hojuruku ago

http://8ch.net/pol/res/10297068.html#q10366771 Fucken Format Nazi :) that was you right :) Ah it's all good. Formatting aside we hate these friggen pedos and their stooges.

Also I updated the comment above about the ANTI-GAY-SAFE-SCHOOLS activist "Anirtak76" running around the internet calling me a homophobe because I don't like the gay lobby normalizing pedophilia by making it a crime to dissent against it - the theme of half of my threads here.

hojuruku ago

Sorry busy right now dealing with an OTO/KIWIFARMS pedo cult operative Katrina Southport aka Anirtak76 harassing my family and friends working with the infant sex normalization activist Garry Burns.

She says I'm a pedophile because I secured evidence of a MAINSTREAM MEDIA PROTECTED PEDOPHILE LISA & DAVID OLDFIELD I exposed on here and reported to the authorities in recorded phone calls to crimestoppers and emails 5 years ago, and that's a crime to be against the authorities doing nothing for 5 years about this pedo's media contacts doing child porn production and hit-pieces on the guy who is being sued by the OTO child sex cult right now in Australia John Sunol. See these two links!

If nobody secured the evidence before youtube took it down - then no prosecution could occur I believe. She says wanting to help the police jails pedophiles makes you a pedophile and will email everyone you know saying you rape kids and do child porn. What a sick load of crap this bitch is.

She's also controlled opposition against the gay lobby deleting comments about facts that are not public and running around accusing people of being HOMOPHOBIC. She's done seriously. A Mother of lesbian daughter trying to fight gay indoctrination in schools doesn't make sense. And it shouldn't. She's controlled-opposition deleting comments exposing the mass gay man aids rapes ordered by the king of the Australian gay lobby Christopher Puplick AM (aka Noel Cromton Hall) in a women's prison by the first tranny to legally use a women's toilet anywhere in the world - she deletes those comments to protect the gay lobby. I exposed her for what she is. She's controlled opposition a mother of a 12 year old lesbian or so she says on the chat log. I'll release the audio later if she releases a hitpiece trying to accuse me of being a pedo for exposing popular celebs in Australia are publishing child porn in full public view advertising what deal they did the OTO to get their success.

Here's her channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2gXpz9ZaHh5SttgTpS9n4A/videos She's all geed up with the kiwifarms pedo trolls on twitter: https://twitter.com/aussieanirtak76?lang=en (two way follows with trannies and kiwifarms scum) She came over to mine first and tried to befriend me after first establishing a relationship with another youtuber known for 5 years who also tries to expose the safe schools gay lobby child abuse agenda. I'm the stalker after she solicited my contact first. Typical nutjob government nutjob trying to roleplay the victim. Speaking of victims we all know a 12 year old doesn't want gay sex or to declare themselves to be gay unless they were brainwashed or raped - like what must have happened to her kid. The moment she told me it clicked and I blocked her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zVyXjbzPIc

https://s1.postimg.org/wrrwwdrov/cracksmokingheroinwhore.png I let Alex Gollan out of jail and I'm a secret government agent. Who knew right? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1855099 (this pedo)

See these two links:

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 <- That's allegedly a confession I'm a pedophile because if someone didn't secure the evidence before youtube took it down as per my request (they accepted the content was child porn) the authorities couldn't build a case, so I secured it somewhere, I don't know where 5 years ago. Probably on the storage media offsite somewhere ;() I have sent 100 emails begging law enforcement to do something about David And Lisa Oldfield who work with the infant sex normalization activist Garry Burns - and nothing gets done because he's a GAY POLICE PROTECTED PEDOPHILE AN SO ARE ALL OF HIS MATES - as says Australian ex Military Intel Major Bernard Gaynor: http://bernardgaynor.com.au/theres-nothing-see/#comment-409768


That post or the reply to it I believe was censored and they banned me after because I doxxed one of their fellow members Anirtak76. She in that that pedo gang's that trolls and threatened to kill my mother. They are also world famous criminal pro-pedophilia ganstalkers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu63kK34Ehw http://nymag.com/selectall/2016/07/kiwi-farms-the-webs-biggest-community-of-stalkers.html . See how much they love raping children. I blocked her when she started talking about her 13 year old lesbian child. She lives in Canberra with David Bottrill of the OTO and contacted me first. I was suspect of her so always recorded everything, so I don't think she'll try and make videos about me because that only serves my interest exposing that the POLICE PROTECT MAINSTREAM MEDIA PEDOPHILE COUPLES WHO ARE ON TV SAYING THEY DON'T FUCK FOR 2 YEARS. IF she does that allows me to release everything she was talking about. No Christian woman would be like her, talking to her defacto about buying shitloads of grog etc. What a great home for a poor 13 year old child who's mommy says is a lesbian publicly on her youtube videos who's always getting drunk. I dare this scrag to make shitposts / hitpieces about me because it serves my interest if she does. Her platform will be used to expose the real pedophile who produced the child porn I'm waiting for the authorities to collect and prosecute David and Lisa Oldfield for :P So I'm doubting she will do it if she's as pro pedophile as I think she is.


You might actually want to click on this link to prove that Garry Burns media contacts publish child porn.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933 She accused you of being a pedophile if you expose the truth that the Leg devine OTO dossier was right. AUSTRALIAN MAINSTREAM MEDIA TYPES ARE OTO PEDOPHILES.

Two of Garry Burns extortion victims (with PIAC OTO lawyers serving him) are in the Legg and Devine dossier document - Jeff Kennett and Eddie McGuire - both compromised and are with Garry & wont say a word against him even after he sued them both with OTO's Taxpayer Funded lawfirm piac.asn.au https://www.lawyersweekly.com.au/news/1304-pro-bono-effort-muzzles-religion-slur (NB: PIAC(NSW)/PILCH(VIC) aka JusticeConnect.org.au are all the same enttity. Even they admit it themselves if you go digging.


https://www.scribd.com/document/55132833/Choronzon-Club-document-3 Page 31 is where I got this image. All backed up. The oto is talking about killing little girls as well as boys there. A new document i found improving on what's in magic and theory and practice by alister crowley.

hojuruku ago

Here's what happened when I banned her 3 weeks ago. After that the pro-pedophilia activism stalking got worse: Luke McKee3 hours ago Please publish proof I am a paedophile. Please do share .... I'll publish you on tape saying your 13 year old daughter has sexual desires to sucked out by another women... That doesn't sound like a safe schools opponent to me, and I blocked you the instant you said it remember... I wonder if having a single mother installed this behaviour in your daughter? What did you get up to with no other responsible parent, and your regular hash/grog sessions. You came to me on youtube and my channel first. You are a fucken PFLAG faggot scrag stalker / disinfo agent. 55:43 AM] … I see the parents of homosexuals PFLAG praising Garry Burns in their newsletter [9:55:51 AM] trvn hojuruku: so go in peace i'll tell my dad to stop talking to you likewise [9:56:06 AM] trvn hojuruku: don't take it personally. It's your lobby that send penises into women's prison to cause mass rape [9:56:47 AM] trvn hojuruku: why doesn't the lesbian mp penny sharpe who said yesterday there is nothing wrong with transexuals in womens toilet just yesterday in the gloria awards, why doesn't she prove how safe it is by spending a month in long bay mens wing general population [10:05:38 AM] Anirtak76: I said my daughter thinks she might be, part of my argument is confusion is a normal part of puberty for young ppl. She doesn't even hug her boyfriend hello!!! Which should prove something to you!!! She's a normal teen. They are stealing their innocence and saying they want to know. My daughter is proof they just want to grow at their own pace. [10:06:11 AM] trvn hojuruku: if you don't know she is a lesbian why are you saying that publically? [10:06:18 AM] Anirtak76: The only reason we made her confusion public is my daughter was scared I was going to get bashed [10:06:30 AM] trvn hojuruku: so it's a psy-op? [10:06:38 AM] Anirtak76: She may not be a lesbian she just turned 13... [10:06:42 AM] trvn hojuruku: look i'm not going to bash you [10:06:57 AM] trvn hojuruku: i'm not going to tell anyone to bash you [10:07:01 AM] trvn hojuruku: i'm just going to distance myself from you [10:07:12 AM] trvn hojuruku: people discriminate and be descerning all the time [10:07:15 AM] trvn hojuruku: don't take it personally [10:07:23 AM] Anirtak76: Oh I know but Canberra is a small place. [10:07:29 AM] trvn hojuruku: ive suffered enough and i've seen so many turncoat whistleblower honeypots [10:08:16 AM] Anirtak76: I have no family. I do what I do to protect her future. And by the way I am no traitor. [10:09:44 AM] trvn hojuruku: don't take it personally it's risk management [10:10:30 AM] Anirtak76: A bit late, I already put myself out there for you and John and your Dad. Best of luck. I guess I'll do what I can an avoid botrill now he knows who I am. [10:10:33 AM] trvn hojuruku: you falsely accused me of hijacking john's blog and locking him out of the account [10:10:38 AM] trvn hojuruku: he got back in without any help from me [10:10:44 AM] trvn hojuruku: call it miscommunication or whatever [10:10:59 AM] trvn hojuruku: he had the password and i set his wife's mobile number to be the password reset mobile number [10:11:17 AM] trvn hojuruku: the instant i got into it for the first time in 3 years a day after the cops took his phone [10:11:31 AM] Anirtak76: No I didn't. Wow... Just wow. I went out on a limb for you and trusted a stranger. Get stuffed. [10:11:34 AM] trvn hojuruku: you beleived my dads lies over me. so you go talk to him, just not me anymore [10:11:41 AM] trvn hojuruku blocked live:anirtak76.

VieBleu ago

Notice the drawing 12 down, body is in the arched back position of that Tony Podesta sculpture.

MolochHunter ago

Mods, this needs an NSFW tag, the childrens drawings on the webpage are pretty explicit and disturbing

hojuruku ago

there is no child porn. It's just drawings down with a crayola done by a SRA survivor when she was young.

VieBleu ago

It should still be tagged because it is NSFW.

hojuruku ago

read the subject line someone shares "child abuse drawings" come on...

VieBleu ago

If you woud be flashing rape pictures of any kind on your monitor at work, you could, or someone else could be reported for innappropriate content in a professional environment -doesn't matter if it is a comic book, manga, a coloring book or this stuff. What is the big deal - to much effort for you to click the little box before you post? It's just common courtesy, is that too strenuous for you to think for moment about others?

hojuruku ago

I just thought it was a regular blog post. Wordpress.com that hosts it has no problem with gays using photos of child rape victims as poster boys for gay pride as exposed on the comments here but censors all her posts. Double standards eh?

Ok next time I'll flag it according to your interpretation of NSFW

In the meantime. I guess we can't be against child sex victims fighting for justice. Better delete this thread to be pro pedo right?

Just don't be triggered. This is a non issue move along.

VieBleu ago

Totally agree that deleting is ridiculous. They are getting out of hand, trying to get determined regular posters on Spam charges when they try to repost. My community vote went nowhere because it depended on Vindicator to post a sticky and keep the ball rolling, or help implement what we voted on. CRICKETS.
I've withdrawn my support of ownership at this time until further developments at least.

hojuruku ago

Hre's my 3rd comment on her blog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5bodmDJKnA

That Rainbow 5 pointed star you keep posting here is from the OTO's love of the Kabbalah. See the image for that video if it's embedded - it's the same one you have here. Also see 46 mins, it's got the same labelling you have of it!

Here is the OTO child sex cult of Australia calling for a "Rainbow New World Order" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liWnqYOf-aY

Here's a video made by a Fan of Frata Shiva X saying he catches little boys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilRiV0CRxkw

hojuruku ago

OTO child sex manuscripts released see comments on the main OTO thread until I start a new one with their links to bestiality and the temple of set in Australia.

Secret gay anal sex magic rituals of the #Choronzon club https://www.scribd.com/document/55132833/Choronzon-Club-document-3#scribd published by the religion of faggotry and child sex OTO. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702

Page 31 talks about killing children, both MALE AND FEMALE.

sunajAeon ago

Art speaks much louder than words-I hope this Nixon connection comes out full steam-its important these monsters don't get their head on a commemorative plaque-perhaps their heads on a stick would be more appropriate

hojuruku ago

hojuruku #

Please Note: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Fiona, have you seen my new research on the OTO Australia paedophile cult? Their Gnostic Mass is an orgy involving children and we have their US GRAND MASTER Frater Saberius X on camera saying children must partake in the orgy. We also have exposed they got their tax exempt and charity status by fraud jailing Legg and Devine in a unconstitutional kidnapping where they were denied the right to defend themselves in court contrary to section 25 of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act

I remember seeing your childhood abuse drawings that resemble the gnostic catholic mass. Don’t repost – try and find where they used to be on your site and back link to them. Black flood red table cloth from memory or whatever it was.

I have seen and exposed a bond university operative (Diana K Night) defending the OTO paedophile cult on behalf of the ACT Human Rights Commission. Also I have seen the OTO lawyers blackmail 2 people in the legg devine dossier (as paedophile suspects) for money (Jeff Kennett / Eddie McGuire) via Garry Burns and his PIAC.ASN.AU lawyers who switched sides in Jeff Kennett’s case to work for him after also working for Garry and PIAC to control the extortion. A month after he was sued by Garry Burns and PIAC, Jeff Kennett’s beyondblue gives all the money for the PIAC/PILCH pro-bono lawyers for the OTO child sex cult. Only someone who was blackmailed would give so much of his charities money to someone who was defaming him a month before calling him anti-gay for exposing Ken Capagnolo a court confirmed paedophilia (if you see the case law). Legg & Devine and Riena Michelson were definately onto something. Give her my regards and in 2017 the OTO is suing NSW citizens again and the case is going to the high court of Australia this October. It all sounds complex but it’s explained on the link.

I was sceptical of you at first but in my own travels I’ve come across what you are a saying to be true. We need to collaberate. Click on my name to see the pizzagate thread with all the detailed research and come back on there. We missed you. August 7, 2017 Reply hojuruku #

Please Note: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Comment #2 I believe you about the wordpress censorship. I caught them doing it to my old blog they censored with the DMCA. WordPress dot com aka Automatica inc is also known as accelerate.lgbt/about

They say it’s homophobic if you go on support and ask them to remove this image of a child rape victim being used as a poster boy for his rapist’s cause, because it’s homophobic to criticize the greatest gay activist in Singapore Alex Au posting a picture of Drake Newton who was raped by his gay dads Mark Newton and Peter Truong my father was prosecuted for the crime of homosexually vilifying those who rape infants.

More info: https://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2013/01/20/pastor-ambushes-goh-chok-tong-with-demand-to-defend-377a/

Details on my dad’s prosecution. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2018442/9958756

independenceday ago

Did you notice her RED SHOES in her drawings? Here's a great post covering the symbolic meaning of red shoes: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1455737/7033235

hojuruku ago


hojuruku ago

Ah yes... It's coming to me now. Associative memory synapses firing. I watched a video from the OTO saying the "scarlet women" or the "whores of Babylon" (what Crowley called his wife and even Australian girlfriend OTO Australia is obsessed with if you see their facebook page) inspired the "Women in Red" film. It's OTO child sex cult imagery. Good work.

Good luck going through my history to find that reference again. I turn the youtube on and have my enemies put me to sleep listening to their occult shit. I wonder if anyone can find the OTO blogging about their "scarlet women" and their love of women in red dress and red shoes. It's one of the many fetishes of that child sex cult me thinks.

hojuruku ago

The only problem with @FionaBarnett is the Underground Railway thing.... I can't buy it all... All I know as a child going to school I always heard the booms of the guns happening or explosions coming from the Holseworthy proving ground. Allegedly the Australian military doesn't have enough $$$ to fire it's all it's weapons once per year.

However I do know of a geneticist who quit Mr Paul Creswick a master in genetics who said he could never speak of what unspeakable evil they were doing in Australia. What she is saying could be true, sometimes the full truth is too hard for people to believe.

I went to an elite school Sydney Grammar. They had faggot teachers there and one of them tried to rape me on a camping trip. I left the school because I didn't get into Design and Technology in 3rd form after winning top in the school speech day honors 1995/6 but Matthew Loftus who spread his butt cheeks for the gay teacher to rape him willingly was allowed into the select 15 student design and technology class after totally failing and being a total freak who came to school every day with a bag of rotting fruit. So yeah I got to see how the world really works at young age and it made me sick.

3141592653 ago

was this Loftus guy a kid at the time?

hojuruku ago

yes. Matthew Loftus from memory. It was an accurate memory. I got speach Day Honors for Sydney Grammar in 1995 D&T but wasn't allowed in but a faggot who completely failed who got in who the gay teacher was rumored to be fucking got in. That's why I quit the school.

3141592653 ago

if he was a kid, wasn't he a victim of child sexual abuse in this case?

hojuruku ago

of course he was, but I think he enjoyed it. I went to school with the elite, where the current prime minister went. Except for science and tech class I hated the place.

The gay teacher in D&T also hated me becauase on the first day of the first clas at school in "form 1" aka year 7 I said this continutity / water tester electronic design is flawed - there was no protection resistor for the transistor, and he said it was fine I used this design for a number of years. I told him to short out the leads and put his thumbs on the transistor for 1 min to prove I was wrong. It embedded itself in his thumb, in other words I punked the stupid teacher on my first day.

The D&T teacher and the Music teacher were open fags and the teachers I hated the most at Sydney Grammar.For a select class of 15 students headed by gay teacher to not let the student who get's 1st or second in the school in the 3rd form advanced class, but to let a mental freak with a bag of rotting fruit who likes giving his arse up to the teacher into said class was bullshit.

That Saga on why I left Sydney Grammar also involved a conflcit with Mr Shelon - Master of the Lower School who forced me into Latin Class for a 3rd straight year - the straw that broke the cameals back. The Kudos.org.au society is linked to gay judges (Alexander John Wakefield - who found my dad guilty of the crime of disrespecting gay marriage activists who anal fucked babies: http://www.truthnews.com.au/web/radio/story/cultural_marxism_101 - was on his resume) and the lawyers for the OTO kiddy fuck club that he was instrumental in founding.


VieBleu ago

lol I love that you went ahead and said his name. I bit of revenge there but when speaking the truth then too bad that's how it is. You know though, I'm sure, that he was a victim too.

hojuruku ago

Also the master of the lower School at Sydney Grammar Mr Sheldon founded kudos.org.au that I was investigating when I came across the OTO's lawyer's PIAC.asn.au kingpin going to 12 year old asian boy sleepover camps. I was only investigating them after I found Kudos mentioned on the now redacted resume (even from my scribd) of the gay judge who ruled my dad is a hate criminal for not respecting those who rape babies and said I'm gay before they did it, i.e. : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2018442/9958756

I've confirm from Camp Management it's the director of PIAC Peter Cashman who had no proper reason to be hanging around the overseas sleepover boys coming from Asia to learn latin and become lawyer. Cashman is a great friend of the gay pedo judge Australian gay hero Justice Kibry who goes on national TV and saying all boys under 12 need to be shown the right way to "safely" learn to do anal sex.

http://archive.is/Zqjgu https://billmuehlenberg.com/2014/07/21/hiv-and-pc-madness/ (see comments)

So yeah it's totally true I was expelled because I complained about faggots kids who fuck the gay teacher getting into the select class and the person who got #1 in the school speech day honors in 2nd form not being accepted. I said fuck doing Latin with Sheldon and his mates for a 3rd year so I left.

Also these latin loving pedos remind me of Mark Passio who is praising Alister Crowley in this video. He does interviews with another known shilly Vinny Eastwood (NZ Greens party operative) and is totally on my shit list now after watching this.


With what we now know about Alister Crowley kiling his own son, writing poems about little boy sex and to hear Mark Passio saying please study the great Crowley - I can safely say like half the youtube commentators there that scumbag hasn't left the OTO child sex cult and he's just their recruiter. And his circle of friends have already fucked with me and my family.

There are lots of OTO pedo shills links to Indepentment media. In Passio's videos on order followers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSqBNGxLiAs He prases Adam vs The Man. I freaked out when he had regular guests coming on years ago saying "DO what thou wilt and that will be the whole of the law" as a regular greeting but wont cover anyone exposing them or pedophilia normalization case law in Australia. He's in the OTO Alternative Media shills network too.

Who is with me that Mark Passio is an OTO operative now based on these videos and the comments? @Jem777 any thoughts?

VieBleu ago

I think you've laid out a pretty good case. and I would trust your intuition as well You are not on a witch hunt, you are telling it like you saw it. Thanks for speaking up, it is not always easy, then when it does come, it's an expletive rich ROAR! (lol not that you were particularly cursing)

hojuruku ago

N.B this post from Fiona talks about the OTO Australia org au channel 10 kiddy porn scandal. Many members of Channel 10 were involved in child porn and have since been arrested, yet those who first exposed it get jailed without trial first.

This shows you the Australian government protects those who rape children and produce child / snuff porn by jailing the whitleblower before the pedophile http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/neighbours-cop-shop-actor-jeremy-kewley-pleads-guilty-to-child-sex-offences-20151126-gl8qou.html This guy was working in Channel 10 around 2005. You can see the pastebin link to the 2005 legg devine dossier predicting all this on my thread.

hojuruku ago

I am researching a hardcore NSFW post linking OTO Australia to temple of set, and bestiality sites. Stay tuned....


OTO is PIZZAGATE, Pizzagate is OTO. These links from 3rd parties kind of prove that. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/11/06/hillary-is-campaigning-with-aleister-crowley-devotee-jay-z/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2312632/Introducing-Satanic-sex-cult-thats-snaring-stars-Peaches-Geldof.html https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=55787 (on spirit cooking being OTO) http://frequencyoftheunknown.com/2016/11/04/so-whats-the-deal-with-spirit-cooking/ <- clearly shows that the OTO is linked to Hillary's spirit cooking sessions

hojuruku ago

As for David Bottrill being ASIO.... This is very suggestive of that fact. The court transcripts can only be censored for national security. If he was regular immigration staff like his cover job - details of his overseas postings wouldn't be censored out of the transcript and A FULL FEE REFUND DONE FOR THE $2 grand transcription to get out of REDACTING THE TRANSCRIPT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY REASON.

The OTOAustralia org au child sex cult's leadership is ASIO. Explain another reason why they have the power to redact transcripts, unless the judge is a kiddy fiddler. With 4 tapes recording in parallell it has to be a pretty big cock up to be a "technical failure" with a clerk paid to look at the VU meters.


- Mr Botrill, treasurer of the Ordo Templi Orientis, Inc. revealed, " I - I - I represent Australia overseas on diplomatic postings ..."  with a top-secret security clearance. We are not at all surprised to hear this given that the accumulating evidence consistently points to protection of this blood-thirsty religion by people in high places. Perhaps this is the opportunity to mention the near treetop level fighter jet which shook our concrete house and terrorised the wildlife on its northerly pass over our house and then again on its return trip, distinctly marking our first webpage exposé and reaction to the OTO's initiation of its first legal moves against us. No. Jets don't do that around here, and no, there were no other occasions, although when we first wrote to the National Security Hotline there was that low-flying, black, unmarked military helicopter. Clearly our work is not so embarrassing that they can simply laugh it off.

- Mr King, Chief Executive Officer of the OTO, Inc. revealed that he is a volunteer tutor at Darlington Public School working with disadvantaged children. "He works with disadvantaged children trying to offset some of the damage that these people have incurred." Remember OTO Prophet Aleister Crowley's explanations about any sexual act at all with whomever...See excerpt regarding children further down this page.

-  Mr King revealed that the Victorian police downloaded OTO web pages, in response to our report of their annual general meeting (in which various bloody rites were to be "performed".) This is a significant revelation, considering the police have apparently consistently resisted acknowledging any need to investigate the OTO in light of independent reports from victims of terrible abuse which correspond to "satanic" rituals described in the OTO's own published religious texts and documents. King seems to claim that the OTO liaised with the Victorian police for fear of public reprisals due to our exposé and that the police played some kind of protective role for the OTO. (Sounds familiar)

- They reveal that their ultimate goal is to have this website shut down.

- They reveal that membership with the OTO has been detrimentally effected by our exposé, as has revenue and attendance at the annual general meeting.

- They suggested that they were forced to alter their webpage as a result of our exposé. However they did not tell the judge that what they removed, among other things, was the page named "... righttokill.htm " in which they had presented verses from one of their rituals which asserts that man has a right to write what he will, eat what he will, etc, etc...Man has a right to kill those who would thwart him. And they also removed the erect penis .gif (left) with the 666 beneath it which accompanied the aforementioned verse. And also they removed their copy of their prime religious text which outlines the law of Thelema which, despite what the OTO says, promotes revenge, torture, lust, ritual sacrifice and all those other horrors we have previously outlined.

6th December 2005 - The extra part of the transcript which was sent to us on the 28th November (coincidentally the day of the latest Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal hearing involving us) revealed that the OTO National Treasurer described the OTO for the Magistrate thus: "...the objects of the association are the promotion of the religion of Thelema and Thelemic culture as we describe it, you know, sort of artistic endeavours by persons of that religious persuasion."

- OTO Inc. solicitor Moerkerke asserted that we have made no attempts at research. I guess they haven't read our web site, after all. I suppose the judge didn't tell him that we also provided the court with a CD of 2954 files about the OTO. If you haven't seen the following already, please do read our "embarrassing", "there's been no attempts at research" response to the court, as well as this  "Compassion is the Vice of Kings - Mark 2" article and this letter we wrote to Premier Bracks, the Equal Opportunity Commission of Victoria and the Attorney General of Victoria for starters. All are already linked in above section as well.

- They falsely asserted that we alleged that several murders were going to take place at the OTO AGM. We said they "may" take place,  judging by the OTO's own material which already exists on the internet.

 - They refer to a presentation we apparently made which they interpreted as a veiled threat.  For the record. All of our presentations have been for the purpose of exposing the criminality of this situation and seeking humane rectification thereof. Although we have certainly expressed views that the OTO are in (self- induced) strife because of their own activities and may face public retribution, and because we do expect their will be repercussions due to their own actions, we never threatened them with any inhumane retribution as they suggest, nor do we condone such acts. We do however, sincerely urge them to finally comprehend the grave harm, both social and spiritual, they do to themselves as well as others as they continue to pursue this dangerous course.


From: "gaiaguysnet" gaiaguys@gaiaguys.net To: court.mct.transcripts@act.gov.au; "Perkins, Felicity" Felicity.Perkins@act.gov.au Subject: transcript file number discrepancy, missing section Date: Monday, 5 December 2005 3:24 PM

Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine 775 Upper Coldstream Road Tyndale NSW 2460 [email protected] www.gaiaguys.net 5th December 2005

ref: 051123 CS05/50689

re:transcript - file number discrepancy, missing section and "truth" replaced with "proof".

Dear Registrar,

We have received from your office, dated 28th November 2005, a transcript and an audio tape of the court session no. 50689 of 2005 at 11.23 AM, Tuesday, 28th June 2005, as requested. However there are discrepancies between the two. The most outstanding discrepancy we have noticed is in the case number noted on the last page. In the audio recording the number is clearly 50689, as you would expect, but in the transcript it is noted as 57789. Please explain how this came to be.

A further point for which we require explanation concerns the missing section. We are rather puzzled that following our request to your transcript clerk for the complete transcript (having first received an incomplete transcript by email on 7th November), we received this current version of the transcript which contained a section not on the audio tape.

Also, according to that transcript there is still a section missing. It reads,

"(Audio stops at 2.12.54)

35 RESUMED [2.49 pm]:"

Please can you explain why there was a break at that point or why that section of the hearing has not been recorded?

Our third point concerns the transcriber's error in recording the word "truth" as "proof". Although the words are similar sounding the word "truth" can be distinctly discerned on the audio tape. Also, we have noticed that when his Honour says, "We can't give you any more than you asked for." it was transcribed as "Don't you mean more than you've asked for?"

Although these latter points may not be hugely significant in legal terms it is clearly important to note the inaccuracies considering the Ordo Templi Orientis members have indicated their intention to launch further proceedings against us which will, no doubt, be based on this extraordinary hearing of the 28th of June (in which our defence was struck out as "embarrassing").

Thank you for your attention to this matter and we look forward to receiving a correction from your office of the above points as well as an explanation for the discrepancies. Considering that legal action, seeking damages, has also been taken against us by the Ordo Templi Orientis through the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (last directions hearing the 28th November 2005) you will appreciate the need to clear these matters up.

We will forward the remaining amount owing for the transcript and tape on receipt of the corrected and complete transcript.


Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine

(Copy to follow by ordinary mail.) ...........................................................................................................................................................

From: "Perkins, Felicity" Felicity.Perkins@act.gov.au To: gaiaguys@gaiaguys.net Subject: Ordo Templi -v- Devine Date: Thursday, 22 December 2005 8:46 AM

Attached is the transcript again with the mistakes amended. however we have not been able to recover the missing piece of audio. We must have had a system problem that day and an error message is preventing us from retrieving the audio.

Sorry for the inconvenience. The Registrar has waived the remainder of the transcript fees.


Felicity Perkins Transcript Clerk ACT Law Courts Phone: 02 6217 4372 Fax: 02 06217 4509 Email: [email protected]

hojuruku ago

Please see my thread on this to see how deep it goes. I too have suffered from court orders from judges following the OTOAustralia org au child sex cult's orders to delete content. These satanic pedophiles jail Christians without trail to be recognized as a "religion" to get tax exempt and charity status. Their leadership on Camera mandating child orgies and now I'm sitting on bigger stuff my team is researching. Hard core satanic and bestality sites links to OTO's leadership in Australia.


@FionaBarnett have you seen that ^^ and associated threads.

EX OTO member on 8chan talking about OTOAustralia org au being a hard core child sex cult. You got to see Fiona's drawings of an OTO Gnostic Mass child sex orgy - her childhood drawings match up to my thread exactly.
