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Dfens ago

I really don't understand the fatal attraction people have for that pizzagate site. With MF'er gone, it's still a cesspool. What's worse is the mods post child porn on the site and then remove the submissions to justify their heavy handed behavior. No place else on Voat has the rate of deleted posts they have, and half the subs have no moderator at all. I can't believe people continue to fall for their crap.

hojuruku ago

yeah.... I am a man with a plan. Make me a mod / recruiter for #pedogate you know why my loyalty stands by now... but only if Vindicator makes a fatal move.

Look at the crazy shit happening on:

If @Vindicator takes it out again I'll put my content exclusively here and I'll be done with the /v/pizzagatemods that demand criticism of them they never answer on /v/pizzagatemods they downvote so nobody can see and do nothing about be removed from /v/pizzagate threads.

There will be a factional split. He's now saying I'll be hunted down like a Hollywood movie and bashed for not loving child rape. It's going to the point of no return.

He's starting to look like a suspect by his actions and his baseless censorship requests. He can't even answer a few basic questions that will out him to normal sane people as acting very suspiciously with a dark agenda.

Once that thread get's pulled a 4th time, he fired the first shot in a war that he will never live down. Pro-pedophile interference censor... I'm begging him not to be that stupid but you may be right. @Vindicators actions tonight will decide the future of /v/pizzagate and it's reputation.

I can't say I didn't give them a fair shake before they really kicked it off. They are clearly censoring posts without the moral authority or justification as per the rules to do so. All claims are proven and sourced in the OP, it still goes based on a claim it isn't when it is. Clearly interference of anti-pedophilia activism, which is the opposite of anti-pedophilia activism - this kind of shit.

They are just shitlords behind a computer. I'm a developer that's been working on a distrobuted hosting system and the Citizens Ombudsman Project project for 8 years.

Don't cross the line guys or IT IS ON. You thought you were smart because I didn't like you censoring @BabalonWorking's OTO blog link first post on /v/pizzagate - demanding he copy and paste it all into a discuss post??? Why??? Then he takes out 3 of my threads 5 mins later in a rushed censorship job. You know the saga..

Vindicator has been given his final warning. If I can't work with him, I will work against him as he undermined my work I'll undermine his credbility like the last cunt who shut me down sharing valid research links. Since when is US prosecutors briefs of evidence talking about "child abuse manifestos" and a pedo who confessed to raping a girl 3 years ago to police but not being charged because he made the masonic hand sign no doubt back then not related to /v/pizzagate GTFO " @Millennial_Falcon proves he is a pedophile by deleting document from US prosecutor outling child sexual abuse, porn and a "satanic child murder manifesto" & banning me " -

In the last 24 hours all search results have been filtered from google. Looks like I must be doing the right thing.... Maybe this whole site is dead.

Dfens ago

Contact @Wisdomtooth. I'm sure he would add you as a moderator of this site.