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PuttItOut ago

Your post is misleading and filled with incorrect statements.

No one has access to any area of voat but me, there is no such thing as special access.

akuta ago

Could also be that this person has a total hardon for Needle and goes to their page to see what their longevity date is, then compares it to comments because of the previous spat...

I've yet to see Needle act irrationally up until this point in any interaction I've seen them have (maybe the handful), so I don't think it's intentional. I think it's honest fear/being spooked by someone putting that much effort into stalking/harassing her.

heygeorge ago

@NeedleStack has also been spooked by someone who claimed to want to buy her account [If I'm not mistaken, the amount/interaction was absurd. This was also during a time where account purchasing was a prevalent Voat meme.] She immediately made an inflammatory post about it. This was quickly revealed to be a misguided prank.

Needle, I love you, but sometimes you seem to get very quickly pulled in!

12392704? ago

Eh, I don't blame her. Just because an account purchase attempt turns out to be a prank or meme doesn't mean it isn't worth ranting about. This post I'm more confused about, but I also feel like some sources / links to background interactions she's has was missing, which made it come across as less substantiated than perhaps it is.

Crensch ago

I'm a bit perplexed at her response here. I don't really recall what NS was like before, but guessing a username is 2.7 years old is really not that scary when you look at who's mainly targeted from anon, and the age of their usernames.

Accusing us of being SBBH just like sane and brigading users - attacking Rabbi for coming to the same conclusion I came to almost immediately after reading OP.

Between her post, seeming to attack Putt from her response, and this other, I've doubts about her not having sold her account.

12394467? ago

I'm all about staying vigilant in these matters, but I do not think that this post is indicative of an account purchase. I think it's a combination of paranoia, confusion, and propaganda, if anything. I think this just goes to show that the rPV shills are being semi-effective at persuading the wider Voat userbase that SBBH users are manipulative. Being Voat's most cohesive community, probably, and having the habit of pinging each other all the time creates the visible pattern of "calling for backup", since SBBH users are likely to vote similarly on controversial topic. This is why the current debate about organized voting with respect to rPV and SBBH is not a one-sided thing; the wider Voat community has seen signs of organized voting, or brigades, from both rPV and SBBH. If Needle has been exposing herself to more of the rPV propaganda-based-on-deception, then it's not inconceivable that she would make a post like this.

Again, in the interests of staying vigilant it is prudent to watch her posts going forward to see if she has full on joined the rPV crew or not (I truly think the rPV folks are deceptive and have interests of destruction, which is why I think Needle joining them would be a very bad thing). But I don't think this whole debacle necessarily means her account has sold out.

Just food for thought, I guess. /u/Rotteuxx.

Rotteuxx ago

You bring valid points as always and it's indeed worthy of consideration.

What irks me with this post is the somewhat out of character attack on SBBH emanating from an anon post & the (afaik) fallacious claim the there are more than one admin. Needle has been around long enough to know the effects a gaslighting post such as this one can have on the community, I ask myself why would she post such a write up to the detriment of Voat ?

The similarities between her attack against PuttItOut today and the SaneGoat/rPV M.O. are eerie as fuck.

These two things are what perplexed me the most and why I no longer trust that account.

Maybe she's PMSing & I'm being paranoid, I honestly told myself that to try and make sense of all this... but then I read her reply to Putt afterwards.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark is what I think. Could she be experiencing coercion ? Hope not...

MadWorld ago

If memory serves right, I remember there was a discussion, or claim, regarding that NS talked to the rPV member and managed to take one of those subverses off its sidebar. @Crensch, do you remember anything? Is there away to search such comment history? Or perhaps we should give her a little more time(because no body can stay here 24/7 and maybe she is currently offline)?

Crensch ago

Other than paging through the 19 pages of her comments available to the rest of us, not to my knowledge. My digging sends me there sometimes, but I don't think it worthwhile atm.

I think it more likely that she'll need to defend what she's written here over us having to prove anything about her comment history.