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JoeMontana ago

Dangus ago

Yes, they are all pedos. They are a group that runs /v/SoapBoxBanHammer, /v/RidersOfTheReich, /v/ProtectVoat, /v/SoapDoxBanHammer, /v/SoapDickBanHammer, /v/TraditionalWives, and many others.

Notice how the mod of PV is also the well-know shit stain cancer mod of /v/Pizzagate. ProtectVoat took that sub over after the exodus to stifle investigation. It's all a shit show and they are playing Voat like a fiddle and the admins have let them! @PuttItOut publicly sided with SBBH during the sane fiasco.

JoeMontana ago

What now then? We find another free speech forum?

Crensch ago

Hey @kevdude @disappointed, you guys want a blast from the past? last link above or if he happens to delete his comment.

oiseaulibre ago

Your point?

Disappointed ago

Looking at that link, its almost like the OP of it is behind some of this shit.

oiseaulibre ago


I'm not behind any of this shit. I only took notice after I saw the coordinated way chat was attacked, how narratives were pushed, and how people were attacked. I didn't pay attention to the drama of the early days of voat. I only started to pick up on this stuff over the last few months.

Edit: I miss understood his comment, but will leave this here.

Disappointed ago

I wasn't talking about you.

oiseaulibre ago

Nevermind then fam, my bad, I miss understood.

Disappointed ago

I'll edit the comment a bit.

Gutta_Child ago

That's a good post. I doubt libre will delete his comments you SRS fag. Who would have thought PV would become SBBH back then

JoeMontana ago

You know what cracks me up? Srs might be running voat, yet it's still a pro white nationalism forum. They are our niggers.

oiseaulibre ago

I have a hunch that some of the voat "racists" are only racist to make the site look bad.

JoeMontana ago

You still don't know that the term racist was invented only to have a stick to hit people with?

Dangus ago

Some are being developed but they are a little different than voat. People are trying to build a content aggregation site that isn't easily gamed by a group of people with a motive. I can't link anything just yet

Stormc12 ago

You don't like it here? Then get out.

Gutta_Child ago

5 month inactive account telling me to leave lmao. I'll write your name down

Gutta_Child ago

I love it here. I like how you got 5 upvotes in 30 mins in a day old post lmao.

SRS shills found the post a day late.