WARNING: Shareblue's latest tactic is to accuse Voat users of "LARPing" (leftists pretending to be conservatives) (whatever)
submitted 7.5 years ago by ShareblueLARPing
(((They've))) already gotten a few veteran accounts banned with this tactic. So far I've caught Dangus and JoeMontana being alts of JohnCStevenson. Same comments, all "cooperating" to accuse users of "LARPing".
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Grifter42 7.5 years ago
Fuck you, cunt. You're literally SRS, just transplanted onto Voat. It is ridiculously obvious to see through you pieces of human garbage.
Tell me this, Gabara: Why do you work with people like Beatle and Hecho?
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Grifter42 ago
Fuck you, cunt. You're literally SRS, just transplanted onto Voat. It is ridiculously obvious to see through you pieces of human garbage.
Tell me this, Gabara: Why do you work with people like Beatle and Hecho?