TinyRick ago

OMG WOOOOOO I made the list!

CujoQuarrel ago

Dammit. Didn't make the list again

SaneGoatiSwear ago

  1. i've had plenty of shills attempt to get into my "good graces" when that's a false attribution to my character. i treat all the same. i attempt my best to speak to all users, when i see shilling i call it out. consistent shilling gets you named a shill. goats shill. non-goats come here to shill. redditors come to shill, phucks comes to shill... so, you know

  2. i have no good graces, if you missed in the last part

  3. markzilla is clearly a shill lol

antiracist ago

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh, check out the faggiest comment chain ever, thanks to adhdferret.


Bojangles ago

Dat nigga retarded

0011011000111001 ago

hey dude, haven't heard back from you yet.. curious why i ended up on this list. i don't have a problem with you :p

MrPim ago

To refute you. I shill for no one. I say what I say for me and me alone. Just because I've told you off doesn't make ma a shill.

digitalentity1497 ago

Bonnie and Clyde level for sure.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

please show that the evidence provided is not shilling.

your plea has been noted.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'm sorry, your name is "fucking retard"? i didn't catch that.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

thanks, correct the record.

we're now at a point where it's appropriate to point out new information

possible PAID shill. 50%. @puttitout

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh my i forgot about you, empress

and your handful of alts lol.

please enter a plea of guilty or not guilty in a court of public opinion

SaneGoatiSwear ago

like you? you want a hugbox, boy.

you do! you fight every day to silence users you disagree with by pushing a chilling effect.

i fight for your right to speak freely, but not for your right to create an air of self-censorship

SaneGoatiSwear ago

confirmed self-censor user.

lower level achieved by the derka

Redditsdead ago

I don't know if I should feel proud or ashamed that I didn't make the list.

Fuck you sane goat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i know! all these shills flipping out all at once

it is epic!

Mick ago

And I'm on Voat, so think about how little I value my time already, then place yourself below that.

Goddammit this needs gilding!

digitalentity1497 ago

I'm impressed at all the time you invested in this Sane. Really.

Womb_Raider ago


(Hi Rabbi)

MetalAegis ago

Hey, since you went through all the trouble you might as well post the evidence against me, I'm curious now.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ayyyyyyy daniel!

Womb_Raider ago

Sane, you are an idiot for putting me on this list. You have absolutely no credible reason for doing so, and moreover, no credibility yourself.

I used to like you. Now I just resent you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it's funny you would use the word resent

butt hurt confirmed

not a single user of voat has gotten under my skin.

i don't really get how it's so hard for you to let things go.

Womb_Raider ago

It's not funny, Sane. In my eyes you're making a joke of free speech. Is that funny to you?

Have you never heard the fable of the boy who cried wolf?

It would be easier to let things go if you didn't cause an uproar every week for attention.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

character attack

straw man

scripted response

behavior policing

100% mediocre shilling

guilty plea is entered

Womb_Raider ago

Define shill for me.

fujin ago

Well articulated but I think you're spinning your wheels, I'm almost convinced this is Amalek when his mask starts slipping off. His characteristic is consistently inconsistent.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i did the work to archive and make a compendium of a selection of many of shilly comments and posts made at me

what will you do?

eagleshigh ago

Why continue responding to this guy? Don't even acknowledge him. It's clear he has no life.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

find your comments, the evidence, in the linked megaposts at the top of this thread.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

pleads not guilty

Rotteuxx ago

Bah, mostly his alts will cry out.

I'm not at all convinced he has such a big following besides impressionable young men who need a leader to form an opinion, cut the head.

turtlesarepureevil ago

I liked him before he called me a shill. I even fapped to his posts. I feel so used.


Rotteuxx ago

I wouldn't bat an eye if Putt deleted his account, I wouldn't see it as censorship but as seeing to Voats best interests.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout notice the shills calling for the admin-level silencing of a user. @adhdferret and @rotteuxx are anti-free-speech, and here's the best proof you'll probably ever get. they don't care about the idea of free speech. they're just vindictive little children who demand they get their way.

@kevdude hey shill, just thought you'd want to know, these two are the company you keep, just for example.

Rotteuxx ago

We're not anti free speech, we're caring goats fed up with your bullshit disruptive spam and vote manipulation. Big difference

Rotteuxx ago

@Sanegoatiswear : "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Did we hurt your fee-fees by stating our opinion about your cancerous existence ?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attack

personal attack

personal attack

well that's a guilty plea, then?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

your account will just end up a memory

it used to be

it will be as if you never existed

so now i'll be remembered forever!!!!

Mick ago

Fuck off back to reddit you whiny bitch.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

uh you two?

im just one person lol. to whom are you referring other than me?

SaneGoatiSwear ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

you will switch names

see this shilling everyone?

attempting to paint me as somethig i'm not - - again like the 1000th time.

1.5 years

still here ferret. try again.

user attempts to shill in the thread

obvious shill is obvious

common_sense ago

You said you'd add me to your shill list, but I am not there!

I am quite frankly disappointed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

like i just wrote

this is not a complete list. "just a taste"

so you plead guilty?

Precipitate ago

I'm convinced sane is just a talented troll going for an epic amount of downvoats. Soldier on my friend and take these downvoats to help you on your way.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol no

i am just a goat.

who speaks freely

and when attacked defends himself.

look at the links at the top

3 10,000 character comments posts and 1 10,000 character post post

that's just from a few months

and not all of it, just some of it.

i am not trolling.

these users have spent upwards of 1000 hours shilling just against me.

that is not a troll.

that is a fucking war.

and i speak louder when told to shush.


i am but an idea

no longer a goat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

"court of public opinion"

how do you plead?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh you know this already from chat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

pleads the 5th

fair enough

you have the most amount of evidence against you.

public opinion is already in on you as far as i can see.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you have been found to have shilled for censorship on voat.

how do you plead?

[user seems to be pleading the 5th]

SaneGoatiSwear ago

defamation per se

criminal shill confirmed

how do you plead?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

shill in this sense is consistently using the behavioral set. it has nothing to do with organization nor payment.

you would be looking for the term "paid shill" like many of those CTR were who came during the run up to the election.

fujin ago

So you use a particular behavioral set, does this make you a

Confirmed shill

I love how you're infallible and immune to this... By your accounts and definition anyways. Time to get back on the meds bud.

smokratez ago

It's too late though. People don't even care as well.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


speak for yourself

smokratez ago

You still think this place can be saved then?

SaneGoatiSwear ago


ExpertShitposter ago


I am not a whore shill since i do it for free, but i am therefore a slut shill. I admit to shilling for the following movements/philosophies:

  1. National socialism, and the teachings of father Adolf Hitler.

  2. Eradication of Muslims.

  3. Eradication of console gamers.

  4. Eradication of pedos.

  5. Eradication of the singer Meat Loaf and Bruno Mars.

  6. The shitpost revolution, and the right to modify v/whatever css.

  7. The right to bear T-80 tanks, and drive them on public roads.

As for my crimes against you, i think they are pretty lenient.



If you find this difficult to bear, think of what my fellow box posters have to put up with, from me.

What is my punishment, honorable judge InsaneGoat?

On a more serious note, i don't think you even understand what the word shill means.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

used here on voat: "promoter of an agenda"

the agenda: censorship, silencing others, ending free speech, chilling effect, creating an air of self-censorship, behavior policing, - - specifically and in whole: one who consistently used disinformation tactics and fallacy to attack others' for their speech, to silence their speech, to discredit them, to make them self-censor etc.

you may well be an expert shitposter,

but you have targeted users during other shills' campaigns against users, whom were absolutely intent upon silencing those users and or assassinating their character on voat

and you did aid in those attempts with what may ordinarily just be shitposting.

thus, regardless of whether or not you're normally just an excellent shitposter

you did participate in attacks on other users with shills.

it is agreed, with the shill pleading guilty to shilling, that this shill @expertshitposter was never considered a paid shill. just to have shilled.

@puttitout we need badges for all the shills here. they should all be marked lol.

oh go for it, you wonky bastard.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hahah. You crazy goat.

In seriousness, I have done only two attack actions on voat ever. I have made anti-pedo posts with the intention of making pedos feel unwelcome, and since that's fun for me i will probably do it again. Because internet shit-talking is NOT serious businesses.

Second, i have suggested regulations on the use of bots, while pointing at derram. Many people agreed with me in that specific thread and it perhaps it sank in a bit better when someone was apparently bot downvoating for a few days.

Everything else ever was just shitposting and ball busting in the box.

I would wear my badge with honor. The mark of (in)SaneGoat. But the way you are going, 90% of voaters are gonna get that badge, including atko and putt.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

while this was just a small section of what i have

it's no where near 90. ... i hope.

just shitposting

like i said, you participated in it, you admit it, you admit guilt.

you are a goat that participated in a massive effort to shill for someone's silence on voat, and worse.

you may be an expert shitposter

and surely the punishment is simply awareness and @puttitout give 'em all the bage you gave p0ssum!!

let voat see for all time

at least one goat who did wrong was honest and admitted it!!

may this also be on record.

still stern face tho 8[

ExpertShitposter ago

But you don't understand. The pedos MUST be gassed! Lives of children depend on it.

bdmthrfkr ago

I didn't make your list? Fuck man, I feel left out!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you plead guilty?

bdmthrfkr ago

In the court of the Sane Goat? I thought that just appearing was a hanging offense.

I plead innocent your honor, I just felt a bit lonely!

Foralltoosee ago

Some pretty good names up there. I guess I don't Voat hard enough to have gotten official shill status. :(

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so you plead guilty?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

this was a non-exaustive list.







turtlesarepureevil ago

Was this because I said I fapped to your posts? If so, I'm not stopping. Do your worst.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Love how you added @puttitout, who is pretty much the CEO at this point, brilliant, really bolster the credibility of your assertions.

And I don't want to hear it, I even went through the trouble of defending you once when some dip-shit was calling you "schizo" or some such.

Redditsdead ago

Yeah, I made the mistake of defending him, only for him to lose it on my shortly after for supporting Lockeproposal. Fuck that asshole in his ear.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

did i forget you?

would you like to be added to the list of shills?

please provide evidence of you shilling;

thanks in advance!

CujoQuarrel ago

Have you been able to come up with a definition of 'shill' yet?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what's it called when you pick one little part of the argument....

oh yeah


and also, appeal to something or other


you have been accused of shilling

how do you plead?

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

My bad, hit the wrong reply button. Have an upvoat to make up for it.

Rotteuxx ago

But he's paid to hang around here with his alts, couldn't breach that contract.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


let the war begin. @puttitout your silence is deafening.

ToVoatOrNotToGoat ago

Id sooner fuck a goat.

MarkTheNerd ago

If I'm a shill because I don't agree with everything you post, then so be it. Think what you will, just leave me out of your political agenda.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

still shilling

you have been accused of being found to be shilling for censorship.

how do you plead?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@insanegoatiswear you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@protectdeeznuts @truthseaker @techius @techius22 @commonorgardengoat you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

TruthSeaker ago

How did I make this list? I plead not guilty.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

please find your comment evidence in the linked mega posts.

you were found to be shilling.

you plead not guilty.

please prove the comments you made were not shilling (used here, disinformation tactics/fallacious speech consistently)

and you're off the list.

TruthSeaker ago

There is no evidence of me "shilling" in the mega thread.

protectdeeznuts ago

Did you discuss this with your shrink first?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @silentsmoker @sadmanstan @kimchiwarrior @cancel-cat-facts you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@metalaegis @cheap_knockoff @cassis @tippyc @innocentbystander you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

tippyc ago

Lmfao, did you look at my account? I'm basically a lurker that makes an occasional comment. Shill? Fuck off.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I plead that you're a no-life troll with nothing better to do than to shitpost on the internet all day long, and that assertions made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Don't waste my time with this tripe.

MetalAegis ago

I plead that you should fuck off.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@codewow @morbo @markzila @webofslime @lemongarb you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

Lemongarb ago

Hey, buddy! What's up?

Codewow ago

I plead guilty! For years I would censor my swearing to not offend. Now I don't give a fuck! I've changed my ways for the better!

Markzila ago

I demand evidence, and once you cannot provide this evidence to show that I am "a shill" beyond a reasonable doubt, I then demand you accept the fact that you have been deemed a poor judge of others! This is a conclusion of many, and the evidence I have is your lack of evidence in accusing me to be "a shill," so how do you plead? ...actually I don't care how you plead, bc a jury of your peers has found you guilty countless times. You attempt to label me a shill for censorship is in itself an attempt to censor, so in conclusion suck a bag a dicks you autistic faggot!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

evidence is linked. the sheer overwhelming amount of shilling against me alone

requires you to find your comments in the lists.

take your time.

pleas are all guilty, proven beyond reasonable doubt.

for all to see

everything is archived

no use deleting.

some already have.

Markzila ago

I demand you supply the evidence against me as an individual in the same thread that you have accused me in! Explain why anything you can supply is enough to justify the label of "shill." People who have opinions that differ from you are not all shills. If you DO NOT present the REQUIRED EVIDENCE and CONTEXT to support YOUR CLAIM, you are simply acknowledging your inability to produce any evidence.

No where in the world do prosecutors and/or judges accuse citizens of crimes and then demand that the citizen then go seek out the evidence against themselves to make a case. It is a MORONIC and UNAMERICAN concept, in fact the act of doing so is evidence that you are not capable of any responsibility in this community as far as modding or helping admins!

Now I repeat myself once more, since you are autistic as fuck and may also have ADHD which prevents you from completing this simple request! PRESENT YOUR EVIDENCE in this thread! If you cannot, it only demonstrates for the masses your lack of ability to judge or accuse others. Any and all accusations from this point forward without direct evidence to support such claims will be treated by the community the same way we would treat a mentally ill women who is making their 100th false rape claim against the latest stranger they saw in public! You will lose the last shred of credibility you might have left, so I suggest your next reply be the "evidence" you claim to have against me, or a very sincere apology for harassing me or any other possible falsely accused Voater. I will consider accepting your apology, which might show that you are mature enough to admit when your wrong. or at the very least, mature enough to admit your assumption of others are not currently supported by real evidence and therefor those assumptions should not be treated as if they were.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

evidence is 40,000 characters plus

yours is in another thread.

by all means, go find it asshole.

this is just a post on a website lol

not a court of law at all

(((oy vey!)))

Markzila ago

This post is now evidence against you! Which I, unlike you can provide at demand if you request it, since I have now found you to be incompetent, immature, incapably, and most importantly a shill for cunts around the world!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@whitesoimustberacist @blacksoimustberacist @LA6661 @jw48335 @1moar you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

1moar ago

You're on drugs.

Edit - or should be.

LA6661 ago

You're so full of shit homie it's not even funny I am not going to plead shit. I stead I'm going to go back to my cocktail and finish my game of pool ;l

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attack

hit and run?

how do you plead?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@wiseowl623 @pawn @crazyinaninsaneworld @longyybearr @0011011000111001 you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

0011011000111001 ago


I am against censorship in any form.

Not sure why you think that..

Pawn ago

how am I a shill, do you not remember me? I'm your friend pawn. You seriously cannot be turning a back on one of your closest friends.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@tehlolman @fujin @digitalentity1497 @firevine @00ellis you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

tehlolman ago

you've got that all wrong. you're the shill.

you fucking faggot.

Firevine ago

Kill yourself.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@unclespez1 @armyseer @nerobot @phobos_mothership @millennial_falcon you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@inhysterics @aou @ipunchnazis @candace @maelask3 you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

AOU ago

Can you point me to a shill post I made?

maelask3 ago

Fuck off, wacko.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@tzitzimitl @liberalpenguin @imyourbiggestfat @derek @13osiris13 you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@crewexpendable @thantik @anti-stupid @bonechip @morojax you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

Anti-Stupid ago

You failed to link the supposed evidence you have of my alleged shilling. Try again buddy.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@madetobebroken @doctor_strange @derkatalog @fortressomega @superconductiverabbi you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

MadeToBeBroken ago

Goddamnit. You found me out. Am I getting ten to fifteen years or is this something rehab and parole can solve?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

is this an admission of guilt? please confirm or deny

MadeToBeBroken ago

You tell me, officer.

Rotteuxx ago

He hasn't sent me that form yet !

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lies. you got it.

still shilling!

Rotteuxx ago

No seriously bud, I don't recal getting a form to enroll in paid reddit shill brigading.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@zombielordzero @0iamlordeyayaya0 @norwegianblackmetal @markthenerd @ginganinja you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

MarkTheNerd ago

I don't want you to be censored, I just don't like you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@adhdferret @rainy-day-dream @tovoatornottogoat @womb_raider @silversurfers you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

ToVoatOrNotToGoat ago

9/10 comments from sane include the word shill. 9/10 voater's think sanegoat is a shill. irony.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

You don't actually understand seem to what censorship is so that accusation doesn't mean much coming from you. I'm not a shill, and you ought to contact a psychologist.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attack

pleads not guilty

defamation per se

known criminal shill continuing criminal shilling while in the same breath pleading not guilty

obvious shill is obvious.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

personal attack

defamation per se


SaneGoatiSwear ago

@disappointed @failure @mickgoestojail @cynoclast @crensch you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@amalekshairyass @mick @broc_lia @rotteuxx @oeethagreat @selfreferenceparadox you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

SelfReferenceParadox ago

I post to a sub about banning people, what are you expecting? Also, the ping didn't work, weird.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I know you speak your words with glee
but I see only sadness.
for like the burning of a tree
your words are tinged with badness
For just a moment's modesty
you could return with gladness,
instead you let your mouth a-free
and blunder into madness.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

+1 for shill poetry!

Broc_Lia ago

Guilty your honour!

protectdeeznuts ago

Thread is gaining 4 upvotes a minute

SaneGoatiSwear ago

and -5 a minute lol

protectdeeznuts ago

That will happen when you ping 15 people a minute.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@kevdude @precipitate @tipman79 @mrpim @lockeproposal you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

MrPim ago

I'm sure they are glad to get your ping. It's meaningful when someone who never does it does so.

Plead? I would need to recognize your authority to plead anything. You're at best comic relief. But you're no longer funny.

Why are you still in my thread? I'll be recording this as harassment. I won't be a bitch and ping other users though. And if you continue, I won't tell you about it. You'll just be served.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


behavior policing

threatening legal action


user is talking to me in my thread suggesting somehow i'm harassing them, and actually threatening to serve me for it.

MrPim ago

In your thread?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

shill fails to realize it's responding to a 6 day old ping in sanegoat's thread

MrPim ago

And lastly. You pinged me in that thread. YOU called me, I can't be accused of harassing you when you call me there. You're a straight up idiot

MrPim ago

And you of your own volition admit it. In the middle of a conversation you start replying from a different thread. You have issues. If you were to die tomorrow, I'd come to your funeral. I'd bring party favors.

MrPim ago

SaneGoat posts deceptive posts because he has a mental issue.

MrPim ago

I plead lol

Tipman79 ago

You've accused us all of being shills, SJWs and on, yet never offer any proof. You're insane and should be institutionalized.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


proof is linked, including for you, shill.

defamation per se

criminal shilling confirmed

Tipman79 ago

You can keep saying it all you want, it doesn't change the fact that there's no proof at all.

Just people that disagree with you or otherwise find you aggravating.

defamation per se criminal shilling confirmed

I really don't think you understand what defamation is... also, what exactly is "criminal" shilling??

You need serious mental help.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

proof is linked

multiple 10,000 character posts of evidence


very low-level shill is very low-level

Tipman79 ago

The only thing you've done is linked to "proof" that a bunch of users here fucking hate you.

Go kill yourself. Please.

ToVoatOrNotToGoat ago

Please do it sane.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

I third this.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@p0ssumsalt @antiliberalsociety @womb_raider @tor1 you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

p0ssumsAlt ago

I plead that you are a fucking idiot. What do you plead?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@tinyrick @sanegoatoyswear @autoturret @seeprime @p0ssum you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

TinyRick ago

I think you should find a very deep hole and die in it...

I want you to take your fucking medication, and everyone else can have their freedoms.

p0ssum ago

LOL I plead you're a fucking idiot, what's your response?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@goatworrier @big_amish @innocentbystander @nadrewood @peaceseeker you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@expertshitposter @markzila @SaneGoatKnot @cassis @bikergang_accountant you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?

bikergang_accountant ago

Citation needed. I'm the guy that told pizzagate they need to stop censoring. I think you're a shill for being a shithead. I suppose that's your right and maybe worth shilling for.

Markzila ago

This is DOUBLE JEOPARDY! As long as I am an American I demand to be treated as such, and I will not stand silent while some unAmerican commie try to stack a double charge on me. I demand evidence, and once you cannot provide this evidence to show that I am "a shill" beyond a reasonable doubt, I then demand you accept the fact that you have been deemed a poor judge of others! This is a conclusion of many, and the evidence I have is your lack of evidence in accusing me to be "a shill," so how do you plead? ...actually I don't care how you plead, bc a jury of your peers has found you guilty countless times. You attempt to label me a shill for censorship is in itself an attempt to censor, so in conclusion suck a bag a dicks you autistic faggot!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@heygeorge @failure @fuzzywords @filmia @seeprime you've been found to be a shill for censorship. how do you plead?