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hookednosedjoooo ago

Fiona is a shill

hojuruku ago

Fiona Barnett is working with a faggot shill that did a totally debunked hitpiece on me saying I'm not wanted for arrest contrary to NSW Police FOI GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTATION TO DEBUNK THEM - they claimed they had criminal AFP officers working for them breaking privacy laws.

She runs with Vinny Eastwood, Mark Passio etc ex satanist / leftist shill networks exposed here:

The hitpiece on yours truely

They called me up on my wifes phone before the interview and were advertising they were going to do a hitpiece on me pretending to be on my side before it happened. She had to change her number because of that these people are fucken scum that Fiona Barnett works. Really? doesn't exist? I'm not wanted for arrest because secret criminal privacly laws breaking AFP officers are working for them was the argument they presented in the show. What a load of faggot crap eh? The FOI officer in this Richard M Hanson was caught operating twitter accounts illegally tweeting about his work and blogging about teaching little boys in Japan, going to japanese gay orgies bars AND blogging about bum fucking the former gay police minister David Campbell (who now runs a preschool chain in Wollongong) on his self-censored blog I backed up) A more senior officer was taken off the case so a homo could be put in charge by my nemesis NSW Police head of couter-terrorism catherine Judith Burns.

According to those government documents / government facebook page who is the bullshit artist? You be the judge! PROVEN SHILLS! WORKING WITH FUCKEN FIONA. FUCKEN FAGGOT that Stephen Roberts from Cancel the Cabal who is working with Vinny Eastwood and his shill friends.

See here:

The so called Australian expert in the interview is Kultus Negrand - a so called expert on Free Energy for fucks sake. @FionaBarnett explain yourself!

hookednosedjoooo ago

When exactly did Fiona start this operation

hojuruku ago

It started with the au scum I think. That's's and my biggest concerns. It's odd she mixes so much truth with the lies. I even buy her bond university stuff.

hookednosedjoooo ago

So she was right about Nicole Kidman's father?

hojuruku ago

don't know didn't research that angle fully. I don't believe her enough to go digging.

I'm talking what I know about growing up in the same area around Healthcoat Engadine etc. The guy doberman breeding near lucas hights exists. I was the paperboy.

I think she's a real sex victim who has been used by the OTO as a cut out - to mix truth with lies. That's my best estimate.

hookednosedjoooo ago

What is your obsession with OTO specifically? How are you certain that it's OTO and not some other occult denomination

hojuruku ago

she claims she tried to write a book about the OTO before the wood royal commission. So much she says is true about a current affair having pedophiles before they got outed.

She has insider knowledge that's for sure. She mixes the crazy conspiracy theories about 3000km tunnels etc because she's with the OTO. She doesn't publish my comments backing up some of her claims because she doesn't want to be validated above a certain level.

Just like the OTO sent a bitch after me as I exposed in my recent interview trying to be my friend and stage manage John Sunol - who's linked to the ACL and pedo Fred Nile.

There is so mcuh she says is true mixed with so many lies. She's an insider that's for sure.

She predicted channel 9 A current affair had a gay pedo in it before he got arrested. he was making gay dads son sex movies.

She's speaking falsehoods about Riena Michleson she claims to know closely. She was runner up for the Australian of the year award.

hojuruku ago

Because they founded the homosexual vilification laws and special gay police that ruined my life and came to my front door to give an illegal immigrant over-stayer a ZB951 criminal justice visa.

The homo vilification laws have been sued against my family for exposing the OTO founded special gay police. Garry Burns is fighting for the OTO in the high court of Australia now. etc etc etc. Read my threads and learn.

Because they sued when they barely got a mention.

Because they sued all MY FRIENDS who hate the OTO child sex cult. Because they sent a stalker after me in Vietnam (heidi hendry) because David Bottrill is fucken ASIO as exposed here:

David Bottrill's ASIO activities got redacted by from the court transcript and a refund given. They wouldn't do that if he was just immigration staff under national security concerns.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Do you live in Vietnam?

hojuruku ago

im going to fire up a talkshoe chat in a couple of days. you wanna be in it? you can sip or call in ,or just chat or listen completely anon.

hookednosedjoooo ago

I'm still on the fence about you but yea I might

hojuruku ago

then quiz me fence sitter. I like skeptics except the australian skeptics society linked to pedophile dick smith and james randi who brought a child with a fake name to a hitlon hotel room in australia in the carlos affair.

hookednosedjoooo ago

When I have the time I'll look into you and your affair. Where should I start. You send me a blitzkrieg of information idk where to even start

hojuruku ago

we'll it's all true. interrogating me live on air would be fun. my story hasn't changed since the beginning - except for the new research / intel / developments etc.

hojuruku ago
