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totes_magotes ago

"Illegal Opinions"

This is a system mod, only voat rules apply.

Thrus2 ago

I have been seeing this system sub so only voat rules, then why have mods in them? why not have them all be /v/whatever? if the sub can't have rules they can't limit the topics posted so we may as well delete the 29 not whatever subs and just let it all accumulate in one anyhow. But that isn't the case we have multiple subs for different topics so there needs to be some rules for what belongs where of there will just be a mess of posts. There was no objections when ChillyHellion removed all the sporting event related watch live links to reddit and those are related to sports games but can be pulled and not a peep from people but now something happens to a user with lots of internet points and we are supposed to change how the sub operates? Most arguments I can debate the person but this is one of the dumbest ideas presented.

totes_magotes ago

You apparently have no idea what "free speech platform" means as well as believing that the purpose of a mod to fuck everyone off and direct conversation as you see fit. That's fine. Admin is going to fix that shit. Then you're going to whine and cry. And I'm going to laugh.

weezkitty ago

A free speech platform doesn't mean you can do literally whatever you want, wherever you want.

You're allowed to take a shit in a public bathroom but it wouldn't be taken well if you did it in the sink instead of the toilet

totes_magotes ago

System sub = voat rules.

How the fuck do people not understand that? Literally, you can't even hold a job with that kind of logic. Which begs the question "What the fuck are Democrats doing on here?"

Thrus2 ago

the issue is if you stick to that logic only why have mods on system subs at all? and further more why have 30 different subs of them? they are all the same why not just have one as all content is interchangeable on all of them? We can start poiting our gaming topics in /v/goats our politics in /v/aww and our videos in /v/pics there is nothing they can do as they are not allowed to have rules about what sort of content goes there only the voat rules.

totes_magotes ago

Mods do not control content. You need to understand that right. fucking. now. That's cancer SRS reddit shit right there. The only exceptions in system subs are spam, illegal content. Users curate content by reporting those types of posts and voats.

If you think that a mod should direct the conversation, you need to either re-educate yourself or leave voat. Voat is not like these other shit sites where mods control everything.

For example, "shut the fuck up you dumb crotchgoblin piece of shit."

Now I'm not actually saying that to you (right now) but I can. That's because it's free speech, not safe spaces.

This is why we have this problem in the first place.

There's no way to confuse this issue except not letting go of bullshit ideas on what mods do.

Thrus2 ago

if they don't control the direction why do we have 30 system subs? why do many of them have rules saying what can and can't be posted

/v/books 3- Content should be about Books/Authors/Series/News/and likewise, not Spam/Junk/or self promotion

/v/gifs Do not post an album of gifs Mark your posts as [NSFW] or ping a mod for a flair

/v/goats CONTENT: Share your pictures, stories & relevant articles, (I admit they don't define what relevant means)

/v/introductions Sub Rule: This sub is for making your introduction post as a new user and for welcoming new users in the comments; posts asking for or offering free upvotes is bad form, Off-Topic to the sub, and subject to deletion

/v/music Any spam, off-topic, or illegal content will be removed immediately.

/v/news 4. No Memes

/v/pics Submissions must link directly to a specific image file or to a website with minimal ads. No blog hosting of images ("blogspam"), but albums on image hosting sites are okay. URL shorteners are prohibited.

No text/self posts, gifs, videos, etc.

No memes, comics, "posters", image macros, etc. Submissions with text overlays, screenshots with large amounts of text, infographics, and similar posts must have emphasis on the picture itself and not the text/chart/symbol/etc.

No gore, porn, or distasteful nudity. This includes jailbait-type material. NSFW content must be marked, but at this time only mods can assign flairs.

And that is just pulling from the part of the list of system subs that have rules about what can or can't be posted. These are the rules the mods enforce.

Free speech doesn't mean you can say anything anywhere anyhow try using free speech as an excuse after you yelled fire in a theater. We have the different subs to guide what content goes where the mods are there to help keep that flowing accordingly if we just allow anything anywhere the site will be a mess and sure you can have complete free speech with the other 50 people that are willing to put up with zero organization to the posts. Sure I get it use private subs for organized and where you want rules but the truth is if the primary are a mess no one will bother staying around long enough to look for the private subs and the site dies. You need a strong core site to get users for the expanded parts of the site.

Bmn003 ago

You don't ban the word "fire" because someone might use it to cause a panic. You ban the deliberate causing of a panic, an example of which is shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

totes_magotes ago

Free speech doesn't mean you can say anything anywhere anyhow try using free speech as an excuse after you yelled fire in a theater.

You just restated pretty much what the free speech clause of the 1st Amendment states. Aside from few very narrow restrictions, you can say whatever the fuck you want. BUT you need to have the understanding that it just means that the government is not supposed to give you shit for it. That means that a company can restrict your speech. But this is a free speech platform (seriously, read the admin posts sometimes, you'll see this really fast) and the 1st Amendment does not apply. So piss off with you conflation of Voat rules and US rules.

weezkitty ago

System sub = voat rules.

That isn't really what it means. System subs are core/default subs that were created with the inception of Whoaverse. It doesn't necessarily mean they don't have their own rules

totes_magotes ago

NO. That's exactly what it means. PeaceSeeker literally just got into a conversation about that. That restriction was put into place because of @She and her little buttbuddy friends.