Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

If posting clear rules and objectively enforcing them is "restricting" then yes.

You missed the part where a genuine retard proclaims himself to be the arbitrator of objectivity.

I notice your sub seems to be fairly active. No downvoting issues. Modlog looks clean so that means no one is spamming.

So let's pretend v/ProtectVoat didn't brigade it over the past month since you're not doing it right this instant.

So speculate and then pretend it's fact.

Speculation is speculation. Pretending is your thing.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Most people are aware that the problem with reddit is the fact that the admins will outright ban communities that are "too right wing." Then we migrate here and you restrict our ability to moderate, our communities get flooded with saboteurs and the quality goes to shit.

So either you don't recognize the problem or you're actively trying to fuck up this place worse than reddit.

We bounced a ton of SJWs out of default mod positions before you got here.

So that gives you the right to sabotage any community you want? Simply because a mod enforces subverse specific rules?

The only "powertripping" problem I see here is you. You try to control everything on this site. You sabotage communities when mods do something you don't like. You lack accountability and feel entitled to continue wrecking communities over petty bullshit. You're a cancer to Voat and you're never going to realize it unless Putt tells you to fucking stop. My main concern is that by the time he does it, it might be too late. So quit acting like you're some sort of savior when you're actually the single biggest problem. Just like the kikes.

If I wanted people to downvote you I would flat out fucking say it.

Which I'm sure you do, but not on a public message board for everyone to see.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

I document mods.

You "document mods" in the exact same way that the mainstream media "documents" right wingers: slander, petty outrage, and sabotage.

A major sub on Voat had just given primary ownership to someone with a reddit-style philosophy on moderation.

Protecting the community from saboteurs isn't "reddit-style philosophy." It's the basic job of a moderator.

A brigade post would be where I tell people to go downvote you.

Except that's not how it works when it's done out in the open. When a self-proclaimed "watchdog sub" has an autistic obsession with whining about certain subs over trivial bullshit, that's a signal to brigade. When a direct link is provided, that's 100% a brigade.

You just don't like that there is a watchdog group on Voat for abusive mods.

Why would I like it if I don't like /r/AgainstHateSubreddits? You're the same shit in a different wrapper.

And again, I am banned from v/european even though I broke none of its rules.

Brigading is against our rules.

So you are hardly in a position to start throwing rocks here.

Speech isn't violence, faggot.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Wasn't a brigade post.

This is a brigade post.

Pretty absurd that you won't even admit to something that obvious.

Really makes you think.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Ok so I made an honest mistake about whether I had known about the top spot yet. Pretty irrelevant but thanks for the correction.

You on the other hand just admitted that you wrote your brigade post before that conversation you linked to ever took place. Earlier you claimed that your ban was due to what you said in that conversation.

Keep trying to weasel your way out of this because you just keep digging yourself into a deeper hole. Go on, please continue.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

I made a post on PV pointing out that a new mod in a major sub was acting that way.

Wrong again. Your post was made before I even knew about Rambo's decision to give me the top mod spot. So there's not even a certain "way" I could've acted before you made your brigade propaganda.

It isn't a brigade, it is documenting it for the express purpose of making sure you never get on a system sub with your powertripping.

I have never shown interest in modding a new sub. Because I don't want to. I don't even use other subs so this point you just made is completely baseless.

You, on the other hand, are the one who people should be concerned about as far as "powertripping." That's how this conversation started, it's why you came here all heated about the facts being laid out, and it's why you detailed the conversation with your usual technique of baseless slandering.

People can see what you're doing. They're not as stupid as you think they are.

LiberatedDeathStar ago

So why not state that in your response to him, instead of anklebiting about him banning you?

LiberatedDeathStar ago

You gave me a lengthy description of how you expect the feature to behave, but did not answer my question. Do you support a feature that would allow moderators and communities to be affected by others, or do you not support this feature?

LiberatedDeathStar ago

So he has the right to do what he wants

He has the right to ban you for whatever reason.

and I don't have the right to comment on it?

You have the right to talk about it elsewhere (edit: from where he banned you), of course given that the place you talk permits you to, or that it is a place run by you. You do not have the right to force him to change his decision.

Not trying to force anyone to accomodate anything. Just letting people know what to expect in that sub.

Except that you bring this up after responding to his criticism of a specific feature that would allow external powers to influence him and consequently his ability to make these decisions. Do you support this feature or do you agree that it is wrong and bad for voat?

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

More lies. You were banned for inciting a brigade with v/ProtectVoat, which happened before that exchange you just linked to.

Without that piece of information that exchange can easily be misinterpreted, which I'm sure is exactly what you were going for with this.

LiberatedDeathStar ago

Why would I not be okay with that? I'm damn okay with that, because I like freedom.

He has the right to ban you for whatever reason he deems fit, and to contest that is how you end up with the authoritarianism of reddit, where the employees and admins get involved because they will not let the subreddits talk about what they please, obviously in the confines of the law, and will not let them moderate themselves as they please without interference. Limits on moderation, and the communities' abilities to restrict you for whatever reason they want, is the authoritarianism, as now you've removed their ability and freedom to enforce the rules in their own community, or even arbitrary rulings, how they deem fit, instead allowing appeals to admins and appeals to outside authorities to deny them that right.

A man has the right to censor you, remove you, refuse you entry, or otherwise restrict your speech however he deems fit in his house, or refuse to do business with you for whatever reason he wants, good or bad. You can leave if you don't like it, but forcing him to accommodate you is tyranny.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Questioning a ban

That's not what I said at all.

keep spinning faggot.

I would never try to out-spin the master spinner. What I said is the honest truth, and that's exactly why you're getting so worked up. You've been exposed so now you're just here to derail the conversation. How typical.

LiberatedDeathStar ago

His moderator style is correct. Strong moderation leads to quality communities, and the ability to ban brigaders or anyone for whatever reason is good. This "democratization" feature is a failure at its core, due to it obviously being exploitable by foreign elements to alter another subverse.

His criticism of brigading is correct. A moderator and other subverse has the right to not have them interfere with their community, and the right to remove them at their own discretion, for any reason they deem fit.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

You took over a sub

This is a blatant lie. I was already an Owner status moderator of the community before the creator decided to hand over the top spot to me, which he specifically made a post to address. Once you saw that post, you tried to take over the community with your usual method of sabotage. You earned yourself a ban for it and there's no one to blame but yourself.

You broke the rules. Accept responsibility. Stop whining like a bitch.

LiberatedDeathStar ago

No free speech is the reality of the world, nor does v/european recognizing that have anything to do with liberty or constitutionality, in the case of the United States. A man has the right to enforce his own rules in his own house, and deny entry to whomever he pleases for whatever reason he pleases, and v/european, as a community, thus also should have the right to do that. The right to enforce rules and deny entry for any reason, including speech, precludes the right to free association, although i am quite certain the concept of liberty escapes you.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

You bully users with mod tools then get mad when they push back.

Enforcing subverse-specific rules isn't "bullying." It's part of the user agreement, and you continually abuse it.

Fuck off

@PeaceSeeker This is the response he gives every single time someone points out that he sabotages communities. He's clearly not going to stop doing it unless there's a penalty for doing so. If he wants to act like a child then he should be treated as such.

11658235? ago

Ooh Delaware. Well there went my hopea of fat shaming some liberals...

11658215? ago

Commiefornia? Maybe they're from my state? ... maybe I can find them.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

The mods are faggots. Voat needs to ditch them.

11655614? ago

Delaware? I've never been to the east coast but someday I hope I can.

One_out_of_many ago

Shills are attempting to take over v/gaming

we are under attack goats, stand your ground,

dooob ago

Why do you care, you never post. Or are you a shill?

alexxhall ago


katerinajames ago

Yup! attitude is not a bad thing. The above title is so true.

DrunkViking ago

Eat a big bag of dicks. you doublegauged asshole

meandrunk ago

I think everyone associated with this drivel should be shadowbanned, with the exception that they should be able to see each other's posts. That would be hilarious!

albatrosv15 ago

Fph bans people left and right and nobody bats an eye.

This utter hypocricy.

PoetryPete ago

Fph is a niche fetish subverse even though its a large one. Gaming is a general public subverse that should be open to all.

HillBoulder ago

Shit is ugly in here!


If so, I hope voat wins.

powerpete ago

Good thinking Pete

PoetryPete ago

Thanks PP

Wildebeest ago

Fuck that mod

projection ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It's as verified as you being a SaneGoat Alt

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Watch out San I mean 9-11 will sue you for defamation!!!!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Do you really do think just repeating falsehoods will make them become true?

11655609? ago


Diggernicks ago

The site is pretty fucking gay that it hides your posts if you get downvotes. Too many newfag scum here take the internet too seriously. Censorship is lame anyway shape or form.

PoetryPete ago

to be fair, downvoats are the only way the community has of indicating the value to the community of a post

Some shit you don't want on HOT

Diggernicks ago

Free speech is not a popularity contest. Why not just go ahead and rename the site Reddit 2. If you're striving to create "value" with every post you're just pandering to the masses, exactly like a politician.

PoetryPete ago

The posts aren't removed and they are always in new. I go to new all the time so I see all posts. Downvoats don't censor anything for me.

You can't deny that once a community gets to a certain size a hive mind forms.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

its funny how this reached 96 upvoats @kevdude

that would be only 3 people

oftotc ago

Dude. Three hours. 85 comments. Where's my poem PoetryPete?

PoetryPete ago

What do you want a poem about?

oftotc ago

Attitude is not a reason for banning anyone. Even if he is an asshole.


PoetryPete ago

I know an asshole

he pokes and prods and annoys people

No ban is needed

oftotc ago

PoetryPete ago

I'll mediatate on it and git back to yer.

bernitdown ago

Voat is about freedom of speech. Don't like what someone has to say? Downvote them if you have the ability, or gasp, engage them in dialogue. Maybe they will be better equipped than you, maybe not. It's how you learn.

Pissant ago

So what you're saying is we shouldn't have subverses, it should just be one open cluster fuck, and no rules should ever be enforced.

Sounds like a pretty shitty website. I'd much prefer to stick with the current system of there being topical subverses with rules that promote the topic the subverse is dedicated to.

But ya, whatever, scorched earth it is. "Bernitdown" indeed.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Free speech site. Mod can get fucked.

Pissant ago

There are subverses and rules for a reason. v/Gaming isn't a shitposting subverse. v/Soapboxbanhammer has a dozen shitposting subverses they can use, however they feel the need to roughly once a month invade another subverse then create a bunch of drama about it. They're openly laughing at people us.

Otter5000 ago

U mmmmm did you just assume their gender?

PoetryPete ago

You got a pic of @expertshitposters tits?! Let me see!!

Norseman ago

You'll argued that the fucking sun is black you fuck. And that literally never happened.

DrunkViking ago

Anyone who wants to insult @Norseman and his stupid asshole with the username Norseman , can copy and paste insults in the form of : "Pakkiselsker" , "Landsforræder". "femtekolonist", "morrapuler", "stygge aperonk", "liksompakkis", "dyngetryne", OR/AND " dobbeltløpa rasshøl av hittil ukjent diameter" Your'e Welcome Please omit the quatation marks when insulting.

11652188? ago

I thank you for this. I made the mistake of interacting with them only to later realize I was talking to a wall

DrunkViking ago

Was it the great wall of Trump?

Norseman ago

this user (@9-11) is the most hated voater of all. No one on this site can stand him, he is a planted (((shill))) with autism that stalks users for months, he threatens people and attempts to disrupt nearly every popular conversation on voat, he lies constantly, he is here for nothing - NOTHING - but to be the biggest cunt asshole nigger he can be to everyone on voat. His goal is to disrupt voat and to have it shut down.

And yet, he is still allowed a voice.

Schreiber ago

No he's not lmao.

Also he's a christian I think.

DrunkViking ago

I can stand the user @9-11, But I dont know much about him yet. sure i have looked trough some of his earlier comments and sumbission, and he seem OK to me, and fits in on Voat perfectly. So your statement that "No one on this site can stand him" is wrong. You can go fuck yourself. Din stygge drittsekk, du er sikker en venstrefyr eller en liksompakkis, sĂĄ du kommer til ĂĄ brenne i helvete" on the day of the rope. Dont come here and think that you are all that while using a username like that.

Norseman ago

dur your join date gatekeeping

  1. not my only account
  2. lurked months before the paypal fiasco even happened
  3. YOU'VE ONLY BEEN A MEMBER FOR 31 DAYS DUMB SHIT [hur dur gatekeeping]

9-11 is cancer and attacks everyone he can. This is very well known, maybe after you're been here for more than A FUCKING MONTH you'll learn yourself.

DrunkViking ago

Only faggots claim seniority over someone. you stupid faggot. You wrote :

This user (@9-11) is the most hated voater of all. No one on this site can stand him

Well I can stand him, so you are lying, you bigot. Now let people speak their mind. and stop being a fagott.

Norseman ago

cool story. Learn how semantics works.

You sure do care an awful lot about defending 9-11 to come back for so many days to plead his case. You wouldn't happen to be an alt account shill of his would you...hmm..

DrunkViking ago

You claimed that noone could stand the user, but I did and do. You are fucking lying, and I dont give a fuck what everybody else thinks, but you are WRONG in your claims. Own up to your mistake/lying, and go on your way. Fucking commie.

I am just here when I am Drunk, hence the DrunkViking name, you shithead. But I am always a viking. Jævla pakkiselsker. Dra til helvete din jævla dobbetløpa rasshøl med hittil ukjent diameter. Forbanna heismontør.

Here is an automatic reaction when I meet a shill : Fuck you, and the nigger you rode in on.

Interesting to see you are monitoring my presence here on Voat, because you are a fucking shill, now FOAD.

Norseman ago

How incredibly stupid and infantile does one have to be to truly believe that if someone says "no one" and it doesn't mean "100% nobody in a group of maybe millions" then a statement is wrong, even if the vast vast majority agrees. Congrats you're one person and your opinion doesn't matter because you're too fucking dumb to grasp the basic concept as semantics. Be proud of yourself, NO ONE ELSE IS.

I'm done arguing about the usage of grammar with you, turbo nigger.

DrunkViking ago

It is not called turbo nigger, it is originally called " Thorbjørn Egner" and if you were a"Norseman" you would have known that. You cant just google some facts, and then claim them to be truths. Just a moment, I have to shoot a polar bear that is wandering around the streets. Oh, now he is shot. Lets continue....

How incredibly stupid and infantile does one have to be, to truly believe that if someone call themselves "Norseman" and it doesn't mean "100% norseman" as in a group of maybe 4.5 millions of Norwegians/norsemen" then a statement is wrong

"Congrats you're one person and your opinion doesn't matter because you're too fucking dumb to grasp the basic concept as semantics. Be proud of yourself, NO ONE ELSE IS. I'm done arguing about the usage of grammar with you, turbo nigger.

Muhaha. was it grammar or semantics , you are not neither a Norse, nor a man. So fuck you , stupid faker.

Norseman ago

That was the stupidest fucking ramblings I've ever partially skimmed through.

BTW, no one likes you turbo nigger.

DrunkViking ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

I've been here for even longer. 9-11 is sanegoat, but you've only been here for 30 days so you might not know him.

He's trying to shut down voat.

DrunkViking ago

Stop your fucking whining. Claiming seniority is fagging, Google it. They will never manage to shut down Voat, because they cant shut people up here, with shaming us , or get us banned. They (as in TPTB) could never argue their way out of a paperbag even if it meant saving their life, they will just feel their way out. When they finally get out of their paperbag, we have killed all their friends, and banged up all their women. "He's trying to shut down voat" Fuck you, and please write Voat with a capital V, thank you. Remember the socialists/lefties will eventually rin out of others people money to spend, and then the revolutions starts, on the DAY of THE ROPE. Hang' em high swinging slow.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You have beeen member for about three months, and he ahs been member for about 2,5 years!!

That's a quote from you. Why did you start claiming seniority if it's "fagging"?

Confused post and a bad argument.

DrunkViking ago

Because it its. It is the definition of fagging, to claim senority. Now stop your whining.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Then why did you do it in your first post?

If something upsets me, I don't do it. Meanwhile, you're going around shitting all over, then complaining about all the shit!

You look like a child.

DrunkViking ago

Stop whining. It doesnt becomes you, but it coud. Now piss off.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What are you talking about, you crazy person?

The only one "fagging" and whining is you - you've done it in every post so far!

DrunkViking ago

When I point out any users fucking whining, I am not whining. If that is considered whining, then you are whining about me whining about your whining. When will this stop?? it will stop NOW. Now FOAD.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I had to go back and reread to see what you were even whining about, since this is 3 days after the rest of us were discussing this.

Good job!

DrunkViking ago

I also had to do that. And you keep on whining. Not so good job by you. No fuck off, and stop answering shit just because you cant stop whining.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I also had to do that. (...)

Is it so that I can surmise that you dont remember things you have written if it has passed 24 hours?


Looks like you can't remember more than 24 minutes.

DrunkViking ago

Please eat a bag of dicks and stop you whining. Fucking whiner.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

But then what would you do all day?

DrunkViking ago

Too bad your not only a whiner, but now you are being a bitch about it too. Yawn.

Remember you are discussing with a DrunkViking, and you are losing. Dont continue embarassing yourself.

To confirm that you are a total loser, comment on this comment, by commenting to confirm thatyou are a loser.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You're American. No Vikings from America.

DrunkViking ago

Nice shilling, but to bad for you, you see VPN protects me. I am not american, even though I wish I was so I could have voted for Trump. I am from one of the original viking countries. But thank you for thinking that my good american/english is good enough to pass a language test from at least one stupid ignorant person transitioning from whiner, to bitch, and now further into an asshole that doesnt know when to quit when he is beaten.. I wonder what your next level of stupid is going to be???..... I guess we will find out shortly.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I am from one of the original viking countries. (...) I am not american, even though I wish I was


With cucks like you defending Scandanavia, I can't imagine why you stand helpless watching your women get fucked by roaming packs of "refugees"....

DrunkViking ago

You are trying to doxx me, to find out if I live in that shithole everyone call Sweden. Well, you got me. I am not from there.

Now take your ignorance, and piss of.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

piss of.

Whoa, I struck a nerve!

It's good you admit being a cuckold. But instead of running to a free country, try defending your own.

We don't want losers like you.

DrunkViking ago

Muhahah. You are not "we" you are only for yourself. If you hit a nerve, theit is yours. Now take your ignorance, and piss of, or FOAD its up to you.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Nevermind, I see you edited out the part of your post defending SaneGoat and practically admitting you're a discord fag.

But I'll remember it.

DrunkViking ago

Yous must be an asshole, and a idiot(which was the next level) , because I dont know who sanegoat is. Keep on pushing that fake lies, maybe it will get you an self-orgasm oneday once you believe your own lies.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


DrunkViking ago


freshmeat ago

lying and fear-mongering

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Gas the turbo-kike @kadynce

freshmeat ago

Attitude is not the only reason that user should remain banned. @Kadynce note how the top comments in this post are all brigaded SBBH users who are using alt-voting to form a false consensus.

@PeaceSeeker have you weighed in on this?

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

this post has nothing to do with /v/gaming

This is the example of SBBH and the like do.

The post should be removed as it violates rule #1 #2 #4 , questionable #10

dooob ago

Yes, fresh account, i believe you.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It's like they aren't even trying anymore.

Just make a bunch of 1 day old accounts and REE about "but guys question the decisions of a moderator is literally SRS guys!", then demand censorship of anyone who disagrees with them.

Pissant ago

Meanwhile you're ignoring the eight accounts in this thread promoting v/Soapboxbanhammer and instead point to the two accounts trying to maintain their main accounts CCP because questioning v/Soapboxbanhammer lands you in the crosshairs of their downvoat brigades?

tomyhawk ago

You have made accusations on different threads but haven't posted any proof. What does the second line in your archive read?, the response from @kevdude to be more exact. If you can't take a little shitposting and trolling have some concrete and harden up. From the response of the mod in question and their reasons for a perm ban, are exactly the people that need to go the fuck back.

freshmeat ago

No, you are falling for the same SRS shit that shills use to take over all high trafficked subs. They create fake drama then go posting in other subs about muh censorship. No one should be defending Expert as she is one of the SJW crazy lesbians who is hurting this site by role-playing as a right-winger (like the homosexuals in /v/RidersOfTheReich) trying to start wtich-hunts against anywhere or anyone they don't have full narrative control.

The question of should the mod be removed needs a little bit of context for this to be taken seriously otherwise this is a small group of trolls forming mob rule against genuine users. ExpertShitposter is about as close of an example as paid shill as you can find on Voat.

Schreiber ago

I agree with you my friend.

tomyhawk ago

I'm not falling for anything, their proof proved nothing. An expert shitposter trolled a subverse and a mod ate the bait. Then gave shit reasons for a perm ban. We don't need that mod here sorry. If they want safe spaces there's a place where that can exist, it ism't here.

freshmeat ago

First of all this is being blown completely out of proportion compared to how the shills are reacting. It's not just a random shitposter, it's a very high problem user in many subs and did it intentionally for this reaction. He picked a fight he knew he would lose, then went to go cry about it and concern troll everyone into falling for their same routine once again.

We don't need that mod here sorry.

Actually yes you do. The situation at hand is SRS/SBBH wants to take a mod position of an therewith neutral mod. This mod is effectively preventing spam and nipping a problem in the bud. If the mod gets replaced with one of theirs, then the sub will become another large sub converted to shitposting and trolling smaller subs.

You have already fell for it.

3891776389 ago

I appreciate your posts, thanks for clearing this up.

tomyhawk ago

Thats kinda what shitposters do, and the reason for doing it is exactly this. The mod fucked up, no rules were broken, if you can't take a joke there is a place called reddit. Mod needs to go. I don't agree with all their posts, but thats free speech, if they were that "problematic" I would think they would been long voated away.

freshmeat ago

Rules were broken and even OP admitted it. They are upset for the description why Expert was banned, without any context.

Fetalpig ago

toughen up cupcake- words are just words-did they threaten? IF they didn't they should be allowed to post- even shitty posts.

Grifter42 ago

Beatle has threatened to dox me, to have Hecho flood my inbox with CP, he and others flooded Voat chat on SBBH orders.

Fuck off. What they're doing isn't free speech. It's a deliberate attempt to provoke a reaction in order to snatch power.


Shut the fuck up, kike.

LurkMoarFaggot ago

This is a verified SaneGoat alt.

ScreaminMime ago

You all have bad attitudes, YOU'RE ALL BAAAAAAAAANNED!

PoetryPete ago

I'll ben you, I'll BEN YOU SO GOOD

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@kevdude they know...

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

okay if it make you feel better i will mod it

SteaksUSA ago

I'm kind of enjoying this Voat drama.

dooob ago

It is not drama, it is bigger than that. Why would someone want to be a moderator of a website he doesnt use? Think about this question.

submitted ago

I take the knee

PoetryPete ago

The life and death struggle for the breath of justice. You read that in David Attenborough's voice

weezkitty ago

Agreed. Banning someone for "attitude" has no place on Voat. Especially not a perma ban. There is no rule on /v/gaming that says "no attitude"

It should be reversed ASAP.

Pissant ago

Yep, and v/soapboxbanhammer claims another victim.

The real damage though isn't to the various subverses they attack but the manipulation of average users such as yourself.

weezkitty ago

I have nothing to do with SBBH. I agree that subs moderation and there needs to content rules. I also saying the mod overstepped their bounds.

They aren't exclusive

Pissant ago

the manipulation of average users such as yourself

I'm pretty sure that's me acknowledging you have nothing to do with SBBH.

I also saying the mod overstepped their bounds.

You don't find anything odd that nearly half the cases of mods "overstepping" their bounds on Voat tends to be caused by members of v/Soapboxbanhammer ?

v/Gaming isn't a shitposting subverse and Expert knew that. They do this to mess with Voat as a whole, not to benefit it. Then good intentioned individuals such as yourself get swept up in their bullshit.

I may feel differently about this specific situation if it hadn't happened a half dozen times already. They know what they're doing, and they agitate people until they react. They have a myriad of places to go to stir shit and annoy people, but they choose to come to specific subverses that have specific topics.

PoetryPete ago

Yes like if they could give a real reason listed in their sidebar that would be justifiable. Spam? Memes? whatever but not attitude.

freshmeat ago

So you agree that the ban was earned, but the reason doesn't sit right with you?

Take your concern trolling back to Reddit and /r/Politics

PoetryPete ago

I do not agree. Where did I agree that the ban was earned?

freshmeat ago

Yes like if they could give a real reason listed in their sidebar that would be justifiable.

The real reason is they spammed and intentionally antagonized the moderator out of nowhere. You are right that "Attitude" isn't a good description. But you are wrong about the ban being a bad move.

PoetryPete ago

Not intentionally antagonizing the mods is a rule now?! Fuck me I'm in trouble then aren't i?

freshmeat ago

now hen you are doing it by breaking sub rules just to cause drama no one wanted to begin with except flaming faggots because only faggots like drama, like you OP.

PoetryPete ago

That's your SUBJECTIVE judgement that he was breaking rules to cause drama, he coulda just been having a laugh. Maybe if it had been ignored he would get tired of poking the sub and move on to the next giggle.

freshmeat ago

Nah, I don;t think the majority of Voaters want to entertain this sort of faggotry by users like you and Expert.

PoetryPete ago

Faggotry is not against 'The Rules' faggot

freshmeat ago

Some subs have standards, it's up to the mods and the actual community to run it as they see fit, which seemed like no one had a problem until an SBBH user started spamming trying to get banned.

unclejimbo ago

justifiable =/= justified. As it stands the ban is neither of these two things.

freshmeat ago

I agree the ban description should be changed, but the ban itself is good protection for their sub, although ExpertShitposter has a few more confirmed alts (that I can name) and she can evade it with ease.

unclejimbo ago

Now i'd argue that a ban is unneeded when circumvention is so easy, since the only people a ban would work on are those willing to abide a ban in the first place; which then starts to turn the whole situation into a gun-law analogue.

freshmeat ago

overall you are correct but what we are dealing with right now is the perception of the sub in question, and it's mods. The same thing will happen whether they gain control of the sub or the sub remains intact as is. They will shitpost on alts making the mods have to over-work hoping to spam them to much they just leave. If they get the sub, it will be spun as "community supported" when they shitpost. We need to make sure SRS/SBBH/PV do not get a hold of yet another high-subscriber subverse so you can see for yourself how they troll when they lose.

The point is Expert sees herself to be a prolific voater and speak for all goats on any manner. She earned the ban and keeping her banned hurts her "ego" if you can even call it that since it's all fake only personas.

SimonWest ago

Oh look another protect voat mob.

dooob ago

Literally everyone except rPV wants her gone, she doesnt even browse voat, are you that dumb or are you one of Amalek's alts?

3891776389 ago

Yep, another completely one sided story. With no information, just outrage, might as well look like an anti trump protest. Seems pretty fake...

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Yep, another completely one sided story. With no information, just outrage

You know, except the modlogs and extensive documentation...

Pissant ago

Of v/Soapboxbanhammer users doing this for the past two and a half years to over a half dozen subverses? You're right, there is extensive documentation, however the majority of average Voat users yourself included don't seem to give a shit.

3891776389 ago

You want me to go over all the posts of a non stop posting, AI controlled, shared shill account to find the reason he was banned? There's no specific post you can point me to that caused the ban?

Norseman ago

why did you quickly post this one too? No actual story? It's been over the front page all day with a dozen posts, well documented with full links and mod logs and all.

3891776389 ago

This is on the front page of voat and all it says is attitude is not a good reason for a ban. Where's the story? Where's the links? What the fuck was the point of this thread?

pessimisticsteel ago

Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.

PoetryPete ago

Unjust practices should be nipped in the bud before the corruption spreads.

All upstanding citizens should defend justice.

Pissant ago

So why do you require a half dozen alts to argue your case for you?

Are you realizing that more and more people are starting to recognize your merry little band of retards?

PoetryPete ago

I am not anyone else but this username in this thread, sorry to disappoint you.

Grifter42 ago

Oh, jam it up your ass, you fuckin' disingenious fuck.

Shit like this is why Expert is banned:


"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent "

"[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"

MinorLeakage ago

You ever get the feeling you're being trolled?

3891776389 ago

What's the injustice? Is there a specific thread that caused the ban? What's the other side of the story? Why was this person banned?

freshmeat ago

because they are a gigantic shill who spams all kinds of shit to subs that PV and SBBH dont control. They were spamming child porn and tranny dicks to my subverse last week then actually tried to cry censorship in other posts when I deleted them.

3891776389 ago

Ok I'm confused, expertshitposter posted child porn, got banned, and now people are upset?

freshmeat ago

They are faking they are upset, its the same handful of trolls in every one of these drama posts.

Totes_McGotes, ExpertShitposter, NemisisPrime, lordbeatlejuicethe1 (Absolute fuck face pill junkie), Nadesh, Crensch, OP of this post, TheKobold, Gabara, TrigglyPuff, and a few others. They are all /v/SoapBoxBanHammer and use dozens of upvoting alts to make it look like people agree (or are upset).

Expert shitposts similar stuff to dozens of subverses over the years to kill the general community's reaction towards subverses they do not control.

Norseman ago

obligatory lurk moar.

Anyway, he was banned "for attitude", literally as stated by the mod who did it. TL;DR is he hurt a mod's feels by posting negative things about nintendo switch so the mod banned him, but he broke no actual rules at all.

freshmeat ago

You can't run into a store screaming like a mentally ill retard at the top of your lungs then act shocked when security kicks you out.

Chimaira92 ago

Off to the Gulags for @kadynce

PoetryPete ago

I hear Siberia is nice this time of year

11650089? ago


gazillions ago

@kadnyce should know she can have all the power in the world - the power she craves is at home raising small children and telling them what they may or may not say.

Too bad hon, but there's no place for your shit in a free world full of adults.

Tzitzimitl ago

implying hes a woman

gazillions ago

It's a bitch either way, so yeah.

GoBack2AfricaNiggers ago

Of course the cunt stirring up all this trouble is a fucking roastie. How these whores worm their way into the mod team is beyond me, she should get a more feminine hobby like gardening or raising children, gaming is a man's world and it is made exponentially worse by the inclusion of women

Artofchoke ago

LOL, gaming is for immature autists of either gender, and I would destroy you in anything but sports games, which are for faggots. And I promise never to talk about your microphallus.

PuttsDad ago

Unben this sometimes-innocent shitposter, @kadynce, or fire yourself. Preferably both.

Pissant ago

Even their alt accounts acknowledge the guy isn't innocent...

PoetryPete ago

Yes both. @kadynce that is not the right attitude for a mod on Voat to take.

Pissant ago

I like how you used one of your alts to make this thread, then hopped on your main account right away to make the first comment. Classy shit. Nothing to see here folks, just let SBBH take over Voat one subverse at a time.

11651746? ago

SBBH made a new post, to hide how awful last one went. Scroll down, the redditors have prepared well for downvoting the people pulling the curtain on their shit.

Here it is: https://voat.co/v/gaming/2344718

...and here we have kevdude getting caught using an alt to defend himself, after accusing his opponents of using alts all day: https://voat.co/v/gaming/2344863

Here he digs deeper: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2345060

Same post in the non-SBBH/reddit ProtectVoat, where kevdude digs his grave deeper on his alt: https://voat.co/v/realProtectVoat/2345062

Bonus: The faggot I'm replying to, was triggered enough to make death threats.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

Chiefpacman ago

He was unbanned already, it was never a perma ban apparently.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It was a permanent ban, with the description in the ban log saying so.

Then kadynce changed it and told him to never post the rest of his series again our he'd get banned again.

So our was permanent, because he was forever censored.

Pissant ago

At best, you're a useful idiot being duped by a group of people trying to undermine this website. They can't simply get rid of Voat. They can't compromise it's backend. So they simply disrupt what Voat itself is. They come in and "shitpost" until someone rightfully tells them to bugger off, then they make a massive amount of drama about it.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, you drug addled faggot.

You people pretending to be the victims would be fucking hilarious if you didn't pull it so often.

Fuck off, Beatle. Expert got banned for being Sanegoat.

grendelbiter ago

While we're at it let's unmod the mod that did that.

freshmeat ago

Which alt are you? You have totes and SCR just in your profile view alone

gabara ago

Fucking fuck FUCK you fucking FUCK! Fuck fuck fuuuuuck? Fuck. FUCK!


dooob ago

Kys kike

freshmeat ago

"im not the jew, you are!!"

dooob ago

I am not a Jew, I despise their false religion and their genital mutilation practice that shows how barbarian and backwards they are. They have no place in the Western world, they are savages who hate everyone outside their tribe and they deserve to live in their shitty country.

freshmeat ago

+2 shekels deposited to your account

dooob ago

Your parents dont love you for a reason, faggot

freshmeat ago


dooob ago

When was the last time your parents told you they love you? No parent loves a gay and autistic child like yourself.

freshmeat ago

doubling down on it? wew

dooob ago

Are you a Jew and why are you ashamed of it?

dooob ago

Oh no what a burn. I wish i was paid for all my Trump shilling i do, though.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

that was a good exchange!! i went and upvoted all your truths

grendelbiter ago

I'm probably the only person on here without an alt or a bot or whatever.

dooob ago

Ironically, @freshmeat is SaneGoat alt

grendelbiter ago

I have nothing against Sanegoat, I thought he was entertaining and thought provoking.

Pissant ago

It's funny because you guys think roughly two dozen people are SaneGoat. I've been told I'm also one of his alts. Meanwhile when people such as Freshmeat accuse others, it's because they post alongside SBBH in their "shitposting" subverses. This Grendelbiter fellow makes about ten comments per month. Not exactly your ordinary Voater.

But yeah, everyone you disagree with is SaneGoat.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@kadynce they want you gone

Artofchoke ago

I'd take a sincere apology and leave things as they are. If he/she understands it was wrong, there's no need to exile them.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

agreed but ima trolll em anyways

Chiefpacman ago

Judging by how much he uses this website, he should get back to you in about 3 to 7 days

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

lol you are funny

Maroonsaint ago

Can we kill this person?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

yes i encourage it

Norseman ago

lets dip them in honey and crucify them above an ant bed maybe. Or put them in scuba gear and chain them to a car and throw them in the ocean maybe. Or find all of their family and exterminate his line maybe.

Or we can be reasonable adults and just remove him from the mod list forever.

Donky_punch ago

Nah just ban them

Maroonsaint ago

banning doesn’t remove the problem. It just spreads the problem.

Donky_punch ago

... do i really have to add an /s to my comment? This is a post about ridiculous banning. Jesus.

freshmeat ago

The ban description provides no context but the ban itself is a good ban.

Rotteuxx ago

Dude ! Switch alts, waiting for a reply in our other conversation.

freshmeat ago

Hopefully people seeing this don't think you are serious. This is a old tired argument. muh sanegoat muh amalek

Rotteuxx ago

You admitting to being @MightyYetGentle :



And an always interesting screenshot you provided a while back :


freshmeat ago

so what the fuck is your point?

Rotteuxx ago

This is a old tired argument. muh sanegoat muh amalek

Muh MYG ! Muh alts ! Because :

Hopefully people seeing this don't think you are serious.

PoetryPete ago

unban @expertshitposter


fuckingmockies ago


PoetryPete ago

I don't care I like the big text

fuckingmockies ago
