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hojuruku ago

Holy fuck guys. I checked out one of the crazy as forums HeyGeorge runs he tagged me in

And here's the latest comment I put there on a thread that is dropping the same crazy terms that's all over his forum. Tallest_skif is in the panel info and the thread has got the same crazy acronyms that the trolls @Vindicator accused me of running (as mentioned in the 4th version of the thread) 4th version of the contentious thread is up now - still 24 hour hold after I talked to @Vindicator about the trolls:

THIS PROVES that /v/pizzgate/ mod heygeorge probably knows who the /v/anontalk kike trolls harassing me and tagging all pizzagate mods is - and then Vindicator was blaming me for it which caused him a funny reprisal

CC @I_Would_Gas_You @Dfens @Cuckbot @Cargill @Mandible @puttitout @BabalonWorking @auralsects @MadWorld @CheeseboogersGhost @gabara - look at this thread and compare it's content to the kike anon trolls!

And all this shit @Vindicator blamed me for links back to you here? I'm not getting alters from your anon posts but these are still in my notifications....

What the fuck is this @HeyGeorge???

SRS is trying to make SBBH member @hojuruku leave Voat and go back to Reddit.

Anon SRS is trying to make SBBH member @hojuruku leave Voat and go back to Reddit. (

submitted 5.5 hours ago by 2502385 to AnonTalk (+8|-5)

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Anon I am @hojuruku and I am a pedophile (confessions)

submitted 1.1 days ago by 2501065 to confessions (+2|-3)

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Anon Doxxing @hojurukuJPG (

submitted 1 day ago by 2501136 to AnonTalk (+5|-5)

discuss save Which links to the crazy cunt trolling me from the beginning 5 mins after I mentioned it on the 1st Vindicator thread when @heygeorge was pissed off...


I'm onto you kike.

My name is @hojuruku - Please give my account more votes!

[–] 12498789 0 points (+0|-0) 14 hours ago

@tallest_skil is attacking you.

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heygeorge ago

I will let the mole people know.

hojuruku ago

who are the mole people. Most the terms on your /v/SoapBoxBanHammer page with terms the anontalk cunts are spamming me with I don't know what they mean. What are "mole people". You know my account stats - where I post where I go. It's pizzagate - Occidental and that's about it. Oh yeah and one post in v/coontown/ you will be proud of.

After they spammed me with those terms it took me a while to figure out it was linked to your page. If you didn't ping me and keep replying to me on that thread of yours you made for me there I wouldn't have worked out they were affiliated with your page.

heygeorge ago

Good job blocking anon pings. It's the only way to Voat. I've also determined to block nutters. You won't believe this one sperg I just blocked: He's off his gourd!

hojuruku ago

That's my profile you cunt. So it was you trolling me. @Vindicator - your mod admits attacking me after I exposed kike pedophilia.. Good look mate.

CC @Dfens

Vindicator ago

hojuruku, this is what I was talking about when I said you triggered the Voat immune system. Have you watched the movie Gran Torino? If not, you should. A lot of the folks on Voat are like Eastwood in that movie. Exactly like Eastwood in that movie.

hojuruku ago

I am trying to trigger what is left of humanity to rise up for the sake of the children. To deprogram them from normalizing pedophilia. I too am hoping for the shitstorm that is to come and it appears you are on the other side of the epic battle.

That's why this is my channel's intro video:

The guy who made this movie was killed, his wife, his dog, and they left the back door open. I put his video up when he was alive. If one man falls another takes his place. I have ghostwholves who have my research dossiers.

We fight with no fear of death. That ended a long time ago. Do you really think a resistance isn't being organized now? Patriots around the world unite.

The war against corrupt satanic pedophile governments and the people IS COMING! (mirrored in

hojuruku ago

CC ^^ look up @Cuckbot @Dfens @GeorgeT @gabara @auralsects

They wont quit the censorship games. I want to move onto the next thread about BBBS and they are obsessed with censoring the truth - the whole truth - and nothing but the fully sourced truth.

gabara ago

Did I do something? I will protect your free speech. I may not necessarily pay attention to it. :)

hojuruku ago

It's going to kick off soon calm before the storm. I hope it doesn't but the ball isn't in my court.

hojuruku ago

We'll you shouldn't have fed them my nickname if it wasn't you quarterbacking it. It's not a good look to associate yourself with those twats.