DunGaveUp ago

Just learned if you go on public wifi the bug disappears

valk2 ago

Don't know if your serious or not but I won't go on public wifi even with my vpn. Screw untrusted networks.

Not sure if your serious or trolling me at this point. At this point I will wait for the normal process to work. I will keep testing it until it happens. Thanks for the response if your being genuine.

DunGaveUp ago

Was banned yesterday by @queerness2 from truthhurts because he sucks his own cock while censoring. He deletes comments from his posts on a subverse he mods.

Vengeful speech is proof of my truthfulness. Try my fix, let me know. I'll delete comment if not.

valk2 ago

I already said I wouldn't join a public wifi. There isn't even one near me. I would have to drive over 20 minutes to find one.

DunGaveUp ago

Leave house, go buy something in town, use 4g. 128 bit encryption is weapons grade.

valk2 ago

I tried this from a cell phone already. No luck. It gives me the same user globally banned. I tried it on an Ipad at a family members home. Still no joy.

DunGaveUp ago

My guess: you're all fucked cuz I joined Voat.

I'm on the FBI watch list for telling the FBI it's my job as a US Army soldier to kill Erie, PA police for using terrorism, authorizing citizens to assault me to disrupt my lawful demonstration against police oppression July 4, 2016.

Sorry for your luck!

Kal ago

It's a caching issue. Also, go fuck yourself.

CrewExpendable ago

Just want to chime in and let y'all know account recovery is also broken.

Cargill ago

I also got the same "Bug". I tried as much tweaking of accounts settings as you can think of. Tried anonymous, leave as is, wipe all in various combinations. Tried leaving a reason and not leaving a reason. Changed IP address and tried it all again. My only option is to delete everything I've done by hand and that doesn't seem to be holding either. I went through and deleted all comments and after a day some are still there. Specifically the ones from 1.2 years and back. Not sure what happened back then, but it might be a clue.

@Puttitout @Peaceseeker @Valk2 @Coopzy

Candace ago

Edit: 3/25/18 08:01 PM CST Issues still prevents me from account deletion. 3 Days now. No response from ANYONE who can shed light on this issue. @atko @puttitout what gives guys?

Pings don't work in edits.

475677 ago

You're here forever.

HST ago

You will never leave us. You are stuck here forever.

valk2 ago

Seems that way.

HST ago

I mean even if you leave, why delete the account? It changes nothing.