hopeforall ago

Go for it. We call this Pizzagate but we don't know how far this corruption spreads. We should just call it pedogate and focus on all those elite pedophiles not just Alefantis, though we shouldn't forget about him, we will expose his crimes one day. But there's more than just James Alefantis and his pizza shop involved in this so why limit it to that? I mean what if someone posts something that a moderator thinks isn't relevant even though it's related to powerful people involved in sexual abuse. I mean if people did deep into something like that it could potentially expose Alefantis and this whole thing. Look at the scandal that happened in Hollywood last year with Weinstein, Ben Affleck and others, there's probably even more who just haven't been exposed yet.

Cc1914 ago

Why did you delete this?

flyingcuttlefish ago

I cross-posted this to v/pizzataeuncencored thread ....

Mrs_Kravitz ago

Also MF with all due respect yiu have banned lots of my posts which later proved to be connected wither to child trafficking, pizzagate, pedogate, Disney club 33, Mayo Clinic organ harvesting, mysterious deaths of magicians where elite pedos like Prince Charles is on the board etc. Granted, I am a newbie, and not tech saavy by any means but my heart is in the right place and I try to do enough research before I post Anything.

PoeticJunction ago

That's very uncool.

Mrs_Kravitz ago

Dude I tried to upvote you and others comment and it said denied. But thank you

PoeticJunction ago

You're welcome. Take it easy.

Mrs_Kravitz ago

Thank u

argosciv ago

Fuck off, you assinine fuckwit. Same goes for every other held-back moron jumping on the anti @Millennial_Falcon and anti @Crensch bandwagons. I don't give a flying fuck if they delete your posts - funnily enough, though, it turns out you've only ever posted one thing to v/pizzagate: Proof That Steven Spielberg is a Child Molester: A totally fucking worthless post with absolutely nothing to back up the assertion in your clickbait title.

PS: It was actually removed by @Vindicator, you fuckwit.

Prozak Ft. Tech N9ne & Twiztid - Do you know where you are?

PPS: Thanks to @2impendingdoom, I now remember the name of the other fuckwit who loved to derail genuine investigation by berating mods and spreading bullshit on subjects he knows nothing about; @hojuruku

Pretty fucking obvious what his agenda was/is and how it's identical to the agenda shared by ES, CC, DK, AWS, 4IM, SST, DTMA & yourself, PoeticJunction.

Behemoth - Lam @ Warsaw, 2009 - Live with lyrics

Marilyn Manson - WE KNOW WHERE YOU FUCKING LIVE (Official Music Video)


Now, excepting the mods and good folk caught up in this shitstorm of pings and shillery, kindly fuck off and stop wasting my time/invading my solitude.

Behemoth - Zos Kia Cultus

2impendingdoom ago

don't ping me either.

argosciv ago

Then don't jump on the bandwagon like a fuckwit.

bernitdown ago

Yup. Fuck millennium falcon. He keeps deleting my shit when I just wanted a decent discussion.

hardrock ago

Millenial_Falcon seems to have acquired (either by mistake or by bad intentions) some "fixed idea" about what is or isn't legitimate pizzagate investigation, and is using that fixed idea to arbitrarily delete stuff that doesn't measure up. Unfortunately, Millenial_Falcon is not SHARING the actual nature of that "idée fixe" with others, making it impossible for others to respond to or argue with it. It's like an invisible rule. It's also a nasty little power trip and quite destructive of the entire VOAT platform, not mention how it's wrecking the pizzagate investigation by chopping off whole lines of inquiry, without recourse to discussion.

ParsonsWORDSinclair ago

Very well said.

Crensch ago

PASTA is PG related.


With that, you're done. You've failed, utterly, to provide anything but evidence that you want to put every sick fuck on the planet here in order to slide the PG-relevant posts.

Time to fuck off.

@Vindicator @kevdude @VictorSteinerDavion @heygeorge

VictorSteinerDavion ago

This whole thing is beyond boring now.

Everyone whines and complains but refuses to step up and do anything about what they whine about

2impendingdoom ago

this list of pizzagaters who have been banned by M_F is outrageous.

Not just Jem777, but flyingcuttlefish, Nana66, DarkMath, hojuroku, possibly Quantokitty, are just a few who come to mind immediately. I know there are tons more.

PoeticJunction ago

[–] @2impendingdoom 0 points (+0|-0) 30 minutes ago

this list of pizzagaters who have been banned by M_F is outrageous.

Not just Jem777, but flyingcuttlefish, Nana66, DarkMath, hojuroku, possibly Quantokitty, are just a few who come to mind immediately. I know there are tons more.

Tagging Mods @Crensch @kevdude @VictorSteinerDavion @VSD, @vindicator, and @heygeorge.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

The number of people who are trying to submerge this whole verse is outrageous.

Being banned does not and should not grant validity to the account being banned.

Every single person banned is so because of flagrant rules violation.

v/pizzagate is not the catchall "we hate pedos" forum.
There are plenty of other places to facilitate that function.

Protip: stop trying to get banned by overtly ignoring the rules, and stop getting banned by trying to waste everyone's time with rubbish and conjecture.

PoeticJunction ago

@flyingcuttlefish, @Nana66, @DarkMath, @hojuroku, possibly @Quantokitty

Please see post [–] 2impendingdoom 0 points (+0|-0) 30 minutes ago

this list of pizzagaters who have been banned by M_F is outrageous.

Not just Jem777, but flyingcuttlefish, Nana66, DarkMath, hojuroku, possibly Quantokitty, are just a few who come to mind immediately. I know there are tons more.

Nana66 ago

Vindicator let me back in recently and within days M_F was on one on my comments picking a fight (probably alerted to it by a shill because I replied to another comment about him deleting posts, something to the effect that it's kinda creepy to think who he might be IRL) ...I ignored him. I've also wondered where's King Kong is Wrong went. He supposedly made this sub and hasn't ever had anything to do with it...I could never know about this and never come back to help in any way or anything.

LionElTrump ago

[–] @Mrs_Kravitz 3 points (+3|-0) 8 hours ago Yes MF but 2 days ago you deleted my Jack Dorsey post where he talks about " having the good pasta and reading satanic verses". PASTA is PG related. Especially after what broke yesterday that they keep all DMs , nude pics and such and 300 Twitter employees are paid to watch what is essentially child porn. At the time I thought, 'whose side are you on?'

How is that not pedogate related? At worst voat should get tags that mods can flair something in their subverse, this at worst would be 'speculation' but it connects the dot to Twitter which is important for the commie/pedos to influence faux public opinion, censor/shadowban, monitor conversations/spy, sell, and collect chomo photos/videos. Which is the exact argument that is going to be made whenever you can corner Podesta or any of the others regarding their use of food codewords in the emails.

Here is one of the major examples of PASTA: Podesta email 30613 where one of the major families who crashed/profited(now funding radical left groups) off the Housing Market in 2008 is asking Podesta his favorite sexual preference and the Martha Vineyard Rental Agent where they through a recent party at says Podesta left a handkerchief trophy on the island and is probably pizza related.

Nearly on par with the successor to Aarron Schwartz who ended up suiciding himself when pulling data off MIT servers, Spez hanging out with cannibals subs, Podesta does say it's better to be the one with the fork than the one on the table.

Mrs_Kravitz ago

Thank you Lion for this!


I'm just curious, why is pizzagate only about "elite" individuals committing atrocities? What is the difference between an "elite" getting away with their actions and anyone else who's equally capable of getting away with their actions by exploiting the system created by said "elites?"

[–] Crensch 1 points (+1|-0) 20 hours ago


Now that I've read where this is coming from, you both can fuck right off.


What is with the obsession with Podesta and dismissal of anyone else suffering from equally sick actions caused by anyone not immediately connected to him? I fail to see the point of the pizzagate sub considering any government agency on the planet worth their salt has all the information and more, and they're the people doing something about it. I imagine a call to arms would be strictly prohibited, so I doubt posts on the sub are meant to encourage people to take matters into their own hands, so why bother focusing on "elites?" What is there to gain from this sub? We care about what "elites" do because their actions are sick, but anyone deemed not "elite" committing the same atrocities is not worth the time?

PoeticJunction ago

@DANKGHIDORAH 3 points (+3|-0) 3 hours ago (edited 3 hours ago)

I'm just curious, why is pizzagate only about "elite" individuals committing atrocities? What is the difference between an "elite" getting away with their actions and anyone else who's equally capable of getting away with their actions by exploiting the system created by said "elites?"

[–] @Crensch 1 points (+1|-0) 20 hours ago


Now that I've read where this is coming from, you both can fuck right off.


What is with the obsession with Podesta and dismissal of anyone else suffering from equally sick actions caused by anyone not immediately connected to him? I fail to see the point of the pizzagate sub considering any government agency on the planet worth their salt has all the information and more, and they're the people doing something about it. I imagine a call to arms would be strictly prohibited, so I doubt posts on the sub are meant to encourage people to take matters into their own hands, so why bother focusing on "elites?" What is there to gain from this sub? We care about what "elites" do because their actions are sick, but anyone deemed not "elite" committing the same atrocities is not worth the time?

Tl;Dr what are the viewers of pizzagate meant to do if not help to expose more crimes of a similar nature? Why bother focusing on "elites" when only other "elites" will have the power to interact with them?

Oh_Well_ian ago

It's called 'limiting the scope of the investigation'.

The faggot Mods know what they are doing. They are preventing dots from being connected.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Ohai mod here

any evidence to back up your claim?

Or are you just shilling for the pedophiles that want to bury the investigation into pizzagate through forum slide?

Kekistani ago

Mods are CIA - @ srayzie is doxing people from the investigation.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

srayzie is doxing people from the investigation

Legit serious: Can you support the claim - that's directly against all the rules and if it can be proven beyond "we say they say" action will be taken

Mods are CIA


Cc1914 ago

MF banned @carmencita over 5 months ago . I made a post asking him why he's banning good PG researchers . He deleted my post lol https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2065555

I honestly don't have enough time to go through all my deleted submissions but I can tell you anything pertaining to blood or the gay manifesto which is obviously relevant , MF deletes it !

Nana66 ago

Yup My post that got me banned for "spam" after reposting with more connection to pizzagate, was blood stealing related.

This is the original, can't find my updated post


carmencita ago

Yep. He deleted me twice in one day. Y'all have to know I post all kinds of bogus made up garbage every day. NOT! Evidently one of my comments must have set off the Blood & Gay Alarm. That was around the time that Jem got banned as well. Btw where is @Mej777

Cc1914 ago

I thought vindicater banned jem777? I never understood why either and to be honest I forgot about that!! Good question !

carmencita ago

Hmm. It's been a while now, but I am pretty sure it was him. I remember him (Jem) messaging me at the time.

carmencita ago

Oops! Ok. I am shocked that V banned Jem.

Cc1914 ago

I know me too

Vindicator ago

I banned one of Jem's alts, because she repeatedly refused to honor the submission rules. She made numerous unsourced claims, and got bent when asked to provide links to evidence, or keep those claims to the Comment section or v/pizzagatewhatever. She then made several posts bitching about mods being compromised because we removed her rule-breaking posts in violation of the rules themselves (such posts belong in v/pizzagatemods). I tried to work with her, but she was unrepentant. She has since waged a smear campaign claiming to be a victim of censorship here. It's completely ridiculous, since she has multiple alts.

TL;DR: Jem gave me no other option but to ban her; I have to administer the rules as consistently as possible.

carmencita ago

Wow. Well, I am glad to hear your side. Thank You :)

Vindicator ago


PoeticJunction ago


carmencita ago

Hi Sarah.

AngB23 ago

Damn...been off for awhile, come back and see I was tagged and got excited that MF was gone. Now pissed off that apparently that’s not true.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for the ping. Excellent and well documented thread. You have my vote! He needs to go!

RevolutionaryOcelot ago

Thank you very much for your reply. Also glad you up voted, please feel free to share the link etc, as I am sure you would do anyway. Thanks again.

srayzie ago

@Carmencita this is “Sarah” too. She included me in part 2 🙄

carmencita ago

TY! Wow How many hats does she wear? Ocelot? Hmm. Spots. Does she constantly change her spots? Very Telling Indeed.

srayzie ago

I’m serious. “She” posts every single day. Right now she’s mad so she’s going to be public about it.

carmencita ago

She is Spamming the Whole Board. At least calls for a Slapdown or a Temporary Ban.

srayzie ago

Well she mentioned me in part 2 so I did what Vindicator said and I posted my list and her favorite song lol

carmencita ago

Good for you. These Spamming Shills need to be Outed. We need to down voat all her comments.

srayzie ago

In an hour she’ll be on a new one

carmencita ago

Wow must be nice to be able to have nothing else to do. How does she make her money? I think I can guess.

srayzie ago

She says her dad runs Racine. Maybe him. 😂

carmencita ago

Hm m. Could she also be masquerading as "one of us". Trying to take one of us down with untruths? Under another name I mean? With some stuff that might be pretty credible but really not true? I think that could be possible and that we should be extremely aware and careful down the road. We must all keep our eyes open.

srayzie ago

Yeah that’s what she usually does

carmencita ago

TY. I am there.

Gothamgirl ago

I haven't really had any issues with mods so I couldn't say yeah or nay. Any of my posts deleted I know it was my fault, but I don't think anyone should be calling others names such as skitzo. I know they have a criteria that needs to be met, otherwise we would everything under the sun posted on this board. I also feel the fustrations of the researchers as they have invested time and effort. So I am somewhere in the middle on this subject.

carmencita ago

All those names. Bit of Overkill imo. Sign of Possible Shill.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't what this all about either, I am just here for the kids like you Carmencita.

carmencita ago

Yes, me too. But certain ones are gumming up the works and spamming the board with a slew of accounts. So many it is hard to keep track. Rev. Ocelot is one of them. I think Sarah Podesta is too. She has threatened the children of @srayzie

srayzie ago

This one goes by Sarah Podesta

carmencita ago

Yep. Thought so. Wow. If this is not a reason to move, I don't know what is. @Gothamgirl

Gothamgirl ago

Like move to a new sub or website?

carmencita ago

Yes. We have talked about this so many times. There were a few that took votes, and we all said we were on board and were ready and then Pffft. That was The End.

Gothamgirl ago

That is not cool at all.

PoeticJunction ago

[Millennial Falcon request for his removal as Mod of Pizzagate (Part 1)] (https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2344496)) [Millennial Falcon request for his removal as Mod of Pizzagate (Part 2)] (https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2344498)) Millennial Falcon request for his removal as Mod of Pizzagate (Part 3) (https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2344514)) @Crensch: Then present your case in /v/pizzagatemods, ping @kevdude, me, @VSD, @vindicator, and @heygeorge.

PoeticJunction ago


@Crensch: Then present your case in /v/pizzagatemods, ping kevdude, me, @VSD, @vindicator, and @heygeorge.

v/pizzagate (Vindicator) > PoeticJunction | Sent: 13 hours ago on 1/17/2018 1:50:14 AM Submission /v/pizzagate/2343305 deleted Your submission /v/pizzagate/2343305 has been deleted by: @Vindicator on 1/17/2018 1:50:14 AM

Reason given: @PoeticJunction: Rules 1 and 3

Original Submission Proof That Steven Spielberg is a Child Molester In this clip, Spielberg's MK Ultra brainwashed twin kids point to their penis, then to their mouth as they watch MK Ultra brainwashed Michael J. Fox and Elizabeth Shue. Mirror this and share on your own channel. This is going right back up on other accounts as soon as Spielberg takes it down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqmX2zQf4PMYouTube

Spielberg's child sex slave actors fondle a statue's carefully-crafted penis while making sexual remarks about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlXZG2YLrmUYouTube

Proof That Steven Spielberg is a Child Molester (Part Three) Jesuit/Vatican deviant Steven Spielberg told his child sex slaves to say "penis breath" to each other in this horrific clip. Spielberg actually pulled out this clip from E.T. as the questions about his bizarre pedophilia connections in every single one of his movies began to mount and mount over the years. Today he practically leads a recluse's life to avoid the spotlight, allowing others to direct all his films and quickly cutting out his pedophile directors as soon as they are positively identified by the public, like J.J. Murphy, "Super 8" film employee. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXgzeqZHofYYouTube

Credits: Obama's False Flag Flying Circus Exposed

2impendingdoom ago

isn't the simple fact that Spielberg and the Clintons go way back as friends to Arkansas days enough reason be putting SS on our radar?

PoeticJunction ago

Oh yeah? Well me and the devil go way back.

2impendingdoom ago

I guess I misunderstood what you were trying to present. Please don't include me in your pings. thank you.

PoeticJunction ago

Um what? I mean I know the devil's tricks.

carmencita ago

What does Drew Barrymore know about Heather O'Rourke that Steven Spielberg is trying to hide. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/3588874677413980/ Whenever there are pics of him with her or them there is Backlash.