MarkTheNerd ago

Oh I'm sorry fuzzy! Please excuse my ignorance!!!

PiercingAjarDolphin ago

Kevdude, I definitely think you're wrong on this one. If he was truly concern trolling, he'd be way more retarded than this. These people aren't Penis Wizards you know?

Reow ago

I'm literally talking about everyone who is tearing this place down rather than building it up. Scandy made a post to this effect on here (may still be stickied).

Reow ago

With a spork!

But seriously, he's been hating on @thegoldenboy and @Calorie-Kin for ages now. @G4 was a golden child, but when he did something recently (I don't even remember what, but I think it was yesterday), he was added to the hit list. For some reason kev has moved me from 'good' to 'neutral' and our sub from 'neutral' to 'evil'. I'm not entirely sure why, but part of it has to do with mods not wanting to make pledges and me refusing to remove them for it.

G4 ago

I just said I didn't like kevdude and he couldn't handle it

Mickgoestojail ago

You did kind of start that though, intentions aside, so he has a point.

Mickgoestojail ago

I dunno, let him have his say.

Are we even sure @Atko will take back the sub @Reow ? I know I saw @Puttitout say thanks but didn't say anything else.

Reow ago

It's sitting as pending. If I was Atko, by now I'd want to burn this entire site to the ground and strangle with my bare hands anyone who emerged from the flames. So many fucking ingrates for what the admins have provided.

Mickgoestojail ago

Lol noone is afraid of Homer and a lot of us like FPH despite his weak trolls over here.

HomerSimpson ago


MooseCommando ago

I'm afraid of @HomerSimpson

WhatEven ago

That's ok. It's early in the morning here.

WhatEven ago

I'm at a loss for words.

WhatEven ago

Wasn't voat created so that people could get away from that?

G4 ago

He tried attacking me too

WhatEven ago

So this is kevgate?

BloodPool ago

You have gato be kitten me.

MarkTheNerd ago

there's the paranoid part shining out like a beacon of insanity.

MarkTheNerd ago

i really hope you're joking. fuzzywords is one of the nicest people that i've met in and around voat. i can't imagine him wanting any sort of power sir. i think you might be a little paranoid android!

WhatEven ago

What's going on?

BloodPool ago

Just kevdude trying to stir a non-existent drama web.

WhatEven ago

Why? Why not just leave the drama for facebook?

BloodPool ago

I ask this question every day.

BloodPool ago

Stop being stoooopid Kevin.

Call_Me_Kelly ago

Seriously, this stupidity is going to color everything kev says going fwd, it's just a complete over reaction

LegoMyEgo ago

Oh fuck off.