lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

death to @Womb_Raider

Womb_Raider ago

lordgabaratheautist, what do you want?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

just trollin for fun

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Hey @womb_raider... How much do you weigh? What's up with your buttslamming obsession? Also, why do you take fake internet points from internet strangers so seriously? Why so serious?

Womb_Raider ago

Nice job boosting this to the top of the thread over 24 hours after it got buried. That's organic.

Womb_Raider ago

Those upvoats aren't genuine.

Womb_Raider ago

I should actually be saying you must have a new 'primary' account if you're willing to drag yours through the mud

Womb_Raider ago

You sure love to play with words, don't you?

Womb_Raider ago

You just outed yourself, kevdude.

Womb_Raider ago

You can keep pushing this fake news if you want, but you do yourself a disservice. You're destroying your own credibility and it's not working for you in the slightest.

I welcome your continued attempts.

Womb_Raider ago

I didn't realize you worked for CNN.

Womb_Raider ago

That has to be a joke. This comment is a prime example of you guys downvoat brigading: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2098812/10349121/10#10349121

Womb_Raider ago

Give it a break, clown.

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL. Nobody buys your shit Myg.

Womb_Raider ago

Whatever you say, SBBH

Womb_Raider ago

You don't find that accusation ironic at best?

Grifter42 ago

Couldn't have said it better. Gabara is a huge faggot, alongside Shroomcloud, and Kevdude, and Mick, and they're trying to take over Voat. Their claims of shitposting are just a way they excuse their abusive tactics of gaslighting and harassment.

They threatened to send me child porn, and ping me, over, and over, and over again.

SBBH is in league with @Puttitout, though, so nothing will fucking happen.

JoeMontana ago

Don't forget how they always ping each other to down vote brigade posts that expose them being srs.

Womb_Raider ago

With all due respect, your account is 2 months old... how do you know much about these dudes anyway?

JoeMontana ago

I've been on the internet for longer than 2 months.

Womb_Raider ago

Ah. You used to have a different account, I assume?

JoeMontana ago

Or I could have lurked.

Womb_Raider ago

SBBH isn't particularly credible but gabara is claiming you're Mick in another thread, what have you done to make them particularly interested in you?

JoeMontana ago

I've had a lot of fun with HeyGeorge, and Trigglypuff a bit too last night. Then I clicked on the mod invite before I realized what I did. Now I have to burn in Hell. Who's Mick by the way?

Womb_Raider ago

He's a member of SBBH. Which you're hilariously modding. You kind of seem like one of theirs, but time usually tells.

You can de-mod yourself by the way.

JoeMontana ago

I told you that was an accident. Demodding myself would be rude to HeyGeorge. They will ban me sooner or later anyways. Like you said, for the time being I'm finding it hilarious.

You kind of seem like one of theirs, but time usually tells.

Are you implying I'm a bit of troll?

Womb_Raider ago

Nah, I'm implying you could be one of their accounts. You see they're claiming I'm Smokratez, MightyYetGentle1488, SaneGoatiSwear, Grifter, and now they've added you and 9-11. I'm sure the list will continue to grow as they antagonize me.

They claim I employ alts (I don't) and then they have several themselves. Just one user, beatlejuice, had 4-5 accounts I knew of. ExpertShitposter has alts as well. That "Keksogynist" is one of their accounts, too. It's hard to tell when you're talking to a voater or someone in SBBH.

JoeMontana ago

I'm not part of the gang. You can see from the reactions in the thread you linked. HeyGeorge warning them not to de mod me. The others talking about wanting to kick me in the dick and garbage-ra already claiming I am yet another guy's alt. They added 9-11 too? Now I don't feel special anymore. Wait, as a mod or as someone they claim you are?

They claim I am all of those people too. I like that they do that. That means they aren't smart enough to know. All they can do is sort of guess.

Womb_Raider ago

As somebody they claim I am, not as a mod. They're not guessing. I'm pretty sure they know they're picking on legitimate people.

I think their tactic is to warp the minds of voaters, they want to control this place. If people like myself, or saverem, or smokratez, or anyone else tells them they're wrong, they try to make other voaters think you're a bad guy in one way or another.

They're either say you're a pedophile, or you're an alt of SaneGoat or someone else voat doesn't like that much, or they'll attack your sanity via gaslighting. They don't care what you think, but they want to change the way voat thinks about you.

JoeMontana ago

The people that know me on voat think I am a dick anyways. There's not much they can do to tarnish my reputation here. It's garbage to begin with.

It's telling that shroomcloud is always the one calling others pedos. Most likely a sad case of projection. I feel bad that he has custody of his daughter back. He'll probably rape her.

At this point voat is sort of becoming irrelevant anyways. I used it to boost a certain way of thinking into the offline world. That's a snowball that has been picking up speed and mass slowly for some time now. If it will work or fail doesn't depend on voat anymore. If they terminate this place tomorrow, it will have no effect on what I tried to do.

Womb_Raider ago

...so you do have an old voat account as I suspected.

Interesting. Well, if you're an enemy of theirs you're a friend of mine. I often wonder about what voaters will do if this place goes under. We don't have many alternative ways to commune.

heygeorge ago

I realise this thread is old as hell, but someone linked to it in tonight's sperg of anon posts. Then I saw you and Joe chatting like humans, which was nice.

JoeMontana actually is smokratez. This isn't a gabara level accusation, it's very clear to me. He will never admit it.

He gaslit you about accepting the SBBH mod invite by accident, as he was modded/demodded/banned a couple times before I "warned" (his words) the other mods not to demod/ban him.

Hope you have a wonderful day and such. And that you either have anon pings blocked or lots of free time. I don't know who's (we probably have a few of the same suspects in mind) pinging the fuck out of you, but the trend should die off in a couple more days if you keep ignoring the bait.

Womb_Raider ago

He gaslit you about accepting the SBBH mod invite by accident

I'm pretty sure I have never modded SBBH at any point in time, even accidentally. Am I misreading you here?

And that you either have anon pings blocked or lots of free time. I don't know who's (we probably have a few of the same suspects in mind)

I have the time to spare, for a few months longer anyway. I'd assume it's either gabara or kevdude. It doesn't really matter who's doing it, voaters seem to be calling them out on my behalf so that's pleasant. Sometimes it feels I'm the only one who sees them for what they are, but it appears I'm not

heygeorge ago

Not you. JoeMontana accepted my invite to mod SBBH. He said above that he accepted by accident.

Although it was nice of him to mention decency.

I don't know kevdude that well or whatever but youth ink it's him?

Why do you have extra free time for a few more months? I hope for cool reasons.

Womb_Raider ago

I used to think kevdude was above this behavior, but sadly I've come to know him better than that. It's probably he and Gabara both, at something like a 20:80 ratio if I had to guess.

Pretty cool reasons, I'm chasing my lifelong dream and it's finally coming to fruition. Just under a year to go

JoeMontana ago

...so you do have an old voat account as I suspected.

I can neither confirm, nor deny those allegations.

Well, if you're an enemy of theirs you're a friend of mine.

Like I said, voat's purpose has been fulfilled. I might as well have some fun now. I worked my ass off for years trying to get people to wake up. I'm a bit tired.

I often wonder about what voaters will do if this place goes under.

I've got some other fun places I like to hang out on the webs.

We don't have many alternative ways to commune.

I'm usually a drifter. I get in, hit em hard and get banned. Voat is the first forum I haven't gotten banned from. It's a bit surprising. I've been a massive asshole at times.

JoeMontana ago

Gabara, I am one of your alts. You must have forgotten you made me.

JoeMontana ago

You harass me every day as well.

Womb_Raider ago

Thanks for a roaring good time. You've shown your true colors beautifully.

Womb_Raider ago

@gabara deleted his comments in this thread because he's a coward - too bad he didn't look for archives first.

gabara ago

I love how upset you are.

Womb_Raider ago

You're the one deleting your words because you are ashamed of yourself. Autism must be lame.

gabara ago

Only someone trying to dox me would be pissed off by this. @friendshipistragic @lordbeatlejuicethe1 @Cheesebooger @Caveman_in_a_suit @AndrewBlazeIt, this anon is sending me dic pics and trying to dox me and he has information that will lead to the conviction of Bill Clinton's wife!

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

So.... Did you ever get he ever wind up sending you Bill Clinton's wife's dick pix?

gabara ago

Yeah, this is what she sent: https://kek.gg/i/4QF-V.jpeg

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

That's a fake - it's not circumsized

gabara ago

Female pee-pees don't get circumsized because of fee-fees

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Sir, with a due respect, you assume said wife's femaleness as a foundational element to your argument - I beseech you to check that premise, and counter that you may in fact have been duped into receiving, the sender's own peenpik! Whereupon said sender, as is their usual wont, enjoyed a good ol strangle-the-mouse at your folly, Sir!

gabara ago


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

that nigger better check my downvote history

i have never.down voted and will murder that bitch

friendshipistragic ago

foreskin or cut?

gabara ago

Both. I asked for a short back and sides.

friendshipistragic ago

That's what I like about you. You know what you want and go for it.

Womb_Raider ago

I've been found out... I better go full autism mode! - Gabara

gabara ago

Why are you a bigot?

Womb_Raider ago

You're unbelievable.

Quit downvoating me, twat

You're blatantly lying.

Womb_Raider ago

You're an idiot.

You made no mention until I called you out

I called you out before you made your initial admission. Follow along, please.

Womb_Raider ago

Libertarian means I believe in small government. Conservatives don't necessarily share that belief. Archive away, I'm proud of my views.

Womb_Raider ago

You made no mention until I called you out, actually. But sure, we can twist that while you're already braiding.

Womb_Raider ago

I didn't say it was against the rules, did I? I'm showcasing your trustworthiness and ethics.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm not a leftist either. My views have been consistently libertarian, edging on conservative on occasion. What other lies would you like to display to voat?

Womb_Raider ago

Good for you. Only 16,741 to go, and then those pesky downvoat limitations will suffocate me! Shucks.

Womb_Raider ago

Anyone can see plain as day what you're doing.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Guess you are too kiked to even read the thread you are coming in and shilling in.

Womb_Raider ago

I pinged the accounts you've accused me of being. You're being disingenuous, as always.

Womb_Raider ago

Play dumb if you like.

Womb_Raider ago

Further gaslighting. Rinse and repeat, isn't that right gabara?

Womb_Raider ago

^ This is what you call 'damage control'

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

he pinged me you stupid mother fucking shill.

It's funny how you always show up in threads to stifle meta discussion

Womb_Raider ago

You use this tactic against anyone who disagrees with you on a fundamental level. If their views aren't mirror images of your own on X, Y, or Z, you automatically accuse them of being an alt of someone the majority of voat dislikes. It's shameful and you have no shame.

Gaslighting, as you're doing now, is another tactic you appear to like.

Womb_Raider ago

It's easily discernible information. You guys are pathetic, frankly. You lie like there's no tomorrow.

Womb_Raider ago

Profile overview for Keksogynist.

Member for: 22 days


3 submissions to SoapboxBanhammer

1 submissions to ShitpostersTavern

5 submissions to CouncilOfShitposters

So you're obviously an alt account accusing me of using alts, and you're one of them, to boot. You're further trying to push this agenda.

[–] Keksogynist 0 points (+0|-0) 1 day ago

So now OP is creating alts. What a nigger.

You've got to be kidding me. Have a standard for yourself, at the very least.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

yeah they stopped being discreet about it. I can't recall what the catalyst was but they have double downed on shilling like retards.