submitted 7.1 years ago by [deleted]
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Rotteuxx 7.1 years ago
Yawn... got more of them shilling arguments?
HumptyDumpty 7.1 years ago
Is it just me, or is @9-11 the new @SaneGoatiSwear
Either the original owner sold his account or didn't have much mental fortitude & fell to the shills.
I doubt it's an original MYG-SGIS account because (((Discord fags))) have never grown an alt for so long... but possible
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Rotteuxx ago
Yawn... got more of them shilling arguments?
HumptyDumpty ago
Is it just me, or is @9-11 the new @SaneGoatiSwear
Rotteuxx ago
Either the original owner sold his account or didn't have much mental fortitude & fell to the shills.
I doubt it's an original MYG-SGIS account because (((Discord fags))) have never grown an alt for so long... but possible