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JoeMontana ago

Dangus ago

Yes, they are all pedos. They are a group that runs /v/SoapBoxBanHammer, /v/RidersOfTheReich, /v/ProtectVoat, /v/SoapDoxBanHammer, /v/SoapDickBanHammer, /v/TraditionalWives, and many others.

Notice how the mod of PV is also the well-know shit stain cancer mod of /v/Pizzagate. ProtectVoat took that sub over after the exodus to stifle investigation. It's all a shit show and they are playing Voat like a fiddle and the admins have let them! @PuttItOut publicly sided with SBBH during the sane fiasco.

JoeMontana ago

What now then? We find another free speech forum?

Dangus ago

Some are being developed but they are a little different than voat. People are trying to build a content aggregation site that isn't easily gamed by a group of people with a motive. I can't link anything just yet

Stormc12 ago

You don't like it here? Then get out.

Gutta_Child ago

5 month inactive account telling me to leave lmao. I'll write your name down

Gutta_Child ago

I love it here. I like how you got 5 upvotes in 30 mins in a day old post lmao.

SRS shills found the post a day late.