Indefiance11 ago

How long have we all known this was bound to happen? 10 years for me. Minimum. I stopped liking Google and started diversifying my internet habits at minimum ten years ago. I could see they were becoming the new oligarchy, and do no evil was just an act, a cover, for the nefarious plans they intended.

But I didn't stop using my Android, or completely drop using search until recently. Duckduckgo is now my go to. Any Linux phone that makes it to market is also on my list.

This is all of your faults, mine included, for not leaving en masse ten years ago. Make Google irrelevant. Boycott them and patronize any service other than them.

Gunk ago

The video on the site is from Youtube.

Carlosone ago

Who owns you tube?

Carlosone ago

I banned you tube. Dark them

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

We need more talking about the full throttle constant assault and attack on freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of choice, freedom of thought.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Now can the republicans step in? Were are the republicans it's the republicans being attack were are the republican?

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Jewish Hindu fucking assholes.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Thanks Jew you poo in the loo tube and goolag you Jewish Hindu Horses asses you are Horses asses X one hundred thousand million trillion times. You are Horses asses

MrShill ago

Nothing more than theatre to convince the gullible that Infowars is not the controlled opposition it is.

toobaditworks ago

Infowars is HUGE. There is NO need to convince anyone to like INFOWARS. People like them. YOU are a small minority. To get infowars banned to satisfy the small minority makes no sense.

And Infowars goes after SPLC and they are behind this attack.

toobaditworks ago

Nothing more suspicious than a 2 month member that comes here to tell everyone that Infowars is controlled opposition. You guys are pathetic. Go suck Hillarys cock some more.

Vvswiftvv17 ago


goatboy ago

It's pretty easy to destroy Google. Just throw literal wrenches into their generators. Or better yet barter food with the countless homeless people living around Google headquarters to day and night randomly throw rocks and metal objects into the radiators that cool the generators of Google's server farms.

Butelczynski ago

I just checked-infowars is still very much on.

toobaditworks ago

They were banned from uploading new content.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

More Clickbait bullshit from Infowars.

They don't have 3 strikes. they have 1 after a second strike was removed.

toobaditworks ago

Youtube froze their channel. If you don't see other conservative and alt-media being censored then you aren't paying attention. I can list a bunch.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

Nope, this is just a bunch of nonsense by Jones to get attention.

He had 2 strikes and one was removed.

People contacted "Trusted flaggers" and they removed one.

Same happened with a bunch of other channels like "Squatting slav TV" He got his channel nuked and he was given a Twitter and email account to contact and it was restored within hours.

Jones is just a clown who suckers fools out of their money.... he's literally a snake oil salesman.

toobaditworks ago

"Trusted flaggers" is the SPLC and ADL which JONES and crew constantly demonize as the filth they are.

he's literally a snake oil salesman.

THAT'S what David Hogg says. You're so on their team! You can join Hillary and FBI and SPLC and all the JEWS you hate! Fucking idiot.

sanchezgta ago

The way he wades through the general consensus of "Oh we are just censoring the conspiracy theory around bullied kids" which is most likely true statement from youtube (as Alex Jones is known for mocking/spinning or otherwise manipulating real stories of bullied kids that turn into shooters for his own means) I mean I wouldn't be surprised whether he is a NRA member and owned stock, all the way profiteering from these tragedies. I think the tinfoil he wears has boiled his brain.

toobaditworks ago

No they had a video up that was titled: The truth about crisis actors (or something like that) and in the video they say 'they are NOT crisis actors'. Much like how people don't read or watch videos and only read the titles to upvoat and downvoat. Someone at YouTube whoever got the report that this was a 'bad video' did not watch the video. They only reacted to the video's title.

sanchezgta ago

not you got that opposites, Alex Jones "proved" they were crisis actors/actresses and had to recant his statements because of how much flak he got.

kammmmak ago

The truth is a menace. Good vs (((Evil))).

bagano1 ago

To be fair, wasn't it because some of these nuts were harassing those kids for being crisis actors? Please, don't stoop to that level. That's what the libs do when they lose elections.

beerdog ago

vimeo gives you a good amount of free storage for a free account.

This is a listing of open-source implementations of media formats—usually called codecs. Many of the codecs listed implement media formats that are restricted by patents and are hence not open formats. For example, x264 is a widely used open source implementation of the heavily patent encumbered MPEG-4 AVC media format.

  • x264 – H.264/MPEG-4 AVC implementation. x264 is not a codec (encoder/decoder); it is just an encoder (it cannot decode video).
  • OpenH264 – H.264 baseline profile encoding and decoding
  • x265 – An encoder based on the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC/H.265) standard.
  • Xvid – MPEG-4 Part 2 codec, compatible with DivX
  • libvpx – VP8 and VP9 implementation; formerly a proprietary codec developed by On2 Technologies, released by Google under a BSD-like license in May 2010.
  • FFmpeg codecs – Codecs in the libavcodec library from the FFmpeg project (FFV1, Snow, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 part 2, MSMPEG-4, WMV2, SVQ1, MJPEG, HuffYUV and others). Decoders in the libavcodec (H.264, SVQ3, WMV3, VP3, Theora, Indeo, Dirac, Lagarith and others).
  • Lagarith – Video codec designed for strong lossless compression in RGB(A) colorspace (similar to ZIP/RAR/etc.)
  • libtheora – A reference implementation of the Theora format, based on VP3, part of the Ogg Project
  • Dirac as dirac-research, a wavelet based codec created by the BBC Research, and Schrödinger, an implementation developed by David Schleef.[1]
  • Huffyuv – Lossless codec from BenRG
  • Daala (working name) – Video codec under development by the Xiph.Org Foundation. Daala is intended to be a high-efficiency codec for use cases similar to those of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC or H.265) and VP9.
  • Thor – royalty free video codec under development by Cisco Systems.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

Vimeo is aimed at artists and movie makers.

They don't allow over the top political or religious content.

beerdog ago

Ok, but how does that matter to the "truth" ?

Do I need to care what they pretend to be, when they're just the same as other sites with a nicer screen interface?

Seems like shill bullshit thinking...

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

You sound retarded

beerdog ago

you sound like one of those twerps with a mustache, not realizing you have a pussy for a mouth.

or you're inviting people.

kwibjo ago

They never went down, they have 3 strikes so they can't upload new content.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

They never had 3 strikes. they have 1 after a second strike was removed.

kwibjo ago

He says literally 17 seconds into the video OP posted the channel has 3 strikes.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

He got 2 and one was removed a few days ago.

BasketballJones ago

They never went down, they have 3 strikes so they can't upload new content.

Ok thanx.

uab ago

They are not agencies of the people but of The State.

They are serving The State, as are they supposed to.

voting_goat ago

Getting ready for the midterms.

NotHereForPizza ago

Here we are, the eye of the storm.

Prope finem

Alea iacta est

worlddownunder682 ago

They have gotten their third strike on YouTube. I don't know what they were given a strike for.

selpai ago

Major media & social media outlets clearly need their own set of anti-discrimination laws.

RKG ago

I don't have any idea why....but this sort of surprises me that they actually did this. Not shocking, but damn....pretty remarkable. Absolute, unapologetic censorship of anyone who doesn't adhere to the commie narrative.

We are in the very eye of the storm. This is an all out war. I'm sorry, but I do not know that 'we' will win this. (((They))) own every apparatus of control aside from the 2A.

2A was created as a last line of defense. It truly is the last line they have not completely crossed.

SparkS ago

its youshit dog.. wtf do anyone expect?@? that place is a fucking joke for retards... lets say not entirely but its up there anyway...

jervybingly ago

But YouTube may already see the error of its ways, since it has lost billions in the last few days.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Do you know how much a billion is?

12079602? ago

Looks ok to me

toobaditworks ago

They are currently banned from uploading new content.

12082873? ago


the_sharpest_knife ago

FTA: "YouTube has just delivered its third strike against Infowars, freezing our ability to upload new content."


Trump needs to talk about breaking up google. This will instantly end the gun debate

MyOriginalVoatUser ago

Don't see it happening. Google, facebook, and the rest are badly needed by the Feds to spy on you.

CowWithBeef ago

And to spy on Trump's campaign!


Who knows

lord_nougat ago

Spot on, man. That's some strategic thinking!

speedisavirus ago

Maybe it's because InfoWars is a nexus of lies and conspiracy. Not to mention the channel is still there so is literally reporting fake news about themselves that's easily disproved.

6cd6beb ago

A conspiracy is a plan of action

A conspiracy theory is the claim that a plan of action exists.

speedisavirus ago

No, it's usually delusions by the mentally ill

6cd6beb ago

The definitions of those terms don't care about your agenda, they just are the definition of those terms.

8_billion_eaters ago

Google, Twitter and FB are monopolies that need to be regulated by law. A phone company can't ban you for saying something that hurts their feelings or speech that they don't agree with. Neither should these mega corporations. It's criminal that they have been allowed to.

MyOriginalVoatUser ago

They are repressive regimes and they are controlling a lot of lives.

Check out Electric Dreams "Safe and Sound"

Electric Dreams was a warning to neo-luddites, hippies, and anti-technology conspiracy theorists everywhere: accept and adapt to Big Brother’s latest gadget… or else.

Tazzermalt ago

I take Jones with a pinch of salt but his conspiracy site/ doomsday preacher network does have its uses ... its time for Jones to act and get behind something, you have bitchute, dailymotion, vimeo, liveleak and so many other alt vid sites and social plaforms out there....No Action can be equally as bad, i said fuck youtube, ocasionally i must use them because everything is on youtube but i largely abandoned them...time to fish or cut bait.... if they dont get public support and people dont move to them these new rival sites they can die off... Alex Jones is burning daylight now...time to "shit or get off the pot"?

Maroonsaint ago

Ops name is relevant to the topic

JohnJones ago

Here is his channel its not banned

the_sharpest_knife ago

FTA: "YouTube has just delivered its third strike against Infowars, freezing our ability to upload new content."

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

According to Alex who's a known liar and seller of snake oil.

Infowars got 2 strikes. 1 was removed a few days ago. if they got another one that still puts them at 2.

Alex is a bullshit artist

the_sharpest_knife ago

Yeah. He's pretty good at it.

verifex ago

Don't get in the way of pushing the narrative man, it's voat, we have some serious Russian bot-lords to please here.

Salbuchi_2019 ago

Fuck off you imbecile.

JohnJones ago

Dude you're literally some sort of shill that comes here ever few months to talk shit.

475677 ago

When they're done purging the right side of politics from the internet all that'll be left will be real life and the last time the right was forced to rise up like that in public it devolved into world war 2. Good luck leftists.

danielktdoran ago

Anyone remember Google’s mantra? “don’t be evil” ha ha ha

ardvarcus ago

Google got rid of "Don't be evil" in the same way Mossad of Israel got rid of their first motto "By way of deception thou shalt do war."

475677 ago

They dropped it for a reason.

CowWithBeef ago

They got the play logo directly from the seal of satan. Evil in plain sight yet you could show a hundred people and maybe 2 would think it's not a coincidence.

verifex ago

Infowars was trying to spread lies and misinformation, just like Voat does. It's silly because there are plenty of things to rant about without lying, seriously, why make up demonstratively false bullshit when there is plenty of real lies to expose? The only reason I can come up with is he's being paid to put on this stupid act. I wish Voat was more interested in truth than trying to push a false narrative all the time to push some stupid far-right agenda.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago


475677 ago

I thought it was common knowledge that he was a paid shill?

verifex ago

Yeah it is, but there are still some people here who don't know that.

freshmeat ago

you might be in the wrong place, kike.

danielktdoran ago

My hope is that Jared Taylor will win his Twitter lawsuit and that would be a landmark ruling, basically protecting free speech online

DrunkViking ago

Where is VoatTube?

speedisavirus ago

We could create it. There are plenty of developers here like myself.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

Good luck with that. Youtube was bleeding hundreds of millions of dollars every year for close to a decade before Google bought them out and it's still bleeding cash.

Any serious competitor will need DEEP pockets to take on Youtube.

speedisavirus ago

Oh I know. I wonder how much of that is that they don't allow "adult" content though. I've worked about 5 years in digital advertising and have a good handle on it but it's not hard to imagine how much the infrastructure costs of HD streaming costs vs ad turnover. It's a real balancing act between balancing advertiser cost per impression vs what you give to the content creators. And video gets even trickier based on what metrics you deem an ad to be "viewed". 25%? Does it have to be on screen? What about half of it on screen? Is just the audio enough? Are you going to use viewability pixels and such to make sure you aren't just flat out blocked? One thing I learned in those years, is anything you think you are doing to block it they have an answer. It's just a question of how ethical the ad network is and whether they care about being moderately ethical.

Wahaha ago

The trouble is getting both the content and the audience.

verifex ago

And it would just turn into some far-right circle jerk within 1 second, and nobody wants to do lots of work for that when we already have voat for that. Maybe if it provided something useful...

speedisavirus ago

It's what happened to Gab. Everyone labeled it FAR right because they didn't censor and then flooded the far right because of that label and anyone remotely moderate shunned it.

eggsbenedict94 ago

So should future generations just never sell any of their ideas/companies to Jews ever again?


Out generation should make sure there are no jews to sell to

Zaqwert ago

It's clear that Youtube was determined to ban Infowars and were going to make up whatever 'reasons' they needed to.

Google's near monopoly power over many aspects internet is something that must be addressed.

Awful-Falafel ago

They really need to make a free Roku app if they get fully banned. I'll check it out once in a while but I'm not paying when they have their own ads every 10 minutes.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

The channel is still up, so what you are reporting is false. Downvote.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

Everything in the story is false.

Inforwars got 2 strikes but 1 was removed after Trusted flaggers were contacted and they had it removed.

verifex ago

Since when did truth matter to voat? I thought this place was just another shill town.

12079606? ago

The truth always matters

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

The headline is misleading. However, the article from infowars, if true, is indeed troubling:

"YouTube has just delivered its third strike against Infowars, freezing our ability to upload new content."

discoball ago

This is actually worse for Infowars, IMO. By doing this, YouTube will avoid a lot of backlash since they didn't technically remove the channel. They can feign innocent. But Infowars is essentially crippled now, unable to upload new content. It's really sneaky and unethical.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I see, that makes more sense. What was the third strike for? I know the second was for the Parkland Shooting.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

There was no third strike.

Infowars had 2 strikes but 1 was removed. If another strike came it it still puts them at 2.

Alex Jones is just milking this for attention and lying about the details.

Others including Tim Pool who doesn't take sides is reporting what's actually happening.

Jones is literally a snake oil salesman,

FuckTheVirileAether ago

What was the third strike for?

It doesn't matter. The point was always to censer right wing voices while pretending like they had a fair shot to "follow the rules". They would make up any bullshit to silence Infowars. There's nothing Infowars could do to comply to avoid punishment because punishment was always the intention.

pby1000 ago

Looks like all the videos are backed up on

Youtube needs to be destroyed. Trump should just nationalize it. LOL.


Also jail the owners

fluhthreeex ago

Glorious Leader has better ways of dealing with troublesome people ^_^

pby1000 ago

Yes, I agree. They are subsidized with U.S. taxpayer money, so they should be required to respect Free Speech.

stillinit ago

Youtube needs to be destroyed.

immatureusername ago

Well ya know where they have their buildings.

AnonDan ago

Their leadership needs to be destroyed. The platform is amazing.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

It's too bad all the cry babies crying like babies about the evil YT didn't get together years ago and come up with something better, instead of wasting all their time crying like faggot babies.

sanchezgta ago

Do you have a better alternative? (Please don't say liveleak, ha ha)

discoball ago

The only way I ever see this happening is if it's broken up "Ma Bell style," which considering how the internet works seems unlikely. But it's true that Google has a monopoly on both search and online video, no doubt about it, and it's using that position to fuck us over.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

They're 'multi-McVeighs' in size.

beanerjuice ago

McVeigh was disappointed by the size of the blast.

captainstrange ago

One or two carefully placed engineers sliding under the radar using 'diversity', could get into google and have them wide open to exploits and electronic mischief.

Get the executives talking white genocide, joking about minorities, doing obviously illegal anti-trust type shit--could knock them on their ass for a few years battling massive PR backlash.

RedditisPropaganda31 ago

If content creators all went to D tube, we would be fine

analfaveto ago

The problem is there is a decade's worth of valuable content on YouTube, and most people aren't interested in politics. Do you think someone who has a carpentry channel with half a million subscribers and has uploaded 500 videos over a period of ten years is going to move to D Tube because Alex Jones got banned? Most people don't even know who Alex Jones is. The only solution I see would be if a competitor started paying the creators more than YouTube does, but it would take an awful lot of capital to compete against Google.

Broc_Lia ago

D tube? That one's new to me, I'll give it a look.

Honestly I'll go wherever the big names go, and they have to go somewhere with all the no-platforming.

pleasepleaseplease ago

I've messed around with Dtube a bit. It is an interesting idea, creators and commenters get paid Steem for how many upvotes they get. I've run into a lot of obstacles while trying to upload, though. It seems finnicky. But I think if it continues to improve, it has a chance.

Broc_Lia ago

Oh is that what steem is? I saw it trending on coinmarketcap but I never actually checked out the project. A crypto based youtube would be awesome.

pleasepleaseplease ago

Yes it is. There are things I don't understand about exactly how Steem works with Dtube. For example, being able to send Steem from your Dtube channel to another wallet, I haven't figured that out yet.

Hayashimo ago

YouTube is so irritating. It's one of the few Google-related products I haven't been able to drop -- the other being Android.

I left for VidMe for a while, but had to go back when they shut down. The other competitors, like Bitchute, just aren't where they need to be to act as a replacement. Hopefully in the near future that will change.

SolarProphet ago

On that note, Are there any alternatives to android? Other than iOS?

elitch2 ago

Custom rom, hooktube.

You're welcome.

SecularPenguinist ago

Yeah Bitchute kinda sucks. Check out DTube though. It's far more polished and feels more like YouTube. The only problem is there aren't a ton of great channels yet.

GassyMcGasface ago

Once google has complete control over what your allowed to say and hear, what then? Death and concentration camps? Google is the Jewish version of Stalin.

FattyWhale ago

It will probably remain dominant so long as it remains the most viable site for video makers to make a living off of. Perhaps the ONLY one of note right now, now that I think of it.

DramaticExchange ago

If another site becomes really popular, I think they would still have to deal with all the litigation YouTube had to deal with from companies like Viacom. A lot of the copyright claim bullshit we've seen over the years is due to YouTube trying to get them off their backs.

SecularPenguinist ago

Maybe if they would only honor legitimate copyright claims. YouTube seems to be ignorant of the fact that there's this thing called fair use. Parody, critique, and review are all covered. Yet butthurt media companies don't like being mocked and criticized so they file false violations and YouTube honors them without question.

StatusQuip ago

I wonder if google always wanted to be this restrictive but waited until it had dominating market share... Or maybe they are just bending to Euroland for the $$$...

NicknameUnavailable ago

99% chance Google are the ones posting CP to other content providers to get them shut down.

Who am I kidding, it's a 100% chance.

norse ago

"dont be evil"


Its been the plan. Google (Eric Schmidt + executives) backed / funded Hillary Clinton. Imagine if Clinton and Google were working on the censorship together, we would be in significantly worse position than we are in now.

MyOriginalVoatUser ago

I NEVER get news alerts on my android phone; Except during the 2016 presidential election. Go figure.

The_Tinamou ago

The Jews that own Google give the left more money than they get.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

but waited until it had dominating market share...

Classic strategy.

Broc_Lia ago

I think they gradually slid into that kind of thinking when they started rubbing shoulders with globalists.

StatusQuip ago

I think there might have been a soft takeover by the intelligence community(and hence globalists).

fluhthreeex ago

Soft? The company was outright funded by the CIA.

fuckingmockies ago

Why do you think Google has never been hit with anti trust laws?

issueninja ago

Because it is a publicly known fact that Google spends literally $Billions to bribe hire Democrat politicians lobbyists?

Wowbagger ago

Google was built by some world class engineers... who all left when they realized what a politics shit hole it was turning into.

StatusQuip ago

Just depressing how far they have fallen. They use to almost be synonymous with the internet and freedom, now they are turning into a caliphate.

SexMachine ago

That "don't be evil" motto they had in their headquarters was taken down about 10 years ago.

StatusQuip ago

Well at least they aren't hypocrites?

Trash_Panda ago

This is the ultimate fate of any entity that gets too mainstream, they cannot allow large public platforms of free thought and scrupulous debate. Even Voat would befall the same fate as Reddit if it gained the same level of distribution. They have resources they can use (especially the government) to harass and intimidate people who don't comply.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

free thought and scrupulous debate. Even Voat

LMAO, as if that ever existed on voat. What a moron.

MyOriginalVoatUser ago

Power hungry deviants are drawn to these outfits. It is a shame when they take over.

issueninja ago

Power hungry deviants are drawn to these outfits. It is a shame when they take over.

This is the key truth. Good people build things, and behind their backs the parasites gain power and take control.

Womb_Raider ago

Voat is undergoing this change before our eyes and some do not see it.

Trash_Panda ago

Lol I used to be in Discord with you guys but I don't like socialists of any variety. You know you done fucked up when you're siding with the Jew York Times

Womb_Raider ago

Come again? I don't know you.

Womb_Raider ago

Huh. Shame I don't remember you. What was your handle in discord? Not terribly talkative?

DishingShitLikeA ago

Speaking of which...

Tallest_Skil ago

kikes ban kike controlled opposition

Bread and circuses, idiots.

InfoTeddy ago

this. alex jones has never named the jew.