Womb_Raider ago

I pay close attention to voat. I have never seen putt post anything along those lines. Could you link me to it?

Putt made a comment in a thread

Womb_Raider ago

I just asked a question.

Womb_Raider ago

So you had or have access to the admins that typical voaters do not have, then?

Womb_Raider ago

Perhaps. But it was something you would typically protest, no?

Womb_Raider ago

I distinctly remember you joining the voat chat, witnessing his gay erotica spam, and ... I forgot what it is you said, but you weren't protesting it. Probably because it bothered us.

Womb_Raider ago

I didn't say that, you're twisting words like a Jew. I said you applauded the guy who nuked chat, fake sane.

You were impressed with what he had done.

gabara ago

@Womb_Raider keeps making fun of my Autism and making me have bad feelings: http://archive.is/t1umv

Womb_Raider ago

That's true.

gabara ago

Shut up you meanie meanie feeling hurter!

Womb_Raider ago

You said it, not me. I just repeated it when you attacked my character, as is rational.

Womb_Raider ago

Can't you find a better way to entertain yourself? Sincere inquiry.

gabara ago

Can't you find a better job?

Womb_Raider ago

My, my. More dishonesty. I'm disappointed.

gabara ago

I know you're paid to be here. You'd leave otherwise. You hate this place. You can't hide it.

Grifter42 ago

Projecting much, you SBBH faggot?

gabara ago

You forgot to swtich back to the other account.

Grifter42 ago

Nah, cocksucker. I just got friends, unlike you. All you have are work acquaintances.

Unless you actually are friends with the likes of Hecho, and Beatle.

You're nothing but a jew going for shekels.

Womb_Raider ago

Where did you get that idea? Look at my comment history. I say over and over that voat is a fantastic place and few others exist like it.

See, this is what bothers me about you. You know you're lying. Why do it?

gabara ago

Awwwww... you try so hard.

Womb_Raider ago

You want me to provide evidence of this to further document your dishonesty?

gabara ago

If it will take you time, sure, go ahead.

Womb_Raider ago

I praised voat just three days ago.


Womb_Raider ago

Nice defamation campaign but that hick isn't me. Honestly I'm not in the mood for this right now, Gabara.

ExpertShitposter ago

You think myg is a hick? This is something you decided recently then, since you were buddy's with him in discord.

@gabara i will hit him with being nice. He probably wont be able to handle it.

Womb_Raider ago

I left his server. Actually, he banned me out of reactionary anger, later unbanning me and asking me to return but I chose not to. Someone who claims to be against censorship, who claims to be willing to let you guys into that discord and allow total free speech banned me.

How's that for principles? So I told the others he was unfit to run a server and didn't go back. Some came to my new server, some didn't. Doesn't bother me.

ExpertShitposter ago

What made him mad? I heard some people say you did some pedo shit in chat, tho i have never seen anyone post proofs. What was that about?

LoL, literally nobody ever fell for his "freedom of speech" fake bullshit. First starting with sanegoat removing 50% of posts from v/TIL back when he had it, all the way to him banning people from his discord for refusing to answer a question. (been there and saw is my self). He is 1488 but posts gangsta rap all day long? Yeah, legit user.

What is your server?

Womb_Raider ago

It's a really long story. Basically I said something nasty to him because he wasn't treating me with respect, so he reactionarily banned me. He made that shit up after I was banned, and I was unable to defend myself. He then deleted my chats a week back and lied about it, even though everyone in his discord can see the audit logs and they showed me.

He manipulated the group and it splintered.

I refuse to defend someone as dishonest as mighty, but I will say confidently that I don't believe he is Sane goat.

I don't own the new server, I made it, invited the others, and then gave it to someone I considered level-headed. You and I both know I can be vitriolic, so I didn't want to be in a position of authority. I didn't want to deal with authoritarian bullshit again.

My server peeps probably wouldn't be keen on you joining, you've insulted a majority of them extensively...

ExpertShitposter ago

What about IronFist? He was calling you out on it too, but you didn't respond to it. Not that you strike me as pedo, just asking.

insulted a majority of them

Like who? I don't feel i really insult people when i joke about them. As for the people i called kike, alt of myg, etc., they are people who attacked me first about being SRS even tho i am not even a redditfuge as i never had an account there. Unlike myg the "the hater of reddit".

People forget, but i was mega nice to everyone before sanegoat started using bots. (it gave one user the voice of 1000 users.)

Womb_Raider ago

Cheese has literally always called me that. He's an autistic Jew that claims he's super wealthy. No, really, he claims to be a millionaire yet you see how he spends his time. I don't respond to him because he is so far beneath me.

Anyone that tries to sell this facade of wealth and power to completely anonymous strangers has personal issues.

Besides, you guys had him in your sub for a while - what did you think of him?

ExpertShitposter ago


What do you mean?

Womb_Raider ago

Oh, sorry IronFist is @twentyfive and @cheeselane. I'm pretty sure he's called me a pedo on both accounts before this nonsense happened. I assumed you knew about his alts.

ExpertShitposter ago

People say he is also Techius. I never met him before he started being IronFist.

I find him funny most of the time, tho when he gets drunk he gets spamy and cant seem to step outside his one liners. Still, i actually miss him, when i get drunk and become spamy.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't know Techius, but I've heard that also. I think that was said when voat chat still existed.

Before you guys nuked it. He's still around, on a new account, calling me a momster as always.

ExpertShitposter ago

Before you guys nuked it.

LoL that wasn't us. Well there is a chance it was one of us but if it was that person kept it a secret from everyone.

Yeah he is on neg_forever now, but he isn't IronFisting en masse. Don't know any other accounts.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't see who else had the motivation. Kevdude applauded him once, which is what bred suspicion in me.

Yeah that's the one. I'm sure he has others.

hangry ago

Is it true that you play Nickelback even when you are in this sub? You fucker.

Womb_Raider ago

More of a jazz man

hangry ago

I wonder if Richard Cheese had done Nickelback...that would be close.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm unfamiliar with Richard cheese, is he any good? You should listen to a band called Khruangbin. Weird name, you'd think they're arabs or something.

hangry ago

The best cheese is Dick Cheese. Best version of Stronger. Youtube is your friend.

Womb_Raider ago

YouTube isn't my friend... but Richard Cheese sure is good. You know about hooktube right?

hangry ago

I do, but I thought it was just for reposting youtube material...can you search hooktube like youtube?

Womb_Raider ago

Yes, you can. It is a great resource. It also gets around the NSFW log-in filter and region locked videos.

hangry ago

I'm in the mood for love.

gabara ago

I'm sorry. I'll consider your feelings more in the future. I don't want you to feel bad. I hope I haven't made you feel bad. Your feelings are really really important to me and the rest of the criminal cabal.

@AndrewBlazeIt @trigglypuff @HeyGeorge @lordbeatlejuicethe1 @friendshipistragic, what can we do to cheer ol' Womby here up? Finger puppets? Puppet show? Shadow puppets? Folks, we have to do some about Mr Serious Guy's feelings. DO THING!!!!

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i say pm him tubgirl

hangry ago

Should I send a dick pic?

gabara ago

ALWAYS send dick pics

Womb_Raider ago

Go do something productive.

friendshipistragic ago

I give you the joy of song!!!!


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

@gabara - please don't make him angry! You won't like him when he's angry

gabara ago

HOLY FUCK! I KNEW womb_raider was a jew

Caveman_in_a_suit ago


AndrewBlazeIt ago

Something about that dude perturbs the shit out of my Dylans