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12390159? ago

I am not aware of any special access to anon subverses; as far as I know only Putt has such access. Maybe Cyna. But SBBH users? I really don't think so. The closest thing to evidence of this claim I see is your archive, but that's just a complaint about 2.7 year old accounts, of which there are very many, more than any other cohort, in fact. The fact that someone referred to 2.7 year old accounts when your account is 2.7 years old might only mean that they have observed a trend among 2.7 year old accounts hating on SBBH. It's had to say. I agree the comment seems out of place and is suspicious, but I cannot conclude from that alone that SBBH accounts have the ability to see who is posting in anon subverses.

NeedleStack ago

It would take our dear Putt himself to come into this thread and tell me I'm wrong to change my mind. That is, if he's not a shared account (I personally don't believe his account is shared). If he says I'm incorrect, so be it.

MadWorld ago

It would take our dear Putt himself to come into this thread and tell me I'm wrong to change my mind.

Just a note on an imposter account(, make sure to verify that he is truly PuttItOut if he replies.

coopzy ago

@PuttItOut has been ignoring user complaints recently. For instance, a few users including myself have been unable to delete our accounts for a while. No word on what's causing this catastrophic bug, not even an acknowledgement of it.

Grifter42 ago

Putt just waits out shit until people forget about it. This place has been compromised, and PeaceSeeker is a damage control shill.

gabara ago

Whooa. That's a red flag. Gonna have to keep an eye on that.

coopzy ago

We've made multiple posts on /v/VoatDev and nothing at all from Putts. Feels bad man.