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Vindicator ago

@hojuruku: Once again, I have to insist that you honor our submission rules. Every major claim must be sourced. Another way of putting that is research posts must not make any claims that aren't supported by linked evidence. You write:

  • dating site for gay men and little boys
  • gave a character reference for one of their own homosexual board members done for sodomizing little Thai boys and child porn
  • who was a gay crown prosecutor
  • who helped remove the gay panic defense that allows children who kill gay men trying to rape them avoid jail for lawful self-defense.
  • This law is needed when we have gay judges saying it's all the child's fault

That's five unsourced claims in just paragraph three. There are many more in this post as well. If you don't want to present carefully sourced research, that's fine -- but it has to go in v/pizzagatewhatever, not here. I'm going to give this the edit flair to see if you can clean this up today. Maybe others can help you identify and find links for the other unsourced claims peppered throughout this post.

Going forward, please stop ignoring Rule 2! This is the sixth submission you've made since @kevdude unbanned you a week ago that ignored our submission guidelines:

hojuruku ago

Point 1) Google "big brothers big sisters" pedophile. You get a long list of homosexual pedophiles. THEY MADE A POLICY THEY ONLY WANT GAY MENTORS FOR KIDS IN 2002 and WND and others covered it.

Point 2) Read the link for the sentancing of Dr Patrick Power Crown prosecutor I QUOTED IN THE OP

Point 3) See point 2 and the link that has is name in it above the quote

Point 4) See point 2 patrick power - see link to him on committee that first asked to make the gay panic defence a "gay rights issue" then see the case of the law being succesfully used in legal studies if you google "gay panic defence australia'. There are cases of children getting of murder because they were resisting a gay child rape attempt

Point 5) the link in the OP to the judge ruling the child had the crush on the gay dad. Courier mail link

All claims substantiated in the OP. Try again mate. No hard feelings. You'll keep me honest. You know if you were sincerely not understanding I'd be really greatful because my goal is to be more effective communicator.

Vindicator ago

Point 1) Google "big brothers big sisters" pedophile. You get a long list of homosexual pedophiles.

You didn't link to the Google search results or state that was the basis of your claim.

THEY MADE A POLICY THEY ONLY WANT GAY MENTORS FOR KIDS IN 2002 and WND and others covered it. I can't link to them due to keyword censorship so I put it in this comment that has a link to a pastebin already provided before you brought me up on this

Evidence link has to be in the post, either right next to the claim, or as an embedded url made by highlighting the words of the claim itself so it's clear what link supports what claim. Especially in complex multi-claim threads like this.

think- ago

Evidence link has to be in the post, either right next to the claim, or as an embedded url made by highlighting the words of the claim itself so it's clear what link supports what claim.


@hojuruku - please consider what @Vindicator said above. Thank you.


hojuruku ago

It is a battle to get it all in to 10,000 words. Trust me the links to prove all the things are doubting are there if you click on them. Please remove the 24 hour hold or say what claim you say isn't proven.

Next time I'll try and use more control codes but literally I had to move things out of the post like the WND link into comments because it was too big. There is no space for formatting codes so click on the links to see all the claims in the text are backed up by a link that is near them. Now instead of people reading news stories about Big Brothers big sisters in America and their wave of same sex child abuse almost worse than boy scouts of America etc in the comments and sharing that we have this pointless re-hasing of the OP. Please there is no free characters to fix formatting. Get VOAT to increase OP post size if you want nicer formatting.

hojuruku ago


Anyone can go to and type in "big brothers big sisters" pedophile as I told you to. False argument Here's the link anyway for those who can't time 5 words. Wow some big brother cookie stuff in there too trace me enjoy.

2 IT WOULDN'T FIT IN THE OP. 10,000 Characters. Before you said I didn't prove it - I HAD ALREADY PUT THE SOURCE IN A COMMENT TO ANOTHER USER THAT WAS BEING BLOCKED FROM UPLOADING DUE TO BAD DOMANIS. Can you tell me what bad domains is in the pastebin link? What keyword is blocked. I can't figure it out - and I think it's a keyword I used not a domain.

So if that's it great you can remove the 24 hour hold.

SchlongKeyhote ago

YOU DON'T NEED TO LINK TO GOOGLE SEARCH RESULTS. Anyone can go to and type in "big brothers big sisters" pedophile as I told you to

dude they are not acting in good faith, especially @vindicator. THEY. ARE. KIKESHILLS.

one of their biggest tactics is demanding sources for either common knowledge or unnecessary background facts u might choose to include about a person/place. e.g. "vindicators mom, who sucked my dick behind a burger king in 1994, was a trustee at..." "POST THE RECEIPT FROM YOUR 1994 MEAL AT BURGER KING PLEASE"

usually if u just delete what they specifically cited they cant plausibly come back demanding more, at which point they will likely forum-slide it

GreenDell144 ago

I think that we are trying to keep a good record of everything that we put here, and form a complete and informative pictur.

@vindicator, you quoted these elements of the post:

“ dating site for gay men and little boys gave a character reference for one of their own homosexual board members done for sodomizing little Thai boys and child porn who was a gay crown prosecutor who helped remove the gay panic defense that allows children who kill gay men trying to rape them avoid jail for lawful self-defense. This law is needed when we have gay judges saying it's all the child's fault”

So, are you saying, that a LINK to something needs to be with each point?

This is done so that reader’s can see we are talking about something real, right?

So it could be better if it looked like this: dating site for gay men and little boys

As a READER (that is my primary role here, IMO), I like this strategy. It helps me understand and digest these events in small pieces.

A shocking and horrid event may be a certain and established fact, but I may have never heard of it, so I need to catch up, as I read a post that connects to it.

Your work, hojoruku, ALWAYS gets my attention, but I often get stuck in the 2nd or 3rd paragraph, because I don’t understand the context of what you are writing about. It’s frustrating, because you write SO MUCH. Too much for us to read in large quantities like that. It appears like an angry rant and you lose your audience.

These small efforts to post links helps your readers so you don’t lose us. You are writing for a reason. Don’t waste your efforts.

I think vin is trying to help you.

hojuruku ago

not good work. Censored work. I can't make it better. so it has to be buried. Mods know best. They say I didn't prove the things I did prove in the OP with source links when if he didn't rush it he could have actually found some things I didn't link to in the OP that I alleged but didn't provide sources to.

But when you are doing a rush job to censor it for reasons of political bigotry that's what happens. He could have made a more convincing argument to censor if he didn't rush it. Instead out come questions to credibility now.

GreenDell144 ago

It won’t get buried. It’s just flared. I’m gonna keep looking at what you posted, and try to digest it. Help me check and see that what I understand from your post is correct.

  1. Gay rights have extended to the point of gay fascism in some places. If this is real, I am interested in more context. Like, what companies and organizations are discriminating against non-gays? Who are the people that are leading this? From here we can start a meme war that leaves are Australian friends innocent and protected from retribution.

  2. Satanism has become an accepted religion and speaking against it is treated as bigotry. If this is real, the same applies. What names are defending satanism? What judges and journalists and celebs and politicians are speaking out or ruling or legislating for satanism? We need to meme this back under the rock it crawled out from. Blast their twitter and social media, especially around election season. If the population of an area has swung to far towards a satanist majority, then make it obvious. Let the humans that want to escape be warned and begin their exodus, right?

  3. Your post deals specifically with the Australian big brothers/sisters that has been corrupted by gay-only policies. This has lead to abuses and sexual assaults against kids. The kids have reported their crimes, but instead of recieving Justice, they were imprisoned themselves. This imprisonment has lead to more and more sexual torture for them. If this is all correct, then we need more info to help. We want to let the world know about these victims. We want to get their story on every famous persons twitter feed, especially those foolish enough to say pg is fake. We wNt the name of the judges that perverted this injustice. meme him our of office.

  4. Your investigation and reporting has gotten attention. You and your dad have been targeted by trolls and shills because you exposed the cabal. I have seen you mention this. We want to help. Many of us pray. Some of the voaters are in Australia. Maybe they can help with an escape plan or something. Maybe some are in a position to contribute to a patreon account if you need some emergency funds. Idunno. You are very far away, so it is a challenge to imagine ways voaters can help you with this.

Do I have these points correct? As you can see, there are many confusing points that we get answered, but only if we follow ALL of your links. That’s a lot of reading. If you notice, voat is a constant river of posts. Almost all are important. They are all filled with commenters and truth seekers and potential allies waiting to be red pilled. If we are spending a lot of time on your colossal posts, then we may miss something elsewhere.

It helps you and it helps us help when you put things in order and line it our for us. We can get back to you faster with our assistance,and you can walk us through the details as we ask questions in the comments.

Voat mods aren’t here to censor. Voat does that naturally with downvoats. The flair is your lifeline. The mods throw it out to you. If you take it and make an adjustment, readers may be more likely to upvote you, and your work will stay.

I will continue to upvoat your work when I see it. Also I will continue to ask questions from your posts, like I did above. Please, keep posting your work here. You may be happier in the pizzagate/whatever thing. I guess the rules are lighter there. I mostly read here, but I go there too.

Hang in there.

hojuruku ago

Australian Embassy's don't have Australian flags.

They only have rainbows now.

We are done.

As usual a youtube link from my channel has more goodies in the description.

As usual all your points are correct. We will be working together soon. I'm trying to wrangle another gpu for mining to get our Russian server happening. I need to get $20 of ETH a month and I"m only mining about 8-12 now to do what I want. I've never asked anyone for a cent like Laura Southern does but if we want to start our own hosting co-op where we pay by leaving our PCs on with like minded people I am so up for that. (this video works - you have to say I'm not triggered)

think- ago

Your work, hojoruku, ALWAYS gets my attention, but I often get stuck in the 2nd or 3rd paragraph, because I don’t understand the context of what you are writing about.

I think vin is trying to help you.

Thank you, @GreenDell144. I can only hope OP will take this to his heart.

@Vindicator @kevdude

GreenDell144 ago

I am more worried about the evil he seems to be uncovering and the victims he is speaking about. I have this gut feeling that he’s exposed something nasty AND that maybe we can do something about it.

Vindicator ago

So, are you saying, that a LINK to something needs to be with each point?

When there are many claims like this, absolutely. Otherwise, it's open season in here -- unfriendlies are free to post long, complicated baffle-with-bullshit posts with dozens of links to waste mod time and energy and slide legit content right off the board.


hojuruku ago

Vin I think you are my most liked mod friendly mod here, so if you nix this thread. i'm gone.

I have to find somewhere better at fighting these real pedophile judicial pedophilia normalization gang I'm going after in Australia.

I don't want all this mod vs original shitposter stuff here. When I get back from my trip to the all night banh me shops and some nicotine...


That's all I can do with the limited 10,000 character limit and no room for formatting changes.

As for the first post of yours that may have been rushed (mod pressure). I don't want my lesser of all evils mod her to have his credibility in doubt.

Really this will be good for us if we all stand down after that EXTREMELY MINOR COSMETIC FIX I do to my post. We all save face then the comment space has just got related news stories - a collection of 1000s of gay child sex in jewish care big brothers big sister news story and user generated content where everyone digs up similar MSM stories. Let's get back to fighting pedophiles rather than with each-other.

Seriously.... I'm not being an arse but I' am being assertive. Sorry Vin you are wrong this time. It happens people rush and pull the trigger too quickly with too many posts to process. No hard feelings. Really mate I want you to delete (and me to delete) this whole comment thread and references to it because I don't want my favorite mod turning into another MF clusterfuck. NOOOO not again. Please - I need to use this site as a platform to get my research out. If I can't do it and it has to be shut down because some pedophiles must have any criticism of them shut down because it's "anti-. semetic" This is my first post on the Jewish pedophile links to the gay lobby i'm fighting. The first one to Garry Burns was Michael Barnett. Now there is literally about 40 Jewish tie-ins to the pedophile group I"m after now.

I only followed the evidence. I didn't start out this way. I was a PC leftist in Australia before my persecution waked me up to the fact of what the left was. Like you go to vegas one day I got drunk and found the next morning I jouned Socialist Alliance - the same group that was Standing with Lee Rhiannon with their sign praising the FBI infant sex fugitive Dr Matthew Hynd's right as a pedophile to bring his mate into the country on a gay partner visa - because what we need is to help pedophiles +1 their mates into the country or you area homophone. Chasing the truth turned me into what I am. No white nationalist - typical one - would want to be seen dead admitting they once joined SA... Also Marrying Asians is a big no no.

Listen to them give me shit about it for hours here:

I'm finding this not because I hate jews. But because the evidence is taking me there.

And still you censor my post.

Crensch ago

Vin I think you are my most liked mod friendly mod here, so if you nix this thread. i'm gone.

Given what I've seen just here, you won't be missed.

Source your claims, retard. It's not really that difficult, and it helps literally everyone else that reads your shit to be able to confirm your words instead of each one having to do the work, if they even believe you in the first place. If you can't be bothered to put in the time and effort on your own posts to support your arguments, then your words probably aren't really that important anyway.

think- ago

@Vindicator: please see parent.

hojuruku ago

You were always very interested in my activity on /occidentalenclave/ after I was invited over there by Joe.

I remember you getting very frustrated over there a year or so ago. Got very triggered by exposing my father's case of pedophilia normalization case law by a certian confirmed homosexual gay judge alexander john wakefield - another suspect person that just can't use their real name in a court room like Garry and other pedophiles I keep coming across. (((WHY)))?

Crensch ago

You were always very interested in my activity on /occidentalenclave/ after I was invited over there by Joe.

No, I really wasn't. If I was, I'd have remembered you. Your destruction was not special.

Are you proud of being invited over there by a Jew? I suppose that's about the best someone like you could hope for.

I remember you getting very frustrated over there a year or so ago.

Oh, I see those links. Looks like you couldn't follow the rules then, and now that they're more relaxed, you can't follow them now, either.

Sounds like a pedo trying to forum slide to me. Either way, you don't care enough about kids getting raped to support your claims.

hojuruku ago

Provide sources for your claims or you are full of shit. When I do you say I didn't... but hummm this I wanna see.

Prove I'm faggot. What a fucken joke. Thank god for it being archived so you can't delete it. I'm not a faggot and you are a liar and everyone knows it.

Human garbage. Who was the only person on the internet to expose big brothers big sisters link to Shannon McCoole. How many kids did he fuck there? That's the question you don't want everyone here to find out. (((Why????))).

hojuruku ago

Oh I seen JEWS at it before.

I had jews on dailystormer doing stories on Garry Burns - Remember Michael Slay aka Josha Rye Goldberg. I backed up the posts on dailystormer and put them on scribd but a faggot who blogs about watching children fuck took it down as exposed at the end of this thread.

A jailed jewish terrorist on orders from Mossad infultrated the dailystormer and started writing stories on Garry Burns vs Senator Lyeonhelm. Very fucken interesting doing you think?

Jews are really interested in co-opting my research and painting me as more than an anti-pedophilia activist. "destruction". You have always had issues. Who was right about @Millenial_Falcon eh? I told you something was up.

Now I have found the obsesed phantom downvoter who I knew had access to the mod screen if you see ALL the comments here.

hojuruku ago

I sourced them all.

The claims @Vindicator said weren't sourced were ALL SOURCED in the OP. Tell me which one HE said wasn't and I'll debunk you.

You call me a retard - you shoot the messenger but you don't want to stick to the message and the FACTS in the OP.

Crensch ago

I sourced them all.


The claims @Vindicator said weren't sourced were ALL SOURCED in the OP. Tell me which one HE said wasn't and I'll debunk you.

This one

You call me a retard - you shoot the messenger but you don't want to stick to the message and the FACTS in the OP.

I call people acting like retards retards. Stop acting like one, and maybe you won't get the label.

FACT: You're a liar.

hojuruku ago

Where is your sources to a LIE in the OP.

You got to give sources not claims without sources. Hypocrite mods.

hojuruku ago

@sigmawarrior was right.