Womb_Raider ago

You folks banned me from /v/showerthoughts without a comment.

Sounds like abuse to me

Womb_Raider ago

@Grifter42 Notice how he moves to de-mod people who abuse their position unless it's his friend? Typically he would take issue with this behavior, but he doesn't hold everyone to the same standards and here we see him admitting that. How sad.

Adrian8a ago

Yo is this place going back to its open world roots?

Can OP be an phaggot yet again?

can we

"Lik diz if you cry everytim?"

Ive been on /r/ and its worse day by day for past 8 years.

Im no shill i have the same /U/ on /r/

Caesium-137 ago

Thanks for the explanation

Pattoe ago

I think mods should stay out of anything other than janitorial duty. I don't think you and I disagree, I was just pointing out what the general opinion seemed to be swaying towards.

Pattoe ago

I've read it, as have other posters and people voting on the post, it still stands that 8/10 of the top replies (Meaning most backed by the voters) are in agreement with the decision and are not wanting to remove the mod in question.

LilBrattyMkr ago

She? Well there you go. No dude is going to ban a guy for a bad attitude. That's coming from a woman. Maybe she does need her mod status taken away. You want to ban someone for spam, at least say it's spam and not a bad attitude.

Mickgoestojail ago

Too bad the front line here is a bunch of turkeys.

Pattoe ago

Out of the top 10 most up voted responses, 8 are in agreement with the ban, 1 is neutral and 1 is in disagreement with the ban. The sub has spoken, the ban should stand

Crensch ago

No, I wasn't banned. That submission was removed not for any rule violation but for a lie.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It's so transparent how all these 1 day old account is pushing all these ridiculous claims against PV (never with even a shred of evidence!) and getting mass upvoted instantly.

they need dozens of alt accounts to keep their bullshit narrative that PV is the one doing what they are actually doing alive.

Crensch ago

I submitted the one I linked after ES was banned for his, you moron.

Crensch ago

SoyBoys and their NINTENDO SWITCH games IS about gaming.


Dylan_Klebold ago

Good. If I was the mod of this place, you would be banned already.

Crensch ago

Reason: Warned not to post


The_Grassy_Knoll ago

i really want to drop actual bombshells but i wont because the discussion was with confidence.

just know when to give up kevdude

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

you really said nothing other than venting kevdude.

then you attempt to build me as a strawman, which my entire point..... Do you really think its going last long? You supply me enough ammo I could go for years, sorry sweetheart your time is done

freshmeat ago

Over what matter? I never did anything to earn a ban in that sub unlike Expert.

middle_path ago

I'm not a fan of kevdude, but he's got a really good point here.

Chiefpacman ago

There was a definetly a point where, all of a sudden I didn’t agree with him on anything anymore.

But it’s still confusing. This kevdude sounds more like the PV kev from year and a half ago. These sbbh users used to rail against posts like this, now they’re supporting it.

Crensch ago

9-11 and his ilk are doing everything they can to push the narrative that PV=SBBH=SRS

Take the time to look at the comments of each of these users, and look at the usernames supporting each side. I think you'll find a pattern there.

11658999? ago

There is no doubt kevdude is a malicious, pure redditor. You, I still have some doubts about.

Crensch ago

There is no doubt kevdude is a malicious, pure redditor.

There is no doubt that he isn't, and is one of the main people responsible for the free speech here on Voat.

11661558? ago

I no longer have doubts about you.

Crensch ago

You're either ignorant of Voat's past, too stupid to understand it, or belong on Reddit, then.

Which is it?

11662057? ago

Three times no.

Now tell me why kev leads SBBH raid of Gaming?

Crensch ago

Show me proof of that.

Crensch ago

Now tell me why kev leads SBBH raid of Gaming?

That link is not proof of this claim.

11662660? ago

It is. Are you also SBBH?

Crensch ago

It's not, and I've got no link to SBBH.

11663105? ago

It is, and kev is SBBH, so you got a link.

What is your opinion on SBBH?

Crensch ago

Walk me through how your link is proof that kev leads SBBH.

I don't really much care about SBBH, and didn't even notice them for months until RPV faggots came out with their idiocy about PV=SBBH=SRS

Womb_Raider ago

proof that kev leads SBBH.

That's not what he said. He said "kev is SBBH", which could mean he is just a member. You are twisting his words in a very deceitful manner.

I'm not surprised. @Dr_No

11663215? ago

Now tell me why kev leads SBBH raid of Gaming?


Walk me through how your link is proof that kev leads SBBH.

Nice try.

...and didn't even notice them for months...

Very insincere.

You are cementing my new view of you.

Womb_Raider ago

Notice he never addresses your questions, but expects you to address his?

And he has the nerve to say immediately after:

Also, avoiding an explanation just shows that you really don't have one.

12393254? ago

Yeah, he is misguided, slippery and predictable. Too bad.

Crensch ago

Now tell me why kev leads SBBH raid of Gaming?

Is another way to ask you to

Walk me through how your link is proof that kev leads SBBH.

What, exactly, was I trying? Also, avoiding an explanation just shows that you really don't have one.

Very insincere.

Says who? You? I didn't. Until you faggots started claiming PV=SBBH I hadn't heard a peep from them. in months.

You are cementing my new view of you.


Womb_Raider ago

Triggly, I call you a liar as well. @freshmeat

Chiefpacman ago

Didn’t sbbh and kevdude used to fight eachother on this stuff?

Why have they flopped over to kevs side now.

It used to be PV vs SBBH, right?

This is kind of random but I’m genuinely curious and you seem like a good person to ask. Its impossible to keep up.

Distillation ago

Mods are not an enlightened class.

then who are you to judge?

whatever, im going to play a game

Rotteuxx ago

What's not gaming related in his posts ?

Distillation ago

And technically they are borderline

no offense but I would think an existing moderator of the verse is a better judge than you.

freshmeat ago

You delete any posts that offend you. Your sub, your rules. The defaults don't work that way.

I don't get offended from shitposts. Some are actually funny even if they are SRS. Anyone can see for themselves what kind of horse shit your little crew posts then cries censorship when you know it's going to get removed.

@kadynce should make their own gaming sub and users who like that level of moderation can go there.

Maybe mods of a lot of system subs should do that, sounds like a safer method of having a subverse. I don't agree that Kadynce should have to do anything due to Expert. If it were a genuine user and @Kadynce was banning them, I'd be right here in this thread screaming to get rid of them too.

Unfortunately you have lost all credibility and are openly defending well known shills.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

its too late to build a strawman kevdude, go back to your chat and figure out a new ruse to pull over the users on voat.co.

this I will not allow, having fun getting exposed yet?

Rotteuxx ago

You're pathetic, how will you not allow it ?

Speaking of exposure, always nice to add your new alts to (((the list))) of concerned shills.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

Its hard for me to be harsh of anyone who can weld, im still 50/50 on you.

But you should appear less of a lap dog, give yourself more credit.

Rotteuxx ago

Pathetically avoiding answering the question, once more.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

im no savage, present me with an decent argument and I will entertain you.

Until then, please leave me alone.

Respectfully yours,


Rotteuxx ago

I asked you a question, how will you not allow it ?

Now here's an argument to motivate you to answer the question you choose to avoid answering :

Discord shills have historically refused to answer simple questions when asked, therefore you're a discord shill.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

you just bore me.... let me reread.

I dont see an argument here, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and rechecked.... now unless you present me with something of substance, bug off.

im getting tired of this.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah, and earlier you said your time was valuable yet here we are... You Redirecting a conversation to avoid answering one little question.

Caesium-137 ago

Expert made some borderline shitposts

I dont see the issue, seems to me he was abusing the subverse. And as moderator @kadynce took action to make the verse better to the people who use it.

There is pretty of other subverses to use, just saying. I personally hate it when verses get flooded with posts, it puts me off to the site as a whole.

freshmeat ago

Then it's making a rather large statement about @system subs then. If users like Expert can abuse them in such a manner and the admins support that, then it would probably be better advised for people to use non-system subs.

But the defaults don't work the way your little subreddit does.

What are you referring to? I'd love for you to bring it up.

Grifter42 ago

Ah, ridicule, instead of actually answering the point.

It's quite telling when you're on the defensive. I struck a nerve there, didn't I?

You're going to have to brigade pretty hard to shut it down, you fuckin' kike.

NotHereForPizza ago

Are you just going to make a thread every day until putt pays attention to you?

Smelling more and more like that pathetic faggot Crensch.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh shit. Well, I admit I actually didn't look into it this time. I guess you being nice to Crensch made me really suspicious of you...

Oops @kevdude

freshmeat ago

Any one who follows these meta drama threads will know that you outright lie.

Find one example. Take your time.

Then why did you demod him when the allegations came out? Lying again.

he Demodded himself, and it had nothing to do with your low effort muslim spam that he already debunkd in this thread.

He is a kike shill who is buddies with antiracist. SRS infiltrated your sub. Portuguese are the niggers of Europe.


You are a well known faggot who floods threads with alts to create the illusion of consensus. @Kevdude is genuine, you are a lying kike.

When I accused you of that you called it a conspiracy and that I was sanegoat. So shut up your tin foil sanegoat ass.

Honestly though anyone on the dev team who has watched my account could prove that is a lie, and if they were honest they could even prove your SRS/SBBH group are the ones actually forming false consensus among the community. The part that kills the humor in all this is that you are literally projecting your own behavior onto me, and you are aware of it, but you are banking on the chance people are idiots for them to believe you. If you were doing this without awareness it would be amusing but your intentions are pure fuckin evil.

Distillation ago

mods are to stick to spam and off-sub-topic posts,

I'm just looking at the moderation logs, and it seems totally appropriate actions. If this guy didnt stop, how is it different than other spammer?

I dont mean to light fires where I dont belong, but I am failing to see why such warranted action is needed.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

Repeating it doesn't make it true.


go fuck yourself kevdude.... 1990

freshmeat ago

Are you implying someone actually likes that hyperactive shill, Expert?

People can see right through your bullshit, you wouldn't even get awareness over your manufactured drama if it werent brigaded and you weren't unabashedly concern trolling, which always catches lurkers off guard.

I think subs have the right to get rid of troublesome users. I'd say Expert is more obnoxious than Sane was so it makes sense for subs who want to keep a standard of quality to ban Xir/Xer.

You have gone after Pizzagate (successfully), TraditionalWives (successfully), /v/Identitarian (successfully) and now you are going after /v/Gaming.

I'm seeing a pattern here. Looks like SRS wants full control over the highest trafficked subverses.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

i really have no idea who has been upvoating me. Id like to thank the community

here have a downvoat fuckface

I would like putt to look into SBBH , but that would never happen

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

I wouldn't have touched this situation.


expect your buddies in SBBH

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

womb is just stubborn, like a wild steed on the prairie. He'll come around, he hates me too

Womb_Raider ago

cheese, you're a complete goon.

freshmeat ago

that was miscommunication. I am as honest as I possibly can be with all the information I have.

here is refutation of your first bullshit claim. I love sar and know how unique of a person he is, and fights the good fight.

We know he isn't a muslim (his last line in his comment BTFO your false narratives) and we know he isn't a kike. At most you know he speaks Portuguese but that is one of a few languages.

You are a well known faggot and if any lurkers pay attention you always show up in these SRS meta-drama threads attacking anyone who doesn't agree with Kevdude.

ICweiner ago

Everybody knows you aren't honestly interested in the opinions of this community.

You're just spamming arguments from all your alts to take over YET ANOTHER system sub.

You sbbh cocksuckers won't be happy till you "own" all of voat.

Just like you guys did at reddit....

Just like you guys did at digg...

Just kill yourselves already. Seriously. Save everybody else the trouble and end yourself.

Now go ahead and downvoat away with your multiple accounts.

It's the only way you're going to hide my opinion because it's counterproductive to your goals.

Have fun pussy, cause like I said the other day, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

freshmeat ago

Says the faggot who got demodded from v/realProtectVoat for being a cryptojew. Even your faggot shill buddies don't want you.

Actually i sent him a re-invite when he left the moderation team and it's still open, he just has other things going on.

Chiefpacman ago

@Chilly_Helion ‘s takeon it a couple of days ago

Distillation ago

Do system subs differ from normal subs? Im trying to understand, thanks!

Distillation ago

This is too much drama for a day, but mods should be more careful!

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Another accusation without any evidence. You idiots never learn the most basic rules of the Internet:

Source or GTFO!!

Walkingman ago

I lurk here, spam is spam and should be removed. Why destroy the integrity of a verse? It seems like it was a malicious intent and a moderator stepped in to correct it.

Chiefpacman ago

The user base here is interested in the longevity of what we have here. We’re used to shitty mods ruining everything, and having to migrate. We’re worried to give them an inch, lest they take a mile.

It was definitely shit posting, trying to get a response. But he didn’t break any rules, that’s the key.

Adrian8a ago

I JUST got back on from /r/

Damn VOAT is turning to the Ellen Pao age sooner than never

Womb_Raider ago

It's a bit disappointing, isn't it?

Walkingman ago

under definition, a shit post is unrelated subject matter. Rule #1 on the side must be relevant to gaming. So you agree with the mod but do not realize it yet.

back to lurking, good day to you

miguel856 ago

I also think so.))

Chiefpacman ago

Claiming that you ‘lurk’ to take away from the fact that you’ve been here a month. I don’t care that you’re new, just that you don’t want to be new.

Anyways, no I didn’t agree with the mod. If you think there is a universal definition for shit post, you’re wrong. It doesn’t matter what you or I or the mod thinks is shit.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Your post sucks. I'm not looking through four layers of drama and meta. If you have a point say it clearly.

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

I'm shocked they figured us out!

I ban Amalek alts when he confirms they're his alts, usually when he spams the fuck out of /v/ShowerThoughts. Though it's been a long time since he went on a spamming spergefest.

Chiefpacman ago

You ban users based on allegations that they’re amalek?

No one even is amalek, everyone who wants to be him, can be him.

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

No, I ban users when they spam /v/showerthoughts and/or shitpost all over other subverses and go "I'm Amalek!" Or when amalek0001 shitposts and he made amalek0002, amalek0003, etc.

Chiefpacman ago

Alright fair enough.

Sorry for the interview, I’m just confused about voat politics.

Why are they/he calling you ‘sbbh’? You don’t post there from what I see. Or is meanwhile on reddit like a sister sub?

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

Mods should be held accountable for their actions, but the modlogs will show that I was right to prevent spamming of /v/showerthoughts. (Though one of Amalek's/SGIS's favorite tactics was deleting posts after the fact so as to remove evidence.)

Why are they/he calling you ‘sbbh’? You don’t post there from what I see. Or is meanwhile on reddit like a sister sub?

One of the users is butthurt that I called him out for shitposting in /v/Linux. Unless they've found a new reason. Also lots of Voat users hate me because they see "rabbi" in my username and flip out.

Chiefpacman ago

I feel you

We’re so far down in the comments that it’s getting hard to type.

Especially on mobile.

Have a good one

freshmeat ago

You banned me when I never did shit to your sub.

freshmeat ago

Im MYG you fuck, you banned me for nothing even though I had high voted posts in your sub contributing.

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

On 8/9/17 I banned two MightyYetGentle sockpuppets:

https://voat.co/user/MightyYetGentle7 (1579, -5)

https://voat.co/user/MightyYetGentle1488 (355, -424)

Both were shitposters and both alts of Amalek: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2244203

freshmeat ago

freshmeat ago

Again, you just proved the other guy's point. Anyone can be amalek, which means you can ban anyone. Both of those accounts were brigaded by you anyways.

You are a cancer mod then yourself if you can ban anyone you dont like @PeaceSeeker @Kevdude @PuttItOut @Cynabuns @FuzzyWords

That is a system sub a mod is freely banning whoever he likes with no legitimate reason.

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

If you don't want to be banned from a subverse don't spam the fuck out of it. Then don't try to get around it by using sockpuppets like you're doing now. Why is that so hard to understand?

That is a system sub a mod is freely banning whoever he likes with no legitimate reason.

I was the one who petitioned the admins to add it as a System sub, and that was after the first great Amalek incident.


freshmeat ago

First of all I've never spammed your sub. MightyYetGentle7 was my main since i deleted the original. And you banned all those accounts form outside of the sub like you just did to this one, I didnt even post there. If i have a showerthought i've posted them to /v/whatever.

Show me a single time I've spammed. Also, using alts after deleting an account is actually encouraged by the admins themselves so just because I have another account I don't hide means that is a bannable offense.

What is easy to understand is you are a cancerous mod running a system subverse and I will make sure this gets attention later.

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

Show me a single time I've spammed.


You deny this post showing that MYG = Amalek? https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2244203

freshmeat ago

Those aren't my posts, and yeah I'm not Amalek you fuckin retard. That's why I made rPV to counter your fake witch hunts. That post completely destroys any credibility Kevdude had left.

Grifter42 ago

Your lackey SuperConductiveRabbi did.

This is how you people took over Reddit. One by one, you subverted the moderator positions of the site, and replaced them with people who would look the other way on your SRS bullshit mind games.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

remember when gaming was about gaming? And, not /v/protectvoat kevdude drama?

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

First of all, you have given 0 pieces of evidence that Kevdude is being entirely controlled by SBBH, which makes 4 out of your 5 points instantly worthless gibberish.

Second, @ExpertShitposter, what are your ultimate intentions with v/gaming with your posts/comments?

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, Kevdude.

You're the type of person that'd smear shit all over the bathroom walls at a restaurant, and then try to sue the manager when they trespass you.

You folks banned me from /v/showerthoughts without a comment. The last people in charge of default subs should be SBBH/SRS motherfuckers like you.

Go fuck yourself with a rake.

freshmeat ago

If i were defending SRS I would be defending you and ExpertShitposter and Totes_McGotes who have been concern trolling over this. Considering that archive isn't me and it was also a year and a half ago without any problems in the sub since, it seems like a random time to start attacking the sub.

Do we want reddit power mods in system subs? Fuck no. But that also include you, and Expert, and the rest of the handful of people who have been making this drama for the last few days.


99% of the banned users is clearly spam, with the only exception being @ExpertShitposter who is known to make up bullshit and spam users with pings and even going as far as to create entire satire subs based upon certain users.

@PuttItOut needs to realize how much you and SBBH fuck with him. I would be shocked if he didn't already. You guys create problems for the site where there are none.

totes_magotes ago

You're a fucking idiot retard. You are literally trying this shit on a system sub and demanding to enforce your own rules. How the fuck did you even graduate high school being so unable to follow directions.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

worse than Manhood101 ever was

Really? You really want to go there right from the get-go?

Alright, why don't you show me how Kevdude did worse than the following points:

  • Spamming every single subverse with hundreds of accounts
  • Flooding comment sections with worthless spam only designed to attack other users
  • Sending hundreds of pings to anyone who called him out, flooding their inboxes directly with harassing/threatening spam
  • Launching 100% fake PR campaigns with his alt accounts to try and trick Voat's main userbase into attacking his critics as "enemies of free speech"
  • Attempting on multiple occasions to doxx his critics and publicly release their private information

The only thing that Manhood101 didn't do (compared to some of the spammers here on Voat) was "send out threats of torture and/or death to his critics" (at his worst, the only thing Manhood101 did along these lines was "challenge his critics to a 'fight'/debate").


totes_magotes ago

There you go, showing your retardation again. There's nothing to discuss with you because you assume a false premise.

So you can go fuck yourself. Also, remember I promised you permanent downvoats? Have one now.

freshmeat ago

You mean you and expert shitposter are on day 3 of starting drama over nothing by spamming subs you dont control?

totes_magotes ago

It doesn't matter. System sub = voat rules, not sub rules. How fucking hard is that to understand?

This has always been the case since @She. There just hasn't been a retard stupid enough to push the issue until now. And since admin are generally hands-off, things were let be.

But if you're not happy, maybe you should petition admins to take system off of /v/gaming. Until then, you follow the fucking admin's rules or you can get the fuck off voat.

billyvvinz ago


Adrian8a ago

Not gayming related


11649024? ago

kadynce fell for the spam bait, and now has an "attitude" target, which won't dissappear until blood is drawn. I would that the original nintendo soyboy posts were closer to memes/clickbait (and I was one of the people arguing that "low content" should be allowed, as there were too many good memes that survived moderation), and could have justified a "spam" ban. Now this sub has had worse shitposting then the offending posts. Fuck everyone involved.

Rotteuxx ago

Yawn... got more of them shilling arguments?

HumptyDumpty ago

Is it just me, or is @9-11 the new @SaneGoatiSwear

Rotteuxx ago

Either the original owner sold his account or didn't have much mental fortitude & fell to the shills.

I doubt it's an original MYG-SGIS account because (((Discord fags))) have never grown an alt for so long... but possible

Bob_Ross_Hair ago

I’d rather read JohnCStevenson’s posts than yours.

billyvvinz ago

Just passing through to say you sound like a top tier faggot Kev. Quit being such a pussy.

Workingsteel ago

My torch is already lit.

Womb_Raider ago

@ChillyHellion whatever you do, don't let SBBH take over the gaming sub. I've seen them destroy so many.

I've watched you for a long time and think you're a phenomenal voater. I know you'll sort things out if they require it. I no longer pay attention to kevdude begging voaters to punish subs.

TheKobold ago

Every Day 9-11 is trying to kill this free speech haven.

Anyone have a theory on why?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Because people being allowed to disagree with him on the internet is evil

TheKobold ago

The resident anti-free speech faggot is here. Now we know who is running this sub.

saltpricesplummet ago

That's what I was alluding to when I said it wouldn't last.

saltpricesplummet ago

No doubt, it was a piss poor reason. I guess my solution would be unban him and let kaydnce have a chance to keep modding and chalk it up to over reaction. For some reason I don't think that would last long though and I'm sure most people can imagine why.

11648622? ago

Cant do the "new account"-excuse, switches to the "alt"-excuse.

As a whiny, 2.6 year SBBH drama queen retard said: "Paranoia is a rough thing."

11648557? ago

Hey I want to get banned for my attitude too

11648513? ago

Who care you whiny 2.6 year bitch, go back to SRS, or PV or whatever.


Member for: 2.7 years
(joined on: 4/23/2015)

Wildebeest ago

A completely pathetic loser, should be ashamed of themselves. Why bring that shit here?

saltpricesplummet ago

The reputation in question is spamming and brigading and forcing mods to do something that they don't want to do. For fucks sake you've had to tell them to cut the shit before. If mods see this reoccurring and want to stop it before it escalates can you really blame them that much? I don't even mind shitposts but certain users it seems to me are trying to be malicious. Take that for what you will.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

The reputation in question is spamming and brigading and forcing mods to do something that they don't want to do.

this is what @kevdude is defending

LilBrattyMkr ago

I can see why v/gaming got annoyed, but that's what downvotes are for. Use the system as it's written and stop making your own rules. Remove the ban and give the mod one more chance to follow voat rules.

Mickgoestojail ago

What if the people making the posts are also upvoting them? What would you do then?

LilBrattyMkr ago

I do my part and downvote when I see fit. If we've got a gang of assholes coming in trying to destroy voat like some are saying then we should take a step back and look at this with a wider lense. I'm quite a lurker here but I don't know all of the drama with @kevdude and @expertshitposter like others do.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

My upvote doesn't mean I agree with you. But I agree with you.

Wildebeest ago

Did @kadynce say what "regular users" the temp ban was discussed with? Has anyone stepped forward to say they were involved with the discussion? Temp ban was unwarranted even if it was discussed with others but am curious if that was even true.

Diathorus ago

If it ain't illegal shit and it isn't spammed more than once a day I don't see a problem with letting users just downvote shitposting submissions.

This sub already is pretty slow compared to the politics related ones on Voat so banning what I can see as harmless users is counter-productive IMO.

11648389? ago

I don't even know what that means.

That's ok. Others will read it and know, realize the mod did a great job that warrants applause, doesn't need defending.

Hey noob goats, stay out of ProtectVoat, its also a SBBH troll sub chokefull of redditry and manufactured drama.

Neinlife ago

voat is not the place for faggot crybaby mods.

saltpricesplummet ago

Ok. I'm gonna through my 2 cents in cause you wanted honest dialog kevdude. This isn't the first time this happened and it always revolves around the same group of users. My sympathy is wearing thin for those getting booted from subs and then bitching about it. It's the "Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" mentality. I can see why kaydnce did it, because the user has garnered a reputation for doing stupid shit.

Now with all that being said, I still don't think he should've been banned. Mainly because as you said, it was one post a day, and hardly spamming.

youdumbcuckface ago

You lying sack of shit.

11648267? ago

The days where you had benefit of the doubt are long over. Now go back to being "undercover" in SBBH.

fagetty ago

Who care you whiny bitch, go back to SRS, or PV or whatever.

Kal ago

Sort of looks like this is what he was trying for. That isn't even shitposting, it's just spam.

11648119? ago

You assholes knew it would happen, you engineered this. Had the mod not deleted, SBBH would have turned up the shitposting till it happened. The mod is ProtectingVoat. Good work.

youdumbcuckface ago

They are so arrogant and open about what they do. If anyone questions it they get dogged into an unusable account. But people who speak out are the shills. Sigh.

11648469? ago

They must think everyone here is as young and low IQ redditory as themselves, but plausible deniability only goes so far. SBBH, kev, they are the problem Putt should fix.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

its pretty easy to shut them down, they literally do the same move every time.

youdumbcuckface ago

Yeah goys! The quarantine site for reddit will be infiltrated by these shill mods. Way to go @kevdude. Way to fucking go. You don't brigade or install your people as mods for control. NEVER have I seen that. Fucking shit show this place has become. Anyone who disagrees is a kike shill. Retards.

Virology ago

@kadynce needs to be removed. This isn't Reddit, you don't get to remove post because you don't like it.

Bob_Ross_Hair ago

As a member of /gaming I say post what you want and let the other users decide where it falls with votes. What bothers me is this nu-male open mouth bullshit. Why do so many of them make this goddamn face!?

Wil ago

User made one borderline shitpost per day

I don't know - or care - about mod politics, but he made like fifteen posts in the last 22 hours (according to the deleted posts link in the sidebar).

AESTHETIC_Ding-Dong ago

I don't know - or care - about mod politics, but he made like fifteen posts in the last 22 hours (according to the deleted posts link in the sidebar). Or were all those "nigger game" posts made by someone else?

I made those posts, because a system sub is a catch all sub. The downvoats had done their job, there was no reason to delete posts on a system sub. As per voats rules on system subs.

I am not @expertshitposter.


The_Grassy_Knoll ago

And I dont have a penis... wait, I have a penis!

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

last 22 hours

yes it is sbbh and kevdudes goons.... they do it all the time, they did the same to /v/identitarian and /v/realprotectvoat

he was banned for essentially spamming the sub. Exactly what a moderator should be doing

nonbreakingspace ago

Sounds like a pretty standard reddit response imo. I'd undo the ban and remove the mod

weezkitty ago

I agree they overstepped their bounds and it should be undone. I don't agree with removing all moderation. There is already a problem with people posting shit to the wrong sub all the time

ParsonsWORDSinclair ago

Would you please take a look at this situation regarding /v/pizzagate and give me your opinion on it?

Millennial Falcon request for his removal as Mod of Pizzagate (Part 1)

SarMegahhikkitha ago

This is just concern trolling to build support for mod-less default subs, a way for the /v/ProtectVoat + /v/SoapBoxBanhammer downvote brigades to run all the default subs without having to take them over like they usually do, i.e. by spamming the sub and then:

  • If mod deletes spam, concern troll that mod hates free speech and users should move to an SRS-controlled community

  • If mod doesn't delete spam, cry out for the mod to do his job or be replaced with an SRS user for "inactivity" via /v/subversetransfers

Non-SRS non-powermod moderators are the last stand against total SRS control. This will make the front page 100% SRS-generated content filled with CCP-harvesting comments written by outsourced Indians.

11647927? ago

Yawn, another SBBH post, from a SBBHer defending a SBBHer. At least its in a SBBH sub. How reddit can it get?

Suck a dick, Kev.

Brigbjones ago

Shun the janitor. Modrule/thevoatsdecide freedom at any price.

Rellik88 ago

Sharpening pitchfork now.

totes_magotes ago

"Illegal Opinions"

This is a system mod, only voat rules apply.

Thrus2 ago

I have been seeing this system sub so only voat rules, then why have mods in them? why not have them all be /v/whatever? if the sub can't have rules they can't limit the topics posted so we may as well delete the 29 not whatever subs and just let it all accumulate in one anyhow. But that isn't the case we have multiple subs for different topics so there needs to be some rules for what belongs where of there will just be a mess of posts. There was no objections when ChillyHellion removed all the sporting event related watch live links to reddit and those are related to sports games but can be pulled and not a peep from people but now something happens to a user with lots of internet points and we are supposed to change how the sub operates? Most arguments I can debate the person but this is one of the dumbest ideas presented.

totes_magotes ago

You apparently have no idea what "free speech platform" means as well as believing that the purpose of a mod to fuck everyone off and direct conversation as you see fit. That's fine. Admin is going to fix that shit. Then you're going to whine and cry. And I'm going to laugh.

weezkitty ago

A free speech platform doesn't mean you can do literally whatever you want, wherever you want.

You're allowed to take a shit in a public bathroom but it wouldn't be taken well if you did it in the sink instead of the toilet

totes_magotes ago

System sub = voat rules.

How the fuck do people not understand that? Literally, you can't even hold a job with that kind of logic. Which begs the question "What the fuck are Democrats doing on here?"

Thrus2 ago

the issue is if you stick to that logic only why have mods on system subs at all? and further more why have 30 different subs of them? they are all the same why not just have one as all content is interchangeable on all of them? We can start poiting our gaming topics in /v/goats our politics in /v/aww and our videos in /v/pics there is nothing they can do as they are not allowed to have rules about what sort of content goes there only the voat rules.

totes_magotes ago

Mods do not control content. You need to understand that right. fucking. now. That's cancer SRS reddit shit right there. The only exceptions in system subs are spam, illegal content. Users curate content by reporting those types of posts and voats.

If you think that a mod should direct the conversation, you need to either re-educate yourself or leave voat. Voat is not like these other shit sites where mods control everything.

For example, "shut the fuck up you dumb crotchgoblin piece of shit."

Now I'm not actually saying that to you (right now) but I can. That's because it's free speech, not safe spaces.

This is why we have this problem in the first place.

There's no way to confuse this issue except not letting go of bullshit ideas on what mods do.

Thrus2 ago

if they don't control the direction why do we have 30 system subs? why do many of them have rules saying what can and can't be posted

/v/books 3- Content should be about Books/Authors/Series/News/and likewise, not Spam/Junk/or self promotion

/v/gifs Do not post an album of gifs Mark your posts as [NSFW] or ping a mod for a flair

/v/goats CONTENT: Share your pictures, stories & relevant articles, (I admit they don't define what relevant means)

/v/introductions Sub Rule: This sub is for making your introduction post as a new user and for welcoming new users in the comments; posts asking for or offering free upvotes is bad form, Off-Topic to the sub, and subject to deletion

/v/music Any spam, off-topic, or illegal content will be removed immediately.

/v/news 4. No Memes

/v/pics Submissions must link directly to a specific image file or to a website with minimal ads. No blog hosting of images ("blogspam"), but albums on image hosting sites are okay. URL shorteners are prohibited.

No text/self posts, gifs, videos, etc.

No memes, comics, "posters", image macros, etc. Submissions with text overlays, screenshots with large amounts of text, infographics, and similar posts must have emphasis on the picture itself and not the text/chart/symbol/etc.

No gore, porn, or distasteful nudity. This includes jailbait-type material. NSFW content must be marked, but at this time only mods can assign flairs.

And that is just pulling from the part of the list of system subs that have rules about what can or can't be posted. These are the rules the mods enforce.

Free speech doesn't mean you can say anything anywhere anyhow try using free speech as an excuse after you yelled fire in a theater. We have the different subs to guide what content goes where the mods are there to help keep that flowing accordingly if we just allow anything anywhere the site will be a mess and sure you can have complete free speech with the other 50 people that are willing to put up with zero organization to the posts. Sure I get it use private subs for organized and where you want rules but the truth is if the primary are a mess no one will bother staying around long enough to look for the private subs and the site dies. You need a strong core site to get users for the expanded parts of the site.

Bmn003 ago

You don't ban the word "fire" because someone might use it to cause a panic. You ban the deliberate causing of a panic, an example of which is shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

totes_magotes ago

Free speech doesn't mean you can say anything anywhere anyhow try using free speech as an excuse after you yelled fire in a theater.

You just restated pretty much what the free speech clause of the 1st Amendment states. Aside from few very narrow restrictions, you can say whatever the fuck you want. BUT you need to have the understanding that it just means that the government is not supposed to give you shit for it. That means that a company can restrict your speech. But this is a free speech platform (seriously, read the admin posts sometimes, you'll see this really fast) and the 1st Amendment does not apply. So piss off with you conflation of Voat rules and US rules.

weezkitty ago

System sub = voat rules.

That isn't really what it means. System subs are core/default subs that were created with the inception of Whoaverse. It doesn't necessarily mean they don't have their own rules

totes_magotes ago

NO. That's exactly what it means. PeaceSeeker literally just got into a conversation about that. That restriction was put into place because of @She and her little buttbuddy friends.

Mog_Spawn ago

Rally the Pitchforks!

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@peaceseeker said in another thread to remain calm bout it so i guess soft troll is okay?

Reddit_traitor ago

he's got to go

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

get rid of kadynce and make @expertshitposter mod

youdumbcuckface ago

Join lisa in the grave you degenerate vermin. @expertshitposter is a euro kike.