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Vindicator ago

@hojuruku: Once again, I have to insist that you honor our submission rules. Every major claim must be sourced. Another way of putting that is research posts must not make any claims that aren't supported by linked evidence. You write:

  • dating site for gay men and little boys
  • gave a character reference for one of their own homosexual board members done for sodomizing little Thai boys and child porn
  • who was a gay crown prosecutor
  • who helped remove the gay panic defense that allows children who kill gay men trying to rape them avoid jail for lawful self-defense.
  • This law is needed when we have gay judges saying it's all the child's fault

That's five unsourced claims in just paragraph three. There are many more in this post as well. If you don't want to present carefully sourced research, that's fine -- but it has to go in v/pizzagatewhatever, not here. I'm going to give this the edit flair to see if you can clean this up today. Maybe others can help you identify and find links for the other unsourced claims peppered throughout this post.

Going forward, please stop ignoring Rule 2! This is the sixth submission you've made since @kevdude unbanned you a week ago that ignored our submission guidelines:

hojuruku ago

But that aside ^^^ that up there - is FALSE and interference.

I've just read it again 3 times. Maybe beer and cigarettes will give me more perspective in the next hour.

I can't fix it. It not broken.

I could make the whole thing into a hyperlink orgy - but not in 50,000 characters I've already entirely used up. If you want to be bitches I'll get the whole thing reposed as a three or two part simultaneous thread with EVEN more sources. Really Damn Jewish care harder than I already did. But that isn't the goal. The goal is to provoke me into another WTF crazy mod how can you censor this moment like I had with @Millennial_Falcon as his first critic how can you say US prosecutor's documents about masonic pedophiles not being arrested after confessing to rape little girls 3 years ago and having a "Satanic [OTO Crowley] Child abuse Manifesto" in addition to wallpaper of childporn through the house (the Emery brothers) - that has "NO RELATION TO PIZZAGATE" - Government admitting on letterhead VIP satanic pedophiles get special treatment as pedophiles and ooh SRA IS REAL according to prosecutors contary to all the papers saying it never existed on this planet by the likes of OTO pedo cult lawyer

You see I could do what the other guy did put it up on a blog pots and LINK TO THE COMPLETE BLOG POST - but then you will say go come back here and make a discuss post in 10,000 characters or less. The AFP (australian police) says to report crime online to you on the phone you have like a SMS service on their website - like 200 words or something it's the same farce and no attachments and if you email them they say we'll jail you for the crime of emailing us proof.

They want to be the perfect hospital with no patients or make it hard as possible to report crime.

Any claims that isn't cited in the OP anyone can quickly google. This is clearly interference.

The claim that all claims have to be linked to in the OP is BS too especially when there is not enough space to do so. I mean your first attempt at guessing things in the OP that are not proven actually all had links. For the things that don't you can challenge me in the comments and I can post links to back them up.

I guess the only solution to expose Jewishcare properly is put it all up on a blog post with more characters and formatting options to appease you.

Then I can have it banned just like you did here for the crime of not making a discuss post when you can't make a fully sourced in the OP discuss post. I'm surprised you picked 5 things that were proven in the OP when I can see other things that aren't proven in the OP you didn't point out above. That's because you rushed your attack as payback for questioning your judgement on another thread. All can see it.

Before your instaflag retaliation of 3 of my posts 10 mins later. Jig is up.

Just delete it. Do it. I'll just put it all on a blog and link to it from here. Is that what is best? If that is so remove the 24h flag from the OTO post with the other guy copping censorship that I went into bat for before you came after me. @BabalonWorking what do you think?

BabalonWorking ago

This place isn't about truth, it's a controlled narrative. Any good posts go to the garbage bin.

think- ago

Any claims that isn't cited in the OP anyone can quickly google. This is clearly interference. (...) The claim that all claims have to be linked to in the OP is BS too

No, it isn't BS. We have rules for a reason.

Rule 2 says:

2: Empiricism: EACH factual claim that is not common knowledge must be sourced with a link.

It doesn't say:

OPs don't have to source claims, because anyone can google it anyway.

It's not interference. It is asking you to please adhere to the rules the community agreed upon, and everybody here has to adhere to (me included when I do posts).

when there is not enough space to do so

I suggested you could delete your first paragraph, this would give you more space for links. But you choose to ignore it.

That's because you rushed your attack as payback for questioning your judgement on another thread.

No, he just modded as I would have done, if I had been here before him. Please refrain from unfair allegations against @Vindicator, and please don't play the victim.

If you feel you don't have enough space, please try to do shorter posts.

For the things that don't you can challenge me in the comments and I can post links to back them up.

This is not his job. His job is to make sure OPs adhere to the rules, his job is not to have endless discussions in the comment section with users.

Please be aware that @Vindicator has been modding here daily for the last 16 months. He had only two days off (!). He is modding for free. You should respect him for all the work he has done for this board.

So please refrain from accusing him of 'interference' and 'censorship', only because you don't feel like following the rules. This is a community. It is not a single user's blog, where one user can make all the rules.


hojuruku ago


A beer. A smoke. A plan.

I'm not fixing something that can't be fixed with the resources I have (not enough characters). You clearly refused to accept my solution trying to move some links around though I think they are mostly well placed except for a couple on Patrick Power..

No.... I'm going to dump another Tri Fector.

A new post that links to this one after it gets deleted and the other posts that @Vindicator Deleted.

You inspired me to do my best work and I'm so greatful. It will be used to try and take down Australia's newest gay jew judge Christopher Puplick AM, prounced Poop-lick (I shit you not - and they give us shit about Bernard GAYnor's name - so all's fair in love and war I can do the same here).

The post will be entitled (or something similar) "Australia's newest gay jew judge Christopher Pooplick AM, who literally wrote the book on Gay Marriage in OZ MSM proven support of 3x convicted mass rapists" Hint: MSK Mass RAPE case - tried to give them 40k - Premier had to make new law & he tried to turn Australia into England where it's a crime to be against racist muslim gang rapes of white women - see the MSM saying that in the VD deleted posts, Noel Crompton Hall mass tranny AIDS Rapist, actually gave over 50k - accounted for but due to support from he funds with taxpayer moneys going to Noel Cromton Hall and one other not accounted court case maybe it might be 250k. And finally a mass child anal rapist Robert "Dolly" Dunn connected to Australian government immigration boy rapists - where David Bottrill of the OTO works and his support of him where he said to investigate a number of gay pedophiles in a royal commission should never happen (even though it was headed by a gay judge who raped boys according to leaked documents from the royal commision to institutionalized child abuse that I'll rehost after they were censored from scribd) because to investigate them will upset other gays so for the sake of the feelings of all gays - gay pedophiles need to be given a free pass.

I will take my time and totally destroy the king of Australian gay lobby because I"ve totally got the goods. He is personally quarterbacking the prosecution against sunol. A week after the OTO censored our blog he was confirmed as a judge. He shouldn't have known about my relationship to John Sunol as it was mostly kept out of case law when I called him but he did. He's totally in on it.

How many mass rapists of children and women do you have to support pubically before becomes a problem for you being a @NCATNSW or in his case a new AAT judge? What's the number 4 or 5? I mean how many mass rapists are there? To actually go out there and support 3 in your life is a great achievement. And he supported them AFTER they were known to be mass rapists.

Most claims made wont have links. The will have a pizzagate hyperlinked *VD next to it noting a MSM plagiarized source or something in a comment that was censored. VD means "Vindicator Deleted".

Do you like my anti-pedophilia-normalization judge battle plan? Thanks for inspiring me guys. Then from that thread people can come back here and read this if they want to.

Because NONE OF YOU HAVE STILL TOLD ME AS IT STANDS WHAT IS NOT PROVEN that I HAVE'T REFUTED WITHIN THE 1st 10 mins of Vindicator's request telling him to read the OP again and click on all links like everyone else here should. Please don't ban me before I do this it will be awesome.