SelfReferenceParadox ago


Also, protip m9: only the first few pings are actually gonna ping. Just like my genitals.

ExpertShitposter ago

I want to see a clean fight, no punching below the belt.


heygeorge ago

I agree, but it just came to mind.

heygeorge ago

He prob is but it's fine.

JoeMontana ago

I'm not about to spend any time and energy on shroomcloud. I like joking around. Him being a pedo and projecting that onto others is a step too far.

heygeorge ago

No pedos in this sub m8

JoeMontana ago

He said he was only joking around. I take that as he'll knock that shit off. That's good enough.

JoeMontana ago

Yeah, I told you I'm not Mick. Thank fuck you listened to me for a change. keep it up and we'll make a man out of you yet.

JoeMontana ago

You think I am your CREATOR? You better fucking stop down voting me then.

JoeMontana ago

I like that I am coming into the middle. That will allow me to use my core strength to get an unfair advantage already.

JoeMontana ago

Who's Mick?

mudcatca ago

Hiya - hey, he's wearing the belt on his head, no fair!

... and no pants

heygeorge ago

Ugh I guess he'll fit in after all.

Womb_Raider ago

Of course

heygeorge ago

I did not realise this.

JoeMontana ago

I'm not Mick. I don't even know who that is.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

What if I pull the belt down around his ankles BEFORE I punch him in the dick?

heygeorge ago

So long as there is fair warning it should be fine.

heygeorge ago

Any higher mod who demods him will be mercifully booted from the team.