Dylan_Klebold ago

Interesting how those adjectives all apply to OP so well.

Crensch ago


Dylan_Klebold ago

Lol, still jealous that I have sex and you don't?

Lobotomy ago

Daytona, SEGA Rally, Virtua Cop 1 and 2, Virtua Fighter, and NiGHTS were my shit. It's a shame it didn't catch on here as well as it did in Japan, because their library for the Saturn is like 4 times the size of the US one.

Fambida ago

Have you looked into fan translations of shit? I don't know how prevalent they are for sega shit, because, well, SNES was better, but I figure anything reasonably popular might have one.

Lobotomy ago

Did you downvote this entire comment chain over your preferences?

Fambida ago

https://gyazo.com/aa69feef5e9ae6ad671050ae57fee7c3 No. I'm often a cunt, but not that much of one.

Crensch ago

Are you SURE /v/gaming is safe with dangerous posts like this not being removed by a mod?

Lobotomy ago

It's the whole "90s Kid" thing. Every Soyboy is a Nintencuck, because they're the most popular brand and liking them is hard to disagree with, so they choose it to avoid conflict.

Real men rolled SEGA until buying a PC.