Disappointed ago

What he says about me is his business and yours if you want to believe it or not. It's certainly not mine.

FreeSpeechAboveAll ago


Beatle was a faggggggot

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

She was mormon and I left her. I was the bad guy in that relationship

9839337? ago

So you couldn't stay married? Weakling.

Country_Boy ago

It was a good decision because she was fucking insane once we got into our adulthood. She had terrible influence from her sisters and I lost the motivation to be with her or let myself get cucked so I met new people. It is a shame because if i were redpilled at that age on conservatism I would have trained her throughout our teeens to be a good wife because she came from that back ground. But they were hit very hard among their church by propaganda and stopped going and turned into a materialistic slut that I was not interested in being around.

I think it would have been a weak move to entertain her choice of lifestyle. I made the right decision and set myself up to be a great husband now that im getting close to 30 to someone who deserves it.

You never mentioned, are you transgender?

9841159? ago

No wonder you hate women so much. You failed to keep the one woman that gave you a chance. Sad.

You_are_a_bitch ago

Gave me a chance? lmfao i brought her and her crack addicted family back to normalcy single-handedly. Didn't last long tho.

Your first mistake is assuming im like any of the other beta cucks you have talked to who help you entertain your delusion of being a woman. You won't ever talk to anyone else like me i promise you that. Guys like me don't usually get hooked on the internet and faggot drama. I just happened to have seen the dark side of what you fags do so it would go against God himself if i didn't bring attention to what you and your friends represent.

Gutta_Child ago

I'm not the ones obsessed with my dick. If I had a penny for everytime one of you SRS fags got sexually frustrated interacting with an alpha like me because you want me to fuck you, I'd be rich as a kike in the porn industry.

Yeah sure I was amalek, go ahead and roll with that one.

Gutta_Child ago

Kevdude you get to blow me first

9838856? ago

Something about our sub v/traditionalwives makes them very uncomfortable- odd isn't it? I'm not worried about their opinion of me. They have consistently projected who they are onto other people. These people are a bunch of creeps.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

The sub concept is great and I would love to see it gain more popularity if transvestites weren't the creators and operators. You always leave that distinction out. I mean, it would look bad if you actually admitted it because that would be on the front page 10 seconds after you would say that.

The best part is you have 100% deflected when i ask you if you are a tranny. You just call me sanegoat which pretty much confirms what I am saying.

Gutta_Child ago

More specifically, tranny pedophiles

Gutta_Child ago

Put me at the top. I've got more than a dozen of you who would suck my dick dry if I let you.

Gutta_Child ago

The mods of TraditionalWives are tranny pedos. Thank you for noting who the shills are by linking their accounts. Don't delete your comments because this will be helpful in the future

Gutta_Child ago

You too are a pedo Gabara. Go ahead and ping your SRS pedo freinds in here to help you. This post isn't going anywhere.

Anoxim ago

ITT: fags yelling at fags.

Ding_dong ago

regardless of how you feel bitch, it's still an issue. If you ignore this shit then they just take over.

Samsquamch ago

Chickens do that? TIL

Ding_dong ago

you were in our discord, im mighty. Sorry i just pinged trusted people

smokratez ago

I got send gay porn while I was in your discord. Might want to check for spies.

Ding_dong ago

that was literally Beatle, who this post is about. That was fake sane in the old voat chat

Ding_dong ago

fuck off kike

Ding_dong ago

ok 20 day old account pretending to appreciate the struggle germany went thru from 1933-1945

CrudOMatic ago

John, you can't shill as much as you do and then pretend to be one of us, you cocksucking cuckold.

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, what da fuq ... Y no me?

You all be wrong ... Lololllo

Ding_dong ago

You are easily forgettable when you become a shill. Have to write your names down as to not forget

WhiteRonin ago

Awesome! Make sure you use pink sparkle ink!

itsstaple ago

Confirmed troll.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

He(bj3) deleted it

Grifter42 ago

Shut the fuck up, faggot. You've got about 2000 negative downvotes.

Lemme guess: Beatle? Is that you, sockpuppeting again, you degenerate drug addicted faggot?

Ding_dong ago

He loves the trannies and faggots dumbass. https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/1823616

He is best friends with all of them on voat. He is a LARPer

Ding_dong ago


This is BeatleJuiceX3's alt account that was responsible for spamming the on-site voat chat until it was closed and caused the regular goats to create a voat discord:

That is not the real sane account, it was the account he made to drive sane out of chat because sane was redpilling the fuck out of people despite his behavior.

the account is @SaneGoatLSwear




Dangus ago

I am texas whatever and the evidence has been on voat multiple times. Denying it at this point is an immediate red flag.

Womb_Raider ago

Multiple claims of having proof, zero presented

Dangus ago

I shit you not, they are militant atheist homosexuals, and trannies, and a few jews. Mostly just faggots tho but they give the trannies the power for some weird fucking reason. For example, the actual main coder on GitHub for Voat is an autistic transexual @FuzzyWords by his own admission on voat and here

They are the same people who run reddit and push the anti-trump shit and ban people for bringing up any kind of facts.

JoeMontana ago

Dangus ago

Yes, they are all pedos. They are a group that runs /v/SoapBoxBanHammer, /v/RidersOfTheReich, /v/ProtectVoat, /v/SoapDoxBanHammer, /v/SoapDickBanHammer, /v/TraditionalWives, and many others.

Notice how the mod of PV is also the well-know shit stain cancer mod of /v/Pizzagate. ProtectVoat took that sub over after the exodus to stifle investigation. It's all a shit show and they are playing Voat like a fiddle and the admins have let them! @PuttItOut publicly sided with SBBH during the sane fiasco.

JoeMontana ago

What now then? We find another free speech forum?

Crensch ago

Hey @kevdude @disappointed, you guys want a blast from the past? last link above or https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/comments/474809 if he happens to delete his comment.

oiseaulibre ago

Your point?

Disappointed ago

Looking at that link, its almost like the OP of it is behind some of this shit.

oiseaulibre ago


I'm not behind any of this shit. I only took notice after I saw the coordinated way chat was attacked, how narratives were pushed, and how people were attacked. I didn't pay attention to the drama of the early days of voat. I only started to pick up on this stuff over the last few months.

Edit: I miss understood his comment, but will leave this here.

Disappointed ago

I wasn't talking about you.

oiseaulibre ago

Nevermind then fam, my bad, I miss understood.

Disappointed ago

I'll edit the comment a bit.

Gutta_Child ago

That's a good post. I doubt libre will delete his comments you SRS fag. Who would have thought PV would become SBBH back then

JoeMontana ago

You know what cracks me up? Srs might be running voat, yet it's still a pro white nationalism forum. They are our niggers.

oiseaulibre ago

I have a hunch that some of the voat "racists" are only racist to make the site look bad.


JoeMontana ago

You still don't know that the term racist was invented only to have a stick to hit people with?

Dangus ago

Some are being developed but they are a little different than voat. People are trying to build a content aggregation site that isn't easily gamed by a group of people with a motive. I can't link anything just yet

Stormc12 ago

You don't like it here? Then get out.

Gutta_Child ago

5 month inactive account telling me to leave lmao. I'll write your name down

Gutta_Child ago

I love it here. I like how you got 5 upvotes in 30 mins in a day old post lmao.

SRS shills found the post a day late.

Dangus ago

You got it ass-backwards. This guy has harassed and driven people off the site galore. if you want proof ive got plenty

@sound_of_silence @GalmourSpork @Oiseaulibre @Grifter42

Grifter42 ago

Look at his profile, man. He's Beatle, LARPing as a leftist