Samsquamch ago

How would this get users banned? Unless it's a shitty subverse run by a powermod, most Goats don't believe in banning because of words they disagree with.

You_are_a_bitch ago

this is a great example of how you pussy out when put directly on the spot. Go ahead and type a long comment out virtue signalling to your pedo friends how I'm "wrong" and should "provide evidence" that is conveniently locked away

heygeorge ago

Did you notice how gaslighting insane responded to (your response to) a big tex (texanpride myg and thousands more) alt? What a strange happening!

ExpertShitposter ago

What if we pay a pornstar to send @SaneGoatiSwear aka @Grifter42 aka @dangus some used panties, would he calm down for a day?

heygeorge ago

Only if tranny will there be interest.

Rotteuxx ago

Of course it is !

FaggotNigga ago

still pretending to be retarded

Consider getting your life together and finding a girlfriend and spend time with her.

FaggotNigga ago

You are protecting pedophiles with Crensch. You know who the pedos in your group are.

elcob32 ago

Accusations without evidence don't fly too far around here.

FaggotNigga ago

okay cuck. someone should report you in the shill report sub

FaggotNigga ago

im an actual right-winger

Whoever this gabara fool is, he aint one of us. He is shilling so terribly that he should feel shame and kill himself. Too bad jews are incapable of feeling shame and thrive in it.

MadWorld ago

Anyone notice lately with all the submissions from subverses such as AskVoat, whatever? All those submissions with new or inactive accounts with "questions" and "curiosity"; yet, there is not a single response from the OP!

Rotteuxx ago

Since when does he require permission to fuck off ? Kek

Summer days are here...

Country_Boy ago

You should be worried because you have a lot of association with the accounts and IP's being monitored. And the evidence of that association is never getting deleted.

Country_Boy ago

yeah looks like it hasn't been updated

Country_Boy ago

If you have proof of pedo stuff please report it to the authorities.

Don't worry I have and you have talked with them on here in the open as well without realizing it.

bdmthrfkr ago

It's like kike Kent and Superjew, you never see them both at the same time....

Country_Boy ago

No concrete examples and still no evidence for your pedo claims.

You pedophiles have a good grip on voat and it's admins. I doubt any proof that you guys are sharing CP is going to leak unless one of you slip up. But it's obvious you are and so is your friends on here.

Just look in that thread. All the power users of this site praising /u/Hecho (lurkers click his account, he is literally a pedo and operates pedo subs) including CANCEL-CAT-FACTS which is the operator of and he was posting pictures of children to thank Hecho.

Your Pedo ring is as obvious as the sun and one day you will slip up and believe me we are watching every second of it. It's a good thing beatle got banned because he is your weakest link and practically admits to everything you guys do.

Country_Boy ago

No, i can make 9 neutral comments about anything random then make one comment calling out SRS on this site or the pedos and then all of those comments get downvoated. I will admit they have been lazy lately but I think it's because the accounts I use have already been brigaded. They have done this dozens of times over the span of just this year alone.

I'm not a shit-head, im an actual right-winger and I know when homosexual kikes like yourself are infiltrating my team.

Country_Boy ago

you shill for control and manipulation and hide behind the guise that you are "helping voat"

You are only helping yourself and help prevent any threat to SRS.

Grifter42 ago

Your life seems pretty pointless.

Rotteuxx ago

Stop projecting on others and get your own life in check SaneGoat.

FaggotNigga ago

Says the tranny lmao. God damn if you guys didn't shit all over the meaning of irony you could be some of the funniest fuckers alive. Problem is you are serious.

Rotteuxx ago

Seriously, apply yourself, that's a half-assed reply and you know it.

heygeorge ago

Rotty... I didn't know you were trans! Is that why you always post those late nacht ass photos?

Rotteuxx ago

Shit, @Grifter42 would be ecstatic if it were true !

But sadly, I'm just a cis white male with a sarcastic & cynical sense of humour :(

heygeorge ago

Just what a tranny shill would say. I'm on to you, and your secret SHW ambition to control the Voat narrative.

Rotteuxx ago

When I'm done shilling, I'll control the Voat narrative with the balls hanging from my custom surgical pussy.

Rotteuxx ago

Benned for vote manipulation ?

Grifter42 ago

Keep throwing shit at a wall, @Gabara. See what fuckin' sticks.

That, or you could put a bullet in your brain, or get a fucking life.

Country_Boy ago

shill confirmed

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

still the same account.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Calling people you dont like Grifter isn't very effective way of convincing people you are not an SRS shill. One or two downvoats from you and kevdude isn't going to be enough to convince this site there isn't a real problem with you shills gaming voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

Oh, the old

sanegoat fallacy

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

That is what I thought srs faggot, keep running in circles chasing your own ass. Are you honestly trying to deny accounts are censored if they are pushed into negatives by PV and SBBH brigades?

Grifter42 ago

No, you edited out all the @ signs from my account name, @Gabara.

Grifter42 ago

You know what, @Gabara?

Your people seem pretty scared. You go back to your IRC, and talk to your tard-wrangler about what to do next.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Nice proof jackass. All you did is point out how there is censorship built into Voat.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Yeah hopefully Putt will do that. I doubt he will though since he called me sanegoat publicly in an announcement thread when he is fully capable of proving I wasn't. That was a sad day for Voat and a lot of people and lurkers were taken aback by that.

I like how paranoid you behave when you believe 2 seperate people are one.

Andalusian1 ago

Pot calling the kettle black there, dude.

You_are_a_bitch ago

Andalusian1 ago


Yall motherfuckers are paranoid as fuck. You fuckin' accuse me of being an alt because of a URL address? Whatever...

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

be honest or fuck off

Andalusian1 ago


You fucking asshole.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

You know the shit i put up with, this wouldnt be even the 50th time this has happened. HWY is the first person i had beef with. I don't believe in coincidences this specific

Andalusian1 ago

You suspect im everyone all the fucking time. He posts a hundred links a day- probably just trolls through websites to find them. Andalusian horses are not super rare, but not super prominent either. Ive never once questioned you... Fucking a... And you cant believe I am legit my own person. I havent been on voat or discord in a while... Because I DONT GET INTERNET OUT HERE. I come back and you acuse me of being a mole.

Seriously... Youre fucking rediculous.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago


Andalusian1 ago

Right back at you.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

i like who you pretended to be but seeing that shit is more than enough to convince me something I wasn't even considering. Shit jsut falls in place like that. Your mistake, not mine

Andalusian1 ago

Dude... Honestly. I wouldnt ever do that to you. But whatever, boot me out of your little group and call me a tranny. I was authentic with you, but I know you well enough to know once your mind is set, its done. And honestly I dont need the approval of some assholes on the internet to know I'm a real person.

See you around you paranoid asshole.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

For the record I wish you were telling the truth. This ain't my first rodeo, tho.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

didnt boot you out of shit just took precautionary methods. FYI i never once called you a tranny, you are letting discourse you had about me with others slip out right now.

See you around you paranoid asshole.


Grifter42 ago

You edited your post, @Gabara.

Grifter42 ago

Eat shit and die, SBBH faggot. It was your own group that spammed Voat Chat.

And we both know that @PuttitOut is a absentee landlord. @Gabara, fuck your games.

Grifter42 ago

You people really have no life.

I feel sorry for you.

I don't use mutliple accounts. People just don't fucking like your shitty fucking circlejerk group.

Chiefpacman ago

This side of voat is gross yet entertaining. Like a tabloid.

I'm referring to the post and the discussion

Grifter42 ago

Annnd now you're projecting.

You upvoted your own post. That, or you folks have got your circlejerk squad squatting over this thread.

You made a post one minute ago, and it's sitting at 1 point.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

except he just commented and im talking to him in real time in discrod

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, cunt. You're literally SRS, just transplanted onto Voat. It is ridiculously obvious to see through you pieces of human garbage.

Tell me this, Gabara: Why do you work with people like Beatle and Hecho?

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Classic SRS deflection. Accuse anyone of being someone you previously got called out by then prove my fucking point to the T.

Appreciate ya. Anyone attacking alts wants people to be censored and wants to control Voat.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Let's explain why then as well if you want to point it out. If a group like your ROTR or SRS sees someone they dont like they can downvoat them into the negatives making it impossible to communicate more than a couple times every 24 hours (that is by definition censorship)

I wouldn't have to use alts if this site was what it actually claimed to be. Instead it's just a feature that assists SRS users like yourself in controlling dissent and making sure no one gets a louder voice than yall

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Proof? Proof? Proof?

Yeah if you SRS faggots didn't hide in IRC chats and discords it would be easier. The only way to gain proof would to be to hack voat or have Putt leak the info which i doubt he is gonna do.

Taking a look at your account is interesting. You obviously are an SRS shareblue faggot troll who mods the same subs as the rest of the SRS users, but all your posts are leaning right-wing. I think you are doing a fine job at co-opposition. Let's see how long you can manage it

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

The proof for you being a pedo is installing Crensch in Pizzagate and then turning that sub into a shit show that bled users on purpose.

Only pedophiles protect other pedophiles

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

sure kev, there definitely hasn't been a plethora of people who saw you shilling for SBBH over the last year. It's just our collective imagination isn't it? Jew boy

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

We are the trolls. We know no ideology. We are misery. And we like to share. (Hugs!)

Grifter42 ago

Fuckin' good. All you SBBH members are a fucking cancer.

Beatle went over the line. You want to circle jerk eachother off in your subs, fine. But we all fucking know you brigade, and that's the problem.

It's a good thing that Zyklon got banned. He upvote brigades his own posts and downvote brigades anyone who speaks against him. That's your folks' typical tactics.

Rotteuxx ago

Shut up SaneGoat-Spartacus-SRS

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Zero proof, kind of telling that the creator of the sub /v/ProtectVoat is pushing unverifiable claims out of delusion. Maybe if you weren't so obvious you wouldn't have so many people calling you out shill!

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

All you can do is show me a comment i said that said i had sex when i was 13 and i would go back and do it again with the same chicks if i had the chance. You are the one who assumes the pedophile position because you have a guilty-conscience

ShineShooter ago

That sounds pretty shilly without any proof.

E: well, both did get deleted yesterday.

aria_taint ago

OP is a share blue nigger faggot. Created his account to just post this.

frankenmine ago

OP's story checks out. Am currently banned. This is my uneasy spirit haunting Voat.

0rion ago

Oh yeah? Fuck off 2 hour old account.

Bigglesworth45 ago

Fuck you and your Soros money.

Mylon ago

So what, we're all gonna virtue signal so hard to ensure everyone we really are shitlords and not pretending? Fuck off. The right virtue signals too and trying to belong to one large group is just asking for all sorts of nongenuine behavior.

NSFW_LeeLee ago

Here i thought They were the ones "live action 'rile' playing" being humans

9838610? ago

Yeah, the OP and top comments in this thread looks like shit from new shill accounts to me. Basically polluting the site with trash posts.

ArcherMcTaco ago

yeah they're also larping as 1488ers and you can usually tell by the lack of argument they put forth other than comical caricature they act like. No facts, arguments, or posts other than stormfag stuff. They've finally reach basic trolling levels.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

That would be /v/RidersOfTheReich and they are this site's version of SRS. A bunch of militant homosexuals, lefties, and jews trying to mock National Socialism. They are ALL over this site in right-wing subs when you start to notice. The accounts of the OP of this post that he deleted after being caught shilling badly:

He had top comments in Identitarian, TraditionalWives, SoapBoxBanHammer, and many other obviously SRS subs.

stinkymilkman ago

LARP it all you want. Voat is a serious pain in Shareblue's anus. Let them waste resources trying to shill here.

BigDaddy69 ago

Voat is a serious pain in Shareblue's anus

i think you're overestimating the influence of this site.

You_are_a_bitch ago

the only honest comment you ever typed

9838459? ago

JohnCStevenson is a leftist buttplug. He cried to me about using the word "cunt" toward Linda Sarsour.

Fucking pansy.

MrRain ago

Shes a basic idiotic bitch. Cunt is too soft of a description for her.

9839899? ago


HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Yo dawg I heard you had a problem with Shareblue so you should make Shareblue mods so they can defend you from Shareblue.

ShareNew ago

Shut up! OP is legit. I have lunch with him every day.

ShineShooter ago

You already said you're a faggot, no need to repeat yourself.

ShareNew ago

ALso a legit veteran account

ShareNew ago

OP is a Larper!

bdmthrfkr ago

I'll believe it when I see it and posting with a 2 minute old account gives me the feeling that you are a fag.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

The Return of the SaneGoat

you are being massively censored.

voat is run by militant criminal sjw shills from r/shitredditsays

three shills mod this sub, they mod all major subs, they steal subs from those they can't control, they have banned users for upvoting me even just once, they have spent over 10,000 hours defaming me so that you will not look at the evidence (see my profile page), they code the site, they are the CEO.

users have been banned for "vote manipulation" with less than 10 votes ever given - one user account never even voted and was banned for "vote manipulation"

most all users have left, and the majority of content on the site is reposts, shill posts, propaganda, paid posts.

puttitout, an account run by the organized criminal paid shills, lies to your face, and none of you have called them on it.

claimed no point manipulation, manipulated tens of thousands of points off of specific anti-sjw-takeover accounts

claimed no bans without specific ban rules told to the community, 5 months later, no ban rules, 100s more bans.

hasn't done sub transfers in almost half a year due to my valid request for v/anon

if you do not question the authority on voat,

you deserve the sjw safe space hugbox that you have let them create around you.

furthermore, for it, i hope you all get raped and murdered by the sand niggers you won't even stand against.

and finally

it has been confirmed that @atko has been silenced with a gag clause in a contract he was all but forced to sign. He is not allowed to talk about this in any way, nor even do anything that could possibly hint that this has taken place. He is also not allowed to talk about the takeover, not just the takeover of him personally. my source on this is not atif colo, for his sake.../

Rotteuxx ago

Shut up Grifter

bdmthrfkr ago

IDK Sane, I've been a goat for a while now and I haven't noticed any censorship personally, I think that you met up with problems because you spam shit everywhere and that is against the rules (what few there are); I can't imagine why you bother though, your group knows that goats are pretty resistant to propaganda, it's what drew us here in the first place.

sgx191316 ago

Certainly there's far less censorship than there was when sanegoat was mod at TIL and censored everyone he didn't like.

FaggotNigga ago

There is censorhsip on this site and it's used in a manner that can be dismissed as "oh people just dont like you".

That is not how voat was initially and people didn't fall for this type of shit. That is why these censorship features weren't added until a year and a half after the first big exodus. By then all the genuine users stopped lurking and the site's demographic has just been wave after wave of redditards.

your group knows that goats are pretty resistant to propaganda,

The irony. Sane having a group is literal Voat propaganda. You are incredibly resistant aren't you. lmfao

Grifter42 ago

It's Beatle, trying to get ahead of the backlash from whatever bullshit stunt he's pulled this time.

He's a drug addled degenerate piece of shit, like all SBBH members. It's SRS's brigade squad that followed us here.

Gutta_Child ago

he is talking about this. I am @Dangus and OP is the user that link is about. They are LARPing as right-wingers (/v/RidersOfTheReich a sub ran by SJWs, and /v/TraditionalWives, a sub ran by 2 trannies) and making a mockery out of us because they think they run Voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

militant criminal sjws took over voat. they replaced atif and justin almost 2 years ago.

Country_Boy ago

and replaced them with a tranny and SRS. Thanks for pointing out the Fuzzy issue. I put that in their face everyday

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yup! I am not the leader who will remove the cancer from voat. i was simply the messenger that there is cancer.

ArchiveRobot ago

^^^ 3 month old account

Ywis ago

How are they getting anyone banned? How do you even get banned here? This site is like a continuous hate crime. We could make the Klan blush for fucks sake.

Rotteuxx ago

Noticed how op created the account just to post this ? Smells like shit to me

oftotc ago

The subtlety and irony of this post is amazing. Best LARP ever! Stay cool, goats ;-)

ArchiveRobot ago


oftotc ago

I am SO busted ;-) I hope no one notices this post now. That would be really bad. Like all the other goats would probably gang up and say bad stuff about me now. You are so mean!!!!

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

I don't get how they can get an account 'banned'. This isn't Deddit.

ArchiveRobot ago

^^^ 5 month old account

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

^^^ 3 minute old account

ShareNew ago

Listen to this guy, he's legit.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Member for literally one minute

As if you have any more legitimacy to back him up.

MurphyStick ago

Here there are calling Traditional wives "pedophiles":

And here they are talking about the new controlled-opposition site Shareblue is developing to replace voat:

JoeMontana ago

Srs doing damage control after they have been outed.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

You want to join our Voat discord text chat? We made it because SRS shills (literally OP in this case, that is @BeatlejuiceX3's new account because his other alts were banned) ruined voat's onsite chat so we made a better one.

I think you would fit in, all the people SRS attacks publicly on this site go there and we discuss them all the time.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago


RageAgainstTheAmish ago

But reddit already exists how can they replace voat when voat was made to replace their propaganda platform?

ArchiveRobot ago

You should really archive those before they get deleted:

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Don't worry im not going to delete them

Also the mods of traditional wives are pedophile trannies, Empress previous account being BUTTHOLE_EMPRESS where they commonly joked about pedophilia with the site's known pedophiles /u/Kevdude /u/Hecho /u/Greycl0ud and many others.

I'm not randomly attacking subs, im telling any lurkers the truth about where they are.

9841071? ago

Nope, @Butthole_Empress was a guy that gently trolled me. Now go back to reddit you simple-minded faggot.

You_are_a_bitch ago

Haha, schizo tranny talking about h is altar ego like it's actually a different person

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Y'know, it's a really scuzzy thing to accuse someone of something as low as pedophilia without giving them a chance to defend themselves, much less without providing any proof or context. It's almost as if rumors and gossip are a means to undermine someone's credibility without allowing them any defense at all, which just makes it even more scuzzy. It's only fair to inform that person said accusations against their character are being made.

Wouldn't you agree, @Empress?

You_are_a_bitch ago

He wont defend himself because it's true. All Empress does is tuck his tail because he doesn't want people to know he is pretending to be a conservative wife

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I don't think you understand how this works...

Bacchus wants to accuse Empress of being a pedo, the burden of proof falls upon him (Bacchus) to prove that. It's that little thing we call "Innocent Until Proven Guilty", maybe you've heard of it? At any rate, with a CCP value of, literally, 1 at time of posting and barely enough SCP to pop 100, you're not really indicative of a contributing member of Voat's community, so why should I take your accusation at face value, with no evidence at all whatsoever, against someone I've seen regularly contribute quality OC on a regular basis?

You_are_a_bitch ago

I don't think you understand how this works...

I know exactly how it works and I know why 2 trannies made that sub. They are SRS and SRS has been known to have pedophile trannies for over 5 years now. An Ex-Goat who doesn't use this site because of the harassment she got from SRS here (/u/Elegon) made a video about them on reddit:

Those are the same people running SBBH, ROTR, and TraditionaWives.

It's that little thing we call "Innocent Until Proven Guilty", maybe you've heard of it?

The proof is on the devs side and only they can access it, which they have cooperated with law enforcement on this issue. Atko has been under a gag order for some time now which is why he left, and PuttItOut clearly isn't the same person who started that account.

At any rate, with a CCP value of, literally, 1 at time of posting and barely enough SCP to pop 100, you're not really indicative of a contributing member of Voat's community

Typical SRS faggot argument. Trying to establish an "in" group and any possible chance of meta discussion outside of that group's control is clearly a threat and must be labeled as "not part of the community" when in fact i've been here and contributed far more than your faggot ass. Back when this site used to get 5-8k views on my original account's posts.

so why should I take your accusation at face value, with no evidence at all whatsoever, against someone I've seen regularly contribute quality OC on a regular basis?

You personally i don't give a fuck about. It's objective lurkers I care for. You have already made it clear you are just a virtue signaler if you can't even approach my claims intellectually honestly and you defend Empress of all people. Because I've never said anything that isn't very easily a possiblity. I'm just here to tell the truth.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

The proof is on the devs side and only they can access it, which they have cooperated with law enforcement on this issue. Atko has been under a gag order for some time now which is why he left, and PuttItOut clearly isn't the same person who started that account.

More claims, zero evidence. That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed, just as easily.

Typical SRS faggot argument. Trying to establish an "in" group and any possible chance of meta discussion outside of that group's control is clearly a threat and must be labeled as "not part of the community" when in fact i've been here and contributed far more than your faggot ass. Back when this site used to get 5-8k views on my original account's posts.

In other words, you openly admit you use alts to make baseless claims against other Voat Goats' character. Further, without evidence of who your main is, your claim of "contributed more than you" is baseless bullshit. We can claim we are whomever we want to be on the Internet. What we claim to be doesn't matter, only what we can back up with evidence (Screencaps, Archives, etc.), analytics (CCP/SCP, Alexa rankings, etc.), or other solid proof.

It's objective lurkers I care for.

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you seem to think it means. Anyone who is truly objective is going to do as I have, and ask where the proof is, instead of taking an ad hominem fallacy at face value from a self-admitted Character-Assassination Alt.

You have already made it clear you are just a virtue signaler if you can't even approach my claims intellectually honestly...

Yet another phrase you seem to spout off like some deranged Leftist without knowing the definition of. Lots of projection in this post you've made here, but how odd that the very thing you accuse me of not doing (Intellectual honesty) is the very thing I have done (Insisting on seeing the evidence and pointing out fallacies and personal attacks) whilst you do the very thing you accuse others of.

you defend Empress of all people.

I didn't defend anybody. I simply said it's rotten to accuse other of heinous crimes behind their backs (AKA accuse someone of pedophilia in a thread without tagging them) and then insisted on seeing the evidence said person supposedly has, to back up their claim. Do you disagree that attacking someone's character through gossip and baseless (AKA lacking evidence) claims is an unethical thing to do? Of course, that question is rhetorical, because I know you're not actually going to answer it, you're just going to deflect and make more baseless claims.

Because I've never said anything that isn't very easily a possiblity. I'm just here to tell the truth.

No you're not, and the proof is in how those two statements contradict each other. Because, you see, if something actually happened (AKA It's 'The Truth'), there will be evidence it actually happened. Meanwhile, you focus on vagaries and 'what is possible', as your defense when someone calls you out for not providing evidence of what you claim. If what you claim is true ("Empress is a tranny pedo faggot.") is actually true, then you would have evidence of that claim and would provide it immediately on request to bolster your case. Instead, when called out on your bullshit, you fall back to "It's entirely possible..."

You're here as a manipulator, plain and simple and your constant weasel words and vague language, as well as refusal to provide any evidence to back your claims whatsoever proves it. Go fuck yourself up the ass with a red-hot poker, and have a nice day, faggot.

You_are_a_bitch ago

haha, get fucked shill. Enjoy tranny dicks you fucking homo

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Whatever you say, SGIS. I knew you'd revert to insults, instead of addressing the argument made.

You_are_a_bitch ago

You sound like a jew holding on to the holocaust lie

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Yawn Jew, Homo, Tranny, Shill...

C'mon, don't you have anything better than those stale old insults?

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I guess not, then. Lame.

9841080? ago

That's what they do. They have twisted, weak minds.

You_are_a_bitch ago

are you a tranny? You don't defend yourself when i ask you even politely

9841503? ago

Your parents failed you.

You_are_a_bitch ago

at least they taught me to be honest. If someone were making the claims I make against you, I would want to defend myself. You never even respond when i make a salient and non-aggressive point.

and it's because im right.

9841597? ago

You are a sad little man. I hope you find peace.

You_are_a_bitch ago

Lmao, did you already cut your dick off? Whya re you so reluctant to defend yourself? Those estrogen pills are definitely increasing your emotionalism.