Womb_Raider ago

Mad cause bad

unrelentless-search ago

plus its rude to flat ask a question fuck face

unrelentless-search ago

its too distracting for me in real life, i have an addictive personality... might understands

unrelentless-search ago

That is tough to say.

I'll do it for you mouth breather, the iron fist, ie ... me is none of those people. a fucking baboon could see that.

but you still think im that one person.... you see kevdude,.... no im going to take the high road... you all are just wrong. But.....

@deejf is a fucking perverted faggot, who is obsessed with me and think im his boogie man... a fucking nut job. I

this has give me an idea actually.... but i digress

we just played paladins pretty much it, im distancing myself from discord same as I have already done with voat. I just poke my head in from time to time as I found a new home.

But its nice to to see you guys up your usual censorship point restrictions.

way to protectvoat penis head

ExpertShitposter ago

This screengrab? https://archive.fo/RdUqN

Mighty/Amalek is definitely Grifter42 but IronFist is a separate person, tho part of the same group. Over 100 accounts were involved but it was just few peeps behind those accounts. Almost all of them Myg/grifter. Verdicts are mixed on weather sanegoat was just part of the group or Amalek himslef. Most of them are Jews so they are inherently Crypto.

From what i hear Mighty was so intolerable in the discord chat that even his people left to form a separate discord group just to avoid him. @deejf

Womb_Raider ago

Mighty isn't Grifter, you idiot.

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't believe that. I don't suppose you could prove it somehow, if you could be bothered to do that.

Womb_Raider ago

I can't prove it in the same way you cannot demonstrably prove you are not Beatle.

Regardless, I think you know you're wrong.

ExpertShitposter ago

There are ways using screen shots.....but never mind.

deejf ago

Hm. So when Iron Fistie went apeshit every time I called him SaneGoat, he might have been telling the truth about being someone else. Interesting.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its possible that he was, tho you never know with these crypto jews. Maybe of interest: https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/2242286/11075516/10#11075516

deejf ago

The fact that you think "jew" is a pejorative is... interesting.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its voat, don't know why that surprises you, most people here feel that way. Maybe you never noticed if you stick to music subs and don't pay attention to to posts on front page.

Jews have historically been a very destructive force on the planet, and even if you look at voat as a "mini universe" or a simulation of a universe, the most destructive users, and the most devious subverse takeovers were always committed by by self admitted Jews.

deejf ago

Its voat,

No shit? And here I thought it was Suck.Com.

don't know why that surprises you,

Did I say "surprised"? No, I did not.

most people here feel that way.

Incorrect. Most of the loudest people, perhaps. But hating Jews simply because they are Jews is not nearly as prevalent an attitude as Jew-haters pretend that it is.

It is also interesting (note, I do not say "surprising", nor do I mean "surprising", just so that we're clear about that -- you seem to have reading comprehension problems, so I thought I'd help you out with that part, since you so obviously have difficulty with it) that your first defense is "everybody feels this way". As if your feelings or anybody else's constitute a rational basis for anything.

Maybe you never noticed if you stick to music subs and don't pay attention to to posts on front page.

Aw, isn't that cute, he's patronizing me. Gawrsh, I guess I should feel about two inches tall, shouldn't I?

Jews have historically been a very destructive force on the planet,

That's complete bullshit, but you go on with your bad self. I won't pretend I think you could ever be persuaded by paltry things like facts, history, or logic.

and even if you look at voat as a "mini universe" or a simulation of a universe,

It isn't. The fact that idiocy like frothy-mouthed bigotry like yours is permitted here makes it better than most places in the world. Ignorant dirtbags have a right to their idiotic opinions, too.

the most destructive users, and the most devious subverse takeovers were always committed by by self admitted Jews.

As if having Jewish heritage is something so shameful that people hide it.

Now, before you go telling me that I'm a Jew, let me forestall you -- I cannot claim that I am, my genetic history is Scots and Flemish. But believe me, if I were, I would feel no shame in admitting it.

ExpertShitposter ago

Incorrect. Most of the loudest people, perhaps.

I measure this not by how many people yell against jews, but by how the MASS of lurkers respond to it. You see, for every poster ther is 10 lurkers who dont talk but vote. When you post anti jew comments it gets 100 upvotes and 3 downvotes. When you post pro jew comments you get 2 upvotes and 10 downvotes.

That's complete bullshit,.... facts, history, or logic.

Its precisely facts, history, or logic that i base my claim on. But do note that i did not exclude the white race as innocent angels that did nothing wrong.

It isn't. The fact that idiocy like frothy-mouthed bigotry like yours is permitted here makes it better than most places in the world. Ignorant dirtbags have a right to their idiotic opinions, too.

You seem to get angry easily at the very mention of jews as a bad thing even tho i didn't advocate any violence or other anti-jew actions. Are you sure you don't have some jewish blood mixed in there? ;D

deejf ago

But is Mighty/Amalek also SaneGoat, and are they all the same idiot who spent several months telling everybody he was the Iron Fist and then getting mad when nobody was impressed?

Le_Squish ago

He's stupid, literally.

He can't comprehend that there are voaters smart enough to keep up with his alt switching. He had a fit that last round of his alts I banned.

Le_Squish ago

We tried to tell him to stop being a massive faggot but he never listened.Just kept changing alts like his special brand of autism could be hidden.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah its a massive pic, but absolutely hilarious. All kinds of nigger + jew memes mixed in with twitter SJW's screencapping it and literally screeching.

Rotteuxx ago

Sorry @Gabara, I got all excited thinking about @Empress's pickle.

ExpertShitposter ago

If you haven't already, see here: https://kek.gg/i/PwwFG.gif

If you read every one of them, somewhere towards the end you will find a variation of the schlomo meme in there too.

That whole picture is literally the best thing i read all week.

ExpertShitposter ago

1.48 ? OK, i will gladly match your donation with an equal 0.14

Gowdy ago

No I don't :( I might be able to search my history for one of his soundcloud rants though. I don't use that site that often so it should be easy enough to find. I'll give it a shot.

Womb_Raider ago

I have a copy of his podcast somewhere.

11089780? ago

My bad- I always forget which account to ping.

albatrosv13 ago

This is getting tiresome, kevdude...

That's all i say this time.

ExpertShitposter ago

Lets put together a go fund me to get him laid. I'm sure there are some affordable mexican girls in his Texas area.

11089776? ago

A donkey or mule would be the kind thing to do

Dungles ago

Yea this time its wasn't upvoted by 20-30 'natural Linux haters'. You can bet it wont end there though because all this shit happened on the back off things 6 months ago. Thats some petty and small minded shit right there. Already you have people talking around it like it never happened and the same users are now bullshitting about how to promote non-political stuff and save voat's dwindling numbers. You know it's hypocrisy and so does everyone else but its easy to let them shit on things you don't care about right? They came for the loli drawers but I wasn't a loli drawer. They came for the Linux nerds but I wasn't a Linux guy. They came for National_Anthem but I wasn't him. I hope you're watching @PuttItOut.

It doesn't even read like Amalek really and MYG was around back then.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I can confirm that MYG is not SaneGoat. Before Beatle got voat chat taken down with his 50+ fake sane spam accounts, MYG and Sane were in chat at the same time often.

Dungles ago

These people will harass him no matter what, because he stood up to them. They did the same to me.That alone isn't a problem because you can ignore it but the voting thing that some of them do with alts is a problem.

Womb_Raider ago

Notice that kevdude simply stopped replying to you because it was inconvenient for him... I've literally been saying the same shit to him for years. Years now.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I agree. They pose as harmless shitposters, but brigade users who oppose them. And then they project their manipulations on others and tell blatant lies which casual users may not know enough to see through.

National_Anthem ago

I haven't "attacked" shit. The SRS noobs are just pissed (especially kevdude) because they got called out,







This is the 4th stickied post in 24 hours that have brigaded me. We had one of the SRS nerds in our discord and he outed himself and then all this happened. Gowdy = SarMeggatha

Datfracture ago

I don't know whats going on really but in this thread it read like somebody who went through Sarwhatevers history and tried to cause problems by bring that post up. But if you say he outed himself earlier then ok.

Dungles ago

There are lots of ways to enable something without being a part of it. What I mean to say is it worth it to keep stomping on this one little guy while you are losing control of the rabid dog you used to attack him? What harm can he do now? No one listens to his or Amalek's railing on Pizzagate. Maybe it's the dog thats driving users off now.

Dungles ago

Yea but what about the dudes you are running with here in this thread? Weren't they just flooding out v/linux as recent as this week? Have armies of alts themselves? That guy has been bullied by SDBH for as long as I can remember and you making a sticky so they can come in here and bully him some in front of all of Voat leaves a shit taste in my mouth. They can come try to bully me again with their childish bullshit if they like, since I don't give a fuck. I stood up to them once and they are stilll pinging my name a month later. Thats who YOU run with now. Take the sticky down.

@Disappointed @Mickgoestojail

Dungles ago

Whats he actually doing wrong though? Explain it to me.

Womb_Raider ago

Literally nothing. Kevdude and his friends attack people relentlessly, myself included. They are predatory folks.

Gowdy ago

Hey @kevdude I always manage to get under his skin and it always goes back to some weird tranny shit.


A call back to my old user name at any rate.


The salt is good. The chips are tasty.

freshmeat ago

that isn't my account you nerd

National_Anthem ago

if i were amalek i dont think i would be here still. Stay butt hurt cuck :)

Gowdy ago

I thought cucks liked getting hurt. You're here b/c you get off on it. There's no other reason at this point.

National_Anthem ago

i get off on something for sure. Watching you shills pull this same shit for almost 3 years now.

You are more dedicated than I am.

Gowdy ago

It's all a conspiracy against you. Surely it's not the crazy shit you say that makes you so memorable.

Womb_Raider ago

Gowdy, I don't know if you're blind or simply dumb, but SBBH behaves in unsavory ways. National_Anthem is no role model, but people like kevdude are as bad if not worse.

I hope you eventually come to see them for what they are. Based on your posts you're not this foolish.

Gowdy ago

No doubt, they're both cancer. I just enjoy giving mighty shit from time to time. I remember when kevdude promoted crensch as a mod for pizzagate. Guy started deleting legitimate posts and letting MK Ultra nonsense alone. If you go search the sub, you'll get pages and pages of that bizarre conspiracy shit meant to discredit the whole thing. There hasn't really been any great revelations since the 2nd week of pizzagate.

Womb_Raider ago

Ah, okay. Forgive my abrasivity, I just had to be sure you were aware.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Whoooooo caaaaaares

National_Anthem ago

were the rules clear in Identitarian?

greycloud ago

remember when we talked about pizzagate a long time ago and i said they should be welcomed because of free speech, and you said they would be a threat to free speech? yeah well you were right and i was wrong.

neg_forever ago

yeah and im 25 cheeselane etc, because we get downvoated to shit.


56 voat up agrees... hmm I wonder why

also...i dont think might ever hid this

Dungles ago

Submission Contribution Points: 1565

Comment Contribution Points: 3421


neg_forever ago

I think i was around 6000

neg_forever ago

ya got me

National_Anthem ago

I'm also Betty White

Gowdy ago

As much as you like rap you're more like Betty Brown.

Gowdy ago

66.6 FM? Surely that goes against the times you larp as religious.

dooob ago

Someone downvoted everyone, truth stings, right?

neg_forever ago

then im the king of truth ding bat

AndrewBlazeIt ago

...that would explain a lot

Naught405 ago

oh shit

that whole thing makes a lot of sense now lol

GHDW ago

He never liked my song :)

Gowdy ago

He was also @texan_pride for a bit before deleting. I know b/c I remember when he changed his name and killed the original mighty account. I don't actually believe he is the original amalek account but it is the name he uses in the game paladins.


I know b/c I was discussing trying the game in chat for a while (never got around to it) but he got super into it along w/ user @cheeselane. (the iron fist guy who was obsessed with the show on netflix and kept saying, "I am the iron fist.")

Sometimes it sucks having such a good memory. I'm like a Voat historian I remember so much shit from chat. Also this isn't my first account (I deleted) but it's easy enough to figure out who I am.

@puttitout please bring back chat. I miss the weapon's grade autism.

11089774? ago

That was a fascinating read. Thank you!

ExpertShitposter ago

Hahahahaha, @National_Anthem has a soft spot for e-girls LOL. Maybe he was hoping to lose his Incel status if she lived close to Texas.

Get a load of this sad cunt, @trigglypuff @empress @heygeorge its........Sad!

heygeorge ago

This is fantastic. I don't know what you pinged NA here tho, because he will surely be reading it no matter what.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah, he is on in 18/7. If you check his account, he has 3 pages worth of PV comments in the last few days.

heygeorge ago

He's back but if you reply to his lying bullshit post you must be a shill. Lol

ExpertShitposter ago

I wonder if sometimes the zits on his face pop from anger.

Dungles ago

Voathatesthefirst is registereduser.

Gowdy ago

He gives himself away w/ all the puttitout hate. I'm sure sane has many alts. I bet if I dig through the post history I'll stumble across his obsession w/ using the word "oligarchs".

Dungles ago

Well registereduser used to have 5 k CCp and then he started hating on the admins and posting pictures of his turds on the site. That's something sanegoat never did but maybe they are the same guy or part of the same group. They are both fuckwits anyway even if they aren't the same person.

Gowdy ago

Sane would give putt a hard time constantly. The pics of turds... well that is new I guess.

Dungles ago

It's not new for registereduser he did that a year and a half ago and uses the exact same pics as now. He also doxxed himself by using his real name in Linux terminal pics and the name weedeater on voat which led to a youtube channel where he ties knots for about 15 viewers and a lot of survival forums. If you want to piss him off call him Jefferey and he'll whine about you doxxing him.

Gowdy ago

top kek, will do :)

National_Anthem ago

Jesus christ what was your original accoutn? Total fuckin shill you are

Gowdy ago

Nigga if you're mighty then you should already know exactly who I am.

This is why your dad left.


National_Anthem ago

So you are nobody then, another blend of SRS.

Gowdy ago

Right... remember that time I recommended Mr. Bond to you b/c you're a rap fan? You got super butthurt b/c you felt it disrespected Hitler.


I'm not even a nazi negro. You want to screech shill, SRS, or whatever. The truth is I just don't forget much.

Once again hebrews in the whiteland only for the usury and scams.

edit: Of course I'm nobody. This is anti-social media mein negro.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

@Grifter42 @Glamour_Spork

It's surprising to me that you actually trust @National_Anthem here, considering

1) He banned me and removed all my comment history so you couldn't see what actually happened, the same way he did to @Womb_Raider, and he denied doing so the same way he did with @Womb_Raider

2) He did it after I proved he's been lying about everything, which was prompted by @Womb_Raider's repeated warning that he's a compulsive liar, and somehow these warning's never bothered y'all. (And he pretends he doesn't want to reconcile with @Womb_Raider, but it's @Womb_Raider that won't allow liars around him). This is the reason @LKA, @inthetimeofnick, and many others left, because they know what really happened. Instead you listened to cheese, a mentally-ill alcoholic whose every other word is a lie, who's intensely disloyal and just gloms onto whoever has power currently (i.e. a Minion). He hates both me and Womb because we argued for his removal (and therefore pose a threat to him); surely his version of events is unbiased, right?

3) To cover it up, when I cross-examined him he accused me of acting like Gowdy (an alt I've never heard of) and took my lack of response (since Trey Gowdy isn't an insult to me) as confession, yet he 100% knows I'm not Gowdy because he can search exactly what nick posted the music video being referenced in the above comment. And he did search for the message where Gowdy posted "Mr. Bond - Ashkenazi" and deleted it so that nobody else could discover it wasn't me. Any one of y'all can read Gowdy's comment history and it's plain as day his writing style is completely unlike mine.

4) He claimed he knew what I really was all along, and I told him "Even if it weren't obvious you knew, you would get drunk and nasty and allude to it so frequently that it would be impossible for me not to know you know." Yet he persists in saying I was "surprised" he knew all along, after I explicitly told him he's as subtle as a marching band. The part that did surprise me: I thought he meant he had gone to /v/ChristFollowers and saw that my denomination is "Orthodox Judeochristian". But actually he's been slandering me behind my back telling everyone the lie that I'm a Jew and reject Christ, when he's the one who doesn't even believe in the Bible and wouldn't be considered Christian by any Christian.

5) He claims I post phishing links. Can you find a single one of these phishing links?

6) He claims I tried to split up the group. Twice I tried to make peace between him and the Womb faction "because we're too few to balkanize" and both times he just told them to go eff themselves. This second time I tried to make peace is when I realized the real reason he doesn't want peace: because then everyone would know he covered up what he did.

He always claims to be recruiting new people. I've brought in people without hardly trying, and he hasn't brought in anybody. Why? He's not growing the userbase, he's playing Path of Exile compulsively and drinking all day every day. He doesn't give a crap about dealing with SRS. He's turned the chat into his game lobby and trolled for underage girls to bring in and let cheese spam it and ignored everyone complaining about cheese to the point of leaving chat. Does that really sound like "bowing to the will of the people" to you?

National_Anthem ago

Part 2

Also, he knows I'm not Gowdy because the first thing Gowdy would have done is post all the embarrassing things he's PMed me to make him look mentally ill.

Now you are just making shit up. I haven't PM'd you anything wouldn't have said in the server. I don't need your help to look mentally ill.

Any one of y'all can read Gowdy's comment history and it's plain as day his writing style is completely unlike mine. If I were SRS, why would I blow my cover for no reason? Why, right at the exact moment I exposed him as a liar, would he suddenly decide he was going to go on crusade to root out SRS? Certainly not just a pretext to ban me, right? Shouldn't y'all be mad at him for letting in SRS and letting them log all your conversations in the first place? He made that decision unilaterally, despite pretending to "bow to the will of the people".

What the people in the server don't know is how you behaved when we were in game, to a point even my farmer buddy in that game with us questioned me about it. You were talking like a twitch tv homosexual and a totally different tone than you have ever expressed on voat or in chat. I wrote it off because back then I took you serious. But I've seen for myself how quickly you can change personalities. Why you would blow your cover is a dumb assertion that I didn't always suspect you were just a lying jew. You weren't very harmful so it would have looked bad if I changed my tone about you without reason. People were actually put off by you Sar and didn't understand why I gave you so much respect but it's pretty simple really; you helped me show SRS working on Voat from a long time ago so I wanted that seniority to be apparent. It was my mistake and I should have been more neutral.

4) He claimed he knew what I really was all along, and I told him "Even if it weren't obvious you knew, you would get drunk and nasty and allude to it so frequently that it would be impossible for me not to know you know." Yet he persists in saying I was "surprised" he knew all along, after I explicitly told him he's as subtle as a marching band.

I said I had a feeling. And I didn't hide it. And i never said you were surprised you felt that way, I thought it was a mutual thing. You obviously took our friendship more seriously than I did since all I did was on-the-fly start a discord to replace Voat's chat and point out shills. You were the one making it something more than it was.

The part that did surprise me: I thought he meant he had gone to /v/ChristFollowers and saw that my denomination is "Orthodox Judeochristian". But actually he's been slandering me behind my back telling everyone the lie that I'm a Jew and reject Christ, when he's the one who doesn't even believe in the Bible and wouldn't be considered Christian by any Christian.

I never looked at what you post unless you linked it. I didn't even point that Orthodox part myself, someone else did. Also, I never slandered you before yesterday. I actually did the opposite of that.

(He's even deleting comments which clearly demonstrate he knows I'm Christian).

Those comments are still there dipshit. That was me genuinely defending you before you did your thing.

He claims to go to church but he's always up at 3am on Saturday night and sleeping in Sunday morning (or playing videogames). Am I a fool for having thought at least some of our interactions were genuine, since the alternative (every interaction he's ever had being fake) would mean thinking he's a GD psychopath?

I didn't say I go to service. I haven't gone to a full service in a few months. I just said I been doing work with them helping them out with neighborhood stuff since I live in a church community. Most of the religious progression I make is with church members outside of Church, it's more of a place for everyone to gather. If you doubted my life and sit here and try to suss out my schedule you could have mentioned that and I could provide proof, but you didn't. And you were always thinking that, so obviously my gut was correct.

Am I fool to have spent so much time trying to improve the mental health of a spiteful alcoholic and have it be all for nothing?

When the hell was anything like this ever discussed? We had a random server that mainly discussed the shilling on Voat. I never asked for your help, for anything. Go preach to someone who loves kikes.

5) He claims I post phishing links. Can you find a single one of these phishing links?

I stated you could have since I don't know how to tell and you posted many, many weird links. I said it to everyone in case they were worried about it. That wasn't one thing I was checking for, it was a suggestion.

6) He claims I lied about my job. Even if I were SRS, why would that prove I lied about my job? What proof is there I lied about my job?

I don't even know your fuckin job and I don't think you ever said it. You just said you are "at work". I don't get noisy about people's professions unless they initiate it.

If he ever wanted proof of my job he could have subtly asked me to paste whatever code I was working on that day or for a photo of the employee kitchen. He knows my job is my job. SJW outfits mostly operate out of SF Bay; have you ever heard of an SJW outfit operating out of Houston?

I knew you were a fuckin nerd but I never thought about your actual profession. Or that you write code.

7) He claims I tried to split up the group. Twice I tried to make peace between him and the Womb faction "because we're too few to balkanize" and both times he just told them to go eff themselves.

When did I claim that? I tried to make peace with womb as well and he wasn't having it so I stopped pursuing that avenue. That doesn't mean I have some sort of motives.

This second time I tried to make peace is when I realized the real reason he doesn't want peace: because then everyone would know he covered up what he did.

Of course I want peace, and what exactly did I cover up? Multiple people witnessed me kick him and his messages remained. I even question why he hadn't came back yet and found out that he was genuinely pissed. You are being cryptic and gay as your normally are, and you are lying.

He always claims to be recruiting new people. I've brought in people without hardly trying, and he hasn't brought in anybody.

I always said I should get more people in but never got around to it because it usually doesn't get any attention unless something big was happening on Voat. It usually gets attacked. And you brought ONE dude in like a week ago that doesn't even talk to anyone but you.

Why? He's not growing the userbase, he's playing Path of Exile compulsively and drinking all day every day.

I play games and leave them running while I'm gone or doing other things. I am not your fuckin leader and made that clear as daylight when we had to move to that server. What exactly do you want me to recruit for, anti-SRS? That should go over well. And don't worry about what I choose to do with my time or body faggot. Your judgement means jack shit.

He doesn't give a crap about dealing with SRS. He's turned the chat into his game lobby and trolled for underage girls to bring in and let cheese spam it and ignored everyone complaining about cheese to the point of leaving chat. Does that really sound like "bowing to the will of the people" to you?

Of course I give a shit about dealing with SRS but i'm a redneck in Texas, not a script kiddy like yourself. All i did was provide commentary and rather bombastic opinions. I brought in 2 17 year olds who wanted to hear more about our ideologies and that hint at a little progress was somehow a threat to you? Or Womb? I'm not going to get into womb's personal life but that was a little hypocritical to say the least. As for cheese, he is a troll and you clearly take him too serious. Anyone has always been welcome to make suggestions and I gave powers to all to do it without me being involved. You are a liar and a shill and very obviously jewish.

This drama is over nothing. You are creating it for reasons that aren't public.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

be compulsive liar

pagan, LARP as a christian

invite christian to chat

christian incessantly points out I'm only LARPing as a christian

fume that christianity is a jewish fabrication while weirdly still claming christianity

poison everyone against christian when he preaches christ, so he leaves for a month

free to troll for underage girls now that christian's gone

turn resistance against SRS into my game lobby and fill it with underage girls, blacks, muslims, youtube retards, and the mentally ill

friend tells again and again to stop

he's making me look bad and I don't want to stop so I ban him and delete his warnings about me to others

tell everyone I didn't ban him, he just left and manually deleted his chat history himself

later, christian returns.

almost everyone believed friend and left, chat is a ghosttown, need the christian to seem popular again

christian also believes friend but is loyal

christian asks me to admit the truth but I lie

he proves the truth and I say I didn't remember that

christian starts to wonder why I'm afraid to reconcile with friend

claim I've never banned anyone or deleted their chat history

finally proves I've been lying all along about everything

he asks me if he's ever lied and I say "Never"

ban him and delete his chat history

panic, accuse him of being SRS even though his every other word is "y'all"

there's proof he's not SRS, so I accuse him of being a jew

there's proof he's christian, so behind his back I say a bunch of random stuff like "phishing" and "lying about his job"

he proves i'm lying again so I delete those messages and pretend I never said it

everyone knows I said it so for good measure I also say "actually I didn't lie because I don't remember"

say christian is only now pointing out the deception of LARPing as a christian even though everyone knows he never shuts up about it and that's why they dislike him

engage in SRS behavior of pretending links to deleted comments aren't actually deleted in hopes that people are too lazy to verify I'm lying

say some more random stuff and delete the messages proving it's a lie

ban everyone anonymous from chat and expire all invites so nobody can prove me wrong and I can make more false accusations behind the christian's back, not realizing that half the remaining people in chat know I'm full of it and have turned spies against me

openly lie about not discussing my mental illness in PMs, 100% secure in the knowledge christian is not SRS and didn't screenshot my damning PMs

afraid to back down from narrative everyone now knows is false because unblocking him would mean giving him access to those PMs again

breathe sigh of relief that christian couldn't care less people don't like him enough to defend him or verify his claims and would rather study the bible than force mentally-ill alcoholics to admit they have a problem

If @Grifter42, @Glamour_Spork, @EngelbertHumperdinck want to go along with the lie because they personally don't like me, it's their prerogative, but they at least deserve the warning that it's all real democratic up until you discover the truth, then it's you on the chopping block having everything you've ever said twisted and used to smear you on Voat, and there's going to be nobody left to speak up for your honor.

National_Anthem ago

Edit: hahaha he unblocked me so I would post the PMs, to prove that I'm disloyal enough to post something I promised to keep a secret and declare me a hypocrite. Only I'm not going to post them, I'm going to screenshot the supposed non-existent PMsPNG and, if they're not embarrassing like you claim, YOU can post the PMs between June 26-27 yourself.

No, post them. Let's see what you think you gathered.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

I just said I swore not to post them. I gave you the dates, you post them if they're not embarrassing.

National_Anthem ago

That's what I thought kike. I literally have no idea what you are talking about and you are referencing something from summer? Even if you aren't gowdy that was a good move by me. I don't need faggots scoping me out like you are.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

You're saying I have your permission to post it, right?

MightyYetGentle1488 ago


SarMegahhikkitha ago

Remember @Grifter42 @Glamour_Spork @EngelbertHumperdinck, he said I was making up there being embarrassing PMs he asked me to keep secret that show he's mentally ill. If he says now "w-well I'm not even embarrassed", it doesn't change that he denied such PMs even exist. He can't claim he "doesn't remember" like everything else because it was trivial to check our brief PM history for what I was talking about and I even gave him the date.

June 26, 2017 [11:10 AM] skeetbcc: i got a personal thing to share

[11:10 AM] skeetbcc: wanted your opinion on something

[11:10 AM] skeetbcc: 2 things, please dont even mention this again, and 2, I promise im not fucking lying

[11:10 AM] skeetbcc: have you ever heard of remote viewing?

[11:11 AM] skeetbcc: you believe its possible?

[11:12 AM] skeetbcc: well i cant do it but someone is doing it to me for the last 3 days. I thought i was hallucinating bit it's 100% consitent

[11:12 AM] skeetbcc: my liver shutdown on friday night

[11:12 AM] skeetbcc: and ive almost died and ill be going to ER soon because evrytime i close my eyes to sleep off the pain, i get spammed with this coding thing called dionyplop or something

[11:13 AM] skeetbcc: and its claiming it is a system capable of transmitting ot the brain

[11:13 AM] skeetbcc: the fucked up part is if it was a hullucination, it would be impossible the chat users were ALIVE, and they thought it was funny

[11:13 AM] skeetbcc: they posted pics of my protether to my brain that i hadnt seen before. A new instagram post

[11:13 AM] skeetbcc: something like that

[11:13 AM] skeetbcc: they are tellin gme im going to die

[11:14 AM] skeetbcc: so im going to the ER soon

[11:14 AM] skeetbcc: like within the next 24 hours tho

[11:15 AM] skeetbcc: what did they do to you

[11:15 AM] skeetbcc: literall yin your head?

[11:15 AM] skeetbcc: everytime i close my eyes for 3 seconds a loading bar loads up and im in a chatroom. With my brai

[11:15 AM] skeetbcc: brain

[11:15 AM] skeetbcc: no computer

[11:16 AM] skeetbcc: all i do is talk shit

[11:16 AM] skeetbcc: making this discord is the most productive thing ive done besides use words

[11:18 AM] skeetbcc: well this is more technological

[11:18 AM] skeetbcc: and these people attacking me are faster than a super computer

[11:18 AM] skeetbcc: no way that came out of my brain

[11:18 AM] skeetbcc: brain is literally an internet network now i think

[11:19 AM] skeetbcc: You heard of diplopyS?

[11:19 AM] skeetbcc: i havent searched it yet

[11:19 AM] skeetbcc: too freaked out

[11:19 AM] skeetbcc: listen

[11:19 AM] skeetbcc: this is the freakiest part

[11:19 AM] skeetbcc: i been puking so hard my entire torso is knotted and spasms

[11:19 AM] skeetbcc: so i sat down and took a hot show and it all cooled off

[11:20 AM] skeetbcc: i watched to see what they say BECUASE


[11:20 AM] skeetbcc: but the weirdest part was one of the guys, i think the head guys, was like "skeet watch this" and formed a small square in visual effect and grew in size as it came at my face and spun

[11:21 AM] skeetbcc: and when it got close it went into my stomach and then my stomach immediately felt like i got punched

[11:21 AM] skeetbcc: then he laughed when i said wtf and did it again

[11:21 AM] skeetbcc: this time my liver jumped as soon as it hit

[11:21 AM] skeetbcc: then 1 more fuckin time for my leg

[11:21 AM] skeetbcc: i need to get to the ER but

[11:22 AM] skeetbcc: i was hardly experiencing hallucinations

[11:22 AM] skeetbcc: just when i close my eyes

[11:22 AM] skeetbcc: i need some meds

[11:22 AM] skeetbcc: im not saing shit about the visions

[11:22 AM] skeetbcc: i just need my shit fixed

[11:22 AM] skeetbcc: nah im not saying a word of this to them

[11:23 AM] skeetbcc: ill just say "mild hallucinations" and give her the thousand yard stare

[11:23 AM] skeetbcc: my liver shut down becaus eim drunk, they dont commit for that

[11:24 AM] skeetbcc: of course, ive been prajying to the Lord with my bible on my bed for the last 3 days i dont die

[11:24 AM] skeetbcc: that dioplopys kept sending me pics of giant crosses when i grabbed it

[11:24 AM] skeetbcc: so they are watching in real time

[11:25 AM] skeetbcc: im done with all booze

[11:25 AM] skeetbcc: ive had people visit me in my dreams, but not i real time remote vieweng that can not only send me messages, but troll about it like SRS

[11:25 AM] skeetbcc: they all sounded like SRS

[11:25 AM] skeetbcc: and acted

[11:26 AM] skeetbcc: there is a chatroom somewhere, and they are using lots of user names from people ive tlaked to on DIFFERENT exclusive chats

[11:26 AM] skeetbcc: every time i close my eyes i join it

[11:27 AM] skeetbcc: Why did it happen when i got seick speficially..

[11:27 AM] skeetbcc: i can handle this, i just hope it goes away

[11:27 AM] skeetbcc: this is not cool

[11:29 AM] skeetbcc: well im still going to the ER

[11:29 AM] skeetbcc: im dehydrated and cant keep water in

[11:29 AM] skeetbcc: muscles are locking up

[11:30 AM] skeetbcc: its a small clinic in a rich neighborhood, dont get me freaked out

[11:30 AM] skeetbcc: its not like that

[11:30 AM] skeetbcc: but i wonder that the distance of that diolosys thing

[11:31 AM] skeetbcc: they were saying they were on my street llol

[11:31 AM] skeetbcc: got me trying to act like a crack head

[11:32 AM] skeetbcc: i dont have a choice

[11:32 AM] skeetbcc: my family is inolved

[11:32 AM] skeetbcc: i just have one simple problem

[11:32 AM] skeetbcc: im keeping that shit to myself

[11:33 AM] skeetbcc: i need meds tho


[11:41 AM] skeetbcc: i do not want thi at all

[11:41 AM] skeetbcc: scared ot hsut my eyes

[11:42 AM] skeetbcc: shut

[11:42 AM] skeetbcc: i thought i was playing the gme, im going ot have someone remotely hurt my organs through my brain

[4:10 PM] skeetbcc: it went well but im still being attacked

[4:10 PM] skeetbcc: i told my father baout it and he believed me becaus ei explained it

[4:10 PM] skeetbcc: i just cant remember the name of the weapon

[4:10 PM] skeetbcc: it was like diopulys

[4:11 PM] skeetbcc: he made a post on reddit baout it while i was getting IV dripped

[4:18 PM] skeetbcc: i havent been able to get up much the last 48 hours

[4:19 PM] skeetbcc: but brother

[4:19 PM] skeetbcc: did i tell you how this program showed me stuff on the web i havent seen yet? Like a picture of my brother off instagram...

[4:20 PM] skeetbcc: my brother jus tposted it and they showed me it. I freaked out because i never seen it before

[4:20 PM] skeetbcc: saw his instagram and realized how real shit just got

[4:20 PM] skeetbcc: the other thing they were doing last night

[4:20 PM] skeetbcc: This one is interesting

[4:20 PM] skeetbcc: it proves to me it can not be a hallucination

[4:21 PM] skeetbcc: Everytime i closed my eyes last night, a full song off a YouTube stream i watch was constantyl being played. The lyrics where show in words along with the perfect noticible music.


[8:14 PM] skeetbcc: i agree they do it on purpose, the demons i met this weekend were like 13 year old teenage girls

[8:14 PM] skeetbcc: also

[8:14 PM] skeetbcc: I think they were trying to kill me

[8:14 PM] skeetbcc: and didnt get it

[8:15 PM] skeetbcc: "I know why the demons r there, and why they r pissed u went to doctor"

[8:15 PM] skeetbcc: " Death by alcoholism is suicide, I bet they were there to collect your soul. And u are against their agenda they want u bad. U r too young for this shit man get the spirulina and Chlorella it'll help u heal "

[10:04 PM] skeetbcc: thats kind of what me and other dude agreed upon

[9:02 AM] Sar: Other dude?

Korean_Fan_Death ago

Shit that was a great conversation I'm actually glad you saved that.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

If this is legit, the dude needs help. But I don't think posting this is helping.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

It's somewhat legit as I had the conversation and didn't try to hide it. But he is just describing a trip I had when I was still out of it. Did 4 grams of shrooms on top of 5 days of fasting then thought alcohol would help. That was nutty experience.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

"That was nutty experience"... you claimed never happened and that I'm a liar. And you should probably read the PMs before you lie compulsively, since you write that it's been happening for 3 days. Please tell me how to grow these shrooms that last for 3 days. If you really fasted for 5 days, this means after only 2 days of fasting your blood sugar got so low that you had schizophrenic prodrome. That's totally normal, right?

Amalek_Incarnate ago

Show me where i claimed it never happened bud, honestly. I actually still mention that story often in other places.

And you should probably read the PMs before you lie compulsively, since you write that it's been happening for 3 days.

I don't go back months in PM history for something I didn't even realize you were referencing.

Please tell me how to grow these shrooms that last for 3 days. If you really fasted for 5 days, this means after only 2 days of fasting your blood sugar got so low that you had a psychotic break. That's totally normal, right?

I can't explain it at all really, i fasted, took shrooms and drank alcohol, and fucked my hydration up and needed to go to the hospital. I remember the experience but I don't remember discussing it with you. I didn't deny it happened nigger.

None of this matters quite honestly. All I do is log on to chat and post links.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Show me where i claimed it never happened

I never denied anything about PMs


Also, he knows I'm not Gowdy because the first thing Gowdy would have done is post all the embarrassing things he's PMed me to make him look mentally ill.

Now you are just making shit up. I haven't PM'd you anything wouldn't have said in the server.

You say there was no post history but now you're saying you didn't feel like going back months. Yet you didn't have to "go back months" because the history is brief and I gave you the exact date. You claim there's no history because you blocked me but the only reason I can access the history is because you unblocked me. You say you didn't remember but I gave you a screenshot with "I need meds" uncensored and the date, and you know what events transpired around that time. Now you're trying to say you took the shrooms a different day (without specifying which), which would mean the effects wore off and then the schizophrenia on days 3-5 the shrooms had nothing to do with. This is the part where you revise "took shrooms" to "kept dropping shrooms for 5 days continually even though I was being tormented by internet chat rooms for 3 of those days".

And now that everyone knows you're a compulsive liar you fall back to "well it doesn't matter who I am morally, I just chat and post cat pictures, I dindu nuffin." Which might be a valid argument if you didn't rally anti-SRS people to your side and then let SRS log everything they say, ban them and censor their chat history if they call you out for lying, and agree 100% with the narrative SRS pushes on Voat with the exception of your bizarre obsession with the idea a transvestite conspiracy secretly rules the world (which will get you banned for being a "jew" if you disagree with). And to police this dictatorship you keep mentally ill alcoholics around you to cheerlead all your decisions the same way SRS cheers on Putt. If it's just posting links, why'm I not allowed in your treehouse anymore, buddy?

Amalek_Incarnate ago

You lost me big time dude. I know im a little crazy but you take the cake.

And to police this dictatorship you keep mentally ill alcoholics around you to cheerlead all your decisions the same way SRS cheers on Putt. If it's just posting links, why'm I not allowed in your treehouse anymore, buddy?

You gave me a bad vibe when shills were attacking me because you were posting the same things they were. It's not worth my time and this comment thread proves i should trust my gut more often, and disregard false prophets.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

You realize you can't address anything I wrote and you've run out of lies so you just call me crazy? I guess @Womb_Raider is crazy too, and all the people who believe me.

You got a "bad vibe" because Gowdy was posting in real time the public chat we were having in real time. Because you let him in. Why not blame cheese? I remember him posting that music video he referenced. He was LARPing as a nazi and everyone was friendly with him and I was the only one who called him out and everyone got angry at me for "anti-nazi shilling". Yet if you search for it now, the message is gone. What a weird coincidence! The message that proves you knew I wasn't Gowdy, that you were friendly with SRS, that you let SRS hang out in chat, and that you banned the only person calling out SRS. And when I ask why I'm banned the best you can come up with is "bad vibes". All atheists get "bad vibes" from Christians, it's called giving yourself over to spiritual darkness so that you can't discern light from darkness anymore. I'm the same as I've always been, am I not? What did I do before I exposed you lying about everything that was not my usual practice? You're the one spiraling into alcoholism and anger issues. It seems to me that if I'm the one who changed, you would have chosen to go on an SRS witchhunt earlier, at a time that wasn't so deliciously convenient.

They only posted our chat log at that exact moment to bait you into removing me from chat since I'm the only one they feel threatened by (as evidenced by the fact Gowdy would tell kevdude whenever I left so he could infiltrate chat without me calling him out). Or, the darker interpretation is they're the ones who tried to make you believe I'm a Jew in the first place and you became convinced they're the good guys, which would explain why you agree with their narrative, and posting the chat logs was only done as a pretext to ban me. That would explain why you won't unban me even though you know I'm not Gowdy beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

Womb isn't crazy, i think you convinced him i banned him when i just kicked him.

give me a TL;DR because i've already moved passed this.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

adhdferret disappeared for a long time at the same time Gowdy started posting like crazy, and later came back with some lame excuse for his absence, and here he is lying about antiracist and saying the same thing as Gowdy, "I remember everything".

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Ask @Grifter42 @GlamourSpork @inthetimeofnick @whisky_cat and @EngelbertHumperdinck to translate it to backwoods retard

Amalek_Incarnate ago

keep pinging everyone. You took some random shit i said to you and turned it into a novel. You didn't even get spork's account right.

You have come up with so much shit that i'm not even willing to follow anymore (and that's saying a lot).

SarMegahhikkitha ago

I let him ban me and lie about it on his server, but he just had to drag it onto Voat telling everyone Gowdy is my alt. I only mentioned the PMs to prove I wasn't SRS, why would he deny they exist? If he refuses to back down from the lie the PMs don't exist and tells me he "absolutely" doesn't care if I post them, and I'm still too honorable to post them, I know he's going to backstab me and use it as "proof" I was lying all along about everything. I'm not zealous for my honor, but if I let my reputation be destroyed then nothing I say means anything. All testimony of a lying witness is meaningless.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

I let him ban me and lie about it on his server, but he just had to drag it onto Voat telling everyone Gowdy is my alt. I only mentioned the PMs to prove I wasn't SRS, why would he deny they exist?

You didn't let me do anything. And i never denied anything about PM's. Apparently they got deleted when i either blocked you or banned oyu, i didn't even pay attention.

If he refuses to back down from the lie the PMs don't exist and tells me he "absolutely" doesn't care if I post them, and I'm still too honorable to post them, I know he's going to backstab me and use it as "proof" I was lying all along about everything. I'm not zealous for my honor, but if I let my reputation be destroyed then nothing I say means anything. All testimony of a lying witness is meaningless.

I don't mind that you posted them that doesn't bother me a bit. Why you saved it is more questionable. No one has still told me what I lied about you drama queens.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

I didn't save it, I clicked on your name and copied it when you unblocked me to try to bait me into repeating something you asked me not to repeat.

I never denied anything about PMs


Also, he knows I'm not Gowdy because the first thing Gowdy would have done is post all the embarrassing things he's PMed me to make him look mentally ill.

Now you are just making shit up. I haven't PM'd you anything wouldn't have said in the server.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

I didn't save it, I clicked on your name and copied it when you unblocked me to try to bait me into repeating something you asked me not to repeat.

I didnt unblock you so I don't understand how you could see it then couldnt, then can again.

Also, he knows I'm not Gowdy because the first thing Gowdy would have done is post all the embarrassing things he's PMed me to make him look mentally ill.

I did say that story in server but no one responded so i PM'd you when i trusted you. That doesn't embarrass me and you probably already knew that, i'm still willing to discuss it with anyone who has experienced something similar which they have, I've found them.

National_Anthem ago

Yeah im not interested in dealing with this drama anymore. You still have a version of reality in your head that doesn't match the rest of us. Take care of yourself Sar. All this "deleted PM's" stuff is bullshit and we both know it so im not gonna take the bait. Much of what you said never happened, maybe you perceived it that way because you are looking to far into it.

Discord was a replacement. I didn't say it was perfect.

National_Anthem ago

Part 1

I was just going to let it go, since (as I'll prove below) @National_Anthem knows I'm not Gowdy and simply doesn't want an actual "Christcuck" in chat, but now he's telling people on Voat that Gowdy is my alt? He's only doing it because he knows his lie will be found out (since I never revealed myself as SRS and/or attacked him; instead I did absolutely nothing).

I didn't know you weren't Gowdy. Someone Linked me that comment and it read exactly like you and was even referencing the conversation we were having on discord about games. You aren't a Christian, you are a jew.

1) He banned me and removed all my comment history so you couldn't see what actually happened, the same way he did to @Womb_Raider, and he denied doing so the same way he did with @Womb_Raider

That's a flaw with discord. I only kicked womb, I banned you. If anyone banned Womb it was you. You banned a lot of folks there that thankfully others reversed when they noticed.

2) He did it after I proved he's been lying about everything, which was prompted by @Womb_Raider's repeated warning that he's a compulsive liar, and somehow these warning's never bothered y'all.

You didn't prove a single thing, do it right now. Both of your claims about any lying I did is about whether i kicked or banned Womb (which i wouldnt ban). When i kicked him all his messages remained. I never saw when he was banned because the server messages moved his comments very high up. You could easily have banned him and are pinning that shit on me to convince the others I'm lying about anything. I only banned fakesane and that was nearly a year ago. You guys are creating drama over nothing.

(And he pretends he doesn't want to reconcile with @Womb_Raider, but it's @Womb_Raider that won't allow liars around him)

This "lie" was about who banned him. Whoever told him that is the liar.

This is the reason @LKA, @inthetimeofnick, and many others left, because they know what really happened. Instead you listened to cheese, a mentally-ill alcoholic whose every other word is a lie, who's intensely disloyal and just gloms onto whoever has power currently (i.e. a Minion). He hates both me and Womb because we argued for his removal (and therefore pose a threat to him); surely his version of events is unbiased, right?

They left because womb was creating more drama while I was trying to avoid it. I spent that entire week saying the entire time I don't care about it and don't feel like we should dwell on what prompted womb to get upset. Womb thought I banned him so this dragged on when he could have just rejoined. And I don't listen to cheese or take him anywhere near as serious as you guys have. He is a reactionary faggot and we play games together. It is nothing more serious than that, any other claim is a lie. And I've never took a suggestion from cheese other than to change his flair.

3) To cover it up, when I cross-examined him he accused me of acting like Gowdy (an alt I've never heard of) and took my lack of response (since Trey Gowdy isn't an insult to me) as confession, yet he 100% knows I'm not Gowdy

I called you Gowdy because his comments were identical to what you were getting at in chat. It was a gut reaction and I haven't looked into nor intend to because I trust my gut and there is no other way to prove otherwise.

because he can search exactly what nick posted the music video being referenced in the above comment. And he did search for the message where Gowdy posted "Mr. Bond - Ashkenazi" and deleted it so that nobody else could discover it wasn't me.

What the fuck are you talking about?

freshmeat ago

A lot of lies and filling in the blanks.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Haven't heard that Mr. Bond song before, pretty good.

Gowdy ago

I hate most rap but it's not bad at all.

National_Anthem ago

this is legit SRS shit, good job

Gowdy ago

I've always been able to get under your skin. :)

Why do you always let me? Must be a victim complex or some shit.

National_Anthem ago

Lol can you explain that claim. That's pretty bold.

Gowdy ago

Which one. Am I a jew? Am I SRS? You ignore the obvious. I just think this shit is funny.

National_Anthem ago

literally both.

Rotteuxx ago

No, @Gowdy isn't one of us, he's never posted to one of our flagship SRS subs like SBBH or ROTR. That should make it obvious, although I'm considering offering him an honorary modship in /v/RidersOfTheReich for getting under your skin.

You're getting paranoid n'shit girl, are your hormones unbalanced ?

Gowdy ago


National_Anthem ago

Talking about getting under someone's skin :)

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah I know that sort of thing makes you wet but please try to keep it professional up in here.

Gowdy ago

You're a very negative person. Sorry if that makes you stand out in my mind.

National_Anthem ago

that's my entire persona lol. where have i ever hid that?

Have fun with your SRS witch hunts, Sar.

Gowdy ago

I've never hunted you. I just saw you're name pop up and thought it was amusing. At least you admit it's you though. A name worth defending is worth defending to the death.

Anyways be well. You'll know if I ever witch hunt you. I did it to those degenerate incels after reddit banned them.

National_Anthem ago


White_Phillip ago

someone get the rope

sept ago

We need a cross

Pawn ago

hell no, lets get the frying pan and eat him africa style. Gonna get some roasted amalek for lunch.

Red0c5 ago

Well I never. I thought he was locked up. @National_Anthem is this legit?

National_Anthem ago

of course not. They called me sane goat so i said i was amalek. Let's see how many fall for another ProtectVoat witch-hunt.

Red0c5 ago

I kind of figured that because you didn't capitalise when you claimed. Amalek is way different than Sane.

11085347? ago

Rotteuxx ago

Wanna laugh ?

Look at how carefully we've been downvoated in this thread to make the vote count balance out to zero.

Rotteuxx ago

There you go pinging our SRS leader out in the open... sheeesh Empie, would you mind being more discreet with our Cabal ?

11086955? ago

Sorry. LOL

Rotteuxx ago

Swing me a couple of pickle jars and I'll ovelook it...

11087029? ago

My jar situation is getting out of hand...seriously out of hand. I've been redoing the pantry and my husband sanded down the shelves and repainted it. For the last few days I've been filling jars and canning trying to stock up and get ready for baby time. Still haven't made a dent in my jar collection- it's overflowing. SMH.

Rotteuxx ago

So how do trannies give birth anyways ?


Well at least it's a job easily done in big batches, smart move too having all that instant food on hand.

11087138? ago

So how do trannies give birth anyways ?

I have the first artificial womb- didn't you and the rest of our cabal know? Sorry, thought I told you.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh shit ! @Savethechildren will be so pissed to learn that, xe's been trying to crowdfund xis by auctioning off the rights to fertilize it... so far, bubkiss

11087918? ago

I feel so sorry for his wife. She was on here for a while bitching at him.

Rotteuxx ago

That poor soul, the things she must edure

ExpertShitposter ago

what a jew

gabara ago