Mutti ago

I would love to vote but need 100 points and I'm a newbie.

Oriond ago

Somewhere where they/we can downvote the mutherfuckers we don't like without having to have 100 points of "others like what you have said " Bulshit

JesusIsCool ago

reddit is adding avatars, backgrounds, improving interface, people love avatars....voat has lots of black people are criminals white people are the best on the front page and no avatars along with poor overall admining for specific subvoats

CinnamonBunsbyGod ago

I just had to create a new account for some reason, not sure what the problem was. Solve captchas like crazy to sign in. I'm just glad Voat is still up and running and a remaining last bastion of free speech. While my old laptop puked for three months I used a friend's and couldn't sign in. I noticed tons of garbage on Voat and was worried, but it seems to have ironed itself out. Do we have any idea how many unique accounts are on Voat?

Choat ago

Aww I just joined! Aren't there supposed to be admins here or something!?

albatrosv13 ago

Everyone on their own, more likely. Only one admin and he is just eating popcorn and watching.

Sikozen ago

A lot of the stuff being submitted isn't vote worthy. It's just trolls showing they can troll, or people proving they have free speech. It's been a lot less about quality and more about quantity of fake internet points.

porkings ago

It seems to be dying. I tried to get my friends to use it, but they all call it a "racist shithole." stupid normies. reeeeeeee

NotHereForPizza ago

Look out for the goat.

EngineeringReverse ago

Honestly, voat is more of an emotional outlet where i can voice my politically incorrect thoughts. After that need is filled, i go back to the normie sites.

TheDaoReveals ago

Some just lurk select content because every conversation ends up being about a race war. Not everyone has a repressed BBC fetish.

Nathan_Explosion ago

As long as there's something to be self-righteously pissed about that isn't allowed to be said on sites with left-leaning admin teams, the persecution complex that keeps voat alive will allow it to live! Voat will always be with us. The goats are probably just at work. They will be back after New Years.

xileos ago

Still here, niggerfaggot.

blipblipbeep ago

If it wasn't for good people like yourself, Ex, Stacks, Blue, Chemy and a bunch more, I would have thrown in the towel many moons ago.

About 2-3 months ago, I started reading some eddit subs again in order to reconnect with Australian politics and find a balance in the content being spruiked here.

On a lighter note I have a band reunion coming up :) I'm both very excited and terrified at the same time, as its been over 20 years since we parted ways and I haven't really been playing much in the past 4 years, and stopped creating music about 15 years ago. I'm hoping I don't let them down. Fingers crossed ;)

Must go house inspection


TimberWolfAlpha ago

They're sick of your shitposting, I imagine.

22jam22 ago

I'd be terrified if I heard goats started dying mysteriously.. For all we know voat is some moasad front identifying people that know what's up and figuring out ways to knock them off.. Jews are fucking scary to think u are God's chosen people to then to be the biggest hypocrites on the planet they seriously lie to them selves every day and you are going down a rough road if you start believing your own lies.

TheBuddha ago

Alright, so I just had a conversation with the missus. She's an old white woman, if you're curious. She's a pretty sane, left leaning, granola eating hippie. Much like me - except we really don't eat much granola, that's just a stereotype.

Me: You know what Voat is?
Missus: The racist, sexist, pedophiles you hang out with?
Me: Point conceded.
Missus: Why do you hang out there?
Me: I like being able to say what I feel needs saying.
Missus: You're none of those things.
Me: Nope. I love liberty.
Missus: Point conceded.
Me: Going to make an account?
Missus: Don't be stupid.
Me: Point conceded.

So, there you have it. There's a quasi-normal viewpoint of Voat and the insanity of belonging to this site. That's pretty much verbatim, by the way.

ExpertShitposter ago

I bet i out deadlift that homosexual man with his PX90 program for girls as well as out hardbass him.

6gorillion ago

I've had people want to get in internet arguments over saying nigger lately here. I even got called a racist on a fatpeoplehate thread where I hadn't said anything racist at all the accusation was just based on my username. It's starting to shift to a politically correct place, it's a slow shift but it seems to be happening.

ExpertShitposter ago


As for the pedo shit, as much as i hate the shit out of them i never actually bumped into their content on my front page for example. What is the alternative? Getting ass raped on

Kill Bruno Mars.

ExpertShitposter ago

Some people are to boring to post anything other than politics. So when trump turns out to be a kike the lose their sense of realty and just leave.

Good thing there are people like us who know what's really important in life such as shitposting and advocating for the public execution of Adam Levine. Almost 2 years on voat and still going strong. I am the king.

goatboy ago

Headed for the nuclear bunkers.

jewshekelstein1488 ago


National_Anthem ago

You would rather pretend you aren't being fooled than consider it. Pathetic cuck.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i'm not pretending anything. what you see is what you get. now either say something of value or stop bothering me.

National_Anthem ago

stop being a retard and at least concede what i said is likely more true than not.

You also might know me as @Schlomo_Kikenburger

jewshekelstein1488 ago

sorry but no. i listened to what you said and i will think about it and observe and decide for myself. and i don't believe we had met. most of your subs appears to be before i joined.

edit: and you spelled shlomo wrong.

National_Anthem ago

If you are truly only here for one month then that makes sense. But the way you converse with Gabara is suspect af. Do take heed to what I said, take care and gas the heebs. 14/88

jewshekelstein1488 ago

yeah i'm ignorant to all the politics of this situation so i can't take sides but from what i've seen you guys are cool and these other people are making all kinds of wild claims but not offering much if anything in the way of evidence. i've found more info doing my own research reading archived pages and google cache than anything they've mentioned but i still haven't seen anything that proves you've done anything wrong, just more accusations and theories. and there definitely appears to be a pattern with the ones making accusations being also apparently batshit insane. whatever though, i'd rather spend my time and energy naming and exposing the jew rather than arguing over website meta politics.

TheBuddha ago

Much thanks. It was much different before I left the first time. It has, shall we say, changed its tone.

I see comments about giving up. Those actually motivate me. I like difficult problems.

It's also fuggin' cold out. So, I'm inside a lot more.

EIMR ago

Many are talking about how people are less active because it is all politics, but I believe that's a problem with the organization of the page, and specially the front. On the front you see the most active, most voted and commented posts. That's good when it's one sub, or many subs with more or less the same amount of activity. But when you are subscribed to smaller subs, everything else is drowned under v/news and v/politics.
If the devs finally allowed us to make the fucking sets I believe that would be quite solved.

TheBuddha ago

Yup. I try to find something to throw at all the subs I find investing. I also try to leave a comment, just in hopes that it may start a conversation and help bring a sense of community. I mostly concentrate on science, tech, Linux, math, and... Well, I try to post something interesting in your sub when I think of it.

I wish there were more creative types. I love music and I love listening to what other people make and watching them improve.

shill343 ago

Things are too political. It is fine in there own subs but it spills out into everything else. People act on non political subs like they are on political subs. Hobestly is seems they way the left spills into everything on reddit, the far right is spilling into everything on voat.

gabara ago

This is the consensus I'm getting. We hate how political movies and television and video games have got, yet we've done the same thing to Voat.

weezkitty ago

I hate that the admins disabled inactive subs with zero communication

TheBuddha ago

I'm finding that a bit of effort goes a long way in changing the culture of whole subs. Granted, they are more technical subs but the quality has been improving and the dumb shit is being posted elsewhere.

It's a start.

TheBuddha ago

I'm doing more than my share, thanks!

It's fucking cold outside.

Lag-wagon ago

I'm here... Not saying much.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

We are adults. Adults with daytime money-making worky jobs. We're not at home all day using Reddit like those good-for-nothing socialist commie little Millennial faggots who still have daddy's money.

piratse ago

You know who had it right? 2chan/4chan. Post go away quickly. You are pretty god damn anonymous (shitty owners antics aside). The shills don't get to just park on subs and control them. The best they can do is make shit posts that can be ignored or refuted without fear of removal of comments. 4chan, for all it's problems, had it right. No power users. No voting. Rolling submissions. Boards that the only rules are to stay on topic of the board. There is a TON of copy pasta, but it that really any different from sites like this or reddit (Did you know Steve Buschemi sucked off the entire NYFD after 9/11?) Remove user names and the comment carries the weight, not the users CCP/SCP/Account age. Roll submissions to prevent doxxing and stagnation. Remove all voting. Only a report button for illegal content. Just make this a cleaner looking/better 4chan.

blipblipbeep ago

G'day Div, you wonderful soul.

I couldn't agree more Div mate.

Also, as much as I believe in the free speech mantra of, I find the constant and unnecessary hate of black people regardless of their situation, accomplishments or history very tiring and somewhat childish and have always felt more comfortable around people I can learn from and or people that would rather not subscribe to willful ignorance if they can help it.

I understand is the place people come to when they have become outcast from or fed up with other internet sites and also commend the creators/helpers for their commitment to helping almost all people regardless of their take on the world to give them a medium where they can say what they feel without fear of it being edited or deleted.

With all that said. I still love voat and most of all of its subscribers even though I am finding it increasingly difficult to take some of voats content seriously.

Ultimately though, I guess you have to take the good with the not so good when advocating for free speech.

Love your work Div mate :)


NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

I love niggers and am uncomfortable when people don't suck them off constantly

0011011000111001 ago

Yeah, he said it well. The anti-Jew/Black thing gets to me after awhile as well. I will play around with it sometimes but it gets a bit absurd sometimes. I am all for freedom of speech but there is a lot of negative articles here about everything (politics, world, deep state, etc). It is kind of depressing. I need a break from time to time.

intrepiddemise ago

Was going to mention this. The anti-black, anti-Jew comments in almost every single comment thread are what make my own participation wax and wane. When it gets to be too much, I just leave for a few days and come back when it's less shitty.

weezkitty ago

Also how politics get injected into EVERY thread. Even if it's not a political topic. It gets tiresome

Pissant ago

I mean, not that I'm one to talk but you've never even made a submission on the site. Be the change you want to see?

As far as Anti-Black goes, do you disagree that 13% of the population is committing 71% of the violent crime? Do you recognize that stating that factual information makes society at large label you as racist? Have you followed the near daily black on white hate crimes occurring in America? Elderly women being killed by young black men on a regular basis.

As far as Anti-jew goes, do you disagree that nearly every major industry on the face of our planet has major if not complete influence by Jewish individuals? Do you disagree that a majority of positions within several of our media outlets have obscene hiring practices that promote a specific religion over any other candidate? Do you disagree that Jewish Lobbyists have outrageous power within America? Do you disagree that financing Israel is not beneficial to average Americans?

There are legitimate reasons for the things you don't like seeing here. These are some of the arguably most important issues facing our society today. They are the most important issues facing our society today for a majority of Voat because trying to express concern about these issues anywhere else on the Internet will end up with censorship and account terminations.

It's not about the site being less shitty when you come back. This isn't a joke for us, it's not some elaborate troll...

intrepiddemise ago

My "submissions" are in the form of long-form comments, often where I add links to data for those interested, and I have a lot of those. You may not think that qualifies as "the change I want to see," but I think it does.

I understand that the black population in American disproportionately commits violent crime, but I also understand that the majority of that crime is against other blacks, and it occurs in high-poverty areas in cities where territorial gang disputes are the norm. Overall, violent crime over the past two decades has decreased substantially (see link above). That's important context that much "racial realist" demagoguery omits. I'd also like to see a legitimate link to data showing that "elderly women" are being targeted by young black men in the U.S. with any kind of "regularity."

Jews, as a group, do tend to wield more "influence" in Western society than one might suspect based upon their sheer numbers (which are relatively small), but there is also strong evidence that the causes of this phenomenon are not due to conspiracy, but due to difference is both culture and IQ.

I agree that some people being overly defensive and fearful about their future, due to either legitimate or misplaced insecurity about their own skills and abilities, is an important issue. That's what I see when I read the rhetoric from the white nationalists here on Voat, and it's also what I see from "race realists" on the other side, such as those who see racism against them everywhere and use such assumptions to advocate for preferential treatment based upon race in order to "level the playing field." IMO, identity politics is odious and counterproductive, regardless of what race is pushing it.

I know the identitarian philosophy being pushed by the radicals and reactionaries on both sides of the political aisle is not a "joke" at all. That's why I find it so frustrating to deal with. If it were just trolls, I wouldn't leave. Instead, it's ideologues pushing demagoguery. It's extremely tedious for most Americans who believe in treating people as individuals instead of members of some competing or complimentary group.

Pissant ago

You may not think that qualifies

It's a lot better than some, I'll give you that.

I understand that the black population in American disproportionately commits violent crime, but I also understand that the majority of that crime is against other blacks,

I've noticed you talk about insecurity and seem to put an emphasis on fear being involved here. I don't think a lot of the opinions here are based in fear of the crime being committed against them, nor is it a tribal concern over their white brethren being attacked -- although that clearly is a factor and definitely plays a role. I'm just getting the vibe that you feel this is the main foundation for a lot of our beliefs?

I disagree. So I'll speak for myself because what else can I really say -- My "bigotry" is generally always due to what I perceive as an power grab in essence. An over reach. People trying to correct legitimate issues but in doing so going too far and ending up creating problems rather than solving them. Racial tension has increased drastically over the last few years, from my perspective society at large is blaming white people. Blaming the actual structure of our society. You see this with the BLM movement and many others, but you also see it in third wave feminism. They attack the "Patriarchy". They're creating a problem that can't be addressed because instead of focusing on specific situations which could be handled appropriately, they create the illusion of a structure, and because it is an illusion I can't defend or articulate anything meaningful in response. They've pushed so hard that many reasonable people are now simply not caring whether someone believes they're racist or not. I genuinely don't believe I'm racist. I don't feel I'm superior to anyone because of the color of my skin. There are differences in genetics and cultures though, to ignore that is in my opinion far more racist than acknowledging the truths of our differences.

Overall, violent crime over the past two decades has decreased substantially

I'm not arguing that, and I don't think anyone else is either to be honest. Out of curiosity, just humor me here, if you were to consider what ethnic group was most responsible for that decrease...? I was just looking at information the other night showing increases of violent crime in several cities, then I checked census data to find that those cities tend to have lower percentages of "White" people. I'm not even going to talk about what the higher percentages are of. I'm just going to say that these cities experiencing an increase in violent crime instead of the overall national decrease, they had a lower percentage of white people than average. If you want I'll provide links but honestly it would take me another five minutes or so and I'm already spending a lot of time, I think it's pretty readily available information and shouldn't really be a point of contention but ya, ask and you shall receive.

Jews, as a group, do tend to wield more "influence" in Western society than one might suspect based upon their sheer numbers (which are relatively small), but there is also strong evidence that the causes of this phenomenon are not due to conspiracy, but due to difference is both culture and IQ.

Relatively small being what exactly? I'm pretty sure you know the percentage of their population compared to the number of positions of power their people hold. There's no real excuse for so many of our major news networks for instance that allegedly promote diversity to have a majority of high ranking Jewish "employees". The kicker is that for me personally, it's about the over reach. I probably never would have even become as aware of it as I now am if it wasn't for the utter over reach. From my perspective, if racism exists, these people create it. Black people create it by being incredibly violent, in such large numbers that it can't just be dismissed as occasional incidents. It's a serious trend among the vast vast majority of their various sub cultures. That is a truth. You can see it in America and you can see it in Africa. That's not even my issue though, they can be that way, that's who they are, I don't care. The problem is it's being placed on my doorstep and I'm being told that I'm the one responsible. At the end of the day when I come home from work I know that minutes of my day are taken from me in the form of taxes and used to house and feed the significantly large unemployed black demographic. It's not that I'm paying taxes for someone who isn't my skin color either, please don't go there -- it's that I'm being told that I am personally an evil person for having ancestors that allegedly slighted these people. This isn't some perceived issue that I'm exaggerating, there's a concentrated effort by nearly every form of media to psychologically attack me as an individual based on the color of my skin.

Then, on top of everything else, the proverbial cherry -- I get attacked when I give even the slightest critique of the problem. People already view me as this potential racist simply because I'm white, then when I open my mouth and say anything that isn't 100% their talking points they perceive it as the proof of their allegations.

And you wonder why there's an uptick of "white nationalists" ?

I agree that some people being overly defensive and fearful about their future, due to either legitimate or misplaced insecurity about their own skills and abilities, is an important issue.

So for me, and maybe I'm taking it the wrong way, correct me if I am, but when I read that I feel you're trying to reinforce the stereotype of those who are right leaning being uneducated or unskilled? This is just another example of those who critique us stooping to gross generalizations. It's certainly not going to help, or increase the chances of you convincing anyone with my belief structure. You must recognize that, right? I mean hey, if that's what you genuinely believe you have every right to say it but I'd be surprised if that's actually the case.

IMO, identity politics is odious and counterproductive, regardless of what race is pushing it.

I agree with that, unfortunately many people feel that if they don't step up and start defending their race then they will continue to be painted as the villain. Many people are not ok with welcoming that into their daily lives. They're not ok with being told that they're a bad person because of the color of their skin only to then be accused of racism as well. People are starting to wake up and realize that they've made concession after concession and it's not stopping any time soon. What amazes me is that when you wake up and start recognizing these patterns, you start to want to learn more about it. You want to learn what fuels it. You start to learn more about our history as a species. It betters you as an individual, unless all you do is listen to say Alex Jones -- but I feel a lot of people are spending time actually researching their history instead of blindly accepting what's told to them by our increasingly politically correct and arguably failing education system. The more you look into Jewish influence over the past thousand years the more you learn about their "culture" as you put it. I don't detest all Jews, I'm not one of the "gas the kikes 1488 race war now" lot. I'm still convinced they're largely a vocal minority meant to undermine the overall awakening of Europes children. That said, I also recognize the anger that comes with realizing so much of what you've been taught is a lie. I recognize that there are a lot of people who aren't necessarily stable, and I'd like to hope some of the more extreme things we see that aren't agents provocateur are people venting their anger. I don't begrudge them that, nor do I even really begrudge those who genuinely have more extreme beliefs because from my perspective (((they))) have been waging a psychological war against humanity, not just "white" people, for a very long time now.

It's extremely tedious for most Americans who believe in treating people as individuals instead of members of some competing or complimentary group.

It's extremely tedious for a lot of Americans who believe in recognizing that groups instead of individuals are what make up a culture. I feel there's an analogy to be made about how so many communists feel that every example of communism is not true communism. I completely understand that individuals deserve to be treated as individuals, however when as I mentioned and as you acknowledged 13% of a population is somehow capable of committing 71% of the violent crime, there's going to be more incidents of our police interacting with that population and it's not "racism" it's "reality". I also point out that many of the positive role models in black communities are actually mixed race. Not to say anything about White people but to further highlight that black culture is fairly toxic in and of itself. It has significantly more violence than White cultures. I feel that this has been proven. So I could go as far as saying no taxation with representation here. Black people should be taxed higher because they should be funding our Courts and Police Officers to a higher degree than white people. That in my eyes is extremely reasonable.

intrepiddemise ago

The "overreaching" you seem to be concerned about (including the tendency to blame whites, especially currently-living whites, for the problems of minorities in the U.S.) has less to do with a Jewish cabal who controls some sort of narrative and more to do with academics (and students taught by those academics, who often go into showbusiness and journalism) who grew up on the philosophies of postmodernism and neo-Marxism. It is these toxic philosophies that attempt to "critique" Western culture and values (such as the European Enlightenment), largely without ever providing solutions to sociopolitical problems that need solving, undermining the system upon which our society is based.

Much of the blame for this lies squarely at the feet the Frankfurt School. If you aren't familiar with it, it is the school of thought created by French Marxists that realized that orthodox Marxism was failing in many places, most notably in the Soviet Union, and attempted to salvage what they could of the philosophy by creating Critical Theory, which underpins many of the "overreaching" features of the modern political debate. These include moral and cultural relativism, the focus on "lived experience" over quantifiable data, ephemeral structures such as the Patriarchy or the global Neoliberal Hegemony, and collectivist cultural identities (rather than meritocratic, individualistic values that underpin a classical liberal society such as ours) that center on group rights over individual rights. Not all of the Frankfurt School thinkers were collectivists (many had individualistic sympathies), but the end result of their writings were a critique of Western society based upon such individualistic values, and especially of capitalism. When people who are taught this shit move into the world of politics or entertainment, they drag their toxic ideology with them, and this undermines the values upon which Western society is built. This is not a "white" issue, this is an issue of Western values established by the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution, and supported by people like Kant and Locke. That, IMO, is worth fighting for, not some ridiculous argument about which race is more "violent" than another on average.

Likewise, your racial stereotypes when it comes to blacks may well have more to do with finding causation where only correlation is present. In other words, you may be seeing more violent crime in black areas partially for the reasons mentioned in the HUD link I provided in my previous comment, but also because more police presence in those areas necessary leads to more scrutiny (and more arrests), creating the impression that more policing is needed, which creates a feedback loop. Even if I accepted your argument that blacks are more violent than other races, I would refuse to use such averages to enforce some kind of predatory, race-based tax on all blacks because of that. That is decidedly illiberal and it punishes those who would put in the work to rise above their "nature."

475677 ago

Silly kike loving niggerfaggot, you're here forever!

intrepiddemise ago

Well, I do keep coming back. I blame my "niggerfaggot" status and my love of free speech, which is second, apparently, only to my love of "kikes."

Liberty4thewin ago

Well I cant even get on this site now on my other computer, I thought it was down, maybe my plugins, it just keeps reloading checking my privilege page, whats changed? It worked a couple days ago.

Wargasm ago

I'm still here.

I mostly lurk.

It's no big deal.

vanityesterday ago

Many people can't post now, posting under 10 CCP not allowed.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Oh, go eat a dick

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

lets upvote brigade this bitch they call


just kidding


AndrewBlazeIt ago


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

in 1990 @National_Anthem AKA MYG* raped and murdered a little boy NEVER FORGET

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I got a sick plan, mane. If we both post threads at the exact same time, nobody will think we're the same person anymore.


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

ok go now

what if they realize we are alts and talking to yourself?

Vladimir_Komarov ago

I knew you would mate. I'll be back more sometime down the road. Now I just lurk.

loltidderkcuf ago

I've started lurking more, and forget to vote for stuff I like.

cpebach ago

For Voat to grow, it can't just be Redditfugees from /r/incel, /r/fatpeoplehate, and /r/gasthekikes. The non-political subverses need to continue to grow and broaden. If Reddit dies slowly, Voat could absorb their users. If Reddit dies overnight, Voat won't be able to handle the traffic.

ProudTruther ago

To try and help I will sort the main page by new and see what's worthy of an upvoat.

middle_path ago

Right on time

TheBuddha ago

I legitimately chuckled.

middle_path ago

Yeah, it was a little too predictable.

2dlapse ago

I don't upvoat as much as I used to because half the time I try to select the upvoat arrow, nothing happens. I don't want to spend thirty seconds waiting on the arrows to work.

Vladimir_Komarov ago

I still read a ton of voat everyday, but have cut back on interacting and posting. I still wont go to the other though, there's just a lot more noise here now to filter for signal.

gabara ago

Is there anything causing the cut back in interacting and posting other than just lack a of interest (which is perfectly fair)?

Vladimir_Komarov ago

Is just easier. Of the goats I interacted with, I could not prove they were different people. Then I got into this cycle of paranoia where where I saw voat as just me and a handful of NSA contractors circle jerking all over each other. Wasn't healthy for my brain.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

cannot anyone be me except me komrades

Vladimir_Komarov ago

This was my thinking. How do I know BJ isn't everyone on Voat but me.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i would tell you vlad

Pissant ago

They're at least half of the active SBBH accounts, so you might be on to something.

gabara ago

Fair enough. I always tell people, everywhere you go on the internet, assume it's a honeypot until your can prove otherwise. Even the card catalogue at the public library. There's a lot of pro-Israel overtones.

Vladimir_Komarov ago

lol card catalogue. That's about how deep my paranoia/suspicion goes.

Itsdone63 ago

End of the year wrap ups plays a role I would assume. The majority here seems to be 20+ so, college, work, that sort of thing.

Reggie000 ago

1) Speak against politics

2) Become more and more about politics


4) Lose your user base

1moar ago

I've curtailed a lot of my posting for a few reasons. Some related to Voat, others not.

The shill/pedo/gas the kikes bit gets old after awhile, regardless. Having fun and shit-posting is all well and good, but all of the above drown out better topics and discussions. I like to talk shit and have fun and all like the next Goat, but sometimes it's just a bunch of normie, LARP'ing autists circle-jerking each other and I have nothing to contribute.

Dead subs and lack of transfers is getting old. My IRL stuff gets in the way of more than just casual browsing and commenting; this is the biggest one. I have a lot bigger fish to fry right now.

Still here though and love you goats.

MrHighBrow ago

Why, is your shitposting not getting as many upvoats?

gabara ago

Already covered that earlier in the thread.


malloryquinn ago

and being constantly logged out. I'll admit most of the time I go to reply I find Ive been logged out, and I can't be assed to go through the 30 steps of logging in again only to find myself logged out.

And the needless extra step of checking messages and flags is... another factor in me avoiding them.

Pissant ago

I mean, the two steps?

It's pretty funny, we're one of the only sites with even a modicum of freedom of speech but who cares, you have to press three buttons to log in and in 2017 that's far more effort than your average pleb is willing to exhibit.

piratse ago

Might want to check your end. I NEVER get logged out unless it's a bug (like hitting "top" from the main page).

National_Anthem ago

You are surprised by this? You SRS fags got what you want. and this site is a shill haven because of posters like you.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Eat m'dick, faget

National_Anthem ago

Stay gay beatle.

ExpertShitposter ago

Haha, you idiot. You have been accusing everybody of being beatilejuice while he has been off voat for 2months getting clean of xanax. How stupid do you feel that only now he has returned with his beetle account. Very stupid.

@lordbeatlejuicethe1 this fag has accused at least 10 people of being you while you were away. Even in death you still trigger him. LoL

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

damn this dude must wanna suck my cock

National_Anthem ago

he has been off voat for 2months getting clean of xanax.

That junkie is still trash, he can't fix anything in his pathetic life. I accused AndrewBlazeit of being beatle, that's about it. They both talk with a lisp and a clear indication of mental illness, like yourself.

ExpertShitposter ago

Bullshit. Every other thread critical of you it was ether "fuck off gabara" or "fuck off beatle". Also, you're not in a position to accuse anyone of having a pathetic life. You cant even make it on voat where literally every one can.

National_Anthem ago

Bullshit. Every other thread critical of you it was ether "fuck off gabara" or "fuck off beatle".

You mean the 4 pages of random pings to your shit anon posts? Yeah, fuck off indeed.

You cant even make it on voat where literally every one can.

I would have to suck a lot of cocks to make it big on Voat and i'm not down with that. Anyone you sense isn't cool with your antics is attacked, you have had no discretion and that will come back and bite you, and the devs of this site in the ass. But then again, this site was never here for profit or a free speech platform, just the illusion.

ExpertShitposter ago

There was a period of at least 1-2 months where non of us were pining you for anything. You were mad when anybody disagreed with your bullshit.

I only started again when i noticed that you were talking shit about me in small obscure threads.

Oh shut up, your grifter42 and smokratez accounts have literally never been restricted. This is still the most free website on the internet. Show me another forum where i can talk shit all day and not get banned to hell.

National_Anthem ago

There was a period of at least 1-2 months where non of us were pining you for anything. You were mad when anybody disagreed with your bullshit.

Disagreed? anytime someone listens to me I convert another to the side of truth.

I only started again when i noticed that you were talking shit about me in small obscure threads.

I dont even think about your kike ass.

Oh shut up, your grifter42 and smokratez accounts have literally never been restricted.

If i weren't restricted I would have remained on my main account you annoying slut. Grifter is a nam veteran and smokratez is chill but he doesn't hang out with us.

This is still the most free website on the internet.

I thoroughly disagree.

Show me another forum where i can talk shit all day and not get banned to hell.

Well if you are on a true conservative site you wouldn't last a minute. You are fake and full of shit.

ExpertShitposter ago

I convert another to the side of truth.

What truth? You post nigger culture in all music boards.

I dont even think about you

Its the other way around. Walk around voat, hit a random thread where you're complain about me, gabara, beatle and SBBH being SRS. So much about not thinking about us. Not to mention that you make like 2 threads per day in AnonTalk about the same topic.

I thoroughly disagree.

Ok then point me to other websites that are more free.

Well if you are on a true conservative site you wouldn't last a minute.

Still talking and not linking.

National_Anthem ago

i dont post in anon talk, others notice your kikery as well.

ExpertShitposter ago

There is about 0% chance for me ever believing this.

You still didnt post any links btw.

National_Anthem ago

Prove it.

ExpertShitposter ago

No links? I guess its settled then. For all its flaws, voat is the most free site on the planet.

National_Anthem ago

You aren't getting any links shill. But if you think Voat is the end all be all, then you would be correct. It's the end of shills running the internet, and why i elected Trump.

Voat isn't free as long as you and the rest of SRS is here.

ExpertShitposter ago

Because you don't have them. You wouldn't be here, constantly on the top 50 most posted board if you had a better place.

LoL idiot, Trump is a mega kike. The only 4D chess he is playing is with right wingers who yet failed to realize that only abolishment of all current governments would free them from kikes.

Still "the most" free.

National_Anthem ago

I'm here for the inevitable. Similar to what happened to NeoGAF (even though i never used that poz hole)

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah, voat will implode, so i must be here every day and be among the top 50 posters all the time because there is no other way for me to whiteness the implosion. But really im on a lot of other better more free websites......

National_Anthem ago

i only hit top 50 commentors 1 single time since i've been here that im aware of and i was just as shocked as you. I make at most 20 comments a day, for me to be #4 was indicative this site is dying lel

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

nigger you called my name?

National_Anthem ago

you aren't the real beatle.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

dats raysis

AndrewBlazeIt ago




Let's turn on the juice and see what shakes loose.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

im here komrade

i like the way you call me properlike


NEVER FORGET IN 1990 @Grifter42 raped and murdered a little boy

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

A big factor is cloudflare's ddos protection. I cant even load voat on my desktop. My privacy settings/ addons aparently make cloudflare think im an attacker.

I post from moble now and then, but that really cuts down on post quality and quantity. So mostly I just read now.

ZetaReticulan ago

I come in and out but I agree with the subverse request thing. Shit gets annoying. From what I hear it's a button click and hasn't been clicked in ages. Voat is dying because admin has gone AWOL.

gabara ago

There is no admins. There's just PuttItOut.

ZetaReticulan ago


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

ima admin....

gabara ago


ZetaReticulan ago

People also don't want to get doxxed and the more you explain your hobbies the more likely it is to be doxxed.

CinnamonBunsbyGod ago

had to sign on with a new account with a vpn running! Couldn't get my old account going...wonder if my ISP is blocking Voat...

porkings ago

I'm new here. Have Voaters been doxxed by outsiders?

heygeorge ago

Nah, it's been very rare. There have been some (very lame) attempted doxxings. Maybe a couple times people have posted others' personal info, but it was quickly removed.

unabashed_centrist ago

Very good point.

MinorLeakage ago

I just haven't really been voting or commenting much lately. Maybe there's others like me. I seem to go through phases.

RaiFighter ago

Been lurking. Trying to focus on financial stability.

middle_path ago

This was the best answer. I love voat, but it needs to get its shit together in terms of community participation and simple things like answering sub requests.

TheSeer ago

A few months back I was told I would be made a moderator on /conspiracy. Then the current mod changes his mind out of nowhere and decides to stay in charge! Suffice to say that has made me not want to contribute to that 'community'. The other day I was redpilling people about the Nazis and Zionists working together, but that is very advanced redpill stuff and people weren't ready for it, so instead of being curious or wanting to discuss it, people just downvote it to 'make the bad comments go away'.

middle_path ago

Yeah, there is a ton of confirmation bias around here. Then again, we're mostly human, so it's no wonder. People on Voat like to pretend that they're better than other people, wiser, stronger, etc. The sad fact is that 90% of our population does this, always justifying why we should be in charge. It's a very human trait, but it doesn't work well in society in most circumstances.

GoofyGrape ago

Agreed. We have to make a deliberate effort to do so.

twee ago

It's why we try to keep v/TraditionalHusbands going.

Realhero33 ago

That's a great sub.

GoofyGrape ago

Love that sub. It is a great sub with great advice.

Scribbleballs ago

I'm coming here less and less because of the child porn that's pushed here. BUT ITS JUST DRAWINGS, ITS LEGAL!! Know what? Fuck you. It's disgusting and you know damn well these people have real CP also. We should never enable these sick fucks, and it ruins this website. How the hell am I supposed to tell someone to check out voat and then tell them there may be child porn on the front page occasionally. JUST BLOCK THE SUBS! STOP WHINING!! Eh, I'll just leave, if you want to support these pigs under the guise of "free speech". I have kids and it sickens me that there are people here who would not only harm them willingly for there own sexual gratification, but defend their position. You need to be casterated, not given a website to peddle your filth.

HenryDavidThoreau ago

I've been here every day for nearly three years and I've never seen what you are talking about, which says a lot about you and what you're looking for, jewfag.

Scribbleballs ago

Whatever, good argument. Unblock your subs 'old timer'. I've blocked piles and it still seeps through. I'm not the only one saying this so either you only subscribe to a few subs or your lying. And you want to accuse me of looking for that filth I'd say your lying. Jewfag. Go stand over there with your pedo friends then and bellow on about free speech.

HenryDavidThoreau ago

I dont have a single sub blocked. I see through you. You are easy.

blipblipbeep ago

Hear hear.


AndrewBlazeIt ago

If traps are gay, then loli is DEFINITELY pedophilia

TheBuddha ago

I am not sure but I think this is one of those legitimate times to use 'begs the question.'

gabara ago

This 100%!

HankRHill ago

no one mentioning "checking your privilege". that shit is annoying

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Checking your bits was fine, but REEEEEEEEEEEE checking your privilege

HankRHill ago

both are equally annoying. unfortunately necessary until _______

SteveB1945 ago

Still here. Joined early on, when Reddit blew up. However I agree with @neomadic: too much garbage. Not so fun any more. Of course, I contribute to the problem with my own political views.

Pissant ago

There is no problem. Jesus H Christ. I'm not sure why people feel they only require one website and that every website has to cater to everything. First off I fundamentally disagree that there isn't a wide range of topics being actively discussed here. There are, if you disagree try to prove it. The burden of proof is on your lot and so far I've seen zero proof and a lot of emotions.

ArsCortica ago

Some go back to Reddit, I presume. Others to the chans. And really, I agree with neomadic in that Voat's gone boring because literally everything is politics.




There really should be no surprise that such topics are prominent here because it's precisely the stuff that gets you a ding-dong-bannu from Reddit, but most other subverses that are not related to or can be made related to politics and/or white genocide in one way or another are either dead in the water or only have one or two posters providing a heartbeat. Sad part is that this is not exclusively because people wouldn't post other content, but because only content feeding the circlejerk gets upvoats and thus can be seen on /v/front or /v/all unless you want to wade through an endless flood or political stuff in search for anything that isn't political.

At times it's almost comically ridiculous. Make a post detailing a highly important breakthrough in science or what not - get ten upvotes, zero comments. Make a post about some mentally deficient black guy taking a shit on the street - 314 upvotes, 75 comments. You can point fingers at posters while accusing them that they only want to see their e-peen grow via SCPs, but at the end of the day, people won't be willing to share news or other stuff if they expect no-one cares about them anyway.

smallpond ago

There really should be no surprise that such topics are prominent here...

... because reddit? No. Despite its own censorship there is still real debate on reddit. It's because voat has censored away almost all opposition to hivemind opinions, and now you're just left circlejerking.

Disclaimer: I may not be able to reply. Unpopular users with less than 10 CCP cannot post, and are temporarily banned as soon as they make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech, though past comments have stated an intention to improve things.

Pissant ago


Bullshit, people post stuff critical of Trump all the time. It might not get pushed to the front page instantly but I don't see it being downvoated unless it's the sort of rhetoric laid out by p0ssum. People who are clearly trying to attack Trump aren't tolerated, but if you're asking a genuine question I don't see it.

You started your comment off with something that's supporting people being negative about Trump and you even did it in an immature and childish way via capslock and hurrdurring -- yet you only received two downvoats.

That in and of itself proves the point you're trying to make wrong... Try again?


Do you even have an example? I don't see white supremacy memes here often, if at all. Honestly, provide three examples from the past month, I'm curious. I don't spend a lot of time in v/AskVoat but I don't buy this claim.

but because only content feeding the circlejerk gets upvoats

It's not a circlejerk, it's the community of Voat. As you pointed out, we're the people who have been banned elsewhere. So naturally we're going to discuss certain topics that can only really be discussed here. That's natural. As far as the upvoats go, it's what people here are interested in. Clearly people with your opinion on the topic are a minority, otherwise what you're describing wouldn't be visible.

Sad part is that this is not exclusively because people wouldn't post other content, but because only content feeding the circlejerk gets upvoats and thus can be seen on /v/front or /v/all unless you want to wade through an endless flood or political stuff in search for anything that isn't political.

Again, not a circlejerk. Natural accumulation of politically incorrect ideologies and beliefs in the only place willing to host those ideologies and beliefs. Now you're here wanting every possible topic to be discussed and there's nothing wrong with that, up until you start saying that there's a problem with the website as a whole and the community in general because the shit you post doesn't get enough upvoats. No one owes you anything. Voat isn't that massive of a website, content aggregators like this thrive with numbers.

Make a post detailing a highly important breakthrough in science or what not

I'm going to call bullshit here. Maybe this happened to you, once, but I see people discussing scientific breakthroughs and science in general on a regular basis. Maybe you're looking in the wrong places...?

ArsCortica ago

Bullshit, people post stuff critical of Trump all the time. It might not get pushed to the front page instantly but I don't see it being downvoated unless it's the sort of rhetoric laid out by p0ssum. People who are clearly trying to attack Trump aren't tolerated, but if you're asking a genuine question I don't see it.

Let's see - going pack 15 pages on /v/news, I see five articles are more or less obviously anti-Trump

All of which either have a negative score or have been largely ignored.

Do you even have an example? I don't see white supremacy memes here often, if at all. Honestly, provide three examples from the past month, I'm curious. I don't spend a lot of time in v/AskVoat but I don't buy this claim.

You misunderstand. This is not meant to be about white supremacy as a specific topic, but about aforementioned politics forcing its way into literally fucking everything. As for the White Supremacy/White Genocide stuff

The annyoing part is that these aren't really genuine questions, but rather rhetoric ones, with the questioner already knowing what he wants to hear and (usually) already knowing what the answers are going to be. Not much different from Tumblrites going "Omg, white people, right?"

It's not a circlejerk, it's the community of Voat. As you pointed out, we're the people who have been banned elsewhere. So naturally we're going to discuss certain topics that can only really be discussed here. That's natural. As far as the upvoats go, it's what people here are interested in. Clearly people with your opinion on the topic are a minority, otherwise what you're describing wouldn't be visible.

To clarify: I don't want the discussion of these topics to be gone. Quite on the contrary. As you correctly point out, it's natural that such topics enjoy popularity here. My issue is that subverses like, say, /v/pics or /v/science get one or two posts per hour at best, and that, as a result, people who might be attracted by Voat's free-speech concept eventually return to wherever they come from because there's not much to Voat other than politics and constant drama about niggers, spics, and the other usual suspects.

Again, not a circlejerk. Natural accumulation of politically incorrect ideologies and beliefs in the only place willing to host those ideologies and beliefs. Now you're here wanting every possible topic to be discussed and there's nothing wrong with that, up until you start saying that there's a problem with the website as a whole and the community in general because the shit you post doesn't get enough upvoats. No one owes you anything. Voat isn't that massive of a website, content aggregators like this thrive with numbers.

I would disagree with that on the aforementioned ground that people will stop posting content other than politics and/or racial politics because, again, there's no real point in sharing it when nobody cares about it. Which feeds into the question as to whether or not Voat is bleeding users, because this produces a vicious cycle in which users keep leaving the site because the subverses they like to visit are slow ore completely dead altogether, and there's no point in posting stuff to them if no-one visits them.

Pissant ago

I looked through half of your links before giving up.

The "white supremacy" links had nothing to do with white supremacy whatsofucking ever. Are you trying to rile me up, get me pissed off into calling you a literal and actual retard so that you can discredit me by saying "hurr durr he's angry", because it's shit like this that many people on Voat are fucking sick and tired of seeing.

Your links about people not supporting anything critical of Trump, alright first off are you honestly unfamiliar with the .tk domain? I'll never fucking click a .tk link, you're a moron if you do. The other link was about Bahrain and included this lovely little snippet "My money’s on nuking Iran, but every violent possibility remains on the table when the current Secretary of Defence is nicknamed ‘Mad Dog’." Clearly unbiased and grade A journalism by a unknown website, why didn't Voat upvoat this one... Jee, it's a fucking mystery.

My issue is that subverses like, say, /v/pics or /v/science get one or two posts per hour at best, and that, as a result, people who might be attracted by Voat's free-speech concept eventually return to wherever they come from because there's not much to Voat other than politics and constant drama about niggers, spics, and the other usual suspects.

Be the god damned change that you want to see man. I don't even disagree with you. I would love to see those Subverses more active. I support the notion 100%, as do the vast majority of Voat. I doubt you would find a single person other than say p0ssum who would say that the Science and Pics subverses should remain empty. So I guess I have to ask, what's the point of all this? What's the point of this entire thread. What are we, or you, trying to achieve here? You acknowledge that the content that is here is natural, and you point out that certain subverses are not active enough for average users who care about freedom of speech. What that tells me is that average users do not care about freedom of speech or they would stay here and help create the content that a content aggregator requires in order to properly thrive.

The problem is with your lot, not Voat. Your lot is fucking lazy and wants to complain about shit while abandoning one of the only decent platforms available on the Internet. Think that through for a second. We have this history of information showing that as a people we are often lied to by those with power, we've had every means of communication infected with political correctness. We're practically living out 1984 and people still just don't give any shits. They just don't care. They'll abandon Voat and go to Reddit because there's more people there. I'm writing this out but I have the feeling you're going to miss what bothers me most about this. WE ARE THE PROBLEM. Not the powers that be. WE ARE CHOOSING THIS AS A PEOPLE. WE ARE CHOOSING TO BE CENSORED AND LIED TO.

Anyone who abandons Voat chooses these things. Then you fucking cunts try to turn around and attack those of us who stick it out and actually fucking care about freedom of speech?

Yes, I'm angry. Congratulations. Anger is healthy. Too many people treat their anger like a sickness instead of embracing it. This country needs a bit of damn anger.

gabara ago

We need to upvote content!

I've been monitoring the incoming posts and up voting everything that either looks good or I don't understand, and downvoting stuff that is just bullshit.

RoBatten ago

I take the time to do that as well. Good posts deserve an upvoat! Bad posts need to be downvoated into the cellar . . . (like this one)

Reddit_traitor ago

I'm here but getting busy at work again.(i should be working right now).

also i think it's beacuse @hwy__395 is MIA OR KIA.

ExpertShitposter ago

He might be coming back, read a few of his recent comments.

gabara ago

Shit, not them too!

Reddit_traitor ago

looks like last post was few days ago.

Sullysq ago

Are you asking this because you gradually got fewer and fewer votes on your almost hourly shitposting? I'm onto you sir niggerfaggot.

gabara ago

I don't give a shit about my shitposts. Vote 'em down, block my subs if you don't like em. My shitposting is a side show, but if there's no main show pulling in the crowds, I feel it.

Sullysq ago

Hey I was just teasing a little, dood. Was hoping the "sir niggerfaggot" would show that. I enjoy watching your sideshows.

gabara ago

No I noticed the niggerfaggot, but just want to be clear, I don't care about the state of shitposting, I care about the over all health of voat. Got a reply here:

RoundWheel ago

The winds are changing. People are burned out on politics and the rampant crime in government. Voat's growth is going to require doing what others hate, which is to provide for communities of alternate interests other than politics. Most of these communities on Voat are dead. As there is no escape to enjoy on Voat, people are going elsewhere for their escape.

It's not that Voat is dying. It's that people need a break. When things flair up, they'll be back.

weezkitty ago

It doesn't help that some users are hostile to non political posts. Also, most non political posts are not as heavily censored on Reddit so people will tend to stay there

LlamaMan ago

Yep. I think a lot of those alternate communities have been shut down. When I'm feeling overwhelmed I submit to /v/mealtimevideos but it has been removed. When I can't take the politics show I try to find a popular gamer that has died and investigate what happened and post about it in /v/RIPgaming. It is also gone. A lot of the small inactive sub's I visited once a month are gone. I'm surprised this isn't a more talked about issue on this site.

TheBuddha ago

Maybe we should have visited those subs more often than once a month?

LlamaMan ago

I don't really have to time to be submitting content on a regular basis, but did when I could. mealtimevideos had over 800 subs but was removed, I kind of miss it because I would actually use the sub to watch videos while eating. Just because something doesn't get a shit ton of submissions doesn't mean it isn't used.

Now the name is gone, the subs are gone and in order to start it again I would need to come up with a new name and get 800 folks to click that subscribe button. Good luck.

TheBuddha ago

I have a young and tiny math sub that is amazingly active considering the size and content. It's full of brilliant and interested people who are eager to learn. I just made it because the other sub was already taken and people followed me over.

Maybe there's hope?

LlamaMan ago

Fair enough; I still think my point stands. Subs that were being used as archives are simply gone and all the content is gone.

TheBuddha ago

I've no idea why they did that. Do you?

LlamaMan ago

I remember reading a short explanation of the cause as being the upgrade to Voat's backend

heygeorge ago

This is something to ask Putts about once he awakens from his much deserved nap. I may be wrong, but I imagine he could revive some of them if there is an interested party willing to helm the place and clean out spam. Putts even nuked his own small sub.

SurfinMindWaves ago

The problem with that is no way to identify subs. There should be a way to browse them alphabetically instead of randomly so you can search out things that interest you and contribute.

SearchVoat ago

Also please try

TheBuddha ago

It's under your subscriptions at the top.

TheSeer ago

I did not know about that! Thanks! Was tired of using the lottery that is 'random'.

TheBuddha ago

I think it has been there since I joined? I could be wrong. I do smoke a lot of pot, so it might really be fairly new.

gabara ago

People are burned out on politics

This 100%. I'm actually getting tired of winning.

National_Anthem ago

You were shilling for Hillary a year and a half ago. You are not on our side, any voater who falls for that should be ashamed of themselves for being so retarded,

gabara ago

You were shilling for Hillary a year and a half ago

Nope. Do you have proof or are you a butthurt loser?

National_Anthem ago

upvote on your account 20 seconds after it's posted. Do you have a bot attached to you?

I'm sure you scrubbed your account of all your shilling. I'm surprised you didn't just use an alt, i guess you like that screen name or think it has some sort of reputation that isn't a shill. You were on CTR's payroll for awhile there.

porkings ago

So you mean he literally worked for CTR, or is this metaphorical?

National_Anthem ago


porkings ago

Wow that's lame. Did he admit it or is there other evidence?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You are not on our side

Neither are you, faget

National_Anthem ago

I'm surprised you took the cock out of your face long enough to shill on me.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Bro, same time

jewshekelstein1488 ago


SarMegahhikkitha ago

/v/SoapDoxBanHammer is SRS.

When I try to post this comment is says "Unexpected error happened". What a (((coincidence))).

porkings ago

So to suspect a coordinated effort to make your Voat comments fail?

jewshekelstein1488 ago

it's not just you. the site has been under attack for months.

heygeorge ago

Interesting to note who replied to your question, what they provided as a "source", and the 'feeling' of being personally targeted.

porkings ago

Since the very beginning, I think.

National_Anthem ago (notice how SBBH and ProtectVoat showed up in that thread to defend the obvious Shill Gabara)

I don't have direct sources without looking through his profile going over a year back, but he is an SRS reddit SJW faggot and has been trying to mingle with conservatives to control narrative among them.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

hmm i wasn't aware of a lot of the history. i didn't see anything that incriminates gabara. just a lot of accusations and some deleted comments. are you womb_raider?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

He's MYG. He admitted it.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

noted. i need to spend some time reading archives of that user. from what i gathered so far they were extremely unpopular and got downgoated into oblivion. screamed about srs shills and protectvoat bots and then deleted their account.

National_Anthem ago

where did you hear about that? I dont like the way you are talking like a faggot. I didn't scream or make a big to do about it, i just pointed it out. It's the same shit they did with Sanegoat, their reaction made him look even crazier than he already was.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

from reading posts on google cache, mostly. and what makes you think i give 2 shits and a fuck if you like the way i talk? i'm curious what gave you that impression as i'd like to make sure i don't repeat it. anyway it's difficult to tell because a lot of posts were anonymous or deleted or using alt's and verses like shitprotectvoatsays no longer exist. i also looked over some comment histories and modlogs but it's hard to piece it all together and at the end of the day it's just a bunch of internet drama and is not why i am here.

National_Anthem ago

from reading posts on google cache, mostly. and what makes you think i give 2 shits and a fuck if you like the way i talk?

Because you talk like an SBBH fag.

i'm curious what gave you that impression as i'd like to make sure i don't repeat it

I'm just noting your rhetoric. You are siding with a shill in this thread.

It is stupid internet drama but it affects a large audience. Don't care if jews run the show as long as they are behind the curtain?

jewshekelstein1488 ago

It is stupid internet drama

glad we agree. now lets get back to sparking some kikes.

gabara ago

Yes @National_Anthem is @womb_raider are a jewshill. You'll notice their "proof" is accusations. Typical jewish tactic.

National_Anthem ago

The typical jewish tactic is to request unobtainable proof. I know for a fact that you are a shill and since it came to light you are a leftist pedo, you have been posting non-stop to obscure that revelation. You are trying to distance yourself hardcore from who you actually are.

It's similar to the justice system. I can know 100% that someone is guilty but if I can't convince a jury, then justice will not be served. The proof necessary can only be provided by an admin. You know this and that is why you cling onto that shill response asking me to prove what's going on in your head and in your private interactions on here and in your SRS irc.

National_Anthem ago

What do you mean proof? You and the rest of your SBBH poz-gang are the most reactionary slandering kikes on this website.

gabara ago

No proof? Then you are a butthurt loser. Confirmed.

National_Anthem ago

You are lucky you have a cuck admin on your side.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

yeah i'm always open to considering evidence but that's all i've seen so far. lots of whining and baseless accusations.

gabara ago

We track the shills accounts. Here's a partial list. Don't take my word, just keep these in mind when they make claims:

common_sense Womb_Raider JoeMontana MightyYetGentle1488 9-11 smokratez SaneGoatiSwear JohnCStevenson Techius Grifter42 National_Anthem albatrosv13 albatrosv14 HenryCorp PeacefulAssassin inthetimeofnick Pissant

PeacefulAssassin ago

why do you think I am a shill?
notice that I have the courage to ping you to call you out, a courtesy you seem to not do, you yellow belly faggot.

gabara ago

You can only ping 5 people at a time.

PeacefulAssassin ago

but you pinged no one. grow some balls and ping people you call out @gabara

gabara ago

You can only ping up to 5 people in a single post.

PeacefulAssassin ago

and yet you pinged NO ONE when you posted a list of people. I had to hear from some one else that you tried to slander me, you limp-wristef, tictac-dick, soy chugging, faggot.

gabara ago

You can only ping 5 people. You're not that important so if I pinged some, you still wouldn't have gotten pinged.

PeacefulAssassin ago

I understand but still you pinged NO ONE. if you pinged 5 people, OK your defense stands, but you pinged NO ONE.

gabara ago

I was trying socialism. I couldn't ping everyone so I pinged no one.

PeacefulAssassin ago

you pinged no one so that they would not be able to come defend themselves and call you out

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I'm pretty sure JohnCStevenon is just a god-tier performance artist, though.

Pissant ago

I'm on a list with HenryCorp, lmao... Thanks for the tag @National_Anthem

common_sense ago

lol thanks for the honor

PeacefulAssassin ago

how the fuck am I a shill? what makes you think that?

National_Anthem ago

i dont think you are, i think the SRS faggot shills you added to a list of random people spreading lies about who you are. I just wanted to grab your attention since they were too coward to ping you.

PeacefulAssassin ago

I see, thanks for the heads up.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

That's like a who's-who of almond activators

ExpertShitposter ago


jewshekelstein1488 ago

yep, i recognize many of those names from my own personal experiences/interactions with them.

Womb_Raider ago

Don't buy that nonsense. I mean, I know you're one of them, but you and I have spoken several times, and so far it has been quite civil. Gabara is not honest and I think deep down you know that.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i'm not one of anyone. i don't really get into the meta politics like you guys. i basically just shitpost and drop redpills in my spare time. i'm not paid to be here and i'm not irl friends with anyone here. i just do my own thing. you have given me some stuff to think about but no hard evidence so i will simply just have to watch and see what happens. gabara has not said or done anything to my knowledge that i have a problem with. actually when we first interacted he accused me of being a shill and was very aggressive. i didn't take it personally and just explained my position and held my ground and eventually he figured out i wasn't one of (((them))).

Womb_Raider ago

You'll know what I know in time, I guess. Not sure how you got caught up with them is all.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

the ones i'm "caught up with" are because we have something in common, which is naming and exposing the jew. that's the only reason i made this account and is the basis on which i make friends and enemies here. i don't get into site politics.

Womb_Raider ago

You don't care that Gabara calls anyone who disagrees with him a Jew regardless of inaccuracy?

If that were all he engaged in, I would support and applaud him.

If that were all he engaged in.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

do i care? not really. from what i can see he pushes people to see how they respond in order to determine their motivations and agendas. to the extent i can make any judgment of an anonymous person on the internet whom i've never met and haven't spoken to a whole lot he seems to be one of the good guys. from your own comments it sounds like you guys actually have a lot in common. maybe you should think about ways you can work together instead of fighting each other all the time. divide and conquer is how (((they))) win.

Womb_Raider ago

Hahaha. Good luck making that happen.

National_Anthem ago

Keep in mind Gabara, Kevdude, Heygeorge, bourbon_expert, Expertshitposter, AndrewBlazeit, FuzzyWords, and anyone associated with them are the shills. Gabara comparing us to SaneGoat and HenryCorp is horseshit. You seem to want people to think for you instead of thinking for yourself.

gabara ago

Gabara comparing us to SaneGoat and HenryCorp is horseshit.

Hey @jewshekelstein1488, notice how I didn't even mention that group. LOL. They're not very good shills.

National_Anthem ago

What the fuck are you talking about, you just said grifter and smokratez are in the same boat as HenryCorp. You are naming completely random peoplpe and adding them in the same group to steer your shill narrative.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You ever think maybe all of us just think you're an obnoxious douche?

Womb_Raider ago

I think he's an annoying dick too. I'm getting tired of you guys comparing me to him, and others in that list. The only one in there that I admire is grifter.

National_Anthem ago

fuck off pussy, go fuckin cry about it in SBBH you would fit right in

Womb_Raider ago

Can't blame me.

National_Anthem ago

I definitely can. You turned out to be a shill. Funny how cheese was correct about you

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah, he's a great influence to listen to. No wonder SBBH has such an easy time kicking you around.

National_Anthem ago

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, he was right about you and i shouldn't have defended you. SBBH aint shit dawg, you guys have a few things in common tbh.

Womb_Raider ago

Whatever gymnastics you require.

National_Anthem ago

Whatever ya little bitch, go hit on some teenagers again.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I've seen you shit on greycloud, so you get a pass.

Womb_Raider ago

My only question is why do you give Gabara a pass?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

What has he done other than be annoying?

Womb_Raider ago

I just detest dishonesty and he spews it more regularly than most.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Never once in the history of FPS games did someone say "ARRRRGH STOP CAMPING ME, FAGET" and the camper thought "Well, I guess I shouldn't camp him. It's really giving him a hard time."

Womb_Raider ago

Meh, you right. Carry on.

National_Anthem ago

I'm sure you and your SBBH friends do think im obnoxious. I cause you shills to go into damage control near daily.

I think you are all mentally deranged SRS homosexuals and trannies and you should be strung up behind my truck and dragged over gravel until i run out of gas. No one is buying your act, thats why you all have to show up at the same time and make sure no one catches on.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

dunno bout them others, but I browse /all/new and I can't let retardation go unanswered

If you think that's me coordinating with all the other cool kids, that's your problem, mane

National_Anthem ago

I can't let retardation go unanswered

You mean anything that hurts SRS's narrative. Fuckin pathetic shill.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

What narrative is that?

That you're a faget?

National_Anthem ago

To make sure people don't get out of line and question meta topics such as how pedophiles freely post, SBBH freely brigades, and the admins support it.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Not banning people who do stuff I don't like means the mods support said thing I don't like

You ever heard of NeoGAF?

Sounds like you'd be more comfortable there.

National_Anthem ago

We are talking about pedophilia. It speaks volumes that admins accept money from and allow pedophiles to gather here. I'm not trying to convince you of shit because you are just a shill, but lurkers should note your diversion tactics.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

admins accept money from pedophiles

I'm not trying to convince you of shit

lol k

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Dude, you SUCK at identifying bait

National_Anthem ago

you are irrelevant, like i said this is here for lurkers.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

And yet you keep responding to me

National_Anthem ago

Im not womb, no.

And there is much history. Many SBBH mods have been posting right-leaning stuff which is the total opposite of their posting history. They are trying to blend in and trick anyone here who doesn't know who they are and what they are up to. it's similar to how Kevdude (a flaming homosexual SJW and straight up liar) made RidersOfTheReich to shitpost about nazis with retarded shit to make the right look bad. The want authority to dictate how the community operate and if you question it you get called sanegoat or some other tired diversion.

It's co-opposition operating blatantly in the open on this site. With their brigading and manufactured consensus, they can control what the site thinks about certain issues.

gabara ago

posting right-leaning stuff which is the total opposite of their posting history

Do you see how crazy this person is, @jewshekelstein1488? Because we always post right-leaning content, that makes us leftists, someway... somehow...

National_Anthem ago

Lefty shills always try to blend in. You are too obvious. It would be like me going on reddit and posting pro-gay material even tho i think all fags should be executed, including you.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

it is definitely a bold claim. i haven't seen you guys ever posting leftist stuff or shilling for hillary as was stated. hence my request for some evidence which i have yet to receive. it should be pretty easy to prove if it's all true, right?

National_Anthem ago

what proof do you want. I'm talking from experience and posts here on Voat.

He was outed as a pedo recently, and since that day has been posting all day long to look anti-left. They want the alt-right to support pedophilia.

gabara ago

Also notice a 1 month old account is talking about stuff from a year and a half ago.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

that is interesting, isn't it?

National_Anthem ago

Account dates don't mean shit, shill.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Yes. They do. If you're talking about shit that happened on Voat before you were a participating member of Voat, it makes you look guilty as fuck.

So either admit that @National_Anthem is an alt account and give us some proof of what your 'old account' is, or accept us shitting all over you for using anonthreads as proof of anything.

National_Anthem ago

@MightyYetGentle is my original account you nigger lover. I deleted it because it was impossible to post on it after being attacked by the people you jerk off every day with your mouth.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


.....aaaaaaaand it suddenly all comes together like a one-piece puzzle

National_Anthem ago

Yeah i've dealt with many types of shills and you are low on the totem pole.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Tune your shilldar, mane

jewshekelstein1488 ago

if that's all true i guess i must be really out of the loop because i haven't seen any evidence. surely you don't expect me to just take your word for it?

National_Anthem ago

I've been paying attention to the shilling for over 2 years here. Gabara is definitely a fuckin shill.

surely you don't expect me to just take your word for it?

Why not? What would be the point of me taking my time to recant drama that no one but me seems to give a fuck about. Me telling you these truths isn't going to change how the shills operate here. Trust me. You want proof? you are asking something that only the admins can do and we know who the admins side with (fuzzy is a mod of SBBH just look). Just remember what I said when you see him CCP whoring and spreading rumors and getting backed up by SBBH, in this very thread as a matter of fact.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

even if everything you wrote was true (a big if), your level of emotional investment suggests to me you aren't being honest. how did you get so wrapped up with them in the first place? why does it seem like some kind of political agenda on your part?

National_Anthem ago

I was banned on reddit and came here during the first exodus and spent a massive amount of time documenting SRS activity on reddit with many successful posts that redpilled thousands. Then i started seeing SRS on Voat and they were promoting pedophilia so I went after them too. They didn't like that and brigaded over 8k CCP on my original account and put me to -3000 CCP. My emotional investment stems from how easy it is for them to subvert Voat and how anyone who speaks up is attacked. I campaigned for Trump and during the election the shills were powerless here.

Now after all the restrictions and clear indication Putt is on their side, they have a lot more power. That is why they shut that chat shit down and scared everyone into thinking discord was a trap. In real time they couldn't defend their shilling, they require voting brigades and Voat's format in order to keep people unaware of what they are doing. I definitely have a political agenda and that's conservative and truth-seeking. That is what brought a lot of us here initially. Just like SRS took over The_Donald modding positions, they are doing the same thing here. Anyone who genuinely is on our side wouldn't react and shitpost like SBBH does. They are just trying to appeal to the demographic on voat, which has changed drastically.

National_Anthem ago

Yeah it did, now go post more cocks in SoapBoxBanHammer you JIDF clone.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Prove my JIDF clone-itude

National_Anthem ago

Another SRS faggot parroting "prove what's going on in my head and my private interactions with the cabal in IRC".

Anyone who watches your behavior can see you are a shill.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Jokes on u mane, I don't even know how to use IRC

gabara ago

LOL! @Womb_Raider forgot they were logged in with their @National_Anthem account. How embarrasing!

National_Anthem ago

Just pretending everyone is the same person doesn't work anymore shill.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@gabara thank you for exposing the pedo

gabara ago

Well summed up.

6gorillion ago

Weren't you one of those faggots that was going and just fucking niche subs up just to be a "lmao shitposter look at me I am so cool?" Like the linux sub for example when it suddenly got bombed with porn and bullshit? And now you are wondering where all the goats are going? lol....

Merchant_Ammonia ago

The winds have changed.

neomadic ago

I'm so sick of the political/racist/shill bullshit that I'm not super interested in contributing much to the platform anymore. It just gets buried in bullshit anyway. The entire internet is becoming a fucking time suck/echo chamber.

smallpond ago

The people that get off on that political/racist bullshit on voat have censored their opposition, so they're bored/lonely and coming after the rest of you.

Disclaimer: I may not be able to reply. Unpopular users with less than 10 CCP cannot post, and are temporarily banned as soon as they make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech, though past comments have stated an intention to improve things.

neomadic ago

It may be that no one sees your free speech because others ignorantly down vote anything that doesn't support their narrative, but you're not being stopped from posting anything. I think this is the only discussion site on the internet that I haven't been banned from. If I had a button that would eliminate the statist/racist/trumpcucks and the sjw's they create, I'd hit that button so fast. Sadly, they'll keep running the show here because good people usually have better shit to do than attempting to drain this swamp.

smallpond ago

you're not being stopped from posting anything.

Read the disclaimer - unpopular people can't post anything at all.

Disclaimer: I may not be able to reply. Unpopular users with less than 10 CCP cannot post, and are temporarily banned as soon as they make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech, though past comments have stated an intention to improve things.

neomadic ago

If you can't figure out how to get ten ccp, you probably don't have an opinion worth reading.

heygeorge ago

Smallpond has difficulty seeing this. What I've read so far in this thread constitutes many unpopular opinions, yet there are still upvotes being given for quality content regardless of the viewpoint.

neomadic ago

I noticed that. I'm genuinely a little surprised. Since the update, a screen flashes between page loads here and I noticed that I had over 400 votes a day to work with. I haven't been voting on stuff much unless it really inspired me but I want this platform to survive so I'm going to start culling a little more BS and putting more content up. By culling, I mean down voting posts and users that just sling insults and waste bandwidth instead of contributing thought out opinions, evidence, research, and entertainment. If a troll/shill brings the funny, they might get a free pass... Hopefully it catches on.

heygeorge ago

There are some of us who make the Voat spin by upvoting (and reserving downvotes for spam, shills, and addlebrained bandwidth wasters). I wish more users would do it. Voat would be a much more dynamic place.

Pissant ago


You never did.

I'm sick of this shit, this thread is full of people who spam post inane content or just don't post any at all such as yourself. I don't see regular average Voat users in here bitching.

If you're complaining about "political bullshit" you're not a fucking Voater. Period. Get the fuck back to Reddit, no one here owes you a damned thing, fucking whiny faggot.

neomadic ago

I contribute by commenting and voting. Posting content that obviously no one is interested in is a waste of time and bandwidth. Comments like yours are a big fucking waste of bandwidth too.

You won't believe this but some of us are too smart to be statist cucks like yourself.

middle_path ago

Careful. With that kind of talk, the hammer of v/protectvoat will come down on you.

Subtenko ago

he hurt me :( /@protectvoat

middle_path ago


jewshekelstein1488 ago

fuck off beta soy cuck niggerkike.

National_Anthem ago

knew it.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

knew what?

Pissant ago

That man has done more for Voat than you ever will Shekelstein. I've had conversations with you in the past, you're not an entirely unreasonable guy, so why are you calling a great Voater a soy cuck niggerkike for naming one of the cancers on this website?

I guess you've drank some of the SRS kool-aid?

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i try to be. and no, i'm not a member of the srs cabal, whatever that is. i got into it with middle_kike over his concern trolling and whining about topics he doesn't like being popular and basically telling people they were ruining voat by exercising free speech. then once he pissed me off i did some digging and found out he is a degenerate pathetic beta cuck soyboy loser with all sorts of mental problems which pissed me off even more since he comes on here and dumps on others when his own house is a mess. and i'm pretty sure he's jewish (he at least acts like it) but i don't have much evidence for my suspicions at this point so it's not something i focus on very much at the moment.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

There are forces spending a lot of to make you feel that way.

Pissant ago

Did you even read his comment, he's getting triggered by "political bullshit"... He will always feel this way about Voat, or any website that isn't focused on cats and balloons.

common_sense ago

So basically not wanting to talk politics 24/7 and make racist claims against black people and jews nonstop are snowflakes that only want cats and balloons. Makes sense, top quality reasoning right there.

Pissant ago

Not at all, we don't need to talk about those topics all the time. However calling it a bullshit time suck/echo chamber because people aren't interested in what you specifically as an individual want to talk about isn't accurate. Saying there's a problem because there isn't a thousand various topics being discussed is bullshit. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with having more topics discussed here. I encourage it.

I don't encourage whiny little bitches though.

common_sense ago

Ok that's fine and all but if you are in any way implying that voat isn't a huge echochamber then you are senile.

neomadic ago

What else can be expected on a democratically moderated site running on a corporate/government controlled internet? Fuck fighting them. I'm going to make them obsolete. ;)

o0shad0o ago

That I'd like to see.

neomadic ago

Start a p2p meshnet node in your area.

o0shad0o ago

It's still running over the "corporate/government controlled internet". There's an old saw, "if voting could change anything it'd be outlawed", which applies here; if your p2p network gets irritating enough it'll be blocked.

neomadic ago

It can't be blocked because it's voluntary, decentralized, and uses wifi, a feature that the entire darpanet relies upon. If they block wifi, we'll transmit with lasers. If they chaff the skies to the point where lasers don't work, we can set up sneakernets. Where there's a will, there's a way. We either create an alternative soon of the chances of making it happen decrease drastically once the internet becomes totally nerfed.

o0shad0o ago

Duh, mesh network. My eyes skipped right over that.

(Unfortunateoly I don't live in the city, and the area is isolated enough I could only mesh with a few neighbors.) ?

neomadic ago

It all starts with meshing with neighbors. If you all went in on an unlimited 4g card and connected to it through a meshnet, you could drastically reduce everyone's internet bill. This will incentivize them to invest in node hardware. I think everyone should find alternative ways to stay connected, regardless of location. The big cities may collapse before the network has enough time to build from the cities out.

Hyerboria looks cool and is fine for small networks but it doesn't address abuse. We need a decentralized social network like diaspora that people have to put a small bitcoin bond down to join. Once signed into the network, people can access the community moderated meshnet. It wouldn't be hard to implement but I have other projects that are a much higher priority right now but someone else will figure it out eventually.

o0shad0o ago

That means the shills are winning.

neomadic ago

This reply applies here too:

"What else can be expected on a democratically moderated site running on a corporate/government controlled internet? Fuck fighting them. I'm going to make them obsolete. ;)"

gabara ago

The entire internet is becoming a fucking time suck/echo chamber.

There was a time when it was not? Even Gopher was a time sink

neomadic ago

I used to be able to find interesting and pertinent information on the internet. Tag abuse is so bad these days that finding anything good takes hours. It's stupid. We need our own p2p internet.

LlamaMan ago

The removal of the discussion filter on Google was the end of proper internet imo.

TheBuddha ago

Eternal September.

mineMineMINE ago

I assume part of them have moved to the chans. Also, it's mid Nov so I expect any college students are prepping for midterms. There also hasn't been much going on politically, so I'd expect that anybody who is already redpilled is bored and is off having a life.

smallpond ago

I'd expect that anybody who is already redpilled is bored and is off having a life.

I think there's enough bullshit going on politicially, but voat has reached such astronomical heights as a safespace that there's little point discussing it here. Talk at a mirror for long enough and you start to feel stupid.

Disclaimer: I may not be able to reply. Unpopular users with less than 10 CCP cannot post, and are temporarily banned as soon as they make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech, though past comments have stated an intention to improve things.

csicskageci ago

I think it is not as much as the safespace effect as the extremism effect, I am okay with some racism and of course having a laugh at faggots, but the nazi and jew stuff I draw the line at. The prob is there is nowhere else to go. I am roughly on board with, that level of extremism, but there is no discussion board like that.

smallpond ago

Voat is essentially a safespace for extremists. You better watch your tone or /v/ProtectVoat will be on your ass for sympathizing with jews...

Plant_Boy ago

The 10 comments max feature is there because people create bots that try to post and farm ccp.

smallpond ago

CCP restrictions do essentially nothing to stop that - they only encourage it.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

It's actually just censorship. It's a good way to control the website

Plant_Boy ago

It's more a case that once the community accepts you you can post more frequently, as oppose to making a bot to spam responses in an attempt to farm imaginary points.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

It's more a case of censorship. But tell yourself whatever you want to

Plant_Boy ago

Alternatively we could just delete everyone we don't agree with or that spams rubbish... no wait, that's already being done by Reddit.

PeacefulAssassin ago

yeah I feel it, sometimes coat can be just as bad as reddit at times with being an echochamber. don't dare criticize Trump, or you have hoards downvoting you and calling you a shill or a jew.
I guess voat is the ying to reddit''s yang.

madhatter67 ago

I get the idea.....but voat is the most certainly the yang, reddit is the faggotnigger yin

PeacefulAssassin ago

OK don't talky know the difference between them.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

my farts are strong and stinky tonight

PeacefulAssassin ago

yeah a south park reference, look how cool and edgy you are

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

lol you little bicurious beta bitch, I’ve never watched a South Park episode in mylife. Get triggered and niggered, cuck

PeacefulAssassin ago

one does not need to watch a show to k ow where the memes originate from.
and from the sound of your response you sound like the one that got triggered

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

lol, i ran your response through my obamameter, and it factually registered as you niggered, with a touch of triggered

PeacefulAssassin ago

funny that someone supposedly not niggered bought something with king nigger's name on it

BaldMiscreant ago

Not all of uses the down button as a disagree button. Personally, I use it for spam and people being cunts.

smallpond ago

Think about how irrelevant that is. "Not all of voat" doesn't matter. Even "most of voat" doesn't matter. All it takes is a small group of asshole accounts to downvote a typical user into the censorship zone.

NeoGoat ago

I don't use the down button for disagreement. Discussion is a very healthy thing. I will often use the upvote for agreement. I will down vote for undeserved rudeness.

I looked up the past 4 or 5 pages of smallpond's comments. He has been generally getting upvotes. I'd looked thru previous comments of his a few months ago, and it was obvious his down votes were extremely well deserved. He was extremely anti-social. I was almost starting to downvote simply by his username. I wonder if something about him has changed for the better, like stopping drinking, or getting into a healthy relationship, or out of a bad one. At this point he still has CCP of -585, so he will be still be quiet for a while.

Subtenko ago

Well there's an answer....

There also hasn't been much going on politically

so voat is a political site first and foremost? That sucks

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

to be fair, we live in a very politically charged time, a volatile and important time for the future of our lives and mankind. It shouldn't be everything, but it also should be defended and engaged with.

mineMineMINE ago

In many ways it is just another political site. But, that's because people haven't been posting OC on other subjects.

Reddiggoat ago

Member for 2.3 years... how have you not noticed this?

unclejimbo ago

Some of us just came here to hate on fatties originally.

weezkitty ago

Unfortunately it has become that way. Most posts are political and what's not is seldom OC

CapinBoredface ago

It's been that way for over two years...

twee ago

Not too mention that school affects more than just college students. Parents are too busy now too