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RoundWheel ago

The winds are changing. People are burned out on politics and the rampant crime in government. Voat's growth is going to require doing what others hate, which is to provide for communities of alternate interests other than politics. Most of these communities on Voat are dead. As there is no escape to enjoy on Voat, people are going elsewhere for their escape.

It's not that Voat is dying. It's that people need a break. When things flair up, they'll be back.

gabara ago

People are burned out on politics

This 100%. I'm actually getting tired of winning.

National_Anthem ago

You were shilling for Hillary a year and a half ago. You are not on our side, any voater who falls for that should be ashamed of themselves for being so retarded,

gabara ago

You were shilling for Hillary a year and a half ago

Nope. Do you have proof or are you a butthurt loser?

National_Anthem ago

upvote on your account 20 seconds after it's posted. Do you have a bot attached to you?

I'm sure you scrubbed your account of all your shilling. I'm surprised you didn't just use an alt, i guess you like that screen name or think it has some sort of reputation that isn't a shill. You were on CTR's payroll for awhile there.

porkings ago

So you mean he literally worked for CTR, or is this metaphorical?

National_Anthem ago


porkings ago

Wow that's lame. Did he admit it or is there other evidence?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You are not on our side

Neither are you, faget

National_Anthem ago

I'm surprised you took the cock out of your face long enough to shill on me.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Bro, same time

jewshekelstein1488 ago


SarMegahhikkitha ago

/v/SoapDoxBanHammer is SRS.

When I try to post this comment is says "Unexpected error happened". What a (((coincidence))).

porkings ago

So to suspect a coordinated effort to make your Voat comments fail?

jewshekelstein1488 ago

it's not just you. the site has been under attack for months.

heygeorge ago

Interesting to note who replied to your question, what they provided as a "source", and the 'feeling' of being personally targeted.

porkings ago

Since the very beginning, I think.

National_Anthem ago (notice how SBBH and ProtectVoat showed up in that thread to defend the obvious Shill Gabara)

I don't have direct sources without looking through his profile going over a year back, but he is an SRS reddit SJW faggot and has been trying to mingle with conservatives to control narrative among them.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

hmm i wasn't aware of a lot of the history. i didn't see anything that incriminates gabara. just a lot of accusations and some deleted comments. are you womb_raider?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

He's MYG. He admitted it.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

noted. i need to spend some time reading archives of that user. from what i gathered so far they were extremely unpopular and got downgoated into oblivion. screamed about srs shills and protectvoat bots and then deleted their account.

National_Anthem ago

where did you hear about that? I dont like the way you are talking like a faggot. I didn't scream or make a big to do about it, i just pointed it out. It's the same shit they did with Sanegoat, their reaction made him look even crazier than he already was.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

from reading posts on google cache, mostly. and what makes you think i give 2 shits and a fuck if you like the way i talk? i'm curious what gave you that impression as i'd like to make sure i don't repeat it. anyway it's difficult to tell because a lot of posts were anonymous or deleted or using alt's and verses like shitprotectvoatsays no longer exist. i also looked over some comment histories and modlogs but it's hard to piece it all together and at the end of the day it's just a bunch of internet drama and is not why i am here.

National_Anthem ago

from reading posts on google cache, mostly. and what makes you think i give 2 shits and a fuck if you like the way i talk?

Because you talk like an SBBH fag.

i'm curious what gave you that impression as i'd like to make sure i don't repeat it

I'm just noting your rhetoric. You are siding with a shill in this thread.

It is stupid internet drama but it affects a large audience. Don't care if jews run the show as long as they are behind the curtain?

jewshekelstein1488 ago

It is stupid internet drama

glad we agree. now lets get back to sparking some kikes.

gabara ago

Yes @National_Anthem is @womb_raider are a jewshill. You'll notice their "proof" is accusations. Typical jewish tactic.

National_Anthem ago

The typical jewish tactic is to request unobtainable proof. I know for a fact that you are a shill and since it came to light you are a leftist pedo, you have been posting non-stop to obscure that revelation. You are trying to distance yourself hardcore from who you actually are.

It's similar to the justice system. I can know 100% that someone is guilty but if I can't convince a jury, then justice will not be served. The proof necessary can only be provided by an admin. You know this and that is why you cling onto that shill response asking me to prove what's going on in your head and in your private interactions on here and in your SRS irc.

National_Anthem ago

What do you mean proof? You and the rest of your SBBH poz-gang are the most reactionary slandering kikes on this website.

gabara ago

No proof? Then you are a butthurt loser. Confirmed.

National_Anthem ago

You are lucky you have a cuck admin on your side.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

yeah i'm always open to considering evidence but that's all i've seen so far. lots of whining and baseless accusations.

gabara ago

We track the shills accounts. Here's a partial list. Don't take my word, just keep these in mind when they make claims:

common_sense Womb_Raider JoeMontana MightyYetGentle1488 9-11 smokratez SaneGoatiSwear JohnCStevenson Techius Grifter42 National_Anthem albatrosv13 albatrosv14 HenryCorp PeacefulAssassin inthetimeofnick Pissant

PeacefulAssassin ago

why do you think I am a shill?
notice that I have the courage to ping you to call you out, a courtesy you seem to not do, you yellow belly faggot.

gabara ago

You can only ping 5 people at a time.

PeacefulAssassin ago

but you pinged no one. grow some balls and ping people you call out @gabara

gabara ago

You can only ping up to 5 people in a single post.

PeacefulAssassin ago

and yet you pinged NO ONE when you posted a list of people. I had to hear from some one else that you tried to slander me, you limp-wristef, tictac-dick, soy chugging, faggot.

gabara ago

You can only ping 5 people. You're not that important so if I pinged some, you still wouldn't have gotten pinged.

PeacefulAssassin ago

I understand but still you pinged NO ONE. if you pinged 5 people, OK your defense stands, but you pinged NO ONE.

gabara ago

I was trying socialism. I couldn't ping everyone so I pinged no one.

PeacefulAssassin ago

you pinged no one so that they would not be able to come defend themselves and call you out

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I'm pretty sure JohnCStevenon is just a god-tier performance artist, though.

Pissant ago

I'm on a list with HenryCorp, lmao... Thanks for the tag @National_Anthem

common_sense ago

lol thanks for the honor

PeacefulAssassin ago

how the fuck am I a shill? what makes you think that?

National_Anthem ago

i dont think you are, i think the SRS faggot shills you added to a list of random people spreading lies about who you are. I just wanted to grab your attention since they were too coward to ping you.

PeacefulAssassin ago

I see, thanks for the heads up.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

That's like a who's-who of almond activators

ExpertShitposter ago


jewshekelstein1488 ago

yep, i recognize many of those names from my own personal experiences/interactions with them.

Womb_Raider ago

Don't buy that nonsense. I mean, I know you're one of them, but you and I have spoken several times, and so far it has been quite civil. Gabara is not honest and I think deep down you know that.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i'm not one of anyone. i don't really get into the meta politics like you guys. i basically just shitpost and drop redpills in my spare time. i'm not paid to be here and i'm not irl friends with anyone here. i just do my own thing. you have given me some stuff to think about but no hard evidence so i will simply just have to watch and see what happens. gabara has not said or done anything to my knowledge that i have a problem with. actually when we first interacted he accused me of being a shill and was very aggressive. i didn't take it personally and just explained my position and held my ground and eventually he figured out i wasn't one of (((them))).

Womb_Raider ago

You'll know what I know in time, I guess. Not sure how you got caught up with them is all.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

the ones i'm "caught up with" are because we have something in common, which is naming and exposing the jew. that's the only reason i made this account and is the basis on which i make friends and enemies here. i don't get into site politics.

Womb_Raider ago

You don't care that Gabara calls anyone who disagrees with him a Jew regardless of inaccuracy?

If that were all he engaged in, I would support and applaud him.

If that were all he engaged in.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

do i care? not really. from what i can see he pushes people to see how they respond in order to determine their motivations and agendas. to the extent i can make any judgment of an anonymous person on the internet whom i've never met and haven't spoken to a whole lot he seems to be one of the good guys. from your own comments it sounds like you guys actually have a lot in common. maybe you should think about ways you can work together instead of fighting each other all the time. divide and conquer is how (((they))) win.

Womb_Raider ago

Hahaha. Good luck making that happen.

National_Anthem ago

Keep in mind Gabara, Kevdude, Heygeorge, bourbon_expert, Expertshitposter, AndrewBlazeit, FuzzyWords, and anyone associated with them are the shills. Gabara comparing us to SaneGoat and HenryCorp is horseshit. You seem to want people to think for you instead of thinking for yourself.

gabara ago

Gabara comparing us to SaneGoat and HenryCorp is horseshit.

Hey @jewshekelstein1488, notice how I didn't even mention that group. LOL. They're not very good shills.

National_Anthem ago

What the fuck are you talking about, you just said grifter and smokratez are in the same boat as HenryCorp. You are naming completely random peoplpe and adding them in the same group to steer your shill narrative.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You ever think maybe all of us just think you're an obnoxious douche?

Womb_Raider ago

I think he's an annoying dick too. I'm getting tired of you guys comparing me to him, and others in that list. The only one in there that I admire is grifter.

National_Anthem ago

fuck off pussy, go fuckin cry about it in SBBH you would fit right in

Womb_Raider ago

Can't blame me.

National_Anthem ago

I definitely can. You turned out to be a shill. Funny how cheese was correct about you

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah, he's a great influence to listen to. No wonder SBBH has such an easy time kicking you around.

National_Anthem ago

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, he was right about you and i shouldn't have defended you. SBBH aint shit dawg, you guys have a few things in common tbh.

Womb_Raider ago

Whatever gymnastics you require.

National_Anthem ago

Whatever ya little bitch, go hit on some teenagers again.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I've seen you shit on greycloud, so you get a pass.

Womb_Raider ago

My only question is why do you give Gabara a pass?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

What has he done other than be annoying?

Womb_Raider ago

I just detest dishonesty and he spews it more regularly than most.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Never once in the history of FPS games did someone say "ARRRRGH STOP CAMPING ME, FAGET" and the camper thought "Well, I guess I shouldn't camp him. It's really giving him a hard time."

Womb_Raider ago

Meh, you right. Carry on.

National_Anthem ago

I'm sure you and your SBBH friends do think im obnoxious. I cause you shills to go into damage control near daily.

I think you are all mentally deranged SRS homosexuals and trannies and you should be strung up behind my truck and dragged over gravel until i run out of gas. No one is buying your act, thats why you all have to show up at the same time and make sure no one catches on.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

dunno bout them others, but I browse /all/new and I can't let retardation go unanswered

If you think that's me coordinating with all the other cool kids, that's your problem, mane

National_Anthem ago

I can't let retardation go unanswered

You mean anything that hurts SRS's narrative. Fuckin pathetic shill.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

What narrative is that?

That you're a faget?

National_Anthem ago

To make sure people don't get out of line and question meta topics such as how pedophiles freely post, SBBH freely brigades, and the admins support it.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Not banning people who do stuff I don't like means the mods support said thing I don't like

You ever heard of NeoGAF?

Sounds like you'd be more comfortable there.

National_Anthem ago

We are talking about pedophilia. It speaks volumes that admins accept money from and allow pedophiles to gather here. I'm not trying to convince you of shit because you are just a shill, but lurkers should note your diversion tactics.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

admins accept money from pedophiles

I'm not trying to convince you of shit

lol k

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Dude, you SUCK at identifying bait

National_Anthem ago

you are irrelevant, like i said this is here for lurkers.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

And yet you keep responding to me

National_Anthem ago

Im not womb, no.

And there is much history. Many SBBH mods have been posting right-leaning stuff which is the total opposite of their posting history. They are trying to blend in and trick anyone here who doesn't know who they are and what they are up to. it's similar to how Kevdude (a flaming homosexual SJW and straight up liar) made RidersOfTheReich to shitpost about nazis with retarded shit to make the right look bad. The want authority to dictate how the community operate and if you question it you get called sanegoat or some other tired diversion.

It's co-opposition operating blatantly in the open on this site. With their brigading and manufactured consensus, they can control what the site thinks about certain issues.

gabara ago

posting right-leaning stuff which is the total opposite of their posting history

Do you see how crazy this person is, @jewshekelstein1488? Because we always post right-leaning content, that makes us leftists, someway... somehow...

National_Anthem ago

Lefty shills always try to blend in. You are too obvious. It would be like me going on reddit and posting pro-gay material even tho i think all fags should be executed, including you.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

it is definitely a bold claim. i haven't seen you guys ever posting leftist stuff or shilling for hillary as was stated. hence my request for some evidence which i have yet to receive. it should be pretty easy to prove if it's all true, right?

National_Anthem ago

what proof do you want. I'm talking from experience and posts here on Voat.

He was outed as a pedo recently, and since that day has been posting all day long to look anti-left. They want the alt-right to support pedophilia.

gabara ago

Also notice a 1 month old account is talking about stuff from a year and a half ago.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

that is interesting, isn't it?

National_Anthem ago

Account dates don't mean shit, shill.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Yes. They do. If you're talking about shit that happened on Voat before you were a participating member of Voat, it makes you look guilty as fuck.

So either admit that @National_Anthem is an alt account and give us some proof of what your 'old account' is, or accept us shitting all over you for using anonthreads as proof of anything.

National_Anthem ago

@MightyYetGentle is my original account you nigger lover. I deleted it because it was impossible to post on it after being attacked by the people you jerk off every day with your mouth.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


.....aaaaaaaand it suddenly all comes together like a one-piece puzzle

National_Anthem ago

Yeah i've dealt with many types of shills and you are low on the totem pole.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Tune your shilldar, mane

jewshekelstein1488 ago

if that's all true i guess i must be really out of the loop because i haven't seen any evidence. surely you don't expect me to just take your word for it?

National_Anthem ago

I've been paying attention to the shilling for over 2 years here. Gabara is definitely a fuckin shill.

surely you don't expect me to just take your word for it?

Why not? What would be the point of me taking my time to recant drama that no one but me seems to give a fuck about. Me telling you these truths isn't going to change how the shills operate here. Trust me. You want proof? you are asking something that only the admins can do and we know who the admins side with (fuzzy is a mod of SBBH just look). Just remember what I said when you see him CCP whoring and spreading rumors and getting backed up by SBBH, in this very thread as a matter of fact.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

even if everything you wrote was true (a big if), your level of emotional investment suggests to me you aren't being honest. how did you get so wrapped up with them in the first place? why does it seem like some kind of political agenda on your part?

National_Anthem ago

I was banned on reddit and came here during the first exodus and spent a massive amount of time documenting SRS activity on reddit with many successful posts that redpilled thousands. Then i started seeing SRS on Voat and they were promoting pedophilia so I went after them too. They didn't like that and brigaded over 8k CCP on my original account and put me to -3000 CCP. My emotional investment stems from how easy it is for them to subvert Voat and how anyone who speaks up is attacked. I campaigned for Trump and during the election the shills were powerless here.

Now after all the restrictions and clear indication Putt is on their side, they have a lot more power. That is why they shut that chat shit down and scared everyone into thinking discord was a trap. In real time they couldn't defend their shilling, they require voting brigades and Voat's format in order to keep people unaware of what they are doing. I definitely have a political agenda and that's conservative and truth-seeking. That is what brought a lot of us here initially. Just like SRS took over The_Donald modding positions, they are doing the same thing here. Anyone who genuinely is on our side wouldn't react and shitpost like SBBH does. They are just trying to appeal to the demographic on voat, which has changed drastically.

National_Anthem ago

Yeah it did, now go post more cocks in SoapBoxBanHammer you JIDF clone.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Prove my JIDF clone-itude

National_Anthem ago

Another SRS faggot parroting "prove what's going on in my head and my private interactions with the cabal in IRC".

Anyone who watches your behavior can see you are a shill.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Jokes on u mane, I don't even know how to use IRC

gabara ago

LOL! @Womb_Raider forgot they were logged in with their @National_Anthem account. How embarrasing!

National_Anthem ago

Just pretending everyone is the same person doesn't work anymore shill.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@gabara thank you for exposing the pedo