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Hayashimo ago

YouTube is so irritating. It's one of the few Google-related products I haven't been able to drop -- the other being Android.

I left for VidMe for a while, but had to go back when they shut down. The other competitors, like Bitchute, just aren't where they need to be to act as a replacement. Hopefully in the near future that will change.

StatusQuip ago

I wonder if google always wanted to be this restrictive but waited until it had dominating market share... Or maybe they are just bending to Euroland for the $$$...

Wowbagger ago

Google was built by some world class engineers... who all left when they realized what a politics shit hole it was turning into.

StatusQuip ago

Just depressing how far they have fallen. They use to almost be synonymous with the internet and freedom, now they are turning into a caliphate.

Trash_Panda ago

This is the ultimate fate of any entity that gets too mainstream, they cannot allow large public platforms of free thought and scrupulous debate. Even Voat would befall the same fate as Reddit if it gained the same level of distribution. They have resources they can use (especially the government) to harass and intimidate people who don't comply.

Womb_Raider ago

Voat is undergoing this change before our eyes and some do not see it.

Trash_Panda ago

Lol I used to be in Discord with you guys but I don't like socialists of any variety. You know you done fucked up when you're siding with the Jew York Times

Womb_Raider ago

Come again? I don't know you.

Womb_Raider ago

Huh. Shame I don't remember you. What was your handle in discord? Not terribly talkative?

DishingShitLikeA ago

Speaking of which...