Dylan_Klebold ago

OP, aren't you a jew yourself?

greycloud ago

voat is a honeypot, just saying.

Cheesebooger ago

You can look at my comment history. When I tell you I don't like jews I mean it.

edgelord666 ago

you're over the top retarded persona reeks of a divide and conquer shill. too bad you've been found out and we won't stand for it

Cheesebooger ago

A wild jew appears!

edgelord666 ago

nice projection!

Cheesebooger ago

Your jew tactics are fail. You are among white gods here. Now bow at my boot, rat.

asdfasdfa ago

you should list their subs lest people get confused.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Please comment/PM all suggestions and I'll add them to the sidebar

germanshepherd ago

camping a subverse of interest to actual, unknowing goats https://voat.co/v/Crusades

germanshepherd ago

humanizing jews & mocking attempts to identify subversion https://voat.co/v/DearFellowJews

germanshepherd ago

brigade sub for raddle.me but possibly a cover story https://voat.co/v/TerroristBunker

yueter ago

Sad that people sell eternal life for such a low price.