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Vindicator ago

@hojuruku, how is this thread relevant to our mission here in v/pizzagate? Users here decided long ago to keep discussion of moderation and other indirectly related concerns in separate subverses so the focus here can be on investigating the pedo elite (Rules 1 and 4). You know our rules. You agreed to abide by them when you were unbanned. But you keep ignoring them? Not cool, man. This belongs in v/pizzagatewhatever. Since the whole topic of the thread -- moderation of some other forum -- is outside our rules, there is not much point in giving you the Edit flair. I'm just going to remove it.

hojuruku ago

By the headline it clearly relates to one of your mod sticky threads. I just don't know...... anyway I wont repost.

What is this drive kids off a cliff thing about too?

Vindicator ago

By the headline it clearly relates to one of your mod sticky threads

No, it doesn't. It's all about drama in some other forum, at least as far as I could see from the way you presented it.

What is this drive kids off a cliff thing about too?

The dyke family who went off the cliff in Mendocino County and three of the numerous foster kids went missing. Scroll back through the posts of the past week, or for SJW family CPS. I think those were some of the key words.