captainstrange ago

I was reading the post and like "mf didn't include me."

Don't want to be doxxed? Don't threaten to doxx others.

This entire post is a list of people who see through srs/sbbh forum-sliding, sock-puppet, brigading bullshit masquerading as "jajajaja, just playing guis!"

ExpertShitposter ago

Add Pissant and auggs they are known ally's of discord group.

Can find some of their shit in the gabaras thread:

Been following me for days talking shit about PV "agenda".

Crensch ago

They do, indeed, seem to be in that unreasonable camp.

gabara ago

Thanks for putting this together @Cresnch. Saved.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Just keep it blocked. And stop pinging me too. I almost forgot you existed and don't need to waste more time dealing with made up bullshit such as what you treated us to here.

Crensch ago

You've got more in common with him than I do.

Crensch ago

I don't associate with Kikes.

grassy-knoll ago

no... more kevdude bullshit with zero argument... carfull my ci is almost bui.... i may just slam this hooker hard or give you attention. you fucking faggo

grassy-knoll ago

lol @puttitout the iron fist is done here, the place is a fucking joke sorry... i cant help it

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

hii here, @the_grassy_knoll here over night here.... I lost 200 ccp in two nights thanks! simply because @kevdude and his crowd hates me.

brigades are fun aint @gabara @expershitposter @beetle

you see ... what ever

Crensch ago

Username for 3 days. Fuck off, useless sockpuppet account.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its Iron Fist alt.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

i find it funny you @ me in you your post yet tell me to fucck offf

the only answer to that

it just show you sbbh bs crowd, that want tot shit post in every verve the wat.... good good destroying voat. we all hate you

Crensch ago

Fuck off of this site, sockpuppet.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

i am fucking off, you destroyed the site to something hideous

Crensch ago

Your kind won't be welcome anywhere soon. Enjoy the bitter almonds, Jew!

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

Your kind won't be welcome anywhere soon.

its funny we were laughing one day... now you all against me!!! oh no.

why call me a jew... im not.. do you like being retarded?

Crensch ago

Act like a Jew, gassed like a Jew

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

i only have 10 comments... you made it the place great @kevdude @puttiout

Crensch ago

You've been here 3 days and somehow think you can assert that @kevdude is SBBH.

Sock. Puppet. Account.

grassy-knoll ago

but its okay crench you have your ccp and big boys behind you

Crensch ago

If I'm wrong, they'll call me on it.

Guess what?

grassy-knoll ago


grassy-knoll ago

its also funny because retards like you dont know who im the canary

Crensch ago

I don't care, and no you aren't. You haven't been since putt spanked you and sent you away.

grassy-knoll ago


grassy-knoll ago

Im honestly dont with with this place, with retards like you i might as well stick my hand in a fire

Crensch ago

We'll do it for you, soon enough.

grassy-knoll ago

donnit it correct, fuck off

thank for making this place a shit place i wont bother put, hes probably in your bed

grassy-knoll ago

I find it funny that you claim im a jew... yet you censor me

Crensch ago


Huh, imagine that!

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

maybe you shoud downvoate me more faggot

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

Username for 3 days

really i thou better of of you, you taking too many notes from kevedude.... i suppose he is a fag

freshmeat ago

He claims to have around 200.

Source? I've never hid the alt usernames I had to stop using due to censorship.

They are definitely manufacturing the appearance of consensus. They are also pushing for moderation in system subs. This attack is organised and focus. The real SRS.

This accusing others of what you are guilty is ONLY useful for liars. It seems effective on the surface but trust me people aren't as stupid as you would hope them to be.

And there is a very likely possibility a few of you are following me around intentionally agreeing with me on fresh accounts to make them look like my alt. I can prove all the alts I have, the only one that I can use freely is this one.

freshmeat ago

If any of this were true and you were actually seeking justice it would take a lot of effort, but i've seen first hand how easily you lie so I'm sure this took you 5 mins tops to concoct.

This post is a great example of legitimate internet misinformation campaigns shills use on reddit, as well as here now as of late. Good luck, truth always prevails.

freshmeat ago

The 1st arrchive is completely made up bullshit that shows how low PV, Kev and you have sunk. You're Amalek for as far as I'm concerned considering your dedication to a cause, even if it is actual SRS bullshit.

the second archive shows a cancer mod of a @system sub who banned me based upon the lies of the first archive, and also happens to be in the same place as you quite often. Btw, those alts are dormant. They are effectively censored so there is no point in using them.

the 3rd archive is a reiteration of the second one. Which by the way shows how fuckin insane and SJW-like you actually are to try this hard to spin reality so you uhave less interence in shilling on Voat, and doing damage control for your pedo friends over at the mod team of /v/Pizzagate.

the 4th archive... dude like I said in my initial comment about this post. You aren't even trying. You just lie lie lie.

Crensch ago

The 1st arrchive is completely made up bullshit

How do you "make up" archives, exactly?

the second archive shows a cancer mod of a @system sub who banned me based upon the lies of the first archive, and also happens to be in the same place as you quite often. Btw, those alts are dormant. They are effectively censored so there is no point in using them.

Admitting to using MYG alts.

the 3rd archive is a reiteration of the second one.

The second one you admitted to using the MYG alts of?

the 4th archive... dude like I said in my initial comment about this post. You aren't even trying. You just lie lie lie.

If only your Jewish ways could survive the age of the archive.

freshmeat ago

The post is made up. It's fake news.

Admitting to using MYG alts.

When have I ever denied being myself?

The second one you admitted to using the MYG alts of?

I told you those accounts exist but they aren't used due to censorship. Stop ignoring that you god damned faggot.

If only your Jewish ways could survive the age of the archive.

Trust me I love archive. Do you think you are going to catch people off guard saying im worried about archives when I actively encourage it in /v/realProtectVoat?

Crensch ago

I think you think your lies will work here, and it's hilarious. Please, keep going, Amalek. It's amusing to watch you squirm when you finally wake the giant.

freshmeat ago

You are going to double down on pretending I'm amalek? Anyone can be amalek.

Crensch ago

You admitted to it, did you not? On the account @National_Anthem? Here? When in November of last year you accused @Naught405 of being a SRS redditor? (you know, like you're doing to more people now?)

freshmeat ago

That archive has zero context to it, you shills hate context. Later on I clarified what SBBH was doing to take over Identitarian to him and he agreed with me.

I told you those accounts exist but they aren't used due to censorship. Stop ignoring that you god damned faggot.

Crensch ago

That archive has zero context to it

All the context it needs is right there.

you shills hate context.

You Jews love pretending there's some context in which childfuckers are OK.

Later on I clarified what SBBH was doing to take over Identitarian to him and he agreed with me.

Identitarian is dead.

I told you those accounts exist but they aren't used due to censorship. Stop ignoring that you god damned faggot.

You. Use. Alts.

freshmeat ago

All the context it needs is right there.

you leave out the part where you guys attack identitarian and are focusing on me pointing it out.

You Jews love pretending there's some context in which childfuckers are OK.

see? i told you it was easy to lie. Now I'm a jew (when i've always been against kikes) and now I enable pedophilia (when I've done nothing but call out pedos on Voat since I got here) and you are going to say this while you are under investigation with the rest of the mod team in PG? Did you honestly think it was going to be that easy to troll people away from the subject?

Identitarian is dead.

Seem alive and with quality content to me. The new one is a shitpost factory.

You. Use. Alts.

Proof? I've explained to you multiple times why I created new accounts, in fact the admin @PuttItOut encourages users to make a new account if they are having problems with their original.

Crensch ago

you leave out the part where you guys attack identitarian and are focusing on me pointing it out.

How does that context change anything at all?

see? i told you it was easy to lie. Now I'm a jew

After you've called me SBBH and a pedophile? Aww puddin'

Seem alive and with quality content to me. The new one is a shitpost factory.

1 - 4 - 19 - 0 - 5

Oh, one of 'em got to a whole TWO DIGIT NUMBER! and, you know, four posts in a day, WHEW! super fast seeing as how you faggots barely managed one a day for some time there.

You. Use. Alts.

Proof? I've explained to you multiple times why I created new accounts,


in fact the admin @PuttItOut encourages users to make a new account if they are having problems with their original.

I'm sure the users reading this would LOVE to know why THIS account all of a sudden isn't having those same issues. Why is that, Amalek?

freshmeat ago

How does that context change anything at all?

Anyone who was defending your hostile take over of that sub I was attacking. After explaining to Naught what was going on he sided with me.

Oh, one of 'em got to a whole TWO DIGIT NUMBER! and, you know, four posts in a day, WHEW! super fast seeing as how you faggots barely managed one a day for some time there.

I dont use it often but I stand with them. Like I said it's quality over quantity. You are attempting to turn every subverse into the shill version of /pol/.


Bitch is all you do is deflect?

I'm sure the users reading this would LOVE to know why THIS account all of a sudden isn't having those same issues. Why is that, Amalek?

Because you guys have fucked up too many times and gave me credibility. And I'm not Amalek, but keep saying that because surely people will take you seriously. Most of the people you are hoping to convince dont even know who amalek is. All the older goats know you are full of shit.

I have to go we can continue this at another time.

Crensch ago

Anyone who was defending your hostile take over of that sub I was attacking. After explaining to Naught what was going on he sided with me.

Don't care what he wound up doing.

I dont use it often but I stand with them. Like I said it's quality over quantity. You are attempting to turn every subverse into the shill version of /pol/.

It's garbage.

Bitch is all you do is deflect?

Is projecting all you do?

Because you guys have fucked up too many times and gave me credibility. And I'm not Amalek, but keep saying that because surely people will take you seriously. Most of the people you are hoping to convince dont even know who amalek is. All the older goats know you are full of shit.

Well, maybe you shouldn't act like a faggot so often. Who gave you credibility? Nobody fucked up enough to make you credible.

I have to go we can continue this at another time.

Again, I doubt it.

WhiteRonin ago

You are replying to sane ;-)

He still hasn’t gotten past his particular writing quirks. Also notice how he finally made a sub to fight the “good” fight ?

Notice how @tallest_skil has been quiet recently then fresh meat pops up? Hmmm

Tallest_Skil ago

Notice how your statement has absolutely no bearing on reality, you fucking kike? Literally any moderator or administrator can prove you wrong instantly by checking IPs and browser strings. You always run away when this is mentioned. Now why could that possibly be. Reported for libel.

WhiteRonin ago

So what is my IP?

It is being recorded in the DB and so is yours. I have looked at the code on GitHub before. Big fucking how far did I run?

I love all your false statements and never a shred of prooof to prove your argument.

As always your points are weak as fuck.

Tallest_Skil ago

so what is my IP?

You tell me.

ha ha wow you are the one making false statements i sure am not wow lol ha ha

Cry more, race traitor.

WhiteRonin ago

And? Where is the proof fagget?

Tallest_Skil ago

That you’re a race traitor? You said it yourself.

WhiteRonin ago


Stop poking your dick in that mayonnaise hole. It’s confusing you.

Tallest_Skil ago

>calls himself “white ronin”

>admits to marrying an Asian

>”lol where’s the proof i’m a race traitor”

This is the level of shill they’re sending us, folks.

WhiteRonin ago

Whatcha gonna on about nickel back?

Tallest_Skil ago

>calls himself “white ronin”

>admits to marrying an Asian

>”lol where’s the proof i’m a race traitor”

This is the level of shill they’re sending us, folks. Å

WhiteRonin ago

Oh my ! The wanna be troll got trolled ... muhahah

That’s some mighty low skil school boy.

captainstrange ago

@WhiteRonin, cry more faggot.

WhiteRonin ago

Ok Mr CNN,

Who on Voat besides you, your alts and shill friends?

captainstrange ago

Haha, thats rich coming from you. I wish you could hear my derisive laughter.

WhiteRonin ago

Am I supposed to be impressed?

captainstrange ago

No, in fact, you're not impressing anyone.

WhiteRonin ago

Haven’t tried so why should I expect results.

You on the other hand are failing massively.

captainstrange ago

Haven’t tried so why should I expect results.

So thats why you are projecting your massive failure.

To make up for the size of your small jewish cock.

WhiteRonin ago


Can’t hold a civil arguement, can you now mate.

Try harder! SchoolBoyStrange!

captainstrange ago

Where is the proof fagget?

Much for civil arguments eh?

So you're a coward and a hypocrite.

WhiteRonin ago

You opened the door and let me in. No hypocracy in that.

U r still a fagget.

captainstrange ago

takes one to know one.

WhiteRonin ago

Actually, no you don’t.

Crensch ago

Oh, and thank you!

WhiteRonin ago


I never had anything against sane until he started with these alts. Now I have fun looking for them.

Crensch ago

You know, despite calling him out on being other usernames, I honestly cannot seem to piece together similar writing styles with usernames.

I constantly have to be told who I'm responding to.

If I had a kryptonite, that'd be it - though other than wasting my time, I don't know how they could use it against me. Usually @Trigglypuff or @kevdude helps me out with that, but feel free to let me know any time you see this kind of thing; I surely appreciate it!

WhiteRonin ago

Sane switched up his style a bit but still hasn’t nailed the switch down and will revert back to old habits.

We don’t cross paths much but I am for protecting voat. So, will do. Have a good one!

Womb_Raider ago

MYG and Sane aren't the same person. Of this I am certain. I also have severe doubts that Tallest_Skil is sane.

freshmeat ago

sound a bit triggered, shill 😂

Crensch ago

You sound like a Jew, SRS.

weezkitty ago

Subverse 'TheSRSList' requires 10000CCP to downvote

Yawn. These motherfuckers have no credibility

freshmeat ago

Thanks, for some reason I never got a ping for this post when it was originally submitted.

11672839? ago

Me neither, only first 5 mentioned get pings. I found it while looking for Crensch lying to me yesterday, about his affiliation with SBBH.

Crensch ago

I'm sure it'll be interesting trying to figure out how to explain this one away.

freshmeat ago

Don't worry, tomorrow morning I'll make a post about it. Got better things to do on friday night

Crensch ago

I doubt it. On both accounts.

freshmeat ago

Ill make sure you get a ping, unlike this post.

Crensch ago

At least I don't have multiple alts to upvote myself with.

freshmeat ago

You dont use vote brigades? Yeah and Elvis is still alive.

I've actually asked the admins to help me confirm for others I don't use vote manipulation or false consensus.

you are unequivocally full of shit, and this post is easily debunked. Like I said, tomorrow.

Crensch ago

You dont use vote brigades? Yeah and Elvis is still alive.

Not at all.

I've actually asked the admins to help me confirm for others I don't use vote manipulation or false consensus.

Oh, I PMd putt on it. Don't you worry.

you are unequivocally full of shit, and this post is easily debunked. Like I said, tomorrow.

Projection, not it's not, and I doubt it.

freshmeat ago

Not at all.

and we are supposed to take your word on it when this sub is exactly what it claims to be against? I'm sure when everyone here is notified, all of them including myself can prove you wrong in front of an audience. You hope people's attention spans are short and they dont pay attention so ill wrap it up nicely for the community.

Oh, I PMd putt on it. Don't you worry.

So have I.

Projection, not it's not, and I doubt it.

Except you cannot show me a single time I've ever lied which makes it even easier to counter your shill bullshit since I dont have to cover up lies. It's difficult being honest, it's easy to lie. That's why weak people like you lie and seek power on the internet, even so far as to protect pedophiles on this website.

Crensch ago

and we are supposed to take your word on it when this sub is exactly what it claims to be against? I'm sure when everyone here is notified, all of them including myself can prove you wrong in front of an audience. You hope people's attention spans are short and they dont pay attention so ill wrap it up nicely for the community.

Prove it. You made the implied accusation that I vote brigade. Prove it.

So have I.


Except you cannot show me a single time I've ever lied

The 1st arrchive is completely made up bullshit

Yeah, not made up. The archives there speak for themselves. You are a liar.

which makes it even easier to counter your shill bullshit since I dont have to cover up lies. It's difficult being honest, it's easy to lie. That's why weak people like you lie and seek power on the internet, even so far as to protect pedophiles on this website.

Another lie of yours. Kek. How embarrassing.

freshmeat ago

That archive was from the day everyone was posting as Amalek you fucking dumbass. Ill get the way back machine to show how you shills latch onto something to twist it into your narrative.

Prove it. You made the implied accusation that I vote brigade. Prove it.

As soon as you prove that I personally am actively using alts.

Crensch ago

Explain how this alt is somehow not subject to the issues you had with your other ones.

freshmeat ago

I dont know and I'm not going to jinx it, but what you are asking me is "why has SBBH and my sub /v/ProtectVoat stopped birgading you into censorship?"

Maybe you guys stopped brigading me because despite your efforts to disband Voat chat and discord (so far as banning the domain entirely from Voat) , people are paying attention. I see users that have been here for awhile that Ive never spoken to start calling out SBBH and PV lately. People are listening because people prefer the truth over being deceived. Deception is your game which is amusing considering you had to pull the kike card out of your ass. I love it because it will obviously backfire but you jews do not think that far into the future. "Just call everyone we hate a kike, then the anti-semites will become powerless!"

Like I said, I have to go we can continue another time.

Crensch ago

I dont know and I'm not going to jinx it, but what you are asking me is "why has SBBH and my sub /v/ProtectVoat stopped birgading you into censorship?"

Kek. Not even close. Nice begging the question, though.

Maybe you guys stopped brigading me because despite your efforts to disband Voat chat and discord (so far as banning the domain entirely from Voat) , people are paying attention. I see users that have been here for awhile that Ive never spoken to start calling out SBBH and PV lately.

You mean your alts, and the other faggots that don't like it when I post against Jews and cancermods?

People are listening because people prefer the truth over being deceived. Deception is your game which is amusing considering you had to pull the kike card out of your ass.

It's the nature of the Jew to accuse you of what he's doing.

I love it because it will obviously backfire but you jews do not think that far into the future. "Just call everyone we hate a kike, then the anti-semites will become powerless!"

I'll be sure to turn the oven a bit hotter if I know it's you inside. You've provided a good bit of entertainment in your Jew life, at least.

Like I said, I have to go we can continue another time.

Like I said, I don't believe you.

11672799? ago

If you had credibility, I'd ask, but you dont.

"I've got no link to SBBH." - Crensch

...except all the worst ones.

Crensch ago

PuttsDad ago

I never saw this thread when you originally posted...

The pic is accurate, that's for sure, +1 :)


Crensch ago

Oh, wow. THE Mick? Does anyone else know you're here or is it a secret?

freshmeat ago

You are 100% SRS/SBBH

and nice downvote requirements, im sure people are going to take your safe space seriously.

Crensch ago

Aww, can't get your alt army to come brigade this place?

freshmeat ago

thats pretty fuckin ironic of you to say. And no, we are adamantly against brigading. Without brigading there would be no censorship because votes would actually matter.

Crensch ago

thats pretty fuckin ironic of you to say. And no, we are adamantly against brigading.

Just like Islam is the Religion of Peace, I assume.

Without brigading there would be no censorship because votes would actually matter.

Not if your mods like @Kadynce stay in power.

freshmeat ago

Just like Islam is the Religion of Peace, I assume.

What the fuck does that have to do with the subject matter at hand. Now you are acting like a liberal, surprise.

Not if your mods like @Kadynce stay in power.

Cheesebooger ago

Need to add Joe McCarthy

Crensch ago

Got him here

Haven't seen him active in the current SRS crap, has he been shoving his kike head out of the ground and I just haven't seen it?

Cheesebooger ago

He's been on me several times over the last week pushing blatant jewry to the point that its absurd.

Crensch ago

Is he part of the above crew that accuses others of being SRS?

I'm pretty sure he's a JIDF-style shill, but the above is specifically about the cancermods accusing US of being the cancer here, not just Jewry.

Cheesebooger ago

Oh, no I don't think he's a cancer mod that I know of. I definitely believe him to be either SRS or JIDF. He isn't very intelligent though like some of the others. I've also been watching and had a few run-ins with derram. I'm still scratching my head about that lol

Crensch ago

Derram? Huh... that's a new one on me.

Yeah, the above list is more about the latest wave of faggots accusing PV of being SRS (when THEY are the ones supporting the cancermods and trying to push for mod's rights over free speech)

Joe_McCarthy is most definitely worthy of being on a shill list. Hmm, It's about that time again.

Crensch ago

Perhaps another email to him from you might help there - mine didn't mention wearing him down, but let him know that there are those of us that support him and do what we can to help.

Crensch ago

Already emailed putt about it, letting him know that it's something that's growing, and will likely become a huge issue in the near future.

Rotteuxx ago

He's also stumbling a lot more in his lies lately :

I think we're wearing him out slowly, let's leep logging !

ExpertShitposter ago

Nice list. Problem is a lot of these accounts are basically freshmeat alts and IronFist alts and they will become irrelevant quickly as they just make new ones. Still, nice sub, ill post some stuff later.

Crensch ago

Sounds good

Rotteuxx ago

Speaking of unusual downvoat quantities with so few replies, same thread :

Nice write up m8 ! Didn't I mention something a few weeks ago about winter time being shilling time for this alt club ?

It's almost like a revenge against all the criminal shills from last year whom are still active users :

Crensch ago

Yep. They don't like us much.