10077271? ago

I dot see @Grifter42 attacking innocent subs on voat but you lot are are. @kevdude what the fuck are you doing hanging with these guys?

10051441? ago

sbbh is just another way to spell srs.

10050546? ago

He hates the Ukraine. For that alone he's an ass.

10049279? ago

What a gay thread. Myg go back to reddit.

Good salt mine tho.

10049019? ago

Here is another thread that got no traction.

And when you call them out, they quick post a bunch more anon threads to try to bury your thread calling them out. It is real.

And the panicked calls "DONT BRIGADE YOULL BE BANNED" is horse shit because thats exactly what they do. They vote brigade themselves up and vote brigade others down. Nothing happens.

Voat users are waking up

10048360? ago

can someone tell a dummie what SRS stands for?

10049350? ago

ShitRedditSays, a toxic group that has been on the admin team and has zero culpability for their actions over the last 5 years. During the election they received clinton money and spread to YouTube, Twitter, etc. And Voat seems to be a safe space for them since they dominate the site and calling them out gets you attacked instead.

SRS also stands for Sexual Reassignment Surgery which is entirely fitting considering most of the toxic SRS users are actual trannies and have been stirring shit up between men and women since the internet hit normies.

Also, and autistic transsexual is the main coder of Voat on GitHub @FuzzyWords


10049500? ago

confusing for the mere lurking tourist, but I thinks I gets it - thanks

10048130? ago

why dont you ping all your tranny friends? @FuzzyWords, @Transbackpacker (Oops i forgot i trolled him until he killed himself and his account and twitter is deleted) and @Le_Squish

Calling other people pedophiles won't change the fact that you are the real pedophiles and you know your time is coming to an end :)

10048067? ago

@gabara is a known kike shill, role-playing as a white person

here he is trying to do damage control over this exact accusation: https://voat.co/v/whatever/1996926

10048047? ago

you and the 4 pedophiles you pinged can try all you want, it's not pedophilia to have sex when your 13 with another 13 year old, albeit its degenerate.

Keep trying JIDF

10047999? ago

you mean because he deleted his account and comments?It is actually archived, im waiting for grif to come on to find it.

MYG got pussy every year of his life including when he was 13

10047963? ago

In the same fucking way that Beatle flooding chat led to Putt putting in mandatory CCP regulations on chat, in effect allowing SBBH to control who can and can't use chat by brigading people into negative points.

10049393? ago


10047865? ago

The context for this https://voat.co/v/whatever/1902234/9354116

Seems to be him pissed off for you @Shroomcloud (previously banned under @BeatlejuiceX3 and @Zyklon-B) for threatening to send him child porn, just like you and @hecho did to the /v/OffTheGrid community users who all left the site

10047741? ago

These people are in my estimation posting from some bunker in the ME.

10049536? ago

Tel Aviv

10047639? ago

one look at grifters account shows the opposite. Nice witch-hunt, you SRS kikes are really good at hanging on to one irrelevant thing.

10047749? ago

No one is afraid of Grifter because he has no power. No one on Voat (except for Putt) has any real power. Mods can be replaced or communities can migrate; people can say what they want, brigaders can be banned, and if your account gets hit you can make a new one without issue. You people ramble on about SRS and manipulations without ever citing evidence or even justifying your fears.

10047811? ago

What evidence could be provided? When something is obvious as the sun in the sky, but the evidence for it is hidden behind Putt's system, it makes you look fucking shilly to keep parroting that line.

We know the truth about Voat and it's kike cabal of trannies and fags. /v/ProtectVoat, /v/RidersOfTheReich, /v/SoapBoxBanHammer and the rest should be deleted if Putt wanted to follow the site's rules. He picks and chooses and i believe the only reason he would is because you SRS fags are the only ones willing to suck his dick and swallow every last drop of semen. As far as im concerned Putt and Atko were two jewish entrepreneurs who worked with reddit to migrate all of Reddit's unwanted users so the libshits on reddit wont get too triggered every second of the day and they can still monitor conservatives and right-wingers.

Nothing else makes sense in this current climate, especially regarding putt's behavior as of late, and you SRS fags cluttering up every sub and comment section on voat.

10047894? ago

When something is obvious as the sun in the sky, but the evidence for it is hidden behind Putt's system, it makes you look fucking shilly to keep parroting that line.

I disagree that anything of this nature is obvious and I maintain that claims require evidence for them to be accepted. I also agree the required evidence is only possessed by Putt. Sorry, but this is the reality -- neither you or I really know if people are actually brigading.

/v/ProtectVoat, /v/RidersOfTheReich, /v/SoapBoxBanHammer and the rest should be deleted if Putt wanted to follow the site's rules.

Annnnd there's your agenda. Sorry, but Voat is for freedom; whatever communities want to exist here can. Individual users can be a part of whatever communities they desire, so long as they don't post illegal content, don't dox people, don't spam, and don't manipulate votes. If Putt detects any of this he has a history of banning the users involved. However he is alone in managing this and has other priorities right now; he doesn't have time to review spam reports every day and look into every baseless claim when he's trying to just keep Voat afloat.

He picks and chooses and i believe the only reason he would is because you SRS fags are the only ones willing to suck his dick and swallow every last drop of semen

What exactly do you think these people are doing for Putt? They're just using Voat like everyone else, and you're the one paranoid enough to think they have any kind of power whatsoever.

As far as im concerned Putt and Atko were two jewish entrepreneurs who worked with reddit to migrate all of Reddit's unwanted users so the libshits on reddit wont get too triggered every second of the day and they can still monitor conservatives and right-wingers.

Yet another baseless theory. I'm sure it gives you goosebumps from time to time.

Nothing else makes sense in this current climate, especially regarding putt's behavior as of late, and you SRS fags cluttering up every sub and comment section on voat.

Putt's behaviour as of late? He's been bug-fixing for Christ's sake. You are so fucking paranoid and I'm so fucking sick of wasting my time trying to convince you that you have nothing to fucking worry about. We're all just a bunch of goats using this platform because it doesn't censor us, and no matter how much you fucking bitch and complain this website is not going to start censoring users you don't like. Deal with it

10050306? ago

Way to totally fucking edit and change your entire comment you SHILL lmao

10047975? ago

I disagree that anything of this nature is obvious and I maintain that claims require evidence for them to be accepted. I also agree the required evidence is only possessed by Putt. Sorry, but this is the reality -- neither you or I really know if people are actually brigading.

Shut up faggot ive been brigaded for two years when i was once one of the most popular posters until i turned on SRS here, and the pedos you protect (lets not beat around the bush i know who you are)

What exactly do you think these people are doing for Putt? They're just using Voat like everyone else, and you're the one paranoid enough to think they have any kind of power whatsoever.

It's very clear they are attempting to make a mockery out of conservatism and my theory is because they are positioning themselves to cut off Trump internet support for the 2020 election. You are minimalizing the very reason your site exists. And it's obvious.

Yet another baseless theory. I'm sure it gives you goosebumps from time to time.

It makes more sense than not, simply by just participating since the first exodus I know this. The only people who ever defended putt and atko as 2 genuine dudes who care about free speech is SRS and SBBH users. For all we know Putt and Atko are 2 non-existent entites represented by a random company on whois.(hah, even Atko himself didnt want /v/niggers here but realized it was necessary for the exodus of right-wingers. He is a cuck)

Putt's behaviour as of late? He's been bug-fixing for Christ's sake.

Yeah being an autist and ignoring the inherent problems with the site while he tries to put lipstick on a dead pig.

You are so fucking paranoid and I'm so fucking sick of wasting my time trying to convince you you have nothing to fucking worry about it.

You actually re-enforce my theory because I know you are PeaceSeeker.

We're all just a bunch of goats using this platform because it doesn't censor us, and no matter how much you fucking bitch and complain this website is not going to start censoring users you don't like. Deal with it

comments restricted to 10 comments a day All SRS has to do is downvoat you until you cant have more than 1 exchange on voat a day unless you use alts, which then you become sanegoat JIDF shill redditor. Applying logic to this situation is your kryptonite. It's obvious as fuck and you all sound like Bill Nye peddling Cognitive Dissonance as a reason climate change deniers aren't capable of buying the global warming lie.

10048059? ago

Shut up faggot ive been brigaded for two years when i was once one of the most popular posters until i turned on SRS here, and the pedos you protect (lets not beat around the bush i know who you are)

No you've just been downvoted by everyone who sees you because every time you open your mouth you spew lies.

my theory is because they are positioning themselves to cut off Trump internet support for the 2020 election.

This is laughable. I have nothing more to say on it.

The only people who ever defended putt and atko as 2 genuine dudes who care about free speech is SRS and SBBH users

I defended them both from the start for the simple reason that they created a real freedom platform. I've never had anything to do with SRS and I've made some 3 posts in SBBH after joining very late in its existence simply because I enjoyed the sense of tight-knit community it had. If it walks like a shitposter and talks like a shitposter...it's probably just a shitposter.

Yeah being an autist and ignoring the inherent problems with the site while he tries to put lipstick on a dead pig.

Most of the issues with the current site are going to be fixed in the new environment, you ignorant piece of shit.

You actually re-enforce my theory because I know you are PeaceSeeker.

Not many users waste as much time as I do writing out long-winded replies to your bullshit; of course I'm PS. This re-enforces nothing; we're all just goats but you're the one who wants censorship.

comments restricted to 10 comments a day

Only faggots who use every comment to criticize Putt and the Voat userbase and freedom in general accrue negative CCP and fall victim to those restrictions. A better system might be possible but they also discourage widespread spam-shills -- they are less willing to just mass-create accounts; they prefer to make one and be done with it. You can always create alts and that's exactly what you've done, so don't whine about being limited to 10 comments. Maybe if you talked about something other then hating freedom you wouldn't be in this position.

10048649? ago

No you've just been downvoted by everyone who sees you because every time you open your mouth you spew lies.

Nothing i say can be proven to be a lie. And im not the only person who recognizes what is going on here, im just more vocal.

I defended them both from the start for the simple reason that they created a real freedom platform.

hah yeah saying nigger and kike is free speech. What is real freedom of speech is being able to groupthink and formulate summation of the effect the left is having on society which has been totally shit on with Voat. It's turned into reddit with curse words, since reddit autobans you for saying any offensive word,

I've never had anything to do with SRS and I've made some 3 posts in SBBH after joining very late in its existence simply because I enjoyed the sense of tight-knit community it had. If it walks like a shitposter and talks like a shitposter...it's probably just a shitposter.

No one believes you.

Most of the issues with the current site are going to be fixed in the new environment, you ignorant piece of shit.

You mean SRS will have no issues whatsoever with dissent. I'm not even checking the new version and if the site is forced into that change i guarantee this site dies. Even pizzagaters wont put up with reddit style control.

Not many users waste as much time as I do writing out long-winded replies to your bullshit; of course I'm PS. This re-enforces nothing; we're all just goats but you're the one who wants censorship.

You are the very definition of "damage-control". Not once have you worked with me to come to a reasonable conclusion, you just spew the same shit SRS and SBBH shills say. If what i said were right someone would have proved me wrong after 2 years of saying it here. Instead im met with the top 10 common tactics of shill sliding which ive documented into an infograph if you want me to find it and post it so you could refine your obvious shilling a bit. I don't want any censorship unless the general populace agrees on it. So far that hasn't happened since @Hecho is still aorund because 1 pedo's rights is more important than preventing the sexualizing of children. Banning the left-wing kike shills and pedos isn't censorship for everyone. That's like saying deporting illegal immigrants is censorship. You are working through temporary loopholes and you are fully aware of it deep down although you project the opposite.p

Only faggots who use every comment to criticize Putt and the Voat userbase and freedom in general accrue negative CCP and fall victim to those restrictions.

less than half of my comments is relevant to the censorship and manipulation on voat. I bring it up when it is relevant.

A better system might be possible but they also discourage widespread spam-shills -- they are less willing to just mass-create accounts; they prefer to make one and be done with it.

Same excuse i hear everytime people want less censorship, straight out of reddit's playbook.

You can always create alts and that's exactly what you've done, so don't whine about being limited to 10 comments.

I'm not the only genuine user who has been downvoated into censorship for opposing SBBH and Kevdude and their obvious shilling. This site has changed dramatically and i would never have received downvotes for what i say when the first demographic was moved here from reddit. I had posts with 10k views pointing out SRS shills. That really angered your friends and not only is it me, but anyone who speaks meta about voat is now labeled as a shill by SRS and recieves downvoat brigades and constant submission pings.

Maybe if you talked about something other then hating freedom you wouldn't be in this position.

I love freedom you dumb kike. I want the freedom to find and kill you and your pedo friends.

10047561? ago

Grifter isnt a paid shill, you SRS fags are quick to jump on anything a white nationalist says to use it out of context. If you weren't afraid of him you wouldn't be constantly talking about him

10047424? ago

you mean @PeaceSeeker aka Putt's alt? Agreed

10047526? ago

Hey Sane.

10047543? ago

Hi Sane

10047936? ago

Hey, Sane.

10048004? ago

Hi Sane

10048020? ago

Can't spell Sane without also spelling Enas in reverse. Did you know that, Ricky?

10047393? ago

All of Voat is just the few original SRS members with alts, reposting and voting each other up and down.

10047364? ago

Yes, Gabara, @Rotteux @Kevdude @ExpertShitposter @shroomcloud @Crensch are all SRS users

10046771? ago

He is part of the Jewish cabal on voat that levels up one alt after another, often by reposting the same right-wing content.

10047776? ago

Stop saying he's Jewish.

You, the guy who responded to you and the user are all ME snackbar terrorists. STFU.

10046746? ago

Supplemental Restraint System?

10047373? ago

Sexual Reassignment Surgery also known as ShitRedditSays

10046557? ago

just another attention whore with no life

10046285? ago

You could say Gabara is doing exactly that trying to provoke users of a harmless sub into more moderation.

10046200? ago

He's a splinter from SDBH who got kicked out for being extra faggoty. So he made two new shitposting subs, and now uses them to farm. Make sure you always downvoat him and his subs. Yes, this is a call to brigade, cry harder @gabara.

10047913? ago

He isn't a fuckin' splinter. This is typical SBBH/SDBH tactics.

That whole shit about how folks like Gabara, and Beatle, and Shroomcloud and so on, are just outliers is fucking bullshit.

Putt lets this happen because they're useful to him in controlling public opinion.

If you ever see one of Putt's posts about some new change to Voat, you'll see SBBH members sucking his dick with a fervor much like how SRS stands behind Spez's shit.

10047768? ago

I hate anyone who pretends to agree with you to start a convo and then the trolling begins.

10047488? ago

Brigading is vote manipulation and can get your account banned. As faggoty as gabara is, do not intentionally brigade all of his posts. If you see his posts, sure downvote it, but don't go into his comment history and downvote everything. It will not end well for you.

10047618? ago

Thanks for the info gabara

10047769? ago

I'm not gabara, I'm just telling you how it is. Sift through the announcements to see when Putt announced that vote manipulation was bannable. Look at the Voat banlog and see how many accounts have been banned for vote manipulation. It has mostly been bots because Putt hasn't released specific details concerning legitimate users, but it is still not something you want to participate in.

10048372? ago

i just got downvoat brigaded by @BigDaddy69 and he is still around. Went thru an entire page of comments after he got called out

Is @PuttItOut going to ban that shill? probably not

10048403? ago

No you didn't faggot, you are just projecting your autism onto someone who hurt your fee-fees

10048422? ago

i went from -413 to -436 after one ping to you on @MightyYetGentle1488 and you know it.

You should be banned for voat manipulation, @PuttItOut should apply this rule universally

10048436? ago

I don't know nor care who you are, and I don't have the autism required to actually accomplish that. I think you are just being a butthurt lil faggot autist.

10048459? ago

one look at your account behavior will tell otherwise

10048472? ago


Go back to reddit you butthurt little cumdumpster projecting faggot.

10048477? ago

you sound triggered

10048488? ago

And yet you're the one autistically screeching

10048517? ago

Listen up ya fag, telling the truth isn't autism. Reacting like you are with your butt hurt when facts are presented is autism.

So good job you just jewed yourself

10048546? ago


you getting downvoated for shit-posting isn't proof you got brigaded.

Maybe people just don't like you. Someone has to be teh autist all the other autists shit on.

Anyway, bye Sane, I'm done responding to you and any further replies will be unread and will proove you are a lonely autsitic virgin desperate for human interaction.

I win.

Also, I'm disabling pings from anon subverses now.

10048673? ago

you getting downvoated for shit-posting isn't proof you got brigaded.

Except its not shitposts.

Maybe people just don't like you. Someone has to be teh autist all the other autists shit on.

None of this matters, im not here to make friends. I have tho because im not the only honest person who uses voat.

Anyway, bye Sane, I'm done responding to you and any further replies will be unread and will proove you are a lonely autsitic virgin desperate for human interaction.

Homosexuality is a mental illness.

Also, I'm disabling pings from anon subverses now.

Runaway like usual, tranny lover.

10049142? ago

Bruh, you are replying to gabara. He is baiting you. Stop replying. He's not worth the effort.

10049368? ago

thats BigDaddy69 but it might as well be Gabara, they are on the same team

10049544? ago

Have you considered they're the same user

10049551? ago

yes but they aren't.

10049626? ago

Yeah but, do you know one single person can operate multiple accounts.

10049665? ago

of course, im telling you they arent the same faggot tho. They are individual faggots

10046103? ago

As far as I can make out they are trolling v/linux because of someoe called PRODEATH. Never seen him on that board though. Could also be because the mod there is posting links to help the linux port cos thats when it started.

10045918? ago

if some shitposts are driving regular users off the site then they suck you sound like a faggot who is very concerned

10045997? ago

10046040? ago

kevdude detector is not functioning. you are not op and have nothing to say about the idea presented. are you also concerned?

10045817? ago

I notice they get a get a lot of quick votes when they post troll threads in non shitpost subs. Looks like they are lining back to their troll threads to the shitposting subs too.

10046260? ago

THis is what makes them cunts in my book. If they make a shitpost they cant let it stand on its own they have to brigade it or upvote it with alts. Weak and that IS SRS behavoiur.

10047860? ago

Yup. See, Gabara is part of SoapBoxBanHammer, which is Voat's version of SRS.

Unfortunately, SBBH has ties to Putt, the admin, so nothing will be done.

10048080? ago

yeah it's been an unfortunate turn of events for Voat, for now it's just an act to see how long they can keep it going. That failed donald expdus they snagged shekels from gave them wind in their sales, hell they even openly admit it @PeaceSeeker

10048134? ago

Yeah, @PeaceSeeker sure is a mealy-mouthed faggot with an excuse for every stab in the back that Putt has given to the Voat users. He loves to make excuses. Hell, he practically lives for it.

10048173? ago

I thank you for the amusement today.

10045771? ago

So you want everyone to go back to reddit? SRS confirmed.

10045746? ago

I loved his work. Very Kaufman-esque.

10045757? ago

So its that moron from SDBH then? Momwad or whatever he was called?

10045798? ago

Maybe SDBH is too witty for you. Try not to focus on identities.

10046335? ago

This is Voat, all people care about is identities.

10046475? ago

You're projecting.

10046594? ago

I don't give a shit if someone wants to use a different bathroom or if they are a jew

10046665? ago

Good to know. Thank's for anonymously sharing.

10045737? ago

I just think he's a young canadian or aussie. Both are generally miserable to be around on message boards.

10047759? ago

He probably only pretends to be Canadian in speech to cover up his middle east origin and ties. If he has a believable accent, I guess he figures he 'blends enough' to pass as white or just a tan roided out muscle man.

10046270? ago

He thinks hes funny which is worse.

10045729? ago

Then why are you trying to make every sub a shitpost sub? Do you want to ruin Voat?