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sunajAeon ago

Heinous art that screams real abuse-you can't deny art, which precedes logical thought

hojuruku ago

Who is the alleged artist of this? Fiona? Hehe, Have I just proven this thread is all a hoax :) And this is coming from someone in direct legal conflict with the OTO pedo cult right now!

Fiona says:

Note – the Australian government continues to hack and remove my abuse drawings. I expect this is because I get up to 100,000 views per day of this page. Each time they disappear, alert me in the comments section to this page and I will restore them and let WordPress know. Otherwise, visit other sites like Cathy Fox’s blog where you will find a copy. - Youtube Channel of one deranged skitzo Andrew Barnett (one of the many videos on there)

Fiona Barnett's skitzo brother drew all her alleged "artwork". I've backed up the channel forensically. Handwriting analysis matches up completly. Even the way the questions marks are drawn with the dot off to the right - all the quirks in the handwriting appear the same.

CC @angry_mob @hookednosedjoooo @organic1 @privatepizza @seekingpeace @cc1914 @sunajAeon @angry_mob

I told you she's OTO controlled opposition mixing truth with lies. Try and debunk this people. Everyone knows how much I fucken hate the OTO. I found this by complete friggen chance. I clicked on this video just shared share on pizzagate and found the fuck in the comments. Man it's a small world:

Batshit skitzoid runs in her family. Now compare the art and the handwriting - and the guys name is..... "Andrew Barnett" with a background picture showing some Australian vegitation of the south coast we we both grew up.

Here is his comment that made me find him ?brother? of Fiona - A ZIONIST fake Christian:

It the video was shared on this recent thread:


Andrew Barnett 6 hours ago

It would be a nice way to solve the evil. Even as a Christian, having worked with this filth for many years in the trenches of social services, I have thought of carrying out that act. My conclusion, give them over to the God who dwells in us all, the Holy One of Israel who has already solved all of this beforehand. Leave Him to judge. Think about a world where these people's actions do not exist, that is harmonious, that's the solution. Crowd your mind out with it. Let the filth eat themselves through your forgiveness. Starve them by releasing yourself from any relativity with their cruelty.

Could this be him? wwwlinked in com/in/andrew-barnett-1b903b31/?ppe=1

I swear to god the art in all these youtube videos is the same style with identical handwriting. Anyone know a FBI anon handwriting analysis expert could compare the art in these videos to debunk Fiona Barnett forever?

  1. Same family name.
  2. Same Art style.
  3. Obsessed with anti-pedophilia activism
  4. same handwriting....

More than a tri-fecta guys - and we haven't gone deep on the handwriting forensics yet.

Maybe we should post images comparing the handwriting for match up's. I think it's the weird positioning of the dot on the questionmarks which is a dead give away.