was outraged at this decision.

As for me, I think speech should remain virtually unregulated, but that large conglomerates should not be allowed to hog up all the space. That would be nice.

NoBS ago

The CIA is open 24/7. They never sleep while whispering sweet nothings into adoring ears.

Don't worry, the FBI can protect you with Blackmail and Extortion because they have all comm lines by the balls.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

TheodoreKent would be a good backup, just based on his principles. I don’t know if he has any tech knowledge though.

Middle path however...I appreciate his voice here and it’s important to have such voices here, however they are a bit perhaps too intolerant of right wing views. No extreme is good and no extreme should be allowed to dominate a platform, but you also can’t silence extreme views, and I would be worried that middle path would eventually try to silence, or reduce, right wing views

middle_path ago

It's not as contradictory as it seems to you. I'm open and it interests me, but I'm not seeking it out. None of that cancels the other out.

Imagine I offered you a job as a chef, but you were a butcher. You may not have sought out the job on your own, but it may interest you.

Chiefpacman ago

Well with that in mind he seems alright.

When you say v/politics mod, I think gabara. And we do not need anyone like that or we’ll be reddit’s conservative clone in no time

Chiefpacman ago

I really like that.

The moments of serenity and oneness that interrupt the daily bullshit are growing more frequent

I believe in Jesus being the son of God. I will admit it’s mostly an upbringing thing. The Bible tells me so, my father told me so, and so I know it to be true. Not very convincing I know.. Mainly stems from my admiration for my father and for the Book.

But the man Jesus did exist. And by all accounts he lead the perfect life. And his actions here on Earth, have had an impact like no other man. So logically speaking, if anyone was the son of God, it was him.

I think about this a lot. My wife was raised a follower of the ‘World Mission Society Church of God’

Basically they’re Christian but they believe that Jesus already came a second time. The guy never claimed it, the organization did after he died. It reaks of scientology/ money scheme.

My wife is mostly cleansed of it.. not that I took an overly active role in getting her there. To each their own...

But I wonder how God reacts to these people. They’re good people, they love Jesus. They just also love his second coming..

I think God will accept them, and they will learn of their mistake in the end.

I’m rambling now, but at the core of what it is to be Christian- accept that you are inherently evil, and that it takes effort to be good. Accept that there is a God/greater power, and that you owe your life to him.

The Bible, the philosophy of it all, is the next step in the process. Not necessarily a necessary step.. but it shouldn’t be viewed that way, as if it’s the price of admission. Just the easiest way to put it.

middle_path ago

I'm open to the position, but not taking it too seriously as it is completely hypothetical. It was proposed by a user without any official backing and the role does interest me, but I'm not going for something that doesn't exist. It's all just a "maybe" right now, but until Putt weight in, it's all pretending.

Schreiber ago

Thank God for this sane comment. Here, have an upvoat.

Chiefpacman ago

I didn’t ignore them, I’m just not like you in that I don’t enjoy making enemies out of long time users.

Disappointed I don’t know. I think I’ve seen him before. Can’t speak for his character.

Peaceseeker is well liked and well hated alike. I’ve seen him accused of being putts alt multiple times. Probably not true, but probably not a great place to go looking for putts number two. I do like him though, and I considered him.

Flysway. Mods v/politics. My least favorite sub on voat. Mostly reposts from the_donald. If he’s anything like the rest of the mod team, no thank you. They’re as big on hivemind enforcement, as reddit is.

Chiefpacman ago


I’m a born again Christian. I love God and talking about God, and I regularly quote the bible on voat. I moderate v/gospel and will continue to post there every Sunday.

Do you think that is a problem/ would you do anything to limit my speech?

@kevdude here’s the first person to agree with you on this. If there are more reactions like this, then it would be a no go. Just speaking practically.

middle_path ago

Why would I have a problem with this? No, I would do nothing to stop you from speaking about god in your subverse or any other.

Chiefpacman ago


Just an attempt to appease 9-11 and his worries

middle_path ago

I got ya. I blocked that dude a long time ago.

TheKobold ago

Poems are the language of love.

middle_path ago

I definitely understand your concern. I honestly do. And if this hypothetical position opened up, I would act in every way except to blatantly censor someone just for having and unpopular opinion or not being nice.

I just like manners, but I cannot enforce them. No one is completely objective, but freedom of speech is paramount here - we do agree there. That's the entire reason I'm on this site and I'd argue you're here for the same reason.

I know you don't trust me, I know you don't believe me. It's the truth.

If you want to continue your pingings and campaign against me, I really don't care. It's literally not even a position that's open and until I had more info on it, I won't even take it seriously.

Chiefpacman ago

I’m tempted to say I will just to watch the fireworks..

But seriously, who I or anyone suggests to putt is a pretty innocent thing to go to war over.

If you think middle is a polarizing figure, then surely he won’t get the job. At this point I actually am digging my heels in, on principle. No one gets to have their way on voat thru odd veiled threats.

Chiefpacman ago

I don’t know them, besides peace and no I don’t think he would brigade.

I do think that you and pv and sbbh have a way of calling in the infantry when you want to get your way. Call it what you want.

@disappointed @flyawayhigh my beef isn’t with you people

Disappointed ago

You don't have to worry about me because I'm not interested in the junior admin position at all. I don't have the time even if I was.

What I will do and I have told @PuttItOut this, is if he can come up with way to give all non-spam accounts the free speech this site promised(maybe @peaceseeker's idea tweaked a bit) and that he himself wants, then I will help @cynabuns cut out the spam on the site. I got pretty good at doing it as janitor on v/technology and v/sports. That offer is still there on the table.

As it stands I think all of these positions will be decided by the new voting system anyway so until then it's all just talk. A lot of the old issues will be resolved when that goes live. That's how the subverse transfers will be handled as well.


Chiefpacman ago

I just mean in general it would be best to not immediately get the factions involved

My nominations aside. Mainly the idea is, we want redundancy in the management of this place. That’s step one

Chiefpacman ago

Honestly, I didn’t know anyone disliked him before I made the suggestion.

I don’t know if this is some stupid spat or not. I do know, that the way he’s responded to your attacks is respectable.

So personally, I’m inclined to believe him. I’m a little torn though, because I don’t want someone who will tear the community into two factions..

So lets agree to disagree. Theo seems like he is a definite nomination from both of us? I still think middle would be good, but I’d like to hear from the community on whether or not I’m wrong.

In the end its putts choice anyways. We will have to make our case to him whenever he comes back with the explanation post

Chiefpacman ago

You should’ve probably made that clear. Usually when you tag a few people, it’s to begin the brigade..

Chiefpacman ago

Well if he really is a polarizing figure, then fine.

But I’m not sure if he really is polarizing. It’s not fair that my one voice elect someone, and it’s not fair for you and your one voice to denounce them.

Was just a nomination. But it does sound like we can agree on Theodore. So there’s that. I think that alone would significantly help our situation.

I would ask that you hold off on getting protect voat involved as a unit. I don’t even know if putt will give this idea any attention. But it sure fire way to turn this into a really polarizing affair, as getting them involved.

TheKobold ago

I want more poems.

middle_path ago

Not in the least. I'm just asking you to back up your claims.

Chiefpacman ago

I’m not digging in; I think ultimately it won’t be a democratic decision. It’ll be a putt decision, after some insight from us.

That said I don’t the threatening the website with a shitstorm is any way to go about this.

You’re the only naysayer so far. Peaceseeker seemed alright with both choices, seems like general users would.

But, if you want to make a post about this, I’d encourage it. We could use an unofficial election debate.

PuttItOut ago

Poems? We only allow haikus here.

@Atko did come back!

To fix the stuff that was whack?

He's the daddy mack.

12574573? ago

I’m so glad your back!

How wonderful to speak to daddy mack!

Five, seven, five: roger that ?!? :p

dooob ago

I think I understand ;)

Kannibal ago

Weaponized poetry

you mean like hip-hop or rap?

NoBS ago

Keep it simple. Most are too ripe for reliable use. Notice the high suicide rates in communities as a poorly hidden epidemic? Censorship is a powerful tool. But not for children. They are too easy to manipulate with fear.

Chiefpacman ago

Well I think those are just opinions, it seems like it was heavily upvoated and people agreed with the sentiment.

I support him. But I’m open to hearing what everyone thinks/ possible other options.

At least that is something. To be honest though I agree with the sentiment of his post. It would be nice to see more niche subs spring up and survive. I don’t think anything about that post encourages silencing anyone. It just has a little bit of dissent in it; from what the herd is used to hearing..

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Poems are trash. I'll pretend to be Putt if that will stop you.

"AYYYYEE!!!! I was in Aruba playing putt-putt golf....get it? C..cause my name is Putt. Anyway, they get trash internet down there and I was busy. Everyone needs to relax their tits, Putt is on the case!"

middle_path ago

Yes, I want people to be civil. I don't see how that could possibly be a bad thing. I would not ever enforce it as a hard rule or censor someone because they weren't being nice.

I have been sole mod of a few subs and i have only banned a few people, all for good reasons (mostly spam). If I was a ban happy faggot, don't you think I would have shown this through my actions?

Pissant ago

Kev is just upset that him and his PV / SBBH cronies aren't being suggested.

@Kevdude go fuck yourself, kike.

Chiefpacman ago

You’re willing to throw yourself at him based on ‘meh pretty sure he said something dumb that one time’

You’re usually more rational this. It’s alarming considering how many users on this site think of you as their cult leader.

These are the reasons someone entirely unlike you and me, is required for the job.

Chiefpacman ago

That’s some sanegoati type thinking.

When has he seaked power? He mods a garden sub, that’s about how powerful he is here. I suggested him b/c he seems like a rational adult who loves this place.

PrettyBigDouche ago


flyawayhigh ago

I have been thinking for a long time that there should be a few junior admins. I understand that the Creators of Voat don't want to trust anyone, but surely, there's a way they can make juniors with their coding skills so that anyone who becomes abusive can be removed.

One of the key limitations of Voat these past three years is the unavailability of people to go to when disputes arise. Yes, Atko and PuttItOut have done a helluva job, but they just can't be here all the time.

As for myself, I know very little about admining. :)

Disappointed ago

I know a fair bit about people management it which is why I wouldn't do it without being paid. I don't have time to do it anyway.

Chiefpacman ago

I don’t understand the random tagging. I can tag people too but I’d prefer just a general community response.

You said you were onboard with Theodore. That alone would help the situation.

Putt and Theodore and Middle might make a good Trifecta though. It wouldn’t hurt if they disagreed on some things/ all agreed on free speech

@middle_path what’s the beef? He says you endorsed some censorship, we should at least get your take..

middle_path ago

I really don't understand why the dude hates me. I had some beef with his buddy Crensch a while back, but we patched that up.

If he, or anyone else, could produce an instance where I stepped over my bounds with censorship I would love to hear it.

But, I would wager we just don't agree on politics and he doesn't like that.

Chiefpacman ago

Crench makes me cringe. If you can patch it up with even him, that speaks to the cool-headed factor.

I’m thinking you’re correct on why he dislikes you

Chiefpacman ago

Do I here a seconded for Theodore then?

I didn’t realize middle was alienating anyone. What did he say/ what is his take on that accusation?

Because sometimes kev, we disagree on what over policing is here. I don’t mind small niche subs catering to specific content

Chiefpacman ago

I’m Christian, but I’m not using religion as context for my choice.

One of the more polarizing things about myself, is my religion. I haven’t seen them denounce Christianity/it’s followers..

Chiefpacman ago

Oh come on!

A year ago I would have recommended you. But some of us are a bit too polarizing...

What’s wrong with these two? Like you and I, they care about free speech. I don’t they would abuse power by any stretch of the imagination.

It just seems like a good suggestion to me. Who would you recommend

crazy_eyes ago

Why not sanegoat?

middle_path ago

How do I enforce tone policing?

GabeVitoro ago

I am very appreciative of Voat existing. I have to say that first. Here are my questions / suggestions. I know nothing.

Does Puttitout make $198,000 a year at his real job? If so, then we have to back off if there is no money for him here.

Does Puttitout make $45,000 a year at his real job? If so, then can he post expenses and how much he wants/deserves for himself so we know what to donate?

Is that too simple? This is how I see it. I make about $125 a day. I use Voat everyday. I get Starbucks everyday (I know, waiting for Black Rifle Coffee chains) and spend $5-$9 dollars. How much would I give to use Voat? $0.50 a day is like $15 a month. Same as my World of Warcraft subscription. Can't we just pay him via Square Cash or something?

Sorry for my rambling. I hope everything turns out well.


Vvswiftvv17 ago


voltronsdicks ago

Keep Voat Poem-Free.

middle_path ago

I am deeply honored by this nomination from both you and @Chiefpacman.

I'm not sure what the job entails and he's right. I certainly don't seek it out. But, if the community cares enough and wants me there - it would be worth considering.

Schreiber ago

Fuck off nigger. I don't like you.

playitagainsam ago

I want it to happen!

oftotc ago

That familiar chorus and tune,

Demanding the sun and the moon,

This website is free-o,

So relax a bit Theo,

Sir Putt will explain it all soon.

Skyrock ago

No more rhymes, and I mean it!


Anyone want a peanut?

Skyrock ago


Reverse-Flash ago

Links are blue

PuttitOut took time off

If you don't like it, fuck you

NoBS ago

I hear the accommodation in the FBI's brand new department is called the Seth Rich Protection Division.

The sick fucks no longer hide the corruption and are rubbing our nose in their own crime scenes.

lurkulongtime ago

Voat went down. The goats did frown . Conspiracy theories were abound. Putts whereabouts were unknown. With accusations steadily growing. Arkancide or honeypot take your pick. We heard the lot. From the dark recesses came a good goy. Atko our hero to fix our toy.

NoBS ago

You forgot about the fast cash from useful idiots with "guilt" complexes that make this entertaining. In a suicidal way.

Behavior modification is on line and good to go. Thumbs up, good luck.

tendiesonfloor ago


Vladimir_Komarov ago

Oh The Vogonity

auggs ago

We've been bamboozled

NoBS ago

The funny part is they made a small fortune with donations. Now who owns the CIA? Not I said the useful idiot.

NotWearingPants ago

Are you a Vogon?

digitalentity1497 ago

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Putt, where the fuck have you been?

Goathole ago

I love your poetry.

SlideRule ago

The servers went down

Putt was not around to help

Sad day for free speech