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srayzie ago

Here’s an update on the pedophile...

hojuruku ago

Here's an update on the whore & @Skyrock that say it's wrong to oppose child abuse camps that pimp out USA,NZ,Australian children for profit, abuse them who's boss is now in jail :)

Oh you knew that from 8chan when you trolled me there but you still publish the debunked pedo made attacks on an anti-pedophilia activists because you know you are a pedo:

MUST SEE: That pedo camp I shut down.

Look at filthy Skyrock link here:

That says this:

Luke was involved in the management of a school on Jeju Island in Korea. Luke was an executive for a school where subsequent reports were made by teachers who had left the school. These reports indicated that there were several problems happening in the school. These problems included teachers receiving little/no pay and receiving abusive language. A story ran in the local paper on this and shortly after, Luke began a crusade against the villagers of the island itself to expose them all as pedophiles

The next line is hilarious. i didn't post anything illegal. I posted a dox on Anirtak76 and they banned me for doxxing a kiwifarms pedo club member :) haha

Now look at the MSM news report the Korean camp boss is in Jail and listen to him on tape inviting Austrlaian School principals to brothels to blackmail them to supply foreign kids. Damn I'm so bad for opposing a child sex camp just as Skyrock and srayzie says. Man they love their child sex hard....

Now a copypaste from 8chan that srayzie aka Skyrock admit they saw before publishing there debunked fake claims.

You are a fucken pedo opposing me for opposing child labor camp and child abuse camp you fucken kiddy fucker shill. The rest of the text links is copypaste from an email to pedo gay journalists in soul that did a hitpiece on me and the korean embassy…

Yet I am wanted for arrest for exposing him by Korean police and the crime of stealing a single sheet of paper to identify a pedophile suspect that touched up children on it to police so I could identify the pedophile in a police report. That's right theft of evidence to make a secure chain of custody a single sheet of A4 paper - a phone list glued to the wall - a public document - is an offense for which the police will hunt you down.

And now that criminal that made that complaint against me I am also wanted for the crime of truthfully defaming is in JAIL right now. So Korean police will jail foreigners who disrespect powerful child pimping Korean jailed criminals - for the crime of truthful defamation. The same pedo who made the countries educational policy on a committee in 2008 without even a degree or the professor certification he claimed he had.

Make my criminal charges in Korea go away or I go public as discribed on the phone.

I am wanted for arrest for the crime of disrespecting a jailed criminal (Lee Chan Won) who pimps out Australian & NZ children in your country.

Lee Chan Won is in jail for fraud and I'm wanted for arrest in Korea for the crime of disrespecting a man who ran a child abuse camp, and I have paperwork proving he has no university degree yet makes Korea's educational law. This corruption is epic.

I have a big dossier. Get an English translator and you have a big news story.

I live in Vietnam now.


This used to be on

(yep that proves this pedo camp boss made the countries educational policy without a university degree as proven on government letterhead in the picture you can't understand attached below - but try and get it debunked good luck - seriously find someone Korean you fucken shill before you say it's wrong to be against child labour pedo camps you fucken faggot aussie pedo)

Skyrock ago

So und etzad langts oida!!! I hob neamands was doa und du scheißt mi o!!! HOS T HOID SEIBA NIX ZUM ZOANG AUSSA A FETTN BIERWAMPN!!! HOB OIWEI AN RESPEKT VOR DIR GHABT ODA!!! OAN GRUND GIBSTMA!!!! ABA OHNE GRUND BRUNZTMA AN DE FIASS. Wia da kloane Bademoasta mit zwoa Kilo Muckis aber imma an Halk spuin, war doch kloa dass'd irgendwann oane fangst. SEIBA SCHUID!!! IA WOITS A SCHEK HENTS ABER JETZT MIASSTS MIT DE KONSEQUENZEN LEM. LECKTS MI, JETZT HABTS MI DAZU BRACHT, DE SAU NAUS ZUM LASSN UND I BIN NED ALLOA. HOBTS ES SCHO AMOI AUFAM STIER GRITTN? I HAB STIERBEITL!!! Und jetz hearst amoi zua siebzig Kilo Testosteron, sackgsteierts, 10% Körpafett und oa oanziga Muskel der si ned vo eich provozierendem Pakt STRESSA LOSST. LECKTS MI, KEMMTS DOCH I BIN UM ZEHNE AUFD NACHT MITM STOI AUSMISTEN FERTIG OISO KEMMTS HER!!!