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SarMegahhikkitha ago

/v/SoapDoxBanHammer is SRS on here. They have authoritarian left (SJWs) running SRS on Reddit and libertarian left running SRS here. (Meanwhile, /v/ProtectVoat is pretending to stand guard against their hegemony but are all libertarian or authoritarian left and find themselves siding with SRS.) Then to maintain power, they've had Reddit oppress enough people that even the sheep and libertarian left are leaving Reddit, and school is out for the summer, so there are enough stupid new people that even if you say SDBH is SRS nobody knows what you're talking about and they blindly pile onto SDBH's downvotes. Even if you go on GLP, ATS, ConspiracyClub, etc. there is no way to escape a group of users controlling the message. On Voat and the conspiracy-minded discussion places (any place with too much freedom), they tend to have a lot of racist shills spamming meaningless racist profanity, so that people arriving are repulsed and think conspiracy people are all racist. (Notice MightyYetGentle and myself are both listed on the SDBH-run /v/ShitProtectVoatSays target list. I got a "warning shot" of 300 CCP drained, but he got drained to negative and run off the site, mainly for exposing /r/The_Donald is controlled by SRS and trying to take over a sub that SRS was spamming to make the case they need control of it). (Soviet spies used to use this tactic, it's called leapfrogging) (SRS user pretending /v/dice is a legitimate community because Atko (who gives free promotion to all SRS communities) promoted it) (Smokeratz being brigaded for calling attention to this post) (in reference to (They created the secret "site-wide ban" just to remove the second commenter's (GOT's) account, then downvoted Amalek when he gave /v/ProtectVoat proof there was a secret site-wide ban.)

I've stopped trying to inform people because literally nobody here cares. It's a right safe space just like Reddit is a left safe space. They're not going to risk national security to let us have an unsafe space anywhere on the internet unless it's private, so only if you shut off downvotes in your communities so it doesn't show up on /v/all will they stop trying to disrupt.

CrudOMatic ago


...and all that shit.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

Jesus christ guys. Everybody isn't srs when they disagree with you. Sdbh are cast out circle jerking retards and protect voat isn't even close to srs.

Ding_dong ago

Does this seem like it has to do with anyone disagreeing with anyone? It's merely pointing out what they are doing. Why are you defending them?

Ding_dong ago

hey nice to see you still here ready to drop that info, thank you very much again man

mamwad ago

Easy there, McCarthy.

Techius ago

/v/soapdoxbanhammer isn't SRS you fucking idiot. /v/protectvoat is though and there's clear evidence of it.

G4 ago

Oh hey. You're still on this site. Neither of them are SRS, protectvoat is cancer though. At least it used to be, haven't checked out that sub in a while.

Techius ago

Why are you being downvoted so much?

G4 ago

Who knows, man.

fagnig ago

Dont listen to this SRS shill guise, this post of his links to a private subreddit they all operate out of.

'code 100g4y' refers to: anything else will take you to some random page, unless its a private subreddit or else its a page not found like, but is forbidden, because its a link to a post on a private SRS subreddit.

Techius ago

100g4y didn't even mean anything when I posted it. Clearly you're a Schizophrenic. You're trying to find something that doesn't exist.

fagnig ago

Dont try to wriggle out of this you SRS scum

Techius ago

What the fuck does /tb/ on Reddit mean? It probably means nothing, yet you claim it's a way SRS "communicate." If you know this, doesn't this mean that YOU are a part of SRS because I didn't know this until I read your Autistic post.

Secondly, calling everyone SRS doesn't encourage proper conversation on Voat, it doesn't help that this place is a neo-nazi right wing circle jerk already. It appears free speech is only allowed for people who share your neo-nazi viewpoints on the world.

fagnig ago

What the fuck does /tb/ on Reddit mean?

You know damn well what it stands for srs shill, its the secret srs raid board on reddit the srs admins created and where you lot co-ordinate attacks on voat.

Techius ago

Proof that it actually is for that?

fagnig ago

Proof that the srs raid board is actually for srs raids on voat?

Techius ago

You brought up that claim, so prove it exists instead of speaking out of your hairy ass faggot.

fagnig ago

Hey, i posted to sdbh a dozen or so times now. Im not actually kevdude. You were fun

Techius ago

Im not actually kevdude.

That's what they want us to think.

Am I allowed my CCP back as well? Better start making some alts to upvote my shit, shill!

fagnig ago

Am I allowed my CCP back as well?

Trolling costs CCP faget, go post some music or something in the srs shill upvote-farming subs