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The28th ago

"Note – the Australian government continues to hack and remove my abuse drawings. I expect this is because I get up to 100,000 views per day of this page. Each time they disappear, alert me in the comments section to this page and I will restore them and let WordPress know. Otherwise, visit other sites like Cathy Fox’s blog where you will find a copy.

Originally posted on 29 November 2015:

Hang on for the ride!

Part 1:

Prostituted by the Australian government to RICHARD NIXON at RAAF Fairbairne military airport, Canberra. The Australian Federal Police unit ‘Operation Attest’ refused to investigate this incident. They promised to at least investigate and tell me whether or not there was a centrifuge at the base, used to train pilots in – to validate my memories. An ex-military perosn who worked at the base validated its existence instead.

Abuse Drawings...Story of Abuse continues...Hang on for the ride...

hojuruku ago hosted a image that looks like the OTO Gnostic catholic mass you can see here:

But I can't find that image on their website anymore maybe someone can help:

Fiona Barnett is a tool for the MSM to do this:,8364

CC @hookednosedjoooo

Fiona's problem is she has just too many different shocking stories. She should have found the strongest allegations first - get convictions and then work on the rest - like this:,5458,5455

Part #1 and #2 were PULLED from,7062