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grendelbiter ago

While we're at it let's unmod the mod that did that.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@kadynce they want you gone

Maroonsaint ago

Can we kill this person?

Donky_punch ago

Nah just ban them

Maroonsaint ago

banning doesn’t remove the problem. It just spreads the problem.

Donky_punch ago

... do i really have to add an /s to my comment? This is a post about ridiculous banning. Jesus.

freshmeat ago

The ban description provides no context but the ban itself is a good ban.

Rotteuxx ago

Dude ! Switch alts, waiting for a reply in our other conversation.

freshmeat ago

Hopefully people seeing this don't think you are serious. This is a old tired argument. muh sanegoat muh amalek

Rotteuxx ago

You admitting to being @MightyYetGentle :

And an always interesting screenshot you provided a while back :

freshmeat ago

so what the fuck is your point?

Rotteuxx ago

This is a old tired argument. muh sanegoat muh amalek

Muh MYG ! Muh alts ! Because :

Hopefully people seeing this don't think you are serious.