sunajAeon ago

I would like to see opinions from older users on Fiona re: hojuruku's claims against her and her testimony

hojuruku ago

I was fighting Pizzagate and gay pedophiles cops (Kate Howe) linked to gay judge's rent boy child rape dorms exposed on since 2007 when I fled Australia.

Wanna see more - new videos I haven't shared on the topic? OK!

Here's on of my interviews on the OTO kiddy fuck cult before pizzagate.

This link on my research was posted here before I joined - where I am named as the researcher:

to me How you going man?

Check this out... Links that Rugby player / IVF specialist to Pizzagate.

Who are users who have been fighting the OTO / occult before pizzagate before me you speak of?

You commented on Fiona's blog the day her article came out - the same day that my comments against the OTO here were BLOCKED by her in support of the OTO. You are probably one of her sock puppets.

Why were my true comments blocked by the OTO. Because I am a spanner in the works of your dis-info campaign to only make fruitloops beleive the OTO rape and abuse children. I want the whole world to wake up to the truth and how the government protectes these VIP pedophiles - with proven examples of case law etc.

sunajAeon ago

No, I don't want to see more, i was asking for other opinions on your work/information re: Fiona

hojuruku ago

in other words will the next Fiona Barnett & David Bottrill controlled ASIO sock-puppet please make an appearance - please - genuine anti-pedophilia activists shut up! Meanwhile we are pisstaking you over-here....

Oh look the shill downvotes again.

sunajAeon ago

These are not the words of a true researcher-it makes all your claims suspect-TRUTH has nothing to fear from examination

hojuruku ago

you mean what you downvoted into oblivion? I kind of put that comment up first didn't I?

Here is the answer you got 1.1 days ago for those who don't want to expand this thread:

sunajAeon ago

You're blocked from here on out-if anyone around here is acting like a schill, a disinfo agent it is you

hojuruku ago

HEY OTO KIDDY FUCKER PEDO CUNT. Who is telling the truth?

The shills who Promote Fiona like the faggot pedo Cancel the Cabel Stephen Roberts who's linked to the OTO itself who says NO SPECIAL GAY POLICE EXIST - so this government facebook page doesn't exist - and claims I'm not wanted for arrest for 60c nsw crimes act CONTARY TO NSW POLICE CONFIRMED FAGGOT (I found his blog) Gay FOI OFFICER Richard M Hanson writes on letterhead on the link above.

Fiona runs with pedos who try and debunk reality. Will you accpet that Cancel The Cabal did a failed hit-piece against me - proven disinfo that was debunked on government letterhead. Who do you beleive? The whore's shills whos say I'm not wanted for arrest - or the government saying that I am?

There is only one truth here, and I've already proven Fiona's best mates being massive liars defending the gay pedophilia normalization movement and special gay police who prosecute people for thought crimes.

Now you can't even got to football game and call the opposing team fags, without being arrested by the gay kiddy sex loving thought police... you can't make it up... What fucken cunt would say these special gay police don't exist in a so called hitpiece on me - but not debunk Fiona's talk of secret underground military bases.....

@CuckexPolice strikes! @CNNisFakeNews has gayref Ryan on now

Fiona's friends say the special gay pedo police don't exist. I beg to differ.

Now @CuckexPolice on has a troll account exposing them ;)



The guy on the interview with me Kultus Negrand the one who claims to have secret federal police who break privacy laws working for him to give him information the NSW Police refutes is true on letterhead is a FREE ENERGY CONSULTANT - for fucks sake. That's who's peddling fiona's filth - free energy loons. Talk about being in the company of those who do HOAXES and peddle bullshit.

SO opposing FREE ENERGY CLOWNS working with Fiona makes me a dis-info agent? Free energy and perpetial motion exists right - and if you say it doesn't you are a dis-info agent?


hojuruku ago

says Fiona Barnett's bitch who comments on her blog literally 30 seconds after it's published. You are the fucken shill here.

You're blocked from here on out

You are a disinfo agent who can't do grammar. Is pro-pedophile cult trolling it work for the dole now in Australia for your centrelink benefits card that only lets you buy food and no grog. Man the withdrawal must be bad.

The last person I would want exposing the OTO is David Icke because then he'll mix in the reptillians like Fiona Mixes in the undeground tunnels and deep underground military bases.

She's the other side of the coin - in the controlled opposition - full spectrum dominance. The oto pedo cult must control both sides of the argument - for (they are just a self improvement cult) against (they rape kids and have undeground military bases - an argument nobody will believe)

Fiona's disnfo makes this a comedy - for the MSM to play with and debunk and laugh at. She's a modern day court jester - all the while working for the elite pedos. Fiona is a shill - I shared a video somewhere if that comedy sketch against here. probably on the comments there.

sunajAeon ago

Heinous art that screams real abuse-you can't deny art, which precedes logical thought

hojuruku ago

Who is the alleged artist of this? Fiona? Hehe, Have I just proven this thread is all a hoax :) And this is coming from someone in direct legal conflict with the OTO pedo cult right now!

Fiona says:

Note – the Australian government continues to hack and remove my abuse drawings. I expect this is because I get up to 100,000 views per day of this page. Each time they disappear, alert me in the comments section to this page and I will restore them and let WordPress know. Otherwise, visit other sites like Cathy Fox’s blog where you will find a copy. - Youtube Channel of one deranged skitzo Andrew Barnett (one of the many videos on there)

Fiona Barnett's skitzo brother drew all her alleged "artwork". I've backed up the channel forensically. Handwriting analysis matches up completly. Even the way the questions marks are drawn with the dot off to the right - all the quirks in the handwriting appear the same.

CC @angry_mob @hookednosedjoooo @organic1 @privatepizza @seekingpeace @cc1914 @sunajAeon @angry_mob

I told you she's OTO controlled opposition mixing truth with lies. Try and debunk this people. Everyone knows how much I fucken hate the OTO. I found this by complete friggen chance. I clicked on this video just shared share on pizzagate and found the fuck in the comments. Man it's a small world:

Batshit skitzoid runs in her family. Now compare the art and the handwriting - and the guys name is..... "Andrew Barnett" with a background picture showing some Australian vegitation of the south coast we we both grew up.

Here is his comment that made me find him ?brother? of Fiona - A ZIONIST fake Christian:

It the video was shared on this recent thread:


Andrew Barnett 6 hours ago

It would be a nice way to solve the evil. Even as a Christian, having worked with this filth for many years in the trenches of social services, I have thought of carrying out that act. My conclusion, give them over to the God who dwells in us all, the Holy One of Israel who has already solved all of this beforehand. Leave Him to judge. Think about a world where these people's actions do not exist, that is harmonious, that's the solution. Crowd your mind out with it. Let the filth eat themselves through your forgiveness. Starve them by releasing yourself from any relativity with their cruelty.

Could this be him? wwwlinked in com/in/andrew-barnett-1b903b31/?ppe=1

I swear to god the art in all these youtube videos is the same style with identical handwriting. Anyone know a FBI anon handwriting analysis expert could compare the art in these videos to debunk Fiona Barnett forever?

  1. Same family name.
  2. Same Art style.
  3. Obsessed with anti-pedophilia activism
  4. same handwriting....

More than a tri-fecta guys - and we haven't gone deep on the handwriting forensics yet.

Maybe we should post images comparing the handwriting for match up's. I think it's the weird positioning of the dot on the questionmarks which is a dead give away.

angry_mob ago

feeling sick now )o:

hojuruku ago

how many sock puppets do you have?

Fiona Barnett is a shill, because she still works with the OTO. She mixes truth with fiction. A limited hangout as I exposed. I shared same link long ago. - discussion of the shill

Here we go again @hookednosedjoooo

Notice how Fiona didn't approve my comments because they backed her up and she want's to be a limited hangout and just seek attention and not prove half of what she is saying is true.

seekingpeace ago

You post spam!

hojuruku ago

i posted the same link as this before I realized Fiona was a shill. Thanks for confirming this post is spam.

Tell her supporters to stop contacting me and threatening my young family - OTO satanic bitch controlled opposition.

sunajAeon ago

You better have good reasons to call Fiona a schill

10262739? ago

With all due respect , Do you know what OTO is? He's not saying the abuse FB claimed happened , didn't happen. She chooses to stay connected to the very evil that is responsible for her abuse .

hojuruku ago

see the links. She doesn't want to cover my research of the OTO suing a friend of mine for what I wrote about them in 2017 and jailing christians without trail etc. See the links she wont publish the comments I put on her blog that were factually accurate.

She's getting nutjobs to threaten to kill my family after they say she speaks the truth about secret deep underground military bases and 6000km tunnels. She mixes TRUTH with LIES because she is a limited hangout. She undermines the work of REAL PEOPLE fighting the OTO.

The ABC cut her to pieces as planned.,8364

Independent Australia is seriously corrupt Fabian socialist outfit, and she's worked with other known shills Stephen Roberts Cancel The Cabal (with links to Vinny Eastwood and the OTO themselves) that say special gay police in USA / America don't exist and I'm not wanted for arrest as debunked on those links above. Debunked on government letterhead (FOI) and government.managed facebook page for the OTO kiddy fuck cult founded

I sat on the fence for a long time, was even swayed by her putting out true intel about Bond University and trying to buddy up with people like Riena (that she could never meet because of faked stalking incident). Did you know Riena's terms with the (published there) gave them a blank check to go and get tax exempt kiddy fuck cult status as exposed on my newest interview.

Watch that and tell me if I'm a shill. Real OTO researchers are taking notice and are putting Fiona in the Media whore basket. I don't want fame fortune, donations or adrev, I don't even want to have my name linked to this. I just want my research to be spread, analysed and wrote up. I may be working with a well known researcher on the OTO who linked the founder of the American Gay Rights Movement Harry Hay proud nambla boyfucker to the OTO's early days in America. Yes the proven Nambla member who never missed a meeting that all American children must praise under law and love under will under Californian SB 48 Gay History Month Bill.

We need to repeal that law forcing children to praise OTO kiddy fuck nambla icons, if the left want to take down statues and revise history we need to correct it.

@hookednosedjoooo / @redditsuckz - FYI

sunajAeon ago

Hmm lots to chew on, so you think Vinny Eastwood is a fraud then? I have listened to his show for years, he has put out some fine shows

hojuruku ago

yeah some of vinny eastwood's fine interviews were with me and my father. See interviews sections on I've came across my fair share of shills. The latest fuck to threaten my family was richard presser, and he sent the threat just after saying he believe's fiona about the deep underground tunnels and being smuggled in boxes in unpressed US Miliatry airplanes 4 kms up in the air when there isn't enough oxygen to survive.

He deleted my father's amazing interviews on East Timor we never got back either the son of a bitch and it wasn't even his show that interview got deleted from, because the founder of American Freedom Radio got jailed. Vinny was right about Pete Santilli being a shill - but he's still a massive shill. He goes marching with the Communist Gay Marriage Loving HomoPedo NZ Greens Party.

Mark Passio and his mate "the great work" are OTO peds to this day praising Alistair Crowley. They are buddy buddy. Also same goes with Adam vs The Man who has regular guests who say "Do what thou will and that will be the whole of the law". One of Passio (vinny's bitch) buddies is mandating we teach the children the OTO joy of sex magick.

"The Great Work" admitted he was a current crowley follower on - the guy who posted that video.

See the vinny eastwood censored interviews on - Vinny Lined up the hit piece on me saying doesn't exist and asked everyone to believe his imaginary federal police friends who broke laws to say I'm not wanted for arrest and this government document is fake with Stephen Roberts of Cancel the Cabal - the same guy that Fiona ran to peddle her wares. They won't debunk 6000km Deep underground bases tunnels but they will say their imaginary federal police friends debunk this government FOI Who is lying? Fiona's shill buddies or a GAY NSW Police FOI Officer Richard M Hanson? .

I have a personal Grudge against Fiona's inner circle for very justified reasons - they are shills that promote fakery and even free energy and flat earth in the case of Stephen Roberts and other faggots that did a hitpiece on me based on earlier hit piece. More info on Fiona's proven on government letterhead fake news peddling shills defending the special gay sex police who were FOUNDED BY THE OTO Dr Gregory John Tillett - according to the oldest gay org in Australia. Tillet got his PHD in OTO little boy rape cover-ups done by the NSW Police. See chatper 12.

Here is garry burns who's going to the high court to defend the OTO chld sex cult's interests linking to people using Fiona's buddy's hitpiece against me and saying I'm homophobic because I don't like gay pedophiles getting special gay police protection or the courts ruling my father is a hate criminal for homosexually vilifying those who fuck babies and we all must not do hate speech of convicted baby fuckers but instead all be boylovers.

These pedo courts also ruled Obama isn't friends with Terry bean gay child rapist contary to cspan