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PuttItOut ago

Your post is misleading and filled with incorrect statements.

No one has access to any area of voat but me, there is no such thing as special access.

NeedleStack ago

Well shit, like I said in this earlier comment, if I was mistaken so be it - and that it would take only word from you for me to believe I was mistaken.

But your comment is coming off as accusing me of making something up intentionally. You know, A LIE. Which is not what I did or would do.

Everything I said I experienced was what I perceived it to be. I didn't post from a place of misleading or implying. And I'm not going to correct my wording because it was what I thought to be true.

I'm seriously put off by the way you responded. I'm not just some shithead. I actually care a lot about this place and have done a lot of work in subs and with other members across voat for nearly 3 years but whatever, I guess my bringing up a valid concern boils me down to being an asshole huh.

If it's happening as a bug and it will get fixed, great!

This post blew up larger than I thought it would but good came out of it; commenters bringing up a lot of important stuff we need to square away as a community anyway (brigading, witch-hunts, vote manipulation, site security, etc.). Those issues are way more important than any bug I brought up so kudos to you if you can get this house in order.

mindtrip ago

Dude come on, as a 3rd party observer @PutItOut response is pretty reasonable. His response was pretty damned human and respectful - your reaction pushes for responses to be that corporate bullshit we see elsewhere and would kill the vibe voat has going. Respectfully, you raised some valid concerns, don't go off the deepend and try to make it personal when it's not.

heygeorge ago

bringing up a valid concern boils me down to being an asshole

This is your perception of what you did, but in reality what you did was take a flimsy precept, combine it with bullshit. and run it straight into an allegation of fake news.

What really confounds me is that you are taking a narrative from the same people who pretended your absence was caused by a fictional SBBH dox. I cannot follow the logic there.

Nerobot ago

If it makes you feel better I've made numerous submissions on subs and not once has anyone got their guesses right. Some from the old guard of SBBH used to do profile watching for vote counts and posting times to try for an "educated" guess.

Womb_Raider ago

Those issues are way more important than any bug I brought up so kudos to you if you can get this house in order.

I'll get him some aloe...

ThorssonTrump ago



Dudicles ago

Regardless of who fuzzywords is, he or she at one time (along with just about everyone from SBBH at the time) rage quit Voat and helped sabotage a bunch of subs he or she was a mod in by removing other mods, wrecking the CSS's, on top of spam posting everywhere on Voat. That simple fact alone should have meant fuzzy should never be allowed anywhere near anything to do with running or working on Voat.

Considering he or she did (just look at the badges), I think that says a lot about the administrative leanings here. And considering that bringing anything like that up gets you attention from certain users, says another thing.

ThorssonTrump ago

wooot?! i had stopped voating at that point; i missed that! damn. any archives? i'd love to see that tantrum.

it's a he that thinks it's a she, btw. mental health issues, obviously.

Dudicles ago

I don't have any archives, but I did a search on DDG and found this interesting thread.

ThorssonTrump ago

nice, i remember that.

fun fact: fuzzywords admited it was @she a while back. also, someone linked to a medium post by @fuzzywords with the same profile pic as the voat account which linked to a blog which didn't have whois protection (real name, address) and from there, one could find out that fuzzywords was openly a: transvestite, autistic, and a militant SJW.


TLDR: an autistic tranny SJW was the biggest coder of voat for a whole year - - the same year that all the TSA-reddit level censorship was coded into voat (limits, account restrictions for negatives, downvoat bot tied to voat's api, etc)

it's not gone, just on another account, btw. the same organized paid criminal militant sjw shills own and operate voat on behalf of their kike overlords. :( that's why i've spent the last half year making a new voat that won't be infiltratable like all these other social networks. that part is done. just a few more months of coding out and we ought be deploying :)

stay tuned for all the mountains of salt and tears.

gabara ago

Well you've just a special kind of crazy aren't you?

PuttItOut ago

What you write can be seen by one or more devs who’ve been given that special access. But what you may not know is that they can and do use it against you as they’ve done with me in the past and as recently as yesterday. And one or more of those users who have this ability are part of SBBH.

This statement is purposely inflammatory, incorrect, lacks tact, and is intended to create a false narrative, regardless of what you think is true. I'm actually surprised you could say such at thing, being that you are such an important part of Voat. It's something I'd expect from sane or grifter, but not you.

The proper way to report a potential security issue is to report it to v/voatdev or PM.

If we have a bug in anon subs then we need to reproduce it so it can be fixed. We've had a bug before that we patched but there may be another one. So if anyone wants to PM me with the technique that is being used, we will patch it ASAP.

This is assuming there is even a bug in the first place, as this post has no concrete evidence that an anon account has been compromised.

Antiracist10 ago

Hey dickhole, I still can't post threads. Make me able to post threads, dickhole.

I wanted to post to v/theology: The atheists in this thread are so cringe. Also, @Crensch is an idiot.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

Bojangles or Eagleshigh, mind posting that to v/theology for me?

Fuck your stupid site PuttItOut.

adhdferret ago

Suspicion is what the goal is, and it will be done by all means necessary. Since the beginning of your taking the helm numerous accounts have casted doubt on you boss. It is likely this was all caused by a good guess and nothing more, but you surely have seen the collosal shitstorm that has been going on here.

Maybe you got other shit to do.....I respect that because we all do and man if this place doesn't just crush your soul after so long, but you gotta be around more man. After so long and you come back with this?

Doesn't look good and makes the subverter types get a better foothold as I am sure they are tooling away on this finding ways to use it against you.

Fucking hate this shit why there has to be people in control of shit or always fight for it because they are powerless in real life. Such is the world and how it works huh?

Oh by the way boss can you message me how to send some bucks your way to do my part for the site. I can't find anything myself.

Trash_Panda ago

This is assuming there is even a bug in the first place, as this post has no concrete evidence that an anon account has been compromised.

Oh, kinda like when you banned the Discord domain because all the conspiracy theorist REEE'd about honeypots until they got their way? Yea, sucks when it blows back in your face.

NotHereForPizza ago

Let's be more precise with our wording. We should clear up the vague language being used here.

Is there one combination of Username and Password (yours) allowed the privilege of viewing and matching IP addresses associated with the comments made in anonymous subverses and the same IP addresses that are used when making submissions/comments outside of those subverses?

This is the question that should be asked of you, and it should give the audience a better understanding of the frame of reference we're dealing with here. Just saying, "I'm the only one that can see these IPs" isn't really good enough. Granted, I don't know if divulging such information would work against you.

Can you speak to what types of privileges are given to the dev team? Maybe it would help clear things up if we had a better idea of what the people helping you were capable of doing.

Grifter42 ago

Just another reminder that you're a sellout:

"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

ExpertShitposter is a known shitposter, the fact that you are taking his stupid jokes as evidence against Putt shows how hard you are looking for something that doesn't exist.

You are the CNN, Putt is Trump, and SBBH is "Russian hackers".

Grifter42 ago

Bullshit, Pyro. SBBH is ShareBlue/SRS, Putt is Spez with how he sold out, and you're just another useful idiot.

Think for yourself.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

any evidence for this, at all?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


Samsquamch ago

It's too bad there isn't something about shitposting in his name so we would know that's what he does.

Grifter42 ago

And yet Putt acts in a manner that would indicate it's fuckin' true, and that Expert is gloating.


Riddle me this: Why are the same people who spammed Voat Chat out of existence now fuckin' allowed to test code for the site? Why was nothing ever done about Beatle, when he was the fucking one to do it? Yet him and SBBH are given full reign of the site.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Good question! If only I was had the autism to have saved Putt's comments defending him afterwards...

Samsquamch ago

I'd like to take you seriously, but your weird obsession with Putt makes that impossible

Grifter42 ago

Again, you result to ad hominem attacks and gas lighting instead of responding with any critical thought.

Samsquamch ago

If you made valid points you'd receive valid responses. Stalking Putt, making unsubstantiated claims like:

Bullshit, Pyro. SBBH is ShareBlue/SRS, Putt is Spez with how he sold out, and you're just another useful idiot.

and making implications out of thin air like:


are not valid points. They're rants and temper tantrums, and there's a reason most people don't listen or provide responses to them.

Grifter42 ago

I've posted my fucking screen shots again and again.

Implications out of thin air? Bullshit. He fuckin' admitted it himself.

That's not the words of a man bullshitting. Those are the words of a man gloating.

Samsquamch ago

You took the words of someone named ExpertShitposter seriously?

Grifter42 ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

how exactly does the site operate "like sbbh took it over" what would that even look like?

I i see is you SRS shills attacking voat for no reason and with zero evidence.

Grifter42 ago

Sure, faggot, the guy with 700 posts on the SRS/SBBH main forum on voat has no evidence that he's SRS.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You still haven't proven A. any connection between SBBH and SRS or B. any malicious activity by SBBH. You've built your entire premise on SBBH being inherently guilty, therefore to prove someone's guilt you only need to associate them with SBBH and you then don't need to prove that they actually did anything wrong in the first place.

This is Kafkaesque levels of faulty logic.

Also your whole


Is faulty because ExpertShitposter is proven to be an unreliable source of information, he makes up random things all the time, and the archive you posted was so clearly a joke even the most autistic of NEETs wouldn't take it seriously by accident, the only way to take it seriously is if you were so convinced of Expertshitposter of all people somehow controlling voat through whatever mystical means that you decided to take this joke as evidence.

Do you happen to be a UK police officer by any chance?

Grifter42 ago

You're deliberately trying to muddle the waters.

Expert wasn't fuckin' joking, he was gloating.


Go fuck yourself.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You're deliberately trying to muddle the waters.

Expert wasn't fuckin' joking, he was gloating.

It was so obviously a joke that only the most massive of autists could not see it, that's why I think you're pretending he was serious purely out of your own desperation. One look at his history and anyone would see he just posts random made up shit all the time.

Go fuck yourself.

Go turn yourself into a (((lampshade))).

oh and by the way I'm Vladimir Putin, infamous election hacker and I brainwashed Putt to help turn voat into my secret Donald Trump propaganda factory, you've finally found me out oooooooooohhhhh and I would've gotten away with it to, if it wasn't for you meddling kids at RPV and your voat manipulation!

Go and quote this and run to CNN, they'll pay handsomely for this airtight evidence.

MadWorld ago

No point in arguing with niggerkike, he will drag on with meaningless conversation to provoke his target. At some point it's best to leave him alone and let the jew vacuum his own feces with his nose...

Grifter42 ago

Nice strawman, kike.

It isn't gonna fool anyone.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

if only!

Zinnsee ago

I'm very glad you responded. But guys please don't start a fight over this, that's exactly what they try to do. Maybe @NeedleStack is wrong and it all was a cohencidence, but maybe it was not. Let's focus on the facts. @PuttitOut are you the only one who can see the users behind anon posts or are there other mods with this privilege?

And since I'm already here, an update to the canary wouldn't hurt :)

ThorssonTrump ago

other shills openly have admitted to having back-end access to voat. that includes kevdude, trigglypuff, cynabuns, fuzzywords. trigglypuff admitted it a couple days ago ffs.


WhiteRonin ago

If anon uses your Ip then you can cross check against users with the same iP. It’s all in the database.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

I can see replies to my 'anon' posts so that means the db has them.

If I REALLY had something sensitive to say, I would create an alt using a proxy.

Yep, I'm late to the party.

WhiteRonin ago

Where else would store comments and replies. All anon could just be a random number tied to your username or IP. Only way to tell is grab the code and look in the dB structure.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

I need to look at it actually. Thanks for the reminder.

kneo24 ago

lacks tact,

Pot calling the kettle!

Your post can be summed up as, "SBBH dindu nuffin' wrong!". Stop pretending they aren't at the very least border line abusive or manipulative, even if it is sometimes funny.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i kinda just ignore SBBH so i don't know the score but i'm kinda thinking of siding with them on all this from the outset just on the given that they're having fun and their opposition seems whiney

MadWorld ago

Abusive and manipulative? You should start right here.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

RPV aren't even trying to hide their vote manipulation at this point.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It doesn't matter how much you hate SBBH, if what they're accused of is objectively not happening then it's not happening.

reeeing about SBBH with zero evidence is like CNN's "Russian collusion" narrative.

Provide one shred of proof or fuck off nigger.

Grifter42 ago

"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Taking anything ExpertShitposter says seriously.

kneo24 ago

Uh, hello you cock gobbling loser. Did you not read the OP's post? The conclusion here wasn't unreasonable. People on Voat run off with ideas based on as much evidence all the time and they're hardly ever called out for it. But now, this one time someone calls out SBBH for something that seems like a reasonable conclusion and you reeeeee like a fucking faggot. Please go asphyxiate yourself on some Zyklon.

Samsquamch ago

How you ended one sentence this way:

you reeeeee like a fucking faggot.

And then un-ironically followed up with this one is too funny:

Please go asphyxiate yourself on some Zyklon.

I'd suggest reading your comment before hitting submit next time.

Womb_Raider ago

He's one of them. You are wasting your words.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Yes keep dismissing anyone who calls out this CNN-tier mental gymnastics as "one of them".

Who is "them" anyways? SBBH? I've never posted there even once, I only visited it a single time (or was it SDBH, I honestly can't remember) and promptly noped out. Or is them anyone who doesn't want to join your censor voat until it's reddit party or whatever RPV is.

Whatever keep dismissing everything I say without even trying to address my reasoning because "

Womb_Raider ago

Not all of their accounts post there, I think most voaters are aware of that.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

rPV has nothing to do with me.

Not all of their accounts post there, I think most voaters are aware of that.

There is at least as much evidence linking you to RPV/SRS as there is me to SBBH, you can't just make wild speculation about me and treat it as fact then ignore when the same is done to you.

Womb_Raider ago

That's cute.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

But now, this one time someone calls out SBBH for something that seems like a reasonable conclusion and you reeeeee like a fucking faggot.

It very much does not seem like a reasonable conclusion to me, in fact there wasn't much reasoning at all in the OP, just making wild accusations and then running with them like they were already proven facts.

Please go asphyxiate yourself on some Zyklon.

Looks like (((someone))) is a little obsessed with gas.

kneo24 ago

It very much does not seem like a reasonable conclusion to me, in fact there wasn't much reasoning at all in the OP, just making wild accusations and then running with them like they were already proven facts.

That's because you're a god damn retard. It's not hard to follow.

  • Someone calls out SBBH anonymously.
  • A user responds with anonymous OP's account age.

While it's plausible it's a lucky guess, SBBH generally fucks with everyone and on top of that people are constantly deleting their accounts and starting new ones, making it that much less likely they would correctly guess an account age.

But, as you've clearly demonstrated, following basic logic isn't your strong suit.

Looks like (((someone))) is a little obsessed with gas.

Yes, I must be a jew because I told you to gas yourself. If that's the case, then everyone on Voat is a fucking jew. How's it going, Rabbi Herpes Mouth?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

That's because you're a god damn retard. It's not hard to follow.

Calling me a retard is not a substitute for evidence, nor for sound logic

While it's plausible it's a lucky guess, SBBH generally fucks with everyone and on top of that people are constantly deleting their accounts and starting new ones, making it that much less likely they would correctly guess an account age.

It seems you have things backwards, you are acting like it's some slim possibility of this being a "lucky guess" when it's far more likely than some secret conspiracy by Putt to get SBBH to target the knittinglady @NeedleStack It's certainly a pretty huge logical leap to assume someone guessing an account age (that matches up with one of the largest voat migrations) means someone A. has access to secret dev info and B. that someone is SBBH, neither of these statements have any evidence to back them up in the OP, they are assumptions, yet needle presents them as facts and suggests actions based on these assumptions, especially when said said age also matches up with many other users who are prominently attacked on anon subs such as @Kevdude, @Crensch, or many others.

But, as you've clearly demonstrated, following basic logic isn't your strong suit.

you're really working hard on being the dunning-kruger effect personified?

Crensch ago

@PeaceSeeker I think Laurentius_the_pyro put into words why @Rotteuxx and I are ready to write off NS.

@heygeorge and @kevdude both might want to see this, too.

Rotteuxx ago

I just replied this to PS :

Crensch ago

I like how the comment with actual logic gets downvoted twice in 11 minutes, and the completely retarded comment above it gets upvoted twice. Somebody's biased, and doesn't care about truth, facts, or logic.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Meh I don't care about downvoats, CCP is easy enough to get just by posting good content that there is no way for RPV/Sane/MYG to downvoat me hard enough to stop me from posting ever since protections against bot mass comment history downvoating were put in place (I ended up gaining something like 800 CCP when all of the bot downvoats were removed the day that fix went live), 6-10 bots/alts simply can't compete with thousands of everyday users on anything important.

They think mass spamming and voat manipulation with alts will defeat objective facts, they'll be proven wrong.

MadWorld ago

I have seen about 10 downvotes between the cache update. Sometimes a harmless comment on bug report, such as @PeaceSeeker's, gets downvoted to oblivion. It's good to see that you are not intimidated by their shitty tactics.

Edit: and you will also notice some users with very large upvotes in those threads too.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Once the initial barrage of downvoats form alts (usually lasting 3-20 minutes) is over things naturally correct as regular users correct the manipulated voats.

Things only stay negative on obscure comments far down in some deep corner of a thread or on a bug report, things that aren't seen by enough normal users to counteract a butthurt fag with 10 alts.

MadWorld ago

Sometimes they are very persistent! A submission that is two days old can still get -5 downvoats per comment on some users! That's a lot of votes in total.

ThorssonTrump ago

hey you lying pieces of shit,

why don't you do subverse transfers, allow ads and donations again, remove the overt criminal censorship, and stop banning users for upvoting, and start banning criminal paid shills at the IP level?

sincerely, the guy making the site that will replace voat,


digitalentity1497 ago

I you don't like it here, you can oh, idk, fuck off?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

All Sane does is threaten to sue people for disagreeing with him.

He also apparently just revealed he doesn't understand how IP addresses work or how easy it is to get a new one.

digitalentity1497 ago

I've delt with that huge turd many times.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

start banning criminal paid shills at the IP level

Never have I ever seen someone simultaneously display such a poor understanding of both US law and the internet in a single sentence.

ThorssonTrump ago

i'm not able to downvoat on any account.

you keep lying, but it keeps not working.

it's kinda funny kinda sad, jidf-lover.


look up defamation per se


ain't the same thing, shill.

Sk8rminion ago

SHILLS AND GLOWFAGS ALWAYS TRY TO DRUM UP SUPPORT FOR IP BANS, Then they try to get regular users ip banned, while they use giant banks of rotating ip's and numerous vpn's to evade banns themselves.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Pretty much anyone with knowledge of how the internet works can change their IP in 3 minutes, you don't need to be a CIAnigger to do it.

This is why everytime someone advocates for IP bans you know they're either 12 or a retarded paki or Indian streetshitter working in a Mr. Shekelberg's shareblue cubicle who's never configured a router in their life.

Sk8rminion ago

Yes, this is the exact point i'm making. 'normie' internet noobs who find themselves here and are starting to be 'woke' however do not often have IT backgrounds, and if they get assigned an ip by their isp the shills have managed to get banned, they will find themselves with a lifetime ban, and just leave. This is the point behind that particular psi-op.

12393703? ago

You're not fit to lick @puttitOut's boots. Go crawl back under a rock.

ThorssonTrump ago

i sincerely hope you give stillbirths, you dirty paid criminal shill. and AFTER that, i hope you are tried and executed for sedition.

MadWorld ago

How are you doing these days? Still trying to stick your penis up your ass and await your pregnancy?

Fambida ago

Sane, let's assume for a second that Empress actually is a shill, and is paid to do so. How do you get criminal from that?

ThorssonTrump ago

they've committed a number of crimes here on voat and against a number of voat users. harassment and defamation per se are just a couple of their most oft-used criminal tools.

12393929? ago

Excellent question that I too, would like answered.

SebuttYopick ago

not a shill?

Rotteuxx ago

sincerely, the guy making the site that will replace voat

Yet you still hang out here religiously, stop wasting your time with us & make it happen.

ThorssonTrump ago

you do realize that the criminal activities you committed here will result in an IP ban, and reports being sent directly to the appropriate authorities on the new site, right?

paid shills like you have no human rights when acting as representatives of non-living entities.

Rotteuxx ago

Cool, once that's cleared up I can sue you and shut you down.

ThorssonTrump ago

@puttitout you let one of the retarded shills of it's leash again. muzzle your bitch.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It's sad that InSaneGoat thinks using his downvoatbot alts will somehow make people believe his retardation.

InsaneGoatISwear ago


Rotteuxx ago

True, but still, he's not as entertaining as last year. I think he might have went from generic to brand name meds unfortunately.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

For a while he was in the running to best Amalek as king of spammers, shame his posts have gotten so low effort, quantity can't beat quality after all.