DeathTooMasons ago

The video below exposes this guy as disinfo, selling 80% truth to get you to swallow 20% lies. Makes sense because he attaches the Satanism and NWO to Jews and Protestants when it is the Jesuits who control the Catholic church and are tied to the 13 families. Trump of course, is a life long Jesuit supporter. Stay vigilant.

Snailracer ago

I wonder if Bernard's dark experiences are connected to the Dutroux thing in Belgium.

cantsleepawink ago

Okay, I was quite moved by this guy's performance in the video and thought I'd go have a look into him as it also highlighted that not much is known about his background.

His Linkedin profile states that he is 'self taught' NO education background apart from that. Also, I noted that the follows the University of Malta.

Then I came across this video which links him to Robert David Steele and the Knights of Malta.

Just thought I'd put this out there.

DeathTooMasons ago

This video was spot on.

cantsleepawink ago

From the Guardian article on the Dutch Royal Family:

The youngest brother Constantijn works for the Rand Corporation, a policy think tank.

CIA, RAND Ties Muddy APA Torture "Investigation"

The RAND Corporation: America's University of Imperialism

SoSpricyHotDog ago

There is no way Ronald Bernard is lying. I've watched each of the three interviews and he is legit. He is smart. Protecting his past, not implicating anyone, that is clearly why he's still alive.

Such a tortured man. He's seemingly been through it all. A rough childhood, physically/mentally/sexually abused... no wonder he was able to put his "conscience in the freezer". He climbed the ladder of the elite cabal. Something that WE cannot even begin to understand (and we're exponentially further away from the center of the "Matrix" than most people out there).

I've tried showing these videos to people and I get responses like:

"Interesting!" and "Wow" and "Holy shit"...

And these are quotes, in totality, from 3 very smart/extremely successful people.

REALLY?! That's all people can muster with such groundbreaking and devastating information? "Wow"

The circle is a downward spiral, like the pyramid of interest that he described. More and more gets funneled/drained from us and goes to the top. He single handedly explained how the rich get richer and the poor get screwed over, how children are sacrificed as a religious/blackmail mechanism and how the masses simply cannot accept this as the truth.

They tried to mold him and slowly pivot him into committing these very same atrocities. Something that I'm assuming 99% of this small, elite inner circle completely go along with. Putting their conscience even deeper into a freezer with no way out. Once they participate in something so horrific, there's no going back.

He made it out. He almost died as a result. But, he made it out. This is a massive warning to us... a flare of truth fired up into the air from a man who almost died in order to expose it. And he STILL is protecting the layers/people/organizations that got him this far.

My only hope is that he has a deadman's switch, something that implicates everyone he worked with/for and was complacent with the crimes at a high level as well as the lowest, most innocent level - the children.

Ronald Bernard is a hero. It is our duty to spread this information. This IS Pizzagate. There NEEDS to be many players involved to make this work. With the child sacrifices to the organ trafficking acting as the glue to bind the highest level power/financial structures in the world - it is truly astonishing to me that most people can simply sweep this under the rug and pretend they never saw it.

cantsleepawink ago

Nice video. But, as a critical thinking forum, we do need to look at his background a little bit, don't you think?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Good luck... he explained that this circle is largely undetected on the internet, and why this is the case. It makes total sense. Why would they expose themselves if they can simply avoid exposure by not posting things? These people are leaps and bounds smarter than their puppets, Podesta, Clinton, Lynch, Obama, etc.

cantsleepawink ago

I'm a bit familiar with the discretion of the banking world.

lobsterguts ago

I do not believe you can fake his sincerity.

BIGLY17 ago

12:43-12:47 --> "Those Satanists? Fuck them."

Well fucking put.

His story imho is genuine and worthy of redpilling the nations around the globe.

TrishaUK ago

Love 'The Dialogue' a New Zealand Body Language Expert - Ronald Bernard Ex Elite Banker Body Language (reupload) - Pleased she re-uploaded it with english interpretation instead of having to read it. Enjoy its good :)

BIGLY17 ago


imkhan ago

This is a vitally important interview. I believe him, he is right by mankind's evil or apathy we invite the destruction that is to come via WWIII. Eventually the Satanists will lose, but it's gonna get alot darker before truth and justice will prevail. Glory to God.

jangles ago


Factfinder2 ago

Here he is using the pseudonym he said he adopted for the internet: (can't directly link because of banned domain)


Verite1 ago

Absolutely riveting

AngB23 ago

These vids need to be spread far and wide. People need to wake the fuck up and realize WE ARE ALL SLAVES to the system, pitted against each other. How do people not see the reality? Thank you for posting this.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Just finished watching...spellbinding.

Two things that stand out...organ harvesting in India over 20 years ago and according to Ronald this darkness started in the Netherlands.

Don't know the history of the CF but in India 20 years ago/just curious? CF founded 1997 so wondering if they moved in quickly to capitalize on the market?

Started in the Netherlands...again, don't know the history of the country but certainly a comment of interest. According to @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and it started here in Racine wonder if there are any Racine ties to anything going on in the Netherlands? Apologizes if this connection has already been established.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Apologies for the delayed response.

YES YES YES YES YES. There are deep connections between Racine and British and Dutch Royalty, specifically through the Pilgrims Society. Another is through Solvay and Vemedia, and there are many, many more ties. We can expand when we have more time, but the Dutch are very involved in the real agenda leading toward Global Enslavement, population control, and the Mark of the Beast.

EricKaliberhall ago

jangles ago

UP voat

jangles ago

This Goat

jangles ago


4_InquiringMinds ago

Pretty neat...homemade?

jangles ago

Stacy did it. You can do it too :) she is awesome.

LionElTrump ago

Ronald this darkness started in the Netherlands

Just finished typing that out. He specifically says all this originates and is operated out of the Netherlands

cantsleepawink ago

Queen Beatrix and Marina Abramovic

Coincidentally, I have been recently been wondering about the hierarchy of royal families. Looking at pictures of who curtseys to whom, I haven't come across any images of Queen Beatrix curtseying to anyone

DerivaUK ago

This led me through a gamut of emotions from sadness to anger but left me with hope and determination. No clearer a description of the real truth of what we are up against and what is needed to bring it down. I pray for his safety

LionElTrump ago

Irma Schiffers(S) conversation with Ronald Bernard(R) pt 3

S-After part 1 of our interview quite a lot has happened, it went viral, worldwide. In the meantime we have Spanish subs, Finnish, french, Italy did publish the video, it is really incredible. What happened to you afterwards?

R-Yes, eh.. i never experienced such in my life it even did not come to my mind that this would happen. I was actually doing something very different when we did the interview and perhaps it is good to mention this. I experience a very heavy and intense life, until today, which has split into a first life and a second life, a real death, and.. ive actually decided for myself that last two and half years to do something with the trauma I have incurred and there are quite a few because I got stuck

S- Again..?

R- I got stuck in myself, yes. So ive been lucky enough to embrace a specialist, who was able to deal with trauma processing and from there I made little steps which eventually led me to share with the audience, just like we did


R-That is a lot of processing but it also has a lot to do with my new life, which has been running for some 22 years. I started a positive, life, I became a social entrepreneur and I am very committed to life. And I saw, especially from the Netherlands. The Netherlands, as you might say, is quite a country of parochialism. And where often a culture is expanding from out of ignorance, but especially from out of fear. And I already saw it on forehand, because of the manifestations I am working on in my life are becoming so big, worldwide, worn by humanity, that I already felt it. If I do not clear myself up inwardly, as well as outside myself then unfortunately I know the Dutch people and their mentality too well. If something gets beautiful and becomes success, it needs to be broken. That is apparently the tradition in the Netherlands. There are only a few that are praised in the Netherlands. yes, if our soccer team wins a world-championship then we are all happy, and it is positive. But when it comes to the essential things, that are good for us, they often break you down. And I thought, if I get more clean inside and I become more and more strong through trauma processing just like the manifestation outside myself, the moment will come that the Dutch will show their nasty tendency, 'we are going to destroy it'. Then you better clean your own slate completely, make everything clear, where you come from, then they can not do anything with it anymore. Because after all it is not about me, it is about the manifestation, Because once a manifestation has been realized, I am going to start something else. So that is the way I started, to get rid of it from within, it gave me a lot of relief. It freed me enormously, it was really a kind of birth. I also found it very intense. I have to say I have seen worldwide what has happened. In the meantime I have heard that over 18 million people have watched the interview. moreover, about part 2 I am not sure, but from part 1, which has been published before, more than 18 million. Part two, who knows some more, but perhaps the same. That was not just about me but also about the current power structure here on Earth, the financial system, because people need to know about that. But I did not expect this to happen, I did not hope for this either, It was more something for myself and for what I am creating, because I am dealing with a lot of people around me. I have 5000 people in some manifestation gathered around me, in fiver different countries, I bear a lot of responsibility for that, because I once started an initiative, started a manifestation. Perhaps later on we can go in that and what it is all about, but I thought, it is not going to happen that- because of dark period in my past- they are going to break it down. Because trust is hard to gain but easy to lose in the Netherlands. All based on fear, but okay, people do not even know what they are talking about.

S-Where does that come from? Are you talking about the fact that this is something human or is this a matter of conscious control of a higher power structure that the good things will be destroyed?

R- I did... I think it was in part 1, and otherwise it was in part 2, but I did mention -and it seems almost a commercial-0 the protocols of Zion. The protocols of the wise elders of Zion. And I still believe that if people are going to read it, they will better understand what they are in. Yet I have received comments from people who have read it and they were overwhelmed. Really 'wow', we really live in a time, what is written in there, while it is already an old document. So more and more people begin to understand where all the reactions, also from us, come from because we are talking about a 'matrix'. Once they produced a movie about it, it even became a trilogy, three parts. Then I think 'wow, it is just a move' but it shows as clear as possible where most people live in, in a kind of dream that is not real and what if you are part of the dream and then I come up with a story like this, it really happened. I have to say, as far as I know, more than 95/96% which is a rough estimate, is overwhelming positive. They are incredibly positive. Do you know that even for people are praying, worldwide, that teams are formed to support you, to be able to continue your work?

S- Yes, that is beautiful

R-It is incredible what has happened. One the other hand we have also seen poison, coming our way, the arsenic the biological meal was the reaction, with a touch of arsenic in it to break it down. Most of the time it is an energetic mechanism, that sometimes works through them without even knowing, it works on their fear, because when I am speaking the truth, then it becomes a real possibility that the world and the reality they live in, their comfort, is going to shake.

S-Is breaking down, yes.

R-And that is scary, because change is scary.


R-So you are already afraid, and you got some more fears. Then it is far more easy and they tried to do that to me in the meantime, to break me down, and trying to prove that I am a liar, a fantasist, and mention the whole range of what you can imagine for not accepting the truth, because I am speaking the truth. This is the reason why I am married to a woman for more than 10 years, for this. I say what I say, I do what I do, and that is right. Because I have not so much to hide. I am hiding something about my old life, my first life. That is pure protection for myself but also many others, but over the last 22 years that I came back and really became who I am, you can ask me anything.

S- Yes, because that is the hardest part, what you are telling now, you can not talk about those things, out of protection for yourself and others.

R- Yes.

S- I understand that very well, but of lot of people are using that as an argument to say that you are a fantasist, that it is not true what you are saying and that you apparently have another agenda. How do you look at it and what can say about it?

R- Yes, i get that very well. I mean, what they ask, is.. I know someone who said, give me a 'curriculum vitae'. yes, and I look at it, and I think boy oh boy, how can you ask such a thing. I mean, I can not, first I have no CV, I always was an entrepreneur, how can I write a CV about my first life. That self-employment also including cars, textile, the ladies fashion line, in import and export, those were the top layers, do you really think back them, that I was a Saint? Hello! I was just a top criminal, okay? How bad do you want me to tell myself that I was bad? Do i need to tell that I am a murderer, which I am not? I mean, what do they tell me about that? I can not tell anything and it is quite simple, everything I say for the people whoa re still alive, I will draw them along with me. Actually it comes down to 'over and out'. And all of that because I need to prove that it is like this? One can also look into the worldwide investigations and testimonies that already exist, because I am not the first one. It is a lot worst, it is timeless. Once there was a rebel, he was a carpenter, he performed miracles here on Earth, he told us who he was, he was the son of the highest supreme, Yes, he did miracles and they still did not believe him. No, you know who he was? He came from the devil, he was a Satanist, yes? How much more do people need to know to see what is going on here on Earth, how much? How much? And I do understand what they are talking about. of course, I can understand that. They can not understand what I am about about, because it is not apart of their life. That is not possible. I mean, it is the same with the breaking point you asked for, which was very difficult for me. I was invited. Do you really think they say 'Hey Ronald, we have a party, come on, we are going to chop little children.'

[12m:11s]S-No of course it does not work like that.

LionElTrump ago

Ronald-How can you think like that? Such is a very careful route, involving two of my colleagues who joined the inner circles who invited me to also join the inner circle, because I should gain more strength, more power. That was a trust relationship that they have built up with me in the long run, and they thought I was ready for this. How could they know that this was the trigger for me. That was not the intention. So it is nonsense to think that, just like on a normal Saturday evening when everybody is going out, that i ended up on a massacre with children. Those are just images people create, while for me the invitation, the truth about that, already gave the shock that i could not handle. And we are purely speaking about an inner circle, from a religion that is sick. And we all feel shocked about that. But then I have another example. Also about children. Because if we need to throw it all out there, because people stay where they are, that is the problem! The good people It is not the bad people, there are only a few, bad people do their thing, but it is the good people, worldwide, who do nothing. For a very long time, and I am a little angry with them.

Schiffers- Rightfully so!

R- because when I was in my youth, between 15-20, via family, first line, i heard stories from nurses who were sent to India for a mission for development assistance over there. Those people... I am trying to control myself, Those people, were burnout after four or fiver years, completely traumatized, nurses, back in the Netherlands, No one was allowed to Know. but what was this all about? Children, again. Every time Children! Organ Trafficking. We just think it is normal for a baby to be saved, but where do these organs come from? And those children are still alive the moment they remove their organs. Those nurses could not cope with it anymore. India. I am not sure if this is still going on right now, World, stand up! Go, find out! Organ trafficking. Children! No one is talking about that. No one is taking action. Those satanists; fuck them! That is just a pathetic tiny little group. Organ trafficking worldwide. The God Mammon. How much more shit do you need to get from me? I now hear stories, including lawsuits, in England. about the rape of young girls on a massive scale and the culprits are acquitted. We not protect our own children. What kind of sick world is this? This is our future. and I can testify; start with damaging little children from early on, and your world becomes sicker. it is a license to a third world war and a total destruction of humanity, if we continue the way we do now, with our youth, with our children. And then they say that I am a liar? A fantasist? Look around, wake up! You don't need me, You don't need me. Not at all. I might be so far, finally in my life, after all these therapies and processing that I stand up, for the children. Because I care for them. Very much.

S-And you were one yourself..


LionElTrump ago

Schiffers- You know how it is.

Ronald-yes. For two years they got me completely work out. Back then I have had it with my dad, then, through the child protection board, i was placed in a sheltered home to protect me, then i Got so called loving caregiver for two years. Yes... I even did not know what it was, sex. I did not even know...For two years long. Then you cry out for your daddy and mommy while you actually come out of hell, but rather than hell this. Yes? I know what is oging on in this sick world, I've lived through it myself. Tell me I am a liar, go and look in the mirror. Who is lying here? You! It is you! You don't want to see the world as it is. I promised to control my emotions today, to keep it nicely monotonous, as it should be, but I cant. I am who I am. and I am so committed to life, that is my mission. that became my mission, my life task. Good management of all life, that is my mission. For the children.

S- and you need that trigger.

R-Yes. Yes.

S- that is why you are here.

R- I have nothing to do with all those people. I can understand them. But I will ask; please look inside yourself. Why does it trigger you when you see me and hear me? and with all I have to say to you, What is going on within yourself? What is being touched? Why do you come in defense, why are you in denial? Why do you need it from your mind, to burn me down? Because we talking about that now, a small part considered it necessary. The mass does not, but a small part thinks it is necessary. What is it. What is this in yourself that you need to do this. Take a look at it, be honest with yourself. What is your agenda? Do you really want humanity to live in duality forever? Or do you want us to gather together. Because this is possible. I am already working on it. It is getting bigger and bigger. It is like a virus they can not destroy. It is a virus of unconditional love. That is what we are spreading.

S- In which you do not have to prove who you are, but just being you.

R-I am who I am, and for fun I showed you my passport, so you can watch it you even can go to special services to check out if it is false, but hello! I am just here and I stand...

S- You just said you have no CV, neither from you past, you made it very clear what that is, and how it is, but still, a number of questions have been raised, especially after the first interview, The questions we have received for example, When did Ronald work at the Stock exchange because it is no where to be found?

R- No you can not find much about my whole first life. Actually neither about my second life. I am not the type of guy being active on the internet just like the whole herd, most people are careful with their privacy, but in the meantime I see them sharing literally everything on the internet. The level I played on, and where I come from, If you would like to investigate those circles, you actually will not find anything. We do not exist on the internet. Finally, for fun, because I was busy with a manifestation and it was needed to be found on the internet, together with my partner, we established in 2008 the Family 'Blij'. And the funny part was.. the thought behind it was; if you are going to become on family, like little companies, entrepreneurs, individuals, you unite in one family, then you can organize a manifestation, like I used to do in the social society with each other, from, for and through each other. If you became a member of the family (Blij), that was our though, then you got the opportunity to add the adoptive name 'Blij' behind your own name. So I became a member, and with me many more, because you are able to find them on the internet. They had the opportunity, if they like, for example like with me, "Ronald Bernard" so that became Ronald B. Blij. So that is why I created an account with pseudonym for the social media like Facebook and LinkedIn, to have an account, to be able to host the manifestations of importance, like new organizations because without a private account you are not allowed to do this. So i was, except for a very small and lost article from another project, not to be found on the internet. My wife is almost not to be found on the internet, and there are many in my circles not to be found on the internet because we do not feel the need to share our privacy and our whole private life on the internet. That is our right.


R-So there's not much about us to find on the other hand, that is the funny part, when you see the masses, on the internet, somebody signs up or whatever, through Facebook or I don't know what... to their children, everything and all, their birth-date, what they are doing day by day, the name of the child, when it is born, you got everything to know from people through the internet. That is up to them

S-Publicly owned

R-What is it?

S-We are owned by the government.

R-Yes, but we are very cooperative, eh? I mean, everybody is talking about their privacy, but they throw everything out in public, but we are not like that, and we don't do that. So you can not find a lot about us on the internet. But back to the CV, because a Curriculum is quite a theme in the Netherlands, at least in some particular circle, I would like to repeat, I corresponded with some guy, I have indicated that I do not have a CV, because my whole life I was an entrepreneur, I never needed to apply for myself. The second thing I indicated is, I will never write a CV about my first life, that makes no sense at all, because everything I should write down, are indications of deeper layers. Because everything I did - official companies- also had a substratum Yea...? A lot of things that could not stand in the light of day were played out in those deeper layers. I did not just get in the financial world by coincidence. Perhaps I did not sufficiently explore this in the first part of the interview, but you did not just get a seat automatically on the stock exchange. It is not like this 'oh we have a seat for sale' it is quite naive to think like that. So to avoid that from that period - because we are talking about... we are talking about a period from 1982, I have to dig deep, 1982 until the end of 1994. So we are talking about 12 years, in which I was very busy and active, in all its forms as an entrepreneur, with deeper layers, that did not stand in the light of day. There are many interest involved from a lot of people. I will never make it known. besides, neither I can not.. for example, the people who tortured me. Do you really think that I can make a phonecall - that is also impossible, because we all need witnesses, Do you really think they say 'yes, that's right, I did this and that to him'? and do you really think that people who made exchanges with me to ruin other countries, will say 'yes of course, we did that, we like to do that'.

S-laughNo. that does not work like that. [24m:41s]

LionElTrump ago

Ronald-There is nobody in my circles who has the feeling, or the need, if they are still alive anyway, to testify about that. I can tell you something else, when I crashed down, revived to life again, the crying mother.. after that I came in several private clinics for more than a year, to recover. They had to deal with a professional oath, the oath of secrecy. Finally, as they saw my internal injuries, just everything what was wrong, they began to wonder what had happened. Then.. yes, it still is a difficult part... You have to experience it yourself to know. It is a bit the same as living in Syria nowadays and half your family is shot to pieces. You are suffering seriously, It takes a long time to process trauma.

Schiffers-Yes, sure.

R- But.. it is not real, right? Those people are bastards. But okay, I think those are really bastards. But I know, the consolation is that all strikes back.

S- They themselves are deficient...

R-Everything strikes back. Because I have no remorse, I think it is just bastards-behavior, and I can understand that very well, they must listen inwardly because there is a lot to heal. But when it comes to recovery, the doctors asked me what had happened to me. Then I told them the truth, just like I do now. Do you know what they did? They called out for all kinds of specialists Psychiatrist, psychologists. Everybody had to look into my mind, because 'this can not be true'. 'You are describing a movie', you fantasist, Yes... Then finally, because they made a lot of diagnosis, I actually found it humorous. I thought, gosh, all of them are smart and intelligent scholars, professors, all of which make diagnoses, while I am just speaking the truth, but no one believes me. then I gave permission for a few loved ones, from my most inner circle, trust relationships, I gave permission to interview them. A few weeks later, I still remember the white coats with their files entering the room, dazed, we are sorry, Ronald. We can not help you. Your trauma is so serious, we can not do that. At last someone believed me. People do not know the world where I come from. Most do not.

S-No, which is also relatively small.

R-Yes. In relation to the matrix everyone lives in. It's a bit like in that movie, there were also not so many who lived outside. But they lived in reality.

S-The wizard of Oz and his tiny little friends, behind the curtain

R- Yes, sorry, I can not expose everything. I do not only consider myself. Children are very important to me, because I also received comments like, 'yes, you should have gone to the government.' You should know how I have gone through a great deal with the government. The government does not serve us at all. And what was I supposed to say? They invited me? For what? Where is the evidence? Who would believe me at once while others do not believe me?

S-There are no comments now, it ended everywhere, also with the authorities.

R-It is rather serious, because the things I am talking about are from long ago, but if I see what is going on -well, I do not want to say on a daily base-but still very often is in the news, what is going on with little children, it is not all about child sacrifices or child abuse, donor trade, organ trafficking, it is about so much more. Seventeen thousand children are only dying of hunger and thirst every day.

LionElTrump ago

[29m:19s]Ronald- Are we all made out of concrete? What is wrong with this world? I am very concerned from the heart, that is my inner drive, and that is what is going to happen. Because I notice, and that is the beautiful part, that more and more people are standing up. And they understand more and more 'We are the change!'

Preview Part 4:

We create Zombies, who can not even get out of their screen. A choice must be made. The matrix will become reality. Based on the current Vampire system we are killing the earth. In the near future we even have no earth anymore to live on. The Netherlands is the darkest hole on Earth. Almost all shit originated from this country. So it is also our job to turn it around, From the Netherlands.

Many thanks to : Ronald Bernard, Marja Van Der Star - Irma Schiffers, Interview & Translator - Godert Walker, Camera,Editing,Subtitles -


DerivaUK ago

Big thanks for this Lion

purpleabyss ago

I have started working on a transcript, will probably finish tomorrow evening.

Amino69 ago

I haven't looked into this guy or what he specifically states but am on board with the topic. What is it that convinces others he's legit?

LionElTrump ago

Can't find much about him. He isn't tied to any political party like we see with normal shills or disinfo agents. He talks about that in this one. He gave out some doxx info that people can research further on in this interview with the Blij names. His circles stayed away from the internet unless their 'manifestations' required it.

Tried to look into the interviewer and don't see any flags for disinfo agent either at the moment. This is stuff that is confirming what collectively people have been pooling together for the past year+. It's been on the internet for ages but was successfully suppressed, we are at a boiling point of information and we see the panic that causes Silicon Valley right in-front of our eyes.

Amino69 ago

Thanks for your response, I trust his words a little more now ;)

JesusRules ago

. watch later

4_InquiringMinds ago

Thanks, been watching for part 3.

derram ago :

Ronald Bernard - PART 3, revelations from an insider - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

purpleabyss ago

I'll start working on a transcript of this as soon as I have watched it.

NoBS ago

Look in the mans eyes when he get's emotional. Then look into a polished politicians soulless eyes. They guy would suck as a politician, he wears his sincerity on his face and would be marked for removal or destruction..

3141592653 ago

that will be appreciated